예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a DPWSClientProxy source file from a wsdl service description.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceDesc">A valid wsdl service description.</param>
        public void GenerateClientProxy(ServiceDescription serviceDesc, TargetPlatform platform)
            // Well here's a nasty used in an attempt to make up a name
            string clientProxyClassName = serviceDesc.Name;
            string clientProxyNs = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(serviceDesc.TargetNamespace);
            string filename = serviceDesc.Name + "ClientProxy.cs";

            ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(clientProxyNs);

            foreach (PortType portType in serviceDesc.PortTypes)
                ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, platform);
                foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations)
                    // Create action names
                    // Apply special naming rules if this is a notification (event) operation
                    string inAction = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace + "/" + operation.Name + "Request";
                    string outAction = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace + "/" + operation.Name + ((operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) ? "" : "Response");
                    clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                foreach (Message message in serviceDesc.Messages)

                if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

            ClientProxyGenerator clientProxyGen = new ClientProxyGenerator();
            clientProxyGen.GenerateCode(filename, clientProxies);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if this code generator can generate a member for the
        /// specified source property type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The base method checks for DataContract serializability. If derived classes
        /// override, they must be able to generate additional properties in
        /// <see cref="GenerateNonSerializableProperty" />.</remarks>
        /// <param name="propertyDescriptor">The source property.</param>
        /// <returns>true if this code generator should/can generate a member for the Type.</returns>
        protected virtual bool CanGenerateProperty(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
            Type type = propertyDescriptor.PropertyType;

            // Make sure the member is serializable (based on data contract attributes, [Exclude], type support, etc.).
            if (SerializationUtility.IsSerializableDataMember(propertyDescriptor))
                // If property type is an enum that cannot be generated, we cannot expose this property, but only log a warning
                string errorMessage = null;
                Type   enumType     = TypeUtility.GetNonNullableType(type);
                if (enumType.IsEnum)
                    if (!ClientProxyGenerator.CanExposeEnumType(enumType, out errorMessage))
                        ClientProxyGenerator.LogWarning(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_Property_Enum_Error, Type, propertyDescriptor.Name, enumType.FullName, errorMessage));

        /// <summary>
        /// Users the shared types service to determine whether the given property is shared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Derived classes can override this to insert extra behavior.</remarks>
        /// <param name="pd">The property descriptor that could be shared.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the property is shared.</returns>
        protected virtual bool IsPropertyShared(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            // If this property is visible to the client already because of partial types,
            // do not generate it again, or we will get a compile error
            CodeMemberShareKind shareKind = ClientProxyGenerator.GetPropertyShareKind(Type, pd.Name);

            return((shareKind & CodeMemberShareKind.Shared) != 0);
예제 #4
        public virtual TChannel CreateChannel(System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress address, Uri via)
                        #if FULL_AOT_RUNTIME
            throw new InvalidOperationException("MonoTouch does not support dynamic proxy code generation. Override this method or its caller to return specific client proxy instance");
            var existing = Endpoint.Address;
                Endpoint.Address = address;
                                #if DISABLE_REAL_PROXY
                Type type = ClientProxyGenerator.CreateProxyType(typeof(TChannel), Endpoint.Contract, false);
                // in .NET and SL2, it seems that the proxy is RealProxy.
                // But since there is no remoting in SL2 (and we have
                // no special magic), we have to use different approach
                // that should work either.
                var proxy = (IClientChannel)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object [] { Endpoint, this, address ?? Endpoint.Address, via });
                var proxy = (System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel) new ClientRealProxy(typeof(TChannel), new ClientRuntimeChannel(Endpoint, this, address ?? Endpoint.Address, via), false).GetTransparentProxy();
                proxy.Opened += delegate {
                proxy.Closing += delegate {
            catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    throw ex.InnerException;
                Endpoint.Address = existing;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a DPWSClientProxy source file from a wsdl service description.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceDesc">A valid wsdl service description.</param>
        public void GenerateClientProxy(ServiceDescription serviceDesc, TargetPlatform platform)
            // Well here's a nasty used in an attempt to make up a name
            string clientProxyClassName = serviceDesc.Name;
            string clientProxyNs        = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(serviceDesc.TargetNamespace);
            string filename             = serviceDesc.Name + "ClientProxy.cs";

            ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(clientProxyNs);

            string ns = serviceDesc.TargetNamespace.Trim();

            if (!ns.EndsWith("/"))
                ns += "/";

            foreach (PortType portType in serviceDesc.PortTypes)
                ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, platform);
                foreach (Operation operation in portType.Operations)
                    // Create action names
                    // Apply special naming rules if this is a notification (event) operation
                    string inAction  = ns + operation.Name + "Request";
                    string outAction = ns + operation.Name + ((operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification) ? "" : "Response");
                    clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                foreach (Message message in serviceDesc.Messages)

                if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

            ClientProxyGenerator clientProxyGen = new ClientProxyGenerator();

            clientProxyGen.GenerateCode(filename, clientProxies);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateSourceFiles - Parse Wsdl Schema and generate DataContract, DataContractSerializer types,
        /// HostedServices and Client Proxies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Currently only generates C# source files.</remarks>
        /// <param name="contractFilename">The name of a contract source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="hostedServiceFilename">The name of a hosted service source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="clientProxyFilename">The name of a client proxy source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPlatform">Specifies the target runtime platform.</param>
        public void CreateSourceFiles(string contractFilename, string hostedServiceFilename, string clientProxyFilename, TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
            m_platform = targetPlatform;

            Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal);
            Logger.WriteLine("Generating contract source: " + contractFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);

            if (contractFilename == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("codeFilename", "You must pass a valid code filename.");

            if (m_svcDesc.Types == null)
                throw new Exception("No wsdl types found.");

            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(contractFilename).Trim();

            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) 

            // Create code file stream
            FileStream dcStream = new FileStream(contractFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            StreamWriter dcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(dcStream);

            // Write the auto generated header


                // Set up data contract code generator
                CSharpCodeProvider cSharpCP = new CSharpCodeProvider();
                ICodeGenerator codeGen = cSharpCP.CreateGenerator(dcStreamWriter);
                CodeGeneratorOptions codeGenOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
                codeGenOptions.BracingStyle = "C";

                // Cobble up a valid .net namespace. Turn any progression that's not a-z or A-Z to a single '.'
                string targetNamespaceName = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace);

                // For some reason we have to force schemas to compile. Though it was suppose to automatically. Huh!
                foreach (XmlSchema schema in m_svcDesc.Types.Schemas)
                    XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();

                // Create new code namespace
                CodeNamespace targetNamespace = new CodeNamespace(targetNamespaceName);

                // Add data contract using directives
                CodeSnippetCompileUnit compileUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit("using System;");
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using System.Xml;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                if (m_platform == TargetPlatform.MicroFramework)
                    compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext;";
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                    compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext.Xml;";
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.ServiceModel;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Mtom;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Serialization;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlElement = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlNode;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlAttribute = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlAttribute;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlConvert = Ws.Services.Serialization.WsXmlConvert;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                m_dcCodeGen.CodeNamespaces = compileUnit.Namespaces;

                Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal);

                // Create HostedServices and ClientProxies collections
                HostedServices hostedServices = new HostedServices(targetNamespaceName);
                ClientProxies clientProxies = new ClientProxies(targetNamespaceName);

                // For each PortType process
                foreach (PortType portType in m_svcDesc.PortTypes)
                    // For each operation in the port type:
                    // Get input and output message parts.
                    // If the message part is a simple type:
                    //   Build HostedService operation.
                    // Else if the message part is an element:
                    //   Find elements in Schema
                    //   If element type is native xml type:
                    //     Build HostedService operation.
                    //   Else if element references a simple or complex type:
                    //     If simpleType is base xml type with restrictions:
                    //       Build HostedService operation.
                    //     Else
                    //       Build DataContract and DataContractSerializer.
                    //       Build HostedService Operation.

                    if (!CodeGenUtils.IsSoapBinding(portType, m_svcDesc))

                    // Create instance of a HostedService to hold the port type details
                    HostedService hostedService = new HostedService(portType.Name, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, m_platform);

                    // Create instance of ClientProxyGenerator
                    ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, m_platform);

                    // Create service contract interface
                    CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name);
                    CodeAttributeArgument codeAttr = new CodeAttributeArgument("Namespace", new CodePrimitiveExpression(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace));
                    CodeAttributeDeclaration codeAttrDecl = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ServiceContract", codeAttr);

                    // Check for Policy assertions. If found add policy assertion attributes. Policy assertion attributes
                    // are required to regenerate policy assertions when converting a service to Wsdl.
                    List<PolicyAssertion> policyAssertions = GetPolicyAssertions();
                    bool OptimizedMimeEncoded = false;
                    foreach (PolicyAssertion assert in policyAssertions)
                        serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(CreatePolicyAssertions(assert.Name, assert.Namespace.ToString(), assert.PolicyID));
                        // if Optimized Mime assertion id found set a processing flag
                        if (assert.Name == "OptimizedMimeSerialization")
                            OptimizedMimeEncoded = true;

                    // Add type declaration
                    serviceCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public;
                    serviceCodeType.IsInterface = true;

                    // Create service contract callback client interface
                    CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCallbackCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name + "Callback");

                    // Add type declaration
                    serviceCallbackCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public;
                    serviceCallbackCodeType.IsInterface = true;

                    // If the binding contains a ref to Mtom encoding type set the Mtom flag
                    if (OptimizedMimeEncoded)
                        m_dcCodeGen.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;
                        hostedService.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;
                        clientProxy.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;

                    // Step through port operations, get method names and parse elements.
                    for (int pt_index = 0; pt_index < portType.Operations.Count; ++pt_index)
                        Operation operation = portType.Operations[pt_index];
                        string operationName = operation.Name;

                        string inputMessageName = null;
                        string outputMessageName = null;
                        MessagePartCollection inputMessageParts = null;
                        MessagePartCollection outputMessageParts = null;
                        string inAction = null;
                        string outAction = null;
                        GetAction(portType, operation, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, ref inAction, ref outAction);

                        // Oneway request port type
                        if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.OneWay)
                            OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input;
                            inputMessageName = input.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);
                        // Twoway request/response pattern
                        else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.RequestResponse)
                            OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input;
                            inputMessageName = input.Message.Name;
                            OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output;
                            outputMessageName = output.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);
                        // Event pattern
                        else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification)
                            OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output;
                            outputMessageName = output.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                        // Find input and output message parts collection in messages collection
                        // and store for later.
                        foreach (Message message in m_svcDesc.Messages)
                            if (inputMessageName != null)
                                if (message.Name == inputMessageName)
                                    inputMessageParts = message.Parts;

                                    // Add operation for HostedService code generation

                                    // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later

                            if (outputMessageName != null)
                                if (message.Name == outputMessageName)
                                    outputMessageParts = message.Parts;

                                    // Add operation for HostedService code generation

                                    // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later

                            // Try to generate Data Contracts and DataContractSerializers
                            GenerateTypeContracts(operation, inputMessageParts, outputMessageParts);

                            // If operation flow is notification (event) add OperationContract to ServiceContractCallback
                            // else add OperationContract to ServiceContract
                            if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification)
                                AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, outAction, serviceCallbackCodeType);
                                AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, inAction, serviceCodeType);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal);

                    // Add serviceCodeType Service Contract interface to namespace
                    // A serviceCodeType is added even if the wsdl only contains notifications. In that case
                    // the contract will be empty but the ServiceContract attribute and CallbackContract argument
                    // will be used to point to the notification or callback contract interace

                    // If service contract callback type contains members add callback contract to namespace
                    // and add CallbackContract reference attribute to serviceCodeType contract.
                    if (serviceCallbackCodeType.Members.Count > 0)
                        // Add the callback argument to the service description attribute
                        CodeAttributeArgument callbackArg = new CodeAttributeArgument("CallbackContract",
                            new CodeTypeOfExpression(serviceCallbackCodeType.Name)

                        // Add the callback interface to namespace

                    // If the hosted service has opeations add to Hosted Services collection for Code Gen
                    if (hostedService.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

                    // If the client Proxy service has opeations add to client proxy collection for Code Gen
                    if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

                // MOD: 12-02-08 Added code to handle multiple type namespaces
                // Generate contract source file
                foreach (CodeNamespace codeNamespace in compileUnit.Namespaces)
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);

                // Generate Hosted Service code
                Logger.WriteLine("Generating Hosted Service source: " + hostedServiceFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);
                HostedServiceGenerator hsGen = new HostedServiceGenerator();
                hsGen.GenerateCode(hostedServiceFilename, hostedServices);

                // Generate Client proxy code
                Logger.WriteLine("Generating Client Proxy source: " + clientProxyFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);
                ClientProxyGenerator cpGen = new ClientProxyGenerator();
                cpGen.GenerateCode(clientProxyFilename, clientProxies);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal);
                throw new Exception("Failed to generate service code. ", e);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateSourceFiles - Parse Wsdl Schema and generate DataContract, DataContractSerializer types,
        /// HostedServices and Client Proxies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Currently only generates C# source files.</remarks>
        /// <param name="contractFilename">The name of a contract source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="hostedServiceFilename">The name of a hosted service source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="clientProxyFilename">The name of a client proxy source code (.cs) file.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPlatform">Specifies the target runtime platform.</param>
        public void CreateSourceFiles(string contractFilename, string hostedServiceFilename, string clientProxyFilename, TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
            m_platform = targetPlatform;

            Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal);
            Logger.WriteLine("Generating contract source: " + contractFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);

            if (contractFilename == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("codeFilename", "You must pass a valid code filename.");

            if (m_svcDesc.Types == null)
                throw new Exception("No wsdl types found.");

            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(contractFilename).Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Directory.Exists(path))

            // Create code file stream
            FileStream   dcStream       = new FileStream(contractFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            StreamWriter dcStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(dcStream);

            // Write the auto generated header

                // Set up data contract code generator
                CSharpCodeProvider   cSharpCP       = new CSharpCodeProvider();
                ICodeGenerator       codeGen        = cSharpCP.CreateGenerator(dcStreamWriter);
                CodeGeneratorOptions codeGenOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
                codeGenOptions.BracingStyle = "C";

                // Cobble up a valid .net namespace. Turn any progression that's not a-z or A-Z to a single '.'
                string targetNamespaceName = CodeGenUtils.GenerateDotNetNamespace(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace);

                // For some reason we have to force schemas to compile. Though it was suppose to automatically. Huh!
                foreach (XmlSchema schema in m_svcDesc.Types.Schemas)
                    XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();

                // Create new code namespace
                CodeNamespace targetNamespace = new CodeNamespace(targetNamespaceName);

                // Add data contract using directives
                CodeSnippetCompileUnit compileUnit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit("using System;");
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using System.Xml;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                if (m_platform == TargetPlatform.MicroFramework)
                    compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext;";
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                    compileUnit.Value = "using System.Ext.Xml;";
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.ServiceModel;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Mtom;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using Ws.Services.Serialization;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlElement = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlNode;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlAttribute = Ws.Services.Xml.WsXmlAttribute;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "using XmlConvert = Ws.Services.Serialization.WsXmlConvert;";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                compileUnit.Value = "";
                codeGen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);
                m_dcCodeGen.CodeNamespaces = compileUnit.Namespaces;

                Logger.WriteLine("", LogLevel.Normal);

                // Create HostedServices and ClientProxies collections
                HostedServices hostedServices = new HostedServices(targetNamespaceName);
                ClientProxies  clientProxies  = new ClientProxies(targetNamespaceName);

                // For each PortType process
                foreach (PortType portType in m_svcDesc.PortTypes)
                    // For each operation in the port type:
                    // Get input and output message parts.
                    // If the message part is a simple type:
                    //   Build HostedService operation.
                    // Else if the message part is an element:
                    //   Find elements in Schema
                    //   If element type is native xml type:
                    //     Build HostedService operation.
                    //   Else if element references a simple or complex type:
                    //     If simpleType is base xml type with restrictions:
                    //       Build HostedService operation.
                    //     Else
                    //       Build DataContract and DataContractSerializer.
                    //       Build HostedService Operation.

                    // Create instance of a HostedService to hold the port type details
                    HostedService hostedService = new HostedService(portType.Name, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, m_platform);

                    // Create instance of ClientProxyGenerator
                    ClientProxy clientProxy = new ClientProxy(portType.Name, m_platform);

                    // Create service contract interface
                    CodeTypeDeclaration      serviceCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name);
                    CodeAttributeArgument    codeAttr        = new CodeAttributeArgument("Namespace", new CodePrimitiveExpression(m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace));
                    CodeAttributeDeclaration codeAttrDecl    = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ServiceContract", codeAttr);

                    // Check for Policy assertions. If found add policy assertion attributes. Policy assertion attributes
                    // are required to regenerate policy assertions when converting a service to Wsdl.
                    List <PolicyAssertion> policyAssertions = GetPolicyAssertions();
                    bool OptimizedMimeEncoded = false;
                    foreach (PolicyAssertion assert in policyAssertions)
                        serviceCodeType.CustomAttributes.Add(CreatePolicyAssertions(assert.Name, assert.Namespace.ToString(), assert.PolicyID));

                        // if Optimized Mime assertion id found set a processing flag
                        if (assert.Name == "OptimizedMimeSerialization")
                            OptimizedMimeEncoded = true;

                    // Add type declaration
                    serviceCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public;
                    serviceCodeType.IsInterface    = true;

                    // Create service contract callback client interface
                    CodeTypeDeclaration serviceCallbackCodeType = new CodeTypeDeclaration("I" + portType.Name + "Callback");

                    // Add type declaration
                    serviceCallbackCodeType.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public;
                    serviceCallbackCodeType.IsInterface    = true;

                    // If the binding contains a ref to Mtom encoding type set the Mtom flag
                    if (OptimizedMimeEncoded)
                        m_dcCodeGen.EncodingType   = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;
                        hostedService.EncodingType = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;
                        clientProxy.EncodingType   = MessageEncodingType.Mtom;

                    // Step through port operations, get method names and parse elements.
                    for (int pt_index = 0; pt_index < portType.Operations.Count; ++pt_index)
                        Operation operation     = portType.Operations[pt_index];
                        string    operationName = operation.Name;

                        string inputMessageName  = null;
                        string outputMessageName = null;
                        MessagePartCollection inputMessageParts  = null;
                        MessagePartCollection outputMessageParts = null;
                        string inAction  = null;
                        string outAction = null;
                        GetAction(portType, operation, m_svcDesc.TargetNamespace, ref inAction, ref outAction);

                        // Oneway request port type
                        if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.OneWay)
                            OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input;
                            inputMessageName = input.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);
                        // Twoway request/response pattern
                        else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.RequestResponse)
                            OperationInput input = operation.Messages.Input;
                            inputMessageName = input.Message.Name;
                            OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output;
                            outputMessageName = output.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);
                        // Event pattern
                        else if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification)
                            OperationOutput output = operation.Messages.Output;
                            outputMessageName = output.Message.Name;

                            // Add operation for HostedService code generation
                            hostedService.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                            // Add method for ClientProxy code generation
                            clientProxy.AddOperation(operation, inAction, outAction);

                        // Find input and output message parts collection in messages collection
                        // and store for later.
                        foreach (Message message in m_svcDesc.Messages)
                            if (inputMessageName != null)
                                if (message.Name == inputMessageName)
                                    inputMessageParts = message.Parts;

                                    // Add operation for HostedService code generation

                                    // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later

                            if (outputMessageName != null)
                                if (message.Name == outputMessageName)
                                    outputMessageParts = message.Parts;

                                    // Add operation for HostedService code generation

                                    // Add Message to ClientProxy generator for later

                            // Try to generate Data Contracts and DataContractSerializers
                            GenerateTypeContracts(operation, inputMessageParts, outputMessageParts);

                            // If operation flow is notification (event) add OperationContract to ServiceContractCallback
                            // else add OperationContract to ServiceContract
                            if (operation.Messages.Flow == OperationFlow.Notification)
                                AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, outAction, serviceCallbackCodeType);
                                AddServiceOperationToInterface(operation, inAction, serviceCodeType);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal);

                    // Add serviceCodeType Service Contract interface to namespace
                    // A serviceCodeType is added even if the wsdl only contains notifications. In that case
                    // the contract will be empty but the ServiceContract attribute and CallbackContract argument
                    // will be used to point to the notification or callback contract interace

                    // If service contract callback type contains members add callback contract to namespace
                    // and add CallbackContract reference attribute to serviceCodeType contract.
                    if (serviceCallbackCodeType.Members.Count > 0)
                        // Add the callback argument to the service description attribute
                        CodeAttributeArgument callbackArg = new CodeAttributeArgument("CallbackContract",
                                                                                      new CodeTypeOfExpression(serviceCallbackCodeType.Name)

                        // Add the callback interface to namespace

                    // If the hosted service has opeations add to Hosted Services collection for Code Gen
                    if (hostedService.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

                    // If the client Proxy service has opeations add to client proxy collection for Code Gen
                    if (clientProxy.ServiceOperations.Count > 0)

                // MOD: 12-02-08 Added code to handle multiple type namespaces
                // Generate contract source file
                foreach (CodeNamespace codeNamespace in compileUnit.Namespaces)
                    codeGen.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, dcStreamWriter, codeGenOptions);

                // Generate Hosted Service code
                Logger.WriteLine("Generating Hosted Service source: " + hostedServiceFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);
                HostedServiceGenerator hsGen = new HostedServiceGenerator();
                hsGen.GenerateCode(hostedServiceFilename, hostedServices);

                // Generate Client proxy code
                Logger.WriteLine("Generating Client Proxy source: " + clientProxyFilename + "...", LogLevel.Normal);
                ClientProxyGenerator cpGen = new ClientProxyGenerator();
                cpGen.GenerateCode(clientProxyFilename, clientProxies);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.WriteLine("Failed to generate service code. " + e.Message, LogLevel.Normal);
                throw new Exception("Failed to generate service code. ", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the client proxy code for the given type.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Generate()
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // namespace
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            var ns = ClientProxyGenerator.GetOrGenNamespace(Type);

            // Missing namespace bails out of code-gen -- error has been logged
            if (ns == null)

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // public partial class {Type} : (Base)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            ProxyClass                = CodeGenUtilities.CreateTypeDeclaration(Type);
            ProxyClass.IsPartial      = true; // makes this a partial type
            ProxyClass.TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public;

            // Abstract classes must be preserved as abstract to avoid explicit instantiation on client
            bool isAbstract = (Type.IsAbstract);

            if (isAbstract)
                ProxyClass.TypeAttributes |= TypeAttributes.Abstract;

            // Determine all types derived from this one.
            // Note this list does not assume the current type is the visible root.  That is a separate test.
            IEnumerable <Type> derivedTypes = GetDerivedTypes();

            // If this type doesn't have any derivatives, seal it.  Cannot seal abstracts.
            if (!isAbstract && !derivedTypes.Any())
                ProxyClass.TypeAttributes |= TypeAttributes.Sealed;

            // Add all base types including interfaces

            AttributeCollection typeAttributes = Type.Attributes();

            // Add <summary> xml comment to class
            string comment = GetSummaryComment();

            ProxyClass.Comments.AddRange(CodeGenUtilities.GenerateSummaryCodeComment(comment, ClientProxyGenerator.IsCSharp));

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Add default ctr
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            CodeConstructor constructor = new CodeConstructor();

            // Default ctor is public for concrete types but protected for abstracts.
            // This prevents direct instantiation on client
            constructor.Attributes = isAbstract ? MemberAttributes.Family : MemberAttributes.Public;

            // add default ctor doc comments
            comment = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.CodeGen_Default_Constructor_Summary_Comments, Type.Name);
            constructor.Comments.AddRange(CodeGenUtilities.GenerateSummaryCodeComment(comment, ClientProxyGenerator.IsCSharp));

            // add call to default OnCreated method

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // [KnownType(...), ...]
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            // We need to generate a [KnownType] for all derived entities on the visible root.
            if (!IsDerivedType)
                // Generate a [KnownType] for every derived type.
                // We specifically exclude [KnownTypes] from the set of attributes we ask
                // the metadata pipeline to generate below, meaning we take total control
                // here for which [KnownType] attributes get through the metadata pipeline.
                // Note, we sort in alphabetic order to give predictability in baselines and
                // client readability.  For cosmetic reasons, we sort by short or long name
                // depending on what our utility helpers will actually generated
                foreach (Type derivedType in derivedTypes.OrderBy(t => ClientProxyGenerator.ClientProxyCodeGenerationOptions.UseFullTypeNames ? t.FullName : t.Name))
                    CodeAttributeDeclaration knownTypeAttrib = CodeGenUtilities.CreateAttributeDeclaration(typeof(System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute), ClientProxyGenerator, ProxyClass);
                    knownTypeAttrib.Arguments.Add(new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodeTypeOfExpression(CodeGenUtilities.GetTypeReference(derivedType, ClientProxyGenerator, ProxyClass))));


            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // [DataContract(Namespace=X, Name=Y)]
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            CodeAttributeDeclaration dataContractAttrib = CodeGenUtilities.CreateDataContractAttributeDeclaration(Type, ClientProxyGenerator, ProxyClass);


            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Propagate all type-level Attributes across (except DataContractAttribute since that is handled above)
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
                ex => string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_Attribute_ThrewException_CodeType, ex.Message, ProxyClass.Name, ex.InnerException.Message),

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // gen proxy getter/setter for each property
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // gen additional methods/events
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            // Register created CodeTypeDeclaration with mapping
            _typeMapping[Type] = ProxyClass;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates all of the properties for the type.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateProperties()
            IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Type)
                                                          .Cast <PropertyDescriptor>()
                                                          .OrderBy(p => p.Name);

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in properties)
                if (!ShouldDeclareProperty(pd))

                // Generate a property getter/setter pair for every property whose type
                // we support. Non supported property types will be skipped.
                if (CanGenerateProperty(pd))
                    // Ensure the property is not virtual, abstract or new
                    // If there is a violation, we log the error and keep
                    // running to accumulate all such errors.  This function
                    // may return an "okay" for non-error case polymorphics.
                    if (!CanGeneratePropertyIfPolymorphic(pd))

                    if (!GenerateNonSerializableProperty(pd))
                        Type        propType             = CodeGenUtilities.TranslateType(pd.PropertyType);
                        List <Type> typesToCodeGen       = new List <Type>();
                        bool        isTypeSafeToGenerate = true;

                        // Create a list containing the types we will require on the client
                        if (TypeUtility.IsPredefinedDictionaryType(propType))

                        // We consider all predefined types as legal to code-gen *except* those
                        // that would generate a compile error on the client due to missing reference.
                        // We treat "don't know" and "false" as grounds for a warning.
                        // Note that we do this *after* TranslateType so that types like System.Data.Linq.Binary
                        // which cannot exist on the client anyway has been translated
                        foreach (Type type in typesToCodeGen)
                            // Enum (and nullable<enum>) types may require generation on client
                            Type nonNullableType = TypeUtility.GetNonNullableType(type);

                            if (nonNullableType.IsEnum)
                                // Register use of this enum type, which could cause deferred generation
                            // If this is not an enum or nullable<enum> and we're not generating the complex type, determine whether this
                            // property type is visible to the client.  If it is not, log a warning.
                                // "Don't know" counts as "no"
                                CodeMemberShareKind enumShareKind = this.ClientProxyGenerator.GetTypeShareKind(nonNullableType);
                                if ((enumShareKind & CodeMemberShareKind.Shared) == 0)
                                    this.ClientProxyGenerator.LogWarning(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resource.ClientCodeGen_PropertyType_Not_Shared, pd.Name, this.Type.FullName, type.FullName, this.ClientProxyGenerator.ClientProjectName));
                                    isTypeSafeToGenerate = false; // Flag error but continue to allow accumulation of additional errors.

                        if (isTypeSafeToGenerate)
                            // Generate OnMethodXxxChanging/Changed partial methods.

                            // Note: the parameter type reference needs to handle the possibility the
                            // property type is defined in the project's root namespace and that VB prepends
                            // that namespace.  The utility helper gives us the right type reference.
                            CodeTypeReference parameterTypeRef =
                                CodeGenUtilities.GetTypeReference(propType, ClientProxyGenerator, ProxyClass);

                            NotificationMethodGen.AddMethodFor(pd.Name + "Changing", new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(parameterTypeRef, "value"), null);
                            NotificationMethodGen.AddMethodFor(pd.Name + "Changed", null);
