// send message button fucntionality private void SendMessageButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { SendButton.IsEnabled = false; ClientFileManager fileManager = new ClientFileManager(); //////// Implementing code for sending DLL's to repository before sending the test request. fileManager.client_Manager("client1"); // creating messages to send to Test Harness Server Messages msg = makeMessage("nik", endPoint, endPoint); string TestHarnessEndPoint = Comm <MainWindow> .makeEndPoint("http://localhost", 8080); msg.toUrl = TestHarnessEndPoint; msg.command = "TestRequest"; msg.message_content = ClientMessages.makeTestRequestClient1(); listBox1.Items.Insert(0, msg); if (listBox1.Items.Count > MaxMsgCount) { listBox1.Items.RemoveAt(listBox1.Items.Count - 1); } comm.sndr.PostMessage(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { Window temp = new Window(); temp.Content = ex.Message; temp.Height = 100; temp.Width = 500; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Write("\n CLIENT"); Console.Write("\n =====================\n"); Client client = new Client(); // by calling its constructor, the client starts listening on port 8081 // And a reciever thread gets ready retrieving messages from Receiver Blocking Queue client.initialize(); ClientFileManager fileManager = new ClientFileManager(); //////// Implementing code for sending DLL's to repository before sending the test request. // before sending test request to Test Harness, client_Manager will upload files to Repository fileManager.client_Manager("client"); // creating messages to send to Test Harness Server Messages msg = client.makeMessage("Pranjul", client.endPoint, client.endPoint); string TestHarnessEndPoint = Comm <Client> .makeEndPoint("http://localhost", 8080); msg.toUrl = TestHarnessEndPoint; msg.command = "TestRequest"; msg.message_content = ClientMessages.makeTestRequest(); " [[ Displaying Requirement 2 and 6 (Test Request) ---->>> XML Body sent as a Request specifies, DLL's to execute ]]".title('='); msg.show(); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); client.comm.sndr.PostMessage(msg); (" [[ Displaying Requirement 9--> requesting files from repository]]").title('='); Messages msgToRepo = client.makeMessage("Client-Logs_Repository", client.endPoint, client.endPoint); string RepositoryEndPoint = Comm <Client> .makeEndPoint("http://localhost", 8082); msgToRepo.toUrl = RepositoryEndPoint; msgToRepo.command = "SendAllLogs"; msgToRepo.show(); client.comm.sndr.PostMessage(msgToRepo); client.receiveFiles(); Console.ReadKey(); client.wait(); Console.Write("\n\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught {0}", ex.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.Write("\n CLIENT2"); Console.Write("\n =====================\n"); Client2 client2 = new Client2(); ClientFileManager fileManager = new ClientFileManager(); //////// Implementing code for sending DLL's to repository before sending the test request. fileManager.client_Manager("client2"); // creating messages to send to Test Harness Server Messages msg = client2.makeMessage("Ashu", client2.endPoint, client2.endPoint); string TestHarnessEndPoint = Comm <Client2> .makeEndPoint("http://localhost", 8080); msg.toUrl = TestHarnessEndPoint; msg.command = "TestRequest"; msg.message_content = ClientMessages.makeTestRequestClient2(); " [[ Displaying Requirement 2 and 6 (Test Request)---->>> XML Body sent as a part of Request and specifies DLL's to execute ]]".title('='); msg.show(); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); client2.comm.sndr.PostMessage(msg); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Write("\n press key to exit: "); Console.ReadKey(); client2.wait(); Console.Write("\n\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught {0}", ex.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); }