public void Execute() { if (!connection[0].IsCreated) { if (done[0] != 1) { Debug.Log("Something went wrong during connect"); } return; } DataStreamReader stream; NetworkEvent.Type cmd; while ((cmd = connection[0].PopEvent(driver, out stream)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty) { switch (cmd) { case NetworkEvent.Type.Connect: Debug.Log("CLIENT: Our client is now connected to the server"); ServerConnection.init(driver, connection[0]); // Sending a hello... ClientMessageHello hello = new ClientMessageHello(); ServerConnection.Send(hello); break; case NetworkEvent.Type.Data: Debug.Log("CLIENT: Got Back data from the server."); try { IncomingServerMessageParser.ParseIncomingMessage(driver, connection[0], stream); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { Debug.Log("CLIENT: IndexOutOfRange, bad server data?? disconnecting."); connection[0] = default(NetworkConnection); } break; case NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect: Debug.Log("CLIENT: Our client was disconnected..."); //connection[0] = default(NetworkConnection); // connection[0] = driver.Connect(endpoint); break; } } }
public static void ParseIncomingMessage(NetworkConnection connection, DataStreamReader stream, EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent commandBuffer, int connectionIndex, UdpCNetworkDriver.Concurrent driver) { var readerCtx = default(DataStreamReader.Context); uint messageID = stream.ReadUInt(ref readerCtx); if (messageID == { ClientMessageHello hello = new ClientMessageHello(); hello.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } else if (messageID == { ClientMessageGoodbye msg = new ClientMessageGoodbye(); msg.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } else if (messageID == { ClientMessageFire msg = new ClientMessageFire(); msg.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } else if (messageID == { ClientMessageShield msg = new ClientMessageShield(); msg.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } else if (messageID == { ClientMessageMoveJoy msg = new ClientMessageMoveJoy(); msg.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } else if (messageID == { ClientMessagePing msg = new ClientMessagePing(); msg.Recieve(connection, stream, commandBuffer, connectionIndex, driver); } }