예제 #1
        public ActionResult InsertSchedule(FormCollection collection)
                using (LoanDataDataContext database = new LoanDataDataContext())
                    //long cID = 0;
                    //long.TryParse(collection.Get("CLID"), out cID);
                    //Client_Loan_Info cl = database.Client_Loan_Infos.FirstOrDefault(c=>c.ID==cID);
                    string accountID    = collection.Get("ACCOUNTID");
                    var    client_loans = from cl in database.Client_Loan_Infos where cl.AccountID == accountID select cl;
                    string schedule     = collection.Get("Scheduled");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule))
                        foreach (var item in client_loans)
                            Client_Loan_Info cl = database.Client_Loan_Infos.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == item.ID);
                            cl.Scheduled    = schedule.ToLower() == "true" ? true : false;
                            cl.Down_Payment = double.Parse(collection.Get("Down_Payment"));
                            //Reschedule_Amount     Monthly_Payment    Duration     Schedule_Date
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection.Get("Reschedule_Amount")))
                                cl.Reschedule_Amount = double.Parse(collection.Get("Reschedule_Amount"));
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection.Get("Monthly_Payment")))
                                cl.Monthly_Payment = double.Parse(collection.Get("Monthly_Payment"));

                            cl.Duration = collection.Get("Duration");

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(collection.Get("Schedule_Date")))
                                cl.Schedule_Date = DateTime.Parse(collection.Get("Schedule_Date"));


                    var res = new { LData = client_loans.ToList().FirstOrDefault(), Message = "Scheduled inserted" };
                    //if (cl!=null)
                    //    string schedule = collection.Get("Scheduled");
                    //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule))
                    //    {
                    //       cl.Scheduled  = schedule == "true" ? true : false;
                    //       cl.Down_Payment = double.Parse(collection.Get("Down_Payment"));
                    //       database.SubmitChanges();
                    //       var res = new { LData = cl, Message = "Scheduled inserted suc" };
                    //       return Json(res);
                    //    }


                    //   track.Tracking_USER = long.Parse(collection.Get("Tracking_USER"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var jsonObj = new { Error = ex.Message };
예제 #2
        public string readingExcelFile(string isUpdate)
            string  UploadPath = HttpContext.Request.MapPath("~/FileUploaded/Temp");
            DataSet ds         = new DataSet();

            foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(UploadPath))
                string path      = fileName;
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
                string fn        = Path.GetFileName(fileName).Split('.')[0];
                //here start Reading
                //Now Read files
                if (extension == ".xls" || extension == ".xlsx")
                    string excelConnectionString = string.Empty;
                    //  connection String for xls file format.
                    if (extension == ".xls")
                        excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;\"";
                    //connection String for xlsx file format.
                    else if (extension == ".xlsx")
                        excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;IMEX=1;'";
                    //Create Connection to Excel work book and add oledb namespace
                    OleDbConnection excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString);
                    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                    dt = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                    if (dt == null)

                    String[] excelSheets = new String[dt.Rows.Count];
                    int      t           = 0;
                    //excel data saves in temp file here.
                    foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                        string sheetName = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
                        if (sheetName.Contains("{ONE}"))
                            excelSheets[0] = sheetName;

                        if (sheetName.Contains("_xlnm#_FilterDatabase"))
                            excelSheets[t] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
                    OleDbConnection excelConnection1 = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString);
                    string          query            = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", excelSheets[0]);
                    //if (fn=="risk")
                    //    query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", excelSheets[1]);

                    using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, excelConnection1))
                        dataAdapter.Fill(ds, fn);
            ///Start to add client

            DataTable client = ds.Tables["SAB"];
            //var ff=ds.Tables["SAB"].AsEnumerable().AsEnumerable<SABClass>();
            DataTable risk = ds.Tables["risk"];

            if (risk != null)
                var lstrist = ds.Tables["risk"].AsEnumerable().ToList();

            List <CLIENT_PERINFO> lstClient = new List <CLIENT_PERINFO>();
            List <Loan_Info>      lstLoans  = new List <Loan_Info>();
            List <string>         notes     = new List <string>();
            List <string>         RO        = new List <string>();

            if (client != null)
                //update by abd alrahman
                foreach (DataRow row in client.Rows)
                    //Here Is a Client
                    CLIENT_PERINFO cl = new CLIENT_PERINFO();
                    cl.FULLNAME = row["Arabic Full Name"].ToString(); //
                    cl.ADDR1    = row["Adress"].ToString();           //2
                    //cl.ADDR1 = row["Adress 1"].ToString();
                    //cl.ADDR2 = row["Adress 2"].ToString();
                    //cl.ADDR3 = row["Adress 3"].ToString();
                    cl.TEL       = row["Telephone"].ToString();  //3
                    cl.AccountID = row["Account ID"].ToString(); //4

                    //Here Is Loan Info
                    Loan_Info l = new Loan_Info();
                    l.AccountID   = row["Account ID"].ToString();          //4
                    l.FacilityTyp = row["Type"].ToString();                //5
                    // l.Branch = row["Branch"].ToString();
                    l.Charges            = row["Charges"].ToString();      //6
                    l.Unpaid_Amount      = row["Total Unpaid"].ToString(); //7
                    l.Outstanding_Amount = row["Outstanding"].ToString();  //8
                    l.Monthely_Payment   = row["Monthly payment"].ToString();
                    l.Rate_NPL           = row["Risk Rate"].ToString();
                    l.NOUnpaid           = row["No of UNpaid/Real"].ToString();

                    //here add from risk
                    //   string clientID = item["Account ID"].ToString();
                    //  var cl = lstLoans.Find(l => l.AccountID == clientID);
                    //var clup = lstClient.Find(l => l.AccountID == clientID);
                    // string accid = row["Account ID"].ToString() ;
                    //  var it = lstrist.Where(bb => bb.Field<string>(1).ToString() == accid);

                    if (risk != null)
                        var item = from r in risk.AsEnumerable() where (r.Field <string>("Account ID")) == row["Account ID"].ToString() select r;
                        if (item.ToList().Count > 0)
                            cl.EnglishName = item.FirstOrDefault()["Name of client"].ToString();
                            l.Branch       = item.FirstOrDefault()["Branch"].ToString();

                            l.NPL_Amount       = item.FirstOrDefault()["Total gross funded exposure NPL"].ToString();
                            l.Provision_Amount = item.FirstOrDefault()["Provisions balances"].ToString();
                            l.UID = item.FirstOrDefault()["UID"].ToString();
                                string   dat = item.FirstOrDefault()["Date downgraded to NPL"].ToString();
                                DateTime datd;

                                if (DateTime.TryParse(dat, out datd))
                                    l.Date_Downgrading = datd;

                            l.Note = item.FirstOrDefault()["RMD new comments"].ToString();

                            DateTime rDate;
                                if (item.FirstOrDefault()["File receiving date"].ToString() != null)
                                    DateTime.TryParse(item.FirstOrDefault()["File receiving date"].ToString(), out rDate);
                                    l.Receiving_Date = rDate;

                            l.Relation_With_Other_Banks = item.FirstOrDefault()["Relation with other Banks"].ToString();
                            l.Remarks     = item.FirstOrDefault()["Remarks"].ToString();
                            l.Previous_RO = item.FirstOrDefault()["Previous RO"].ToString();

                    //  var item = from r in risk.AsEnumerable() where (r.Field<string>("Account ID")) == row["Account ID"].ToString() select r;

                    // var item = from r in risk.AsEnumerable() where (r.Field<string>("Account ID")) == accid select r;
                    //here did not get data
                    //string expression="Account ID = '"+row["Account ID"].ToString()+"'";
                    //var item = risk.Select(expression);


            DataTable guarant = ds.Tables["guarantees"];
            List <Guarantees_Info> lstguan = new List <Guarantees_Info>();

            if (guarant != null)
                foreach (DataRow item in guarant.Rows)
                    Guarantees_Info guan = new Guarantees_Info();
                    guan.AccountID         = item["Account ID"].ToString();
                    guan.Applicant_Account = item["Applicant Account"].ToString();
                    guan.Applicant_Name    = item["Applicant Name"].ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Estimate date"].ToString()))
                        DateTime estimateDate;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(item["Estimate date"].ToString(), out estimateDate))
                            guan.Estimate_date = estimateDate;

                    guan.Estimated_Amount     = item["Estimated Amount"].ToString();
                    guan.Gurantee_Description = item["Gurantee Description"].ToString();
                    guan.Gurantee_Type        = item["Gurantee Type"].ToString();
                    guan.Initial_Amount       = item["Initial Amount"].ToString();


            //now here legal
            DataTable           legal  = ds.Tables["legal"];
            List <Legal_Report> lstRep = new List <Legal_Report>();

            if (legal != null)
                if (isUpdate == "false")
                    foreach (DataRow item in legal.Rows)
                        Legal_Report rep   = new Legal_Report();
                        string       accID = item["Account ID"].ToString();
                        if (accID.Length < 7)
                            rep.AccountID = accID.PadLeft(7, '0');
                            rep.AccountID = item["Account ID"].ToString();

                        rep.Court            = item["المحكمة "].ToString();
                        rep.lawsuit_typ      = item["نوع الدعوى "].ToString();
                        rep.lawsuitNOFirst   = item[6].ToString();
                        rep.lawsuitNOSec     = item[7].ToString();
                        rep.PrevintingTravel = item["منع سفر"].ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["تاريخ منع السفر"].ToString()))
                            DateTime prevTravDate;
                            if (DateTime.TryParse(item["تاريخ منع السفر"].ToString(), out prevTravDate))
                                rep.PrevTravDate = prevTravDate;
                        rep.Lawer = item["المحامي "].ToString();
                        using (LoanDataDataContext database = new LoanDataDataContext())
                            long len = item.ItemArray.Count();
                            List <Legal_Procedure> lstPro = new List <Legal_Procedure>();
                            //here should insert legal
                            for (int i = 12; i < len; i++)
                                Legal_Procedure lp = new Legal_Procedure();
                                lp.AccountID  = rep.AccountID;
                                lp.LegalRepID = rep.ID;
                                lp.Legal_Desc = legal.Columns[i].Caption;
                                lp.Proced     = item[i].ToString();

                        // lstRep.Add(rep);
                else if (isUpdate == "true")
                    using (LoanDataDataContext database = new LoanDataDataContext())
                        foreach (DataRow item in legal.Rows)
                            string accID = item["Account ID"].ToString();
                            if (accID.Length < 7)
                                accID = accID.PadLeft(7, '0');

                            Legal_Report rep = (from l in database.Legal_Reports where l.AccountID == accID select l).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (rep != null)
                                //  rep.AccountID =
                                rep.Court            = item["المحكمة "].ToString();
                                rep.lawsuit_typ      = item["نوع الدعوى "].ToString();
                                rep.lawsuitNOFirst   = item[6].ToString();
                                rep.lawsuitNOSec     = item[7].ToString();
                                rep.PrevintingTravel = item["منع سفر"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["تاريخ منع السفر"].ToString()))
                                    DateTime prevTravDate;
                                    if (DateTime.TryParse(item["تاريخ منع السفر"].ToString(), out prevTravDate))
                                        rep.PrevTravDate = prevTravDate;
                                rep.Lawer = item["المحامي "].ToString();

                                long len = item.ItemArray.Count();
                                List <Legal_Procedure> lstPro = new List <Legal_Procedure>();
                                //here should insert legal
                                for (int i = 12; i < len; i++)
                                    var legalPr = from p in database.Legal_Procedures where p.Legal_Desc == legal.Columns[i].Caption && p.LegalRepID == rep.ID select p;
                                    if (legalPr.ToList().Count > 0)
                                        Legal_Procedure lp = new Legal_Procedure();
                                        lp.AccountID  = rep.AccountID;
                                        lp.LegalRepID = rep.ID;
                                        lp.Legal_Desc = legal.Columns[i].Caption;
                                        lp.Proced     = item[i].ToString();

                            // lstRep.Add(rep);

            //now Inser To DB
            using (LoanDataDataContext database = new LoanDataDataContext())
                if (isUpdate == "false")
                    for (int i = 0; i < lstClient.Count; i++)
                        CLIENT_PERINFO  cl   = lstClient[i];
                        Loan_Info       l    = lstLoans[i];
                        Guarantees_Info guan = lstguan[i];
                        // l.Receiving_Date = null;


                        Client_Loan_Info cli = new Client_Loan_Info();
                        cli.AccountID    = cl.AccountID;
                        cli.CDate        = DateTime.Now;
                        cli.ClientID     = cl.ID;
                        cli.Read_Note    = false;
                        cli.Date_Rec     = DateTime.Now;
                        cli.GuaranteesID = guan.ID;
                        cli.LoanID       = l.ID;
                        // cli.Note = notes[i];
                        //var results = from myRow in myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
                        //              where myRow.Field<int>("RowNo") == 1
                        //              select myRow;

                        var ro = from r in risk.Select() where (r.Field <string>("Account ID")) == cl.AccountID select r;
                        if (ro.ToList().Count < 1)
                            Sys_User usr = database.Sys_Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.RO_Code == ro.FirstOrDefault().Field <string>("RO Code"));
                            if (usr != null)
                                Track tr = new Track();
                                tr.ClientLoanID     = cli.ID;
                                tr.CurrTraker       = usr.id;
                                tr.Status           = 2;
                                tr.Tracking_Action  = 1;
                                tr.Tracking_Date    = DateTime.Now;
                                tr.Tracking_Details = "";
                                Tracker tracker = new Tracker();
                                tracker.Admin_Declare = long.Parse(TGSession.ClientInfo.UID);
                                tracker.Declared_Date = DateTime.Now;
                                tracker.Trackers      = usr.id;
                                tracker.TracksID      = tr.ID;
                                //var not = from r in risk.AsEnumerable() where (r.Field<double>("Account ID")).ToString() == cl.AccountID.ToString() select r;

                                tracker.Admin_Notes = l.Note;
                else if (isUpdate == "true")
                    if (risk != null)
                        foreach (DataRow item in risk.Rows)
                            string clientID = item["Account ID"].ToString();

                            Loan_Info updl = (from up in database.Loan_Infos
                                              where up.AccountID == clientID
                                              select up).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (updl != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Total gross funded exposure NPL"].ToString()))
                                    updl.NPL_Amount = item["Total gross funded exposure NPL"].ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Provisions balances"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Provision_Amount = item["Provisions balances"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Date downgraded to NPL"].ToString()))
                                    string   dat = item["Date downgraded to NPL"].ToString();
                                    DateTime dateDowngrading;
                                    if (DateTime.TryParse(dat, out dateDowngrading))
                                        updl.Date_Downgrading = dateDowngrading;

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["UID"].ToString()))
                                    updl.UID = item["UID"].ToString();

                            //Here should Update

                    if (client != null)
                        //now sab
                        foreach (DataRow item in client.Rows)
                            string clientID = item["Account ID"].ToString();

                            Loan_Info updl = (from up in database.Loan_Infos
                                              where up.AccountID == clientID
                                              select up).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (updl != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Charges"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Charges = item["Charges"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Type"].ToString()))
                                    updl.FacilityTyp = item["Type"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Monthly payment"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Monthely_Payment = item["Monthly payment"].ToString();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["No of UNpaid/Real"].ToString()))
                                    updl.NOUnpaid = item["No of UNpaid/Real"].ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Outstanding"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Outstanding_Amount = item["Outstanding"].ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Risk Rate"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Rate_NPL = item["Risk Rate"].ToString();

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["Total Unpaid"].ToString()))
                                    updl.Unpaid_Amount = item["Total Unpaid"].ToString();

                            //Here should Update


                    if (lstguan.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < lstLoans.Count; i++)
                            Guarantees_Info guan = lstguan[i];
                            Guarantees_Info updl = (from up in database.Guarantees_Infos
                                                    where up.AccountID == guan.AccountID
                                                    select up).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (updl != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Applicant_Account))
                                    updl.Applicant_Account = guan.Applicant_Account;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Applicant_Name))
                                    updl.Applicant_Name = guan.Applicant_Name;
                                if (guan.Estimate_date.HasValue)
                                    updl.Estimate_date = guan.Estimate_date;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Estimated_Amount))
                                    updl.Estimated_Amount = guan.Estimated_Amount;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Gurantee_Description))
                                    updl.Gurantee_Description = guan.Gurantee_Description;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Gurantee_Type))
                                    updl.Gurantee_Type = guan.Gurantee_Type;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guan.Initial_Amount))
                                    updl.Initial_Amount = guan.Initial_Amount;

                            //Here should Update



                //here tracking
                DataTable tracking = ds.Tables["Tracking"];

                if (tracking != null)
                    foreach (DataRow item in tracking.Rows)
                        Tracking_History history = new Tracking_History();
                        history.Account_ID = item["Client_AC"].ToString();

                        DateTime trackingDate;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(item["Tracking Date"].ToString(), out trackingDate))
                            history.Tacking_Date = trackingDate;

                        history.Tracking_Notes = item["Tracking Details"].ToString();

            //    int i= ds.Tables.Count;