예제 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    public void Start()
        clone     = GetComponentInParent <CloneScript>();
        gameTicks = 0.0f;
        ouchies   = 0.0f; //keeps track of time between ouching the enemy
        drawTime  = 0.3f; //alter this to modify how long the sword stays up
        ts        = GetComponent <Transform>();
        pause     = false;

        rightRot = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        leftRot  = new Vector3(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f);

        isNotClone = false;

         * if (drawn)
         * {
         *  swordUp(rightRot);
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  swordDown(rightRot);
         * }
예제 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        PlayerScript        PlayerScript        = GetComponent <PlayerScript>();
        TimeTravelIndicator TimeTravelIndicator = GetComponent <TimeTravelIndicator>();

        if (frameNum % framerate == 0) //every big frame, record the player's actions
            bool didSword = PlayerScript.didSword;
            bool didShoot = PlayerScript.didShoot;

            CloneLocation toAdd = new CloneLocation(transform.position,
                                                    playerRotation.transform.rotation.eulerAngles, didSword, didShoot);

            if (didShoot)
                PlayerScript.didShoot = false;
            if (didSword)
                PlayerScript.didSword = false;

            locations.Add(key, toAdd); //Add the player's current location to the locations map
            key++;                     //The location's number


        int charge = PlayerScript.getCharges();

        if (charge >= currLevelCharges())                                   //go back in time
            newClone = Instantiate(clone);                                  //create the clone

            PlayerScript.resetCharges();                                    //set charges to 0

            TimeTravelIndicator.setFlash("white");                          //flashes the screen white

            Resetter resetter = nonPlayerObjects.GetComponent <Resetter>(); //resets the location of everything
            resetter.reset = true;
            bucket.GetComponent <BucketScript>().reset();                   //resets the bucket's status

            timer.GetComponent <Timer>().reset();                           //resets the timer

            locations.Add(key, DESTROY_CLONE);                              //Adds a marker - the past self should be destroyed here

        if ((newClone != null) && (frameNum % framerate == 0)) //every big frame, update the clone
            CloneLocation toSet       = (CloneLocation)locations[key2];
            CloneScript   cloneScript = newClone.GetComponent <CloneScript>();
            if (!PlayerScript.getPause())       //Pauses the clone
                cloneScript.setLocation(toSet); //set the clone's location
예제 #3
파일: GameMap.cs 프로젝트: magyk81/Bokkusu
    /* Called once by the MainLoop to set up the board's gameObjects */
    public Cell[,] spawnBoard()
         * textEffectHighScore.Stop();
         * textEffectHighScore.Clear();
         * textHighScore.SetActive(false);
         * textPlayerGoals1.SetActive(false);
         * textPlayerGoals2.SetActive(false);
         * doorToggleSeconds = -1f;
         * frameCount = 0;
         * timeOfLevel = 0;
         * playTimeOfLevel = 0;
         * firstMoveWasMade = false;
         * cellAudioIdx = 0;
         * curLevel = level;
         * gameMap = gameMapList[level];
         * startMap = gameMap.getMap();
         * gridWidth = startMap.GetLength(0);
         * gridHeight = startMap.GetLength(1);

        int numCells = 0;

         * textNameData.text = gameMap.getLevelName();
         * textScoreData.text = "Leader: " + gameMap.getLeastMoves() + " moves in " + gameMap.getFastestTime() + " sec by " +
         * gameMap.getPlayerNames();
         * textCurrentScore.SetActive(true);
         * textHighScore.SetActive(true);

        Cell[,] grid = new Cell[width, height];

        /* Used to check that there is only one goal in the map */
        bool foundGoal = false;

        /* Spawn board blocks */
        //Debug.Log("Spawn Board(" + level + "): " + grid.GetLength(0) + "(" + gridWidth + ") x " + grid.GetLength(1) + "(" + gridHeight + ")");
        CloneScript boardBlockScript = boardBlock.GetComponent <CloneScript>();

        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < height; z++)
                if (map[x, z] == Element._.NOTHING)
                //Debug.Log("startMap[" + x + ", " + z + "]=" + startMap[x, z]);


                int        y     = Random.Range(2, 40);
                GameObject block = boardBlockScript.cloneMe(x, 0, z);

                grid[x, z] = new Cell(map[x, z], block, new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")));

                if (map[x, z] == Element._.GOAL)
                    if (foundGoal)
                        Debug.Log("Each level must have Exactly ONE goal.");
                    foundGoal = true;
                    //goalBlock.transform.position = new Vector3(x, 1, z);
