private void GenerateWall(CliffGenerationData data, int width)
        // Setting the tileset
        currentTileset = wallTileset;
        // Getting start position
        Vector2 startPos = data.wallsPositions[0];
        // Converting it to int
        int startX = (int)startPos.x;
        int startY = (int)startPos.y;
        int endX   = startX + width;

        // There's already grass on the cliff
        startPos = new Vector2(startX, startY);

        for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
            string[] possibleTiles = GetPossibleTiles(startX, endX, startY, startY + 1, x, startY);
            string   toInstantiate = "";

            // Left or right tile
            if ((startX == x) || (x == (endX - 1)))
                toInstantiate = possibleTiles[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleTiles.Length)];
                // Walls are divided in 2 parts: light and dark tiles
                if ((x - startX) < ((endX - startX) / 2))
                    // Instantiate light tiles
                    toInstantiate = possibleTiles[UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, possibleTiles.Length)];
                    // Instantiate dark tiles
                    toInstantiate = possibleTiles[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2)];

            // Actually instantiating the tile
            GameObject instantiated = Instantiate(
                new Vector2(x, startY),
            instantiated.transform.parent = generationParent.transform;

        // Generating a bastion behind the wall
        GenerateBastion(data, width, startX, endX);
    private void GenerateBastion(CliffGenerationData data, int maxWidth, int cliffStart, int cliffEnd)
        Vector3 startPos = data.wallsPositions[0];

        int xStart = (int)startPos.x + 1;
        int yStart = (int)startPos.y;

        int width  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minBastionWidth, ((cliffEnd - xStart) > maxBastionWidth) ? maxBastionWidth : (cliffEnd - xStart));
        int height = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minBastionHeight, maxBastionHeight);

        int yEnd = yStart + height;
        int xEnd = xStart + width - 1;

        currentBastionTileset = bastionTilesets[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bastionTilesets.Length)];

        Debug.Log("Width: " + width + ", startx: " + xStart + ", endx: " + xEnd);

        for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
            Debug.Log("Ci sono");
            for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
                string[] possibleTiles = GetPossibleBastionTiles(xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, x, y);
                string   toInstantiate = possibleTiles[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleTiles.Length)];

                GameObject instantiated = Instantiate(
                    new Vector3(x, y),
                instantiated.transform.parent = generationParent.transform;

        if ((xStart + width) <= (cliffStart + (cliffEnd - cliffStart) / 1.4f) && ((xEnd + 8) != cliffEnd))
            float newStartX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(data.wallsPositions[0].x + (width - width / 3.5f), data.wallsPositions[0].x + width);
            data.wallsPositions[0] = new Vector3(newStartX, data.wallsPositions[0].y);

            GenerateBastion(data, maxWidth, cliffStart, cliffEnd);
    public void ActuallyGenerate()
        int cliffHeight = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minCliffHeight, maxCliffHeight);
        int cliffWidth  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minCliffWidth, maxCliffWidth);
        CliffGenerationData startData = new CliffGenerationData();
        bool mustBuildBridge;

        startData.bridgePositions.Add(new Vector3(Camera.main.transform.position.x, Camera.main.transform.position.y - 6));

        for (int i = 0; i < nCliffs; i++)
            if (startData.CanChangeHeight())
                cliffHeight = UnityEngine.Random.Range(
                    (startData.prevHeight == 0) ? 3 : startData.prevHeight,
                    (startData.prevHeight == 0) ? 3 : maxCliffHeight);
                cliffWidth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minCliffWidth, maxCliffWidth);
                cliffHeight = startData.prevHeight;

            if (i != (nCliffs - 1))
                mustBuildBridge = true;
                mustBuildBridge = false;

            startData = GenerateCliff(startData, cliffHeight, cliffWidth, mustBuildBridge);
            GenerateWall(startData, cliffWidth);
    private CliffGenerationData GenerateCliff(CliffGenerationData data, int height, int width, bool mustBuildBridge)
        Vector3             start = data.bridgePositions[0];
        CliffGenerationData ret   = new CliffGenerationData();

        // Converting start position to int
        int xStart = (int)start.x;
        int yStart = (int)start.y;
        // Crating an int start position
        Vector2 intStartPos = new Vector2(xStart, yStart);

        // Calculating end position
        int xEnd = xStart + width;
        int yEnd = yStart + height;

        GenerateGrass(xStart, yStart, xEnd);

        // I'm drawing a rectangle of tiles
        for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
            for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
                // Instantiated tile
                GameObject instantiated;
                // Using the default tileset
                currentTileset = cliffTileSet;

                // If I have to build a bridge, the cliff is high enough and I'm in the bottom right corner, I build a bridge
                if (mustBuildBridge && (x == (xEnd - 1)) && y == yStart && height >= 3)
                    // Calculating bridge width
                    int bridgeWidth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minBridgeWidth, maxBridgeWidth);
                    // Calculating start and end points
                    int    bridgeStartX = x;
                    int    bridgeEndX   = x + bridgeWidth;
                    int    bridgeStartY = yStart;
                    int    bridgeEndY   = yEnd;
                    string prefix;

                    // Generate grass under the bridge
                    GenerateGrass(bridgeStartX, bridgeStartY, bridgeEndX);

                    // Choosing a random bridge tileset
                    currentTileset = bridgeTilesets[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bridgeTilesets.Length)];
                    prefix         = currentTileset.prefix;

                    // If I didn't pick a big bridge, I can make it shorter than the cliff
                    if (!((prefix.Contains("/LightBridge/")) || prefix.Contains("/DarkBridge/") || prefix.Contains("Brown")))
                        bridgeEndY = UnityEngine.Random.Range(bridgeStartY + 3, yEnd);

                    /* Used for those bridges that have 2 top tiles (one above the other one). Since they're added
                     * automatically, I have to stop 1 y unit earlier.*/
                    if ((prefix.Contains("/LightBridge/")) || prefix.Contains("/DarkBridge/"))
                        bridgeEndY -= 1;

                    // Building the bridge
                    for (int xBridge = x; xBridge < (x + bridgeWidth); xBridge++)
                        for (int yBridge = yStart; yBridge < bridgeEndY; yBridge++)
                            // Little bridges don't have a top tile, so I don't instantiate it
                            if ((currentTileset.prefix.Contains("Little") && !(yBridge == (yEnd - 1)) || !currentTileset.prefix.Contains("Little")))
                                // Position used to instantiate the tile
                                Vector2  instantiationPos = new Vector2(xBridge, yBridge);
                                string[] possibleTiles    = GetPossibleTiles(
                                    bridgeStartX, bridgeEndX, bridgeStartY, bridgeEndY, xBridge, yBridge

                                /* The bottom right corner of the bridge is the position of the next
                                 * cliff, so I add it to the bridgePositions list */
                                if (possibleTiles[0].Contains("BottomRight"))
                                    Vector2 toAdd = new Vector2(instantiationPos.x, instantiationPos.y);
                                    // Also, since the bridge contains part of the cliff, I don't need to draw that part
                                    ret.mustDrawLeft = false;
                                    // Saving bridge type
                                    ret.bridgeType = currentTileset.prefix;
                                    // Adding current Y
                                    ret.prevHeight = height;

                                // Instantiating the tile
                                instantiated = Instantiate(

                                instantiated.transform.parent = generationParent.transform;

                                // If I have alternatives, that means I have to add the top part of the bridge
                                if (possibleTiles.Length > 1)
                                    instantiationPos = new Vector2(instantiationPos.x, instantiationPos.y + 1);
                                    GameObject tmp = Instantiate(

                                    tmp.transform.parent = generationParent.transform;
                    if (((x == xStart) && data.mustDrawLeft) || (x != xStart) || (data.prevHeight <= height) /*||
                                                                                                              * (data.bridgeType.Contains("Little") && (x == xStart) && (y == (yEnd - 1)))*/)
                        string[] possibleTiles = GetPossibleTiles(xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, x, y);
                        string   tile          = possibleTiles[0];

                        if (possibleTiles.Length != 1)
                            int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleTiles.Length);
                            tile = possibleTiles[index];

                        // If this is the top right corner, I have to build a wall starting from it
                        if (tile.Contains("TopLeft"))
                            ret.wallsPositions.Add(new Vector2(x, y));

                        instantiated = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load(tile), new Vector2(x, y), Quaternion.Euler(;
                        instantiated.transform.parent = generationParent.transform;
