public ActionResult TableJson([ModelBinder(typeof(DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.ModelBinder))] DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest request)
            string database_ = request.Columns.ToList()[1].Search.Value;

            if (database_ == null)
                throw new Exception("No database specified");
            Match m = Regex.Match(database_, @"Database\s*=\s*(.+)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (!m.Success)
                throw new Exception("No database found: " + database_);
            string database = m.Groups[1].Value;

            Session["Database"] = database;
            Cliver.Bot.DbConnection dbc = GetDbc(database);
            if (null == dbc.Get("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE 'Settings'").GetSingleValue())
                //this way is a plain error message is shown
                return(Content("No table 'Settings' found in " + database_));

            JqueryDataTable.Field[] fields = new JqueryDataTable.Field[] {
                new JqueryDataTable.Field("Scope", true),
                new JqueryDataTable.Field("[Key]", true),
                new JqueryDataTable.Field("SetTime", false),
            return(JqueryDataTable.Index(request, dbc, "FROM Settings", fields));
예제 #2
 public Engine(bool auto_data_analysing)
     AutoDataAnalysing = auto_data_analysing;
     this.Db = Fhr.ProductOffice.Models.DbApi.Create();
     Dbc = Bot.DbConnection.Create(Fhr.ProductOffice.Models.DbApi.GetProviderConnectionString());
     Companies = new Companies(this);
     Products = new Products(this);
     CompanyPairs = new ProductIdentifier.CompanyPairs(this);
예제 #3
        //public int c1 = 0;
        //public int c2 = 0;
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw1 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw2 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw3 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw4 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw5 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw6 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw7 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw8 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw9 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        //public System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw10 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

        /// <summary>
        /// Valid LinkId is > 0
        /// If a product is not linked, its LinkId == null or < 0 (LinkId may be -Id to differ from all other LinkId's);
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static int get_minimal_free_link_id(Cliver.Bot.DbConnection dbc)
            int?link_id = (int?)dbc[@"SELECT MIN(a.LinkId + 1)
FROM (SELECT LinkId FROM Products WHERE LinkId>0) a LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT LinkId FROM Products WHERE LinkId>0) b ON (a.LinkId + 1 = b.LinkId)
WHERE b.LinkId IS NULL"].GetSingleValue();

            if (link_id == null)
                link_id = 1;
예제 #4
        public static JsonResult Index(DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest request, Cliver.Bot.DbConnection dbc, string from_sql, Field[] fields, bool ignore_first_column_search = true)
                from_sql = " " + from_sql;

                //turn around as it is unclear how to pass additional parameters
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Columns.First().Search.Value))
                    List <string> wheres = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string f2c in Regex.Split(request.Columns.First().Search.Value, @"\|", RegexOptions.Singleline))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(f2c, @"(?'DbField'.*?)\=(?'SearchValue'.*)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (m.Success)
                            string  search_value = m.Groups["SearchValue"].Value;
                            decimal sv;
                            if (!decimal.TryParse(search_value, out sv))
                                search_value = "'" + search_value + "'";
                            wheres.Add(m.Groups["DbField"].Value + "=" + search_value);
                        m = Regex.Match(f2c, @"(?'DbField'.*?)\s*LIKE\s*(?'SearchValue'.*)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                        if (m.Success)
                            string  search_value = m.Groups["SearchValue"].Value;
                            decimal sv;
                            if (!decimal.TryParse(search_value, out sv))
                                search_value = "'" + search_value + "'";
                            wheres.Add(m.Groups["DbField"].Value + " LIKE " + search_value);
                    if (wheres.Count > 0)
                        string select_sql = " WHERE " + string.Join(" AND ", wheres);
                        from_sql += select_sql;

                int total_count = (int)dbc.Get("SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(" + fields[0].Entity + ", 0))" + from_sql).GetSingleValue();

                int filtered_count = total_count;

                string where_sql = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Search.Value))
                    string        search     = Regex.Replace(request.Search.Value.ToLower(), @"\'|\%|\\|_", @"\$0", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
                    List <string> conditions = new List <string>();
                    foreach (Field f in fields.Where(r => r.Searchable))
                        conditions.Add("" + f.Entity + " LIKE '%" + search + "%'");
                    if (conditions.Count > 0)
                        if (from_sql.Contains(" WHERE "))
                            where_sql += " AND ";
                            where_sql += " WHERE ";
                        where_sql += "(" + string.Join(" OR ", conditions) + @" ESCAPE '\')";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where_sql))
                    filtered_count = (int)dbc.Get("SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(" + fields[0].Entity + ", 0))" + from_sql + where_sql).GetSingleValue();

                Dictionary <string, int> of2nothing = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                List <string>            ofs        = new List <string>();
                foreach (var column in request.Columns)
                    if (ignore_first_column_search)
                        ignore_first_column_search = false;
                    if (column.Sort == null)
                    string f = column.Field;
                    int    n;
                    if (int.TryParse(f, out n))
                        f = fields[n].Entity;
                    if (column.Sort.Direction == DataTables.AspNet.Core.SortDirection.Ascending)
                        ofs.Add(f + " DESC");
                    of2nothing[f] = 0;
                foreach (Field field in fields)
                    if (field.Order == Field.OrderMode.NONE)
                    if (of2nothing.ContainsKey(field.Name))
                    if (field.Order == Field.OrderMode.ASC)
                        ofs.Add(field.Entity + " DESC");
                    of2nothing[field.Name] = 0;
                string order_sql = " ORDER BY ";
                if (ofs.Count > 0)
                    order_sql += string.Join(", ", ofs);
                    order_sql += fields[0].Entity;

                string          fields_sql = string.Join(",", (from r in fields select r.Expression != null ? r.Expression + " AS " + r.Name : r.Name));
                string          sql        = "SELECT " + fields_sql + from_sql + where_sql + order_sql + " OFFSET " + request.Start + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + request.Length + " ROWS ONLY";
                List <object[]> array      = new List <object[]>();
                using (DbDataReader r = (DbDataReader)dbc.Get(sql).GetReader())
                    string search = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Search.Value))
                        search = Regex.Escape(request.Search.Value);
                    while (r.Read())
                        object[] vs = new object[fields.Length];
                        if (search != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                                if (fields[i].Searchable)
                                    if (!(vs[i] is System.DBNull))
                                        vs[i] = Regex.Replace((string)vs[i], search, @"<span class='match'>$0</span>", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesResponse response = DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesResponse.Create(request, total_count, filtered_count, array);
                return(new DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesJsonResult(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception e)
                DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesResponse response = DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesResponse.Create(request, e.Message);
                return(new DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.DataTablesJsonResult(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #5
 public static JsonResult Index(DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest request, DbConnection connection, string from_sql, Field[] fields, bool ignore_first_column_search = true)
     Cliver.Bot.DbConnection dbc = Cliver.Bot.DbConnection.CreateFromNativeConnection(connection);
     return(Index(request, dbc, from_sql, fields, ignore_first_column_search));
        public ActionResult TableJson([ModelBinder(typeof(DataTables.AspNet.Mvc5.ModelBinder))] DataTables.AspNet.Core.IDataTablesRequest request)
            //            string sql = @"SELECT
            //CASE WHEN a.LinkId>=0 THEN a.LinkId END AS LinkId,"
            //                + string.Join(",", (from c in db.Companies select "MAX([" + c.Name + "_ProductId]) AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductId], MAX([" + c.Name + "_ProductName]) AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductName]"))
            //                + @" INTO #ProductLinks FROM (
            //CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -Id END AS LinkId,"
            //                + string.Join(",", (from c in db.Companies select "CASE WHEN CompanyId = " + c.Id + " THEN Id END AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductId], CASE WHEN CompanyId = " + c.Id + " THEN Name END AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductName]"))
            //                + @" FROM Products
            //) a
            //GROUP BY a.LinkId";
            string sql = @"SELECT
                         + string.Join(",", (from c in db.Companies select "MAX([" + c.Name + "_ProductName]) AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductName]"))
                         + @" INTO #ProductLinks FROM (
                         + string.Join(",", (from c in db.Companies select "CASE WHEN CompanyId = " + c.Id + " THEN Name END AS [" + c.Name + "_ProductName]"))
                         + @" FROM Products
) a
GROUP BY a.LinkId";

            //CASE WHEN a.LinkId>=0 THEN a.LinkId END AS LinkId, MAX(A) AS A, MAX(B) AS B
            //FROM (
            //    SELECT
            //    CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -Id END AS LinkId, Id AS A, NULL AS B
            //    FROM Products
            //    WHERE CompanyId=1
            //    UNION
            //    SELECT
            //    CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -Id END AS LinkId, NULL, Id
            //    FROM Products
            //    WHERE CompanyId=2
            //) a
            //GROUP BY a.LinkId

            //CASE WHEN a.LinkId>=0 THEN a.LinkId END AS LinkId, MAX(A_ProductId) AS A_ProductId, MAX(A_ProductName) AS A_ProductName, MAX(B_ProductId) AS B_ProductId, MAX(B_ProductName) AS B_ProductName
            //FROM (
            //    SELECT
            //    CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -Id END AS LinkId, Id AS A_ProductId, Name AS A_ProductName, NULL AS B_ProductId, NULL AS B_ProductName
            //    FROM Products
            //    WHERE CompanyId=1
            //    UNION
            //    SELECT
            //    CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -Id END AS LinkId, NULL, NULL, Id, Name
            //    FROM Products
            //    WHERE CompanyId=2
            //) a
            //GROUP BY a.LinkId

            //SELECT MAX(a.COUNT_) FROM (SELECT COUNT(Id) AS COUNT_, LinkId FROM Products WHERE LinkId>0 GROUP BY LinkId) a
            //SELECT * FROM Products WHERE LinkId=(SELECT CASE WHEN LinkId>0 THEN LinkId ELSE -1 END FROM Products WHERE Id=1);

            Cliver.Bot.DbConnection dbc = Cliver.Bot.DbConnection.CreateFromNativeConnection(db.Database.Connection);

            List <JqueryDataTable.Field> fields = new List <JqueryDataTable.Field> {
                new JqueryDataTable.Field("LinkId", false)

            fields.AddRange(from c in db.Companies.ToList() select new JqueryDataTable.Field("[" + c.Name + "_ProductName]", true, 0, null));
            return(JqueryDataTable.Index(request, db.Database.Connection, "FROM #ProductLinks", fields.ToArray()));