/// <summary> /// Returns the current search configuration for the specified object level /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="searchSettingsObjectLevel"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetSearchConfigurationImplementation(ClientRuntimeContext context, SearchObjectLevel searchSettingsObjectLevel) { SearchConfigurationPortability sconfig = new SearchConfigurationPortability(context); SearchObjectOwner owner = new SearchObjectOwner(context, searchSettingsObjectLevel); ClientResult<string> configresults = sconfig.ExportSearchConfiguration(owner); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); return configresults.Value; }
public static Web EnsureWeb(ClientRuntimeContext cc, Web web, string propertyToCheck) { if (!web.IsObjectPropertyInstantiated(propertyToCheck)) { // get instances to root web, since we are processing currently sub site cc.Load(web); cc.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } return web; }
public static Site EnsureSite(ClientRuntimeContext cc, Site site, string propertyToCheck) { if (!site.IsObjectPropertyInstantiated(propertyToCheck)) { // get instances to root web, since we are processing currently sub site cc.Load(site); cc.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } return site; }
/// <summary> /// Checks the server library version of the context for a minimally required version /// </summary> /// <param name="clientContext">clientContext to operate on</param> /// <param name="minimallyRequiredVersion">provide version to validate</param> /// <returns>True if it has minimal required version, false otherwise</returns> public static bool HasMinimalServerLibraryVersion(this ClientRuntimeContext clientContext, Version minimallyRequiredVersion) { bool hasMinimalVersion = false; #if !ONPREMISES try { clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); hasMinimalVersion = clientContext.ServerLibraryVersion.CompareTo(minimallyRequiredVersion) >= 0; } catch (PropertyOrFieldNotInitializedException) { // swallow the exception. } #else try { Uri urlUri = new Uri(clientContext.Url); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create($"{urlUri.Scheme}://{urlUri.DnsSafeHost}:{urlUri.Port}/_vti_pvt/service.cnf"); request.UseDefaultCredentials = true; var response = request.GetResponse(); using (var dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access. using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(dataStream)) { // Read the content.Will be in this format // vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl // vti_extenderversion: SR | string version = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('|')[2].Trim(); // Only compare the first three digits var compareToVersion = new Version(minimallyRequiredVersion.Major, minimallyRequiredVersion.Minor, minimallyRequiredVersion.Build, 0); hasMinimalVersion = new Version(version.Split('.')[0].ToInt32(), 0, version.Split('.')[3].ToInt32(), 0).CompareTo(compareToVersion) >= 0; } } } catch (WebException ex) { Log.Warning(Constants.LOGGING_SOURCE, CoreResources.ClientContextExtensions_HasMinimalServerLibraryVersion_Error, ex.ToDetailedString(clientContext)); } #endif return(hasMinimalVersion); }
/// <summary> /// Delete the search configuration at the specified object level - does not apply to managed properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="searchObjectLevel"></param> /// <param name="searchConfiguration"></param> private static void DeleteSearchConfigurationImplementation(ClientRuntimeContext context, SearchObjectLevel searchObjectLevel, string searchConfiguration) { #if ONPREMISES if (searchObjectLevel == SearchObjectLevel.Ssa) { // Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.portability.searchconfigurationportability_members.aspx throw new Exception("You cannot import customized search configuration settings to a Search service application (SSA)."); } #endif SearchConfigurationPortability searchConfig = new SearchConfigurationPortability(context); SearchObjectOwner owner = new SearchObjectOwner(context, searchObjectLevel); // Delete search configuration searchConfig.DeleteSearchConfiguration(owner, searchConfiguration); context.Load(searchConfig); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); }
private static bool IsTenantAdminSite(ClientRuntimeContext clientContext) { try { var tenant = new Tenant(clientContext); clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); return(true); } catch (ClientRequestException) { return(false); } catch (ServerException) { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets an access token from a <see cref="ClientContext"/> instance. Only works when using an add-in or app-only authentication flow. /// </summary> /// <param name="clientContext"><see cref="ClientContext"/> instance to obtain an access token for</param> /// <returns>Access token for the given <see cref="ClientContext"/> instance</returns> public static string GetAccessToken(this ClientRuntimeContext clientContext) { string accessToken = null; EventHandler <WebRequestEventArgs> handler = (s, e) => { string authorization = e.WebRequestExecutor.RequestHeaders["Authorization"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization)) { accessToken = authorization.Replace("Bearer ", string.Empty); } }; // Issue a dummy request to get it from the Authorization header clientContext.ExecutingWebRequest += handler; clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); clientContext.ExecutingWebRequest -= handler; return(accessToken); }
private static bool IsTenantAdminSite(ClientRuntimeContext clientContext) { if (clientContext.Url.ToLower().Contains(".sharepoint.")) { return(clientContext.Url.ToLower().Contains("-admin.sharepoint.")); } else { // fall back to old code in case of vanity domains try { var tenant = new Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration.Tenant(clientContext); clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); return(true); } catch (ServerException) { return(false); } } }
public static bool HasMinimalServerLibraryVersion(this ClientRuntimeContext clientContext, Version minimallyRequiredVersion) { bool hasMinimalVersion = false; #if !ONPREMISES try { clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); hasMinimalVersion = clientContext.ServerLibraryVersion.CompareTo(minimallyRequiredVersion) >= 0; } catch (PropertyOrFieldNotInitializedException) { // swallow the exception. } #else try { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(clientContext.Url); var response = request.GetResponse(); if (response.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(MicrosoftSharePointTeamServicesHeader)) { var responseVersion = new Version(response.Headers[MicrosoftSharePointTeamServicesHeader]); hasMinimalVersion = responseVersion.CompareTo(minimallyRequiredVersion) >= 0; } } catch (WebException ex) { var response = ex.Response; if (response.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(MicrosoftSharePointTeamServicesHeader)) { var responseVersion = new Version(response.Headers[MicrosoftSharePointTeamServicesHeader]); hasMinimalVersion = responseVersion.CompareTo(minimallyRequiredVersion) >= 0; } } #endif return(hasMinimalVersion); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="cc">ClientContext object of an arbitrary site collection accessible by the defined enumeration username and password</param> /// <param name="keywordQueryValue">Query to execute</param> /// <param name="sites">List of found site collections</param> /// <param name="keywordQuery">KeywordQuery instance that will perform the actual queries</param> /// <param name="startRow">Row as of which we want to see the results</param> /// <returns>Total result rows of the query</returns> private static int ProcessQuery(ClientRuntimeContext cc, string keywordQueryValue, List <string> sites, KeywordQuery keywordQuery, int startRow) { int totalRows = 0; keywordQuery.QueryText = keywordQueryValue; keywordQuery.RowLimit = 500; keywordQuery.StartRow = startRow; keywordQuery.SelectProperties.Add("SPSiteUrl"); keywordQuery.SortList.Add("SPSiteUrl", SortDirection.Ascending); SearchExecutor searchExec = new SearchExecutor(cc); // Important to avoid trimming "similar" site collections keywordQuery.TrimDuplicates = false; ClientResult <ResultTableCollection> results = searchExec.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery); cc.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (results != null) { if (results.Value[0].RowCount > 0) { totalRows = results.Value[0].TotalRows; foreach (var row in results.Value[0].ResultRows) { if (row["SPSiteUrl"] != null) { sites.Add(row["SPSiteUrl"].ToString()); } } } } return(totalRows); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="cc">ClientContext object of an arbitrary site collection accessible by the defined enumeration username and password</param> /// <param name="keywordQueryValue">Query to execute</param> /// <param name="sites">List of found site collections</param> /// <param name="keywordQuery">KeywordQuery instance that will perform the actual queries</param> /// <param name="startRow">Row as of which we want to see the results</param> /// <returns>Total result rows of the query</returns> private static int ProcessQuery(ClientRuntimeContext cc, string keywordQueryValue, List<string> sites, KeywordQuery keywordQuery, int startRow) { int totalRows = 0; keywordQuery.QueryText = keywordQueryValue; keywordQuery.RowLimit = 500; keywordQuery.StartRow = startRow; keywordQuery.SelectProperties.Add("SPSiteUrl"); keywordQuery.SortList.Add("SPSiteUrl", SortDirection.Ascending); SearchExecutor searchExec = new SearchExecutor(cc); ClientResult<ResultTableCollection> results = searchExec.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery); cc.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (results != null) { if (results.Value[0].RowCount > 0) { totalRows = results.Value[0].TotalRows; foreach (var row in results.Value[0].ResultRows) { if (row["SPSiteUrl"] != null) { sites.Add(row["SPSiteUrl"].ToString()); } } } } return totalRows; }
private List <Model.Term> GetTerms <T>(ClientRuntimeContext context, TaxonomyItem parent, int defaultLanguage, Boolean isSiteCollectionTermGroup = false) { List <Model.Term> termsToReturn = new List <Model.Term>(); TermCollection terms; var customSortOrder = string.Empty; if (parent is TermSet) { terms = ((TermSet)parent).Terms; customSortOrder = ((TermSet)parent).CustomSortOrder; } else { terms = ((Term)parent).Terms; customSortOrder = ((Term)parent).CustomSortOrder; } context.Load(terms, tms => tms.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(t => t.Labels, t => t.CustomSortOrder, t => t.IsReused, t => t.IsSourceTerm, t => t.SourceTerm, t => t.IsDeprecated, t => t.Description, t => t.Owner)); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var term in terms) { var modelTerm = new Model.Term(); if (!isSiteCollectionTermGroup || term.IsReused) { modelTerm.Id = term.Id; } modelTerm.Name = term.Name; modelTerm.IsAvailableForTagging = term.IsAvailableForTagging; modelTerm.IsReused = term.IsReused; modelTerm.IsSourceTerm = term.IsSourceTerm; modelTerm.SourceTermId = (term.SourceTerm != null) ? term.SourceTerm.Id : Guid.Empty; modelTerm.IsDeprecated = term.IsDeprecated; modelTerm.Description = term.Description; modelTerm.Owner = term.Owner; if ((!term.IsReused || term.IsSourceTerm) && term.Labels.Any()) { foreach (var label in term.Labels) { if ((label.Language == defaultLanguage && label.Value != term.Name) || label.Language != defaultLanguage) { var modelLabel = new Model.TermLabel(); modelLabel.IsDefaultForLanguage = label.IsDefaultForLanguage; modelLabel.Value = label.Value; modelLabel.Language = label.Language; modelTerm.Labels.Add(modelLabel); } } } //else //{ // foreach (var label in term.Labels) // { // var modelLabel = new Model.TermLabel(); // modelLabel.IsDefaultForLanguage = label.IsDefaultForLanguage; // modelLabel.Value = label.Value; // modelLabel.Language = label.Language; // modelTerm.Labels.Add(modelLabel); // } //} foreach (var localProperty in term.LocalCustomProperties) { modelTerm.LocalProperties.Add(localProperty.Key, localProperty.Value); } // Shared Properties have to be extracted just for source terms or not reused terms if (!term.IsReused || term.IsSourceTerm) { foreach (var customProperty in term.CustomProperties) { modelTerm.Properties.Add(customProperty.Key, customProperty.Value); } } if (term.TermsCount > 0) { modelTerm.Terms.AddRange(GetTerms <Term>(context, term, defaultLanguage, isSiteCollectionTermGroup)); } termsToReturn.Add(modelTerm); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customSortOrder)) { int count = 1; foreach (var id in customSortOrder.Split(new[] { ':' })) { var term = termsToReturn.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == Guid.Parse(id)); if (term != null) { term.CustomSortOrder = count; count++; } } termsToReturn = termsToReturn.OrderBy(t => t.CustomSortOrder).ToList(); } return(termsToReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Check if all tokens where replaced. If the field is a taxonomy field then we will check for the values of the referenced termstore and termset. /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldXml">The xml to parse</param> /// <param name="parser"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected static bool IsFieldXmlValid(string fieldXml, TokenParser parser, ClientRuntimeContext context) { var isValid = true; var leftOverTokens = parser.GetLeftOverTokens(fieldXml); if (!leftOverTokens.Any()) { var fieldElement = XElement.Parse(fieldXml); if (fieldElement.Attribute("Type").Value == "TaxonomyFieldType") { var termStoreIdElement = fieldElement.XPathSelectElement("//ArrayOfProperty/Property[Name='SspId']/Value"); if (termStoreIdElement != null) { var termStoreId = Guid.Parse(termStoreIdElement.Value); TaxonomySession taxSession = TaxonomySession.GetTaxonomySession(context); try { taxSession.EnsureProperty(t => t.TermStores); var store = taxSession.TermStores.GetById(termStoreId); context.Load(store); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (store.ServerObjectIsNull.HasValue && !store.ServerObjectIsNull.Value) { var termSetIdElement = fieldElement.XPathSelectElement("//ArrayOfProperty/Property[Name='TermSetId']/Value"); if (termSetIdElement != null) { var termSetId = Guid.Parse(termSetIdElement.Value); try { var termSet = store.GetTermSet(termSetId); context.Load(termSet); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); isValid = termSet.ServerObjectIsNull.HasValue && !termSet.ServerObjectIsNull.Value; } catch (Exception) { isValid = false; } } } } catch (Exception) { isValid = false; } } else { isValid = false; } } } else { //Some tokens where not replaced isValid = false; } return isValid; }
private bool IsFieldXmlValid(string fieldXml, TokenParser parser, ClientRuntimeContext context) { var isValid = true; var leftOverTokens = parser.GetLeftOverTokens(fieldXml); if (!leftOverTokens.Any()) { var fieldElement = XElement.Parse(fieldXml); if (fieldElement.Attribute("Type").Value == "TaxonomyFieldType") { var termStoreIdElement = fieldElement.XPathSelectElement("//ArrayOfProperty/Property[Name='SspId']/Value"); if (termStoreIdElement != null) { var termStoreId = Guid.Parse(termStoreIdElement.Value); var taxSession = TaxonomySession.GetTaxonomySession(context); try { taxSession.EnsureProperty(t => t.TermStores); var store = taxSession.TermStores.GetById(termStoreId); context.Load(store); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (store.ServerObjectIsNull.HasValue && !store.ServerObjectIsNull.Value) { var termSetIdElement = fieldElement.XPathSelectElement("//ArrayOfProperty/Property[Name='TermSetId']/Value"); if (termSetIdElement != null) { var termSetId = Guid.Parse(termSetIdElement.Value); try { var termSet = store.GetTermSet(termSetId); context.Load(termSet); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); isValid = termSet.ServerObjectIsNull.HasValue && !termSet.ServerObjectIsNull.Value; } catch (Exception) { isValid = false; } } } } catch (Exception) { isValid = false; } } else { isValid = false; } } } else { //Some tokens where not replaced isValid = false; } return(isValid); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the search configuration at the specified object level /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="searchObjectLevel"></param> /// <param name="searchConfiguration"></param> private static void SetSearchConfigurationImplementation(ClientRuntimeContext context, SearchObjectLevel searchObjectLevel, string searchConfiguration) { #if CLIENTSDKV15 if (searchObjectLevel == SearchObjectLevel.Ssa) { // Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.client.search.portability.searchconfigurationportability_members.aspx throw new Exception("You cannot import customized search configuration settings to a Search service application (SSA)."); } #endif SearchConfigurationPortability searchConfig = new SearchConfigurationPortability(context); SearchObjectOwner owner = new SearchObjectOwner(context, searchObjectLevel); // Import search configuration searchConfig.ImportSearchConfiguration(owner, searchConfiguration); context.Load(searchConfig); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); }
private static NavigationTermSet GetEditableNavigationTermSetByProviderName( Web web, ClientRuntimeContext context, String providerName) { // Get the current taxonomy session and update cache, just in case TaxonomySession taxonomySession = TaxonomySession.GetTaxonomySession(web.Context); taxonomySession.UpdateCache(); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); // Retrieve the Navigation TermSet for the current web NavigationTermSet navigationTermSet = TaxonomyNavigation.GetTermSetForWeb(web.Context, web, providerName, true); context.Load(navigationTermSet); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); // Retrieve an editable TermSet for the current target navigation NavigationTermSet editableNavigationTermSet = navigationTermSet.GetAsEditable(taxonomySession); context.Load(editableNavigationTermSet); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); return (editableNavigationTermSet); }
private static bool IsTenantAdminSite(ClientRuntimeContext clientContext) { try { var tenant = new Tenant(clientContext); clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); return true; } catch (ClientRequestException) { return false; } catch (ServerException) { return false; } }
private static List<string> ParseSubTerms(string subTermPath, Term term, bool includeId, string delimiter, ClientRuntimeContext clientContext) { var items = new List<string>(); if (term.ServerObjectIsNull == null || term.ServerObjectIsNull == false) { clientContext.Load(term.Terms); clientContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); } foreach (var subTerm in term.Terms) { var termName = DenormalizeName(subTerm.Name); var termPath = string.Format("{0}{3}{1}{2}", subTermPath, termName, (includeId) ? string.Format(";#{0}", subTerm.Id.ToString()) : "", delimiter); items.Add(termPath); if (term.TermsCount > 0) { items.AddRange(ParseSubTerms(termPath, subTerm, includeId, delimiter, clientContext)); } } return items; }
private List <Model.Term> GetTerms <T>(ClientRuntimeContext context, TaxonomyItem parent, int defaultLanguage) { List <Model.Term> termsToReturn = new List <Model.Term>(); TermCollection terms = null; var customSortOrder = string.Empty; if (parent is TermSet) { terms = ((TermSet)parent).Terms; customSortOrder = ((TermSet)parent).CustomSortOrder; } else { terms = ((Term)parent).Terms; customSortOrder = ((Term)parent).CustomSortOrder; } context.Load(terms, tms => tms.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(t => t.Labels, t => t.CustomSortOrder)); context.ExecuteQueryRetry(); foreach (var term in terms) { var modelTerm = new Model.Term(); modelTerm.Id = term.Id; modelTerm.Name = term.Name; modelTerm.IsAvailableForTagging = term.IsAvailableForTagging; if (term.Labels.Any()) { foreach (var label in term.Labels) { if ((label.Language == defaultLanguage && label.Value != term.Name) || label.Language != defaultLanguage) { var modelLabel = new Model.TermLabel(); modelLabel.IsDefaultForLanguage = label.IsDefaultForLanguage; modelLabel.Value = label.Value; modelLabel.Language = label.Language; modelTerm.Labels.Add(modelLabel); } } } //else //{ // foreach (var label in term.Labels) // { // var modelLabel = new Model.TermLabel(); // modelLabel.IsDefaultForLanguage = label.IsDefaultForLanguage; // modelLabel.Value = label.Value; // modelLabel.Language = label.Language; // modelTerm.Labels.Add(modelLabel); // } //} foreach (var localProperty in term.LocalCustomProperties) { modelTerm.LocalProperties.Add(localProperty.Key, localProperty.Value); } foreach (var customProperty in term.CustomProperties) { modelTerm.Properties.Add(customProperty.Key, customProperty.Value); } if (term.TermsCount > 0) { modelTerm.Terms.AddRange(GetTerms <Term>(context, term, defaultLanguage)); } termsToReturn.Add(modelTerm); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customSortOrder)) { int count = 1; foreach (var id in customSortOrder.Split(new[] { ':' })) { var term = termsToReturn.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == Guid.Parse(id)); if (term != null) { term.CustomSortOrder = count; count++; } } termsToReturn = termsToReturn.OrderBy(t => t.CustomSortOrder).ToList(); } return(termsToReturn); }