public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (this.ShouldProcess(string.Format("Close File Handles for File or FileDirectory on Path: {0}", this.Path != null? this.Path : (this.FileHandle != null? this.FileHandle.Path: null)), "This operation will force the provided file handle(s) closed, which may cause data loss or corruption for active applications/users.", null))
                CloudFileDirectory baseDirectory = null;
                switch (this.ParameterSetName)
                case DirectoryCloseAllParameterSetName:
                    baseDirectory = this.Directory;

                case ShareNameCloseSingleParameterSetName:
                case ShareNameCloseAllParameterSetName:
                    baseDirectory = this.BuildFileShareObjectFromName(this.ShareName).GetRootDirectoryReference();

                case ShareCloseSingleParameterSetName:
                case ShareCloseAllParameterSetName:
                    baseDirectory = this.Share.GetRootDirectoryReference();

                case FileCloseAllParameterSetName:
                    // Don't need to set baseDirectory when input is a CloudFile

                    throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Invalid parameter set name: {0}", this.ParameterSetName));

                if (ParameterSetName == ShareNameCloseSingleParameterSetName || ParameterSetName == ShareCloseSingleParameterSetName)
                    this.Path = FileHandle.Path;

                // When not input path/File, the list handle target must be a Dir
                bool foundAFolder             = true;
                CloudFileDirectory targetDir  = baseDirectory;
                CloudFile          targetFile = null;
                if (this.File != null)
                    targetFile   = this.File;
                    foundAFolder = false;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path))
                        string[] subfolders = NamingUtil.ValidatePath(this.Path);
                        targetDir = baseDirectory.GetDirectoryReferenceByPath(subfolders);

                        // Don't need check the path target to File or FileDir since:
                        // 1. check File/FileDir exist will fail on File/FileDir with DeletePending status
                        // 2. The File handle request send with CloudFileDirectory and CloudFile are same with same path, so need to differ it.

                // Recursive only take effect on File Dir
                if (!foundAFolder && Recursive.IsPresent)
                    WriteVerbose("The target object of the 'Path' is an Azure File, the parameter '-Recursive' won't take effect.");

                //Close handle
                CloseFileHandleResultSegment closeResult       = null;
                FileContinuationToken        continuationToken = null;
                int numHandlesClosed = 0;
                    if (foundAFolder)
                        if (FileHandle != null)
                            // close single handle on fileDir
                            if (this.FileHandle.HandleId == null)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The HandleId of the FileHandle on path {0} should not be null.", this.FileHandle.Path), "FileHandle");
                            closeResult = targetDir.CloseHandleSegmented(this.FileHandle.HandleId.ToString(), continuationToken, Recursive, null, this.RequestOptions, this.OperationContext);
                            // close all handle on fileDir
                            closeResult = targetDir.CloseAllHandlesSegmented(continuationToken, Recursive, null, this.RequestOptions, this.OperationContext);
                        if (FileHandle != null)
                            // close single handle on file
                            if (this.FileHandle.HandleId == null)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The HandleId of the FileHandle on path {0} should not be null.", this.FileHandle.Path), "FileHandle");
                            closeResult = targetFile.CloseHandleSegmented(this.FileHandle.HandleId.ToString(), continuationToken, null, this.RequestOptions, this.OperationContext);
                            // close all handle on file
                            closeResult = targetFile.CloseAllHandlesSegmented(continuationToken, null, this.RequestOptions, this.OperationContext);
                    numHandlesClosed += closeResult.NumHandlesClosed;
                    continuationToken = closeResult.ContinuationToken;
                } while (continuationToken != null && continuationToken.NextMarker != null);

                if (PassThru)