public void AddPackageToWindows8CuratedFeed() { string packageId = testContextInstance.TestName + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); string packageFullPath = PackageCreationHelper.CreateWindows8CuratedPackage(packageId); int exitCode = CmdLineHelper.UploadPackage(packageFullPath, UrlHelper.V2FeedPushSourceUrl); Assert.IsTrue((exitCode == 0), "The package upload via Nuget.exe didnt suceed properly. Check the logs to see the process error and output stream"); //check if the package is present in windows 8 feed. //TBD : Need to check the exact the url for curated feed. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(60000); Assert.IsTrue(ClientSDKHelper.CheckIfPackageExistsInSource(packageId, UrlHelper.Windows8CuratedFeedUrl), "Package {0} is not found in the site {1} after uploading.", packageId, UrlHelper.Windows8CuratedFeedUrl); }
public static void CheckIfBaseTestPackageExists() { //Check if the BaseTestPackage exists in current source and if not upload it. This will be used by the download related tests. try { if (!ClientSDKHelper.CheckIfPackageExistsInSource(Constants.TestPackageId, UrlHelper.V2FeedRootUrl)) { AssertAndValidationHelper.UploadNewPackageAndVerify(Constants.TestPackageId); } } catch (AssertFailedException) { Assert.Inconclusive("The initialization method to pre-upload test package has failed. Hence failing all the tests. Make sure that a package by name {0} exists @ {1} before running tests. Check test run error for details", Constants.TestPackageId, UrlHelper.BaseUrl); } }
public bool CheckPackageExistInCuratedFeed(string packageName, FeedType feedType) { string curatedFeedUrl = GetCuratedFeedUrl(feedType); bool applied = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && applied == false; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); if (ClientSDKHelper.CheckIfPackageExistsInSource(packageName, curatedFeedUrl)) { applied = true; } } return(applied); }
public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context) { //Check if functional tests is enabled. If not, do an assert inconclusive. if (!EnvironmentSettings.RunFunctionalTests.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Assert.Inconclusive("Functional tests are disabled in the current run. Please set environment variable RunFuntionalTests to True to enable them"); } //Check if the BaseTestPackage exists in current source and if not upload it. This will be used by the download related tests. try { if (!ClientSDKHelper.CheckIfPackageExistsInSource(Constants.TestPackageId, UrlHelper.V2FeedRootUrl)) { AssertAndValidationHelper.UploadNewPackageAndVerify(Constants.TestPackageId); } } catch (AssertFailedException) { Assert.Inconclusive("The initialization method to pre-upload test package has failed. Hence failing all the tests. Make sure that a package by name {0} exists @ {1} before running tests. Check test run error for details", Constants.TestPackageId, UrlHelper.BaseUrl); } }
public void SearchWebMatrixCuratedFeed() { string packageName = "NuGetGallery.FunctionalTests.SearchWebMatrixCuratedFeed"; string ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); string version = new System.Version(ticks.Substring(0, 6) + "." + ticks.Substring(6, 6) + "." + ticks.Substring(12, 6)).ToString(); string packageFullPath = PackageCreationHelper.CreateWebMatrixCuratedPackage(packageName, version); int exitCode = CmdLineHelper.UploadPackage(packageFullPath, UrlHelper.V2FeedPushSourceUrl); Assert.IsTrue((exitCode == 0), "The package upload via Nuget.exe didnt suceed properly. Check the logs to see the process error and output stream"); // The feed could update anytime in the next 5 minutes and this test would be considered a success. bool applied = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && applied == false; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); if (ClientSDKHelper.CheckIfPackageExistsInSource(packageName, UrlHelper.WebMatrixCuratedFeedUrl)) { applied = true; } } Assert.IsTrue(applied, "Package {0} is not found in the site {1} after uploading.", packageName, UrlHelper.WebMatrixCuratedFeedUrl); }