public ActionResult Add(ClientDto client)
     ClientTask.Create(new CreateClientCommand(
         RedirectUrl = client.RedirectUrl,
         ClientState = client.ClientState,
         Desc = client.Desc,
         Img = client.Img
     return Redirect(Url.Action("List"));
        public ActionResult Update(ClientDto viewModel)
            var client = ClientQueryService.Get(viewModel.Id);
            if (client == null)
                return List(viewModel.Id);

            ClientTask.Update(new UpdateClientCommand(viewModel.Id)
                RedirectUrl = viewModel.RedirectUrl,
                ClientIdentifier = viewModel.ClientIdentifier,
                ClientSecret = viewModel.ClientSecret,
                Paw = viewModel.Paw,
                UserName = viewModel.UserName,
                Name = viewModel.Name,
                ClientState = viewModel.ClientState,
                Desc = viewModel.Desc,
                Img = viewModel.Img
            return Redirect(Url.Action("List", new { @id = client.Id }));
예제 #3
        public async Task <ResultModel> GetById(int id)
            var client = await _userDatabaseContext.Clients.Where(x => x.Id == id)
                         .Include(x => x.ClientSecrets)
                         .Include(x => x.AllowedGrantTypes)
                         .Include(x => x.RedirectUris)
                         .Include(x => x.PostLogoutRedirectUris)
                         .Include(x => x.AllowedScopes)
                         .Include(x => x.IdentityProviderRestrictions)
                         .Include(x => x.Claims)
                         .Include(x => x.AllowedCorsOrigins)
                         .Include(x => x.Properties)

            if (client == null)
                return(new ResultModel(ResultCode.Fail, "没有对应客户端"));

            List <ClientSecretDto> clientSecretDtos = new List <ClientSecretDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.ClientSecrets)
                clientSecretDtos.Add(new ClientSecretDto
                    Created     = item.Created,
                    Description = item.Description,
                    Expiration  = item.Expiration,
                    Type        = item.Type,
                    Value       = item.Value,
                    Id          = item.Id,
                    ClientId    = item.ClientId

            List <ClientGrantTypeDto> clientGrantTypeDtos = new List <ClientGrantTypeDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.AllowedGrantTypes)
                clientGrantTypeDtos.Add(new ClientGrantTypeDto
                    GrantType = item.GrantType,
                    Id        = item.Id,
                    ClientId  = item.ClientId

            List <ClientRedirectUriDto> clientRedirectUriDtos = new List <ClientRedirectUriDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.RedirectUris)
                clientRedirectUriDtos.Add(new ClientRedirectUriDto
                    RedirectUri = item.RedirectUri,
                    Id          = item.Id,
                    ClientId    = item.ClientId

            List <ClientPostLogoutRedirectUriDto> clientPostLogoutRedirectUriDtos = new List <ClientPostLogoutRedirectUriDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.PostLogoutRedirectUris)
                clientPostLogoutRedirectUriDtos.Add(new ClientPostLogoutRedirectUriDto
                    PostLogoutRedirectUri = item.PostLogoutRedirectUri,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            List <ClientScopeDto> clientScopeDtos = new List <ClientScopeDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.AllowedScopes)
                clientScopeDtos.Add(new ClientScopeDto
                    Scope    = item.Scope,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            List <ClientIdPRestrictionDto> clientIdPRestrictionDtos = new List <ClientIdPRestrictionDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.IdentityProviderRestrictions)
                clientIdPRestrictionDtos.Add(new ClientIdPRestrictionDto
                    Provider = item.Provider,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            List <ClientClaimDto> clientClaimDtos = new List <ClientClaimDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.Claims)
                clientClaimDtos.Add(new ClientClaimDto
                    Type     = item.Type,
                    Value    = item.Value,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            List <ClientCorsOriginDto> clientCorsOriginDtos = new List <ClientCorsOriginDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.AllowedCorsOrigins)
                clientCorsOriginDtos.Add(new ClientCorsOriginDto
                    Origin   = item.Origin,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            List <ClientPropertyDto> clientPropertyDtos = new List <ClientPropertyDto>();

            foreach (var item in client.Properties)
                clientPropertyDtos.Add(new ClientPropertyDto
                    Key      = item.Key,
                    Value    = item.Value,
                    Id       = item.Id,
                    ClientId = item.ClientId

            var clientDto = new ClientDto
                Id                                    = client.Id,
                Enabled                               = client.Enabled,
                ClientId                              = client.ClientId,
                ProtocolType                          = client.ProtocolType,
                RequireClientSecret                   = client.RequireClientSecret,
                ClientName                            = client.ClientName,
                Description                           = client.Description,
                ClientUri                             = client.ClientUri,
                LogoUri                               = client.LogoUri,
                RequireConsent                        = client.RequireConsent,
                AllowRememberConsent                  = client.AllowRememberConsent,
                AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken      = client.AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken,
                AllowPlainTextPkce                    = client.AllowPlainTextPkce,
                RequireRequestObject                  = client.RequireRequestObject,
                AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser           = client.AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser,
                FrontChannelLogoutUri                 = client.FrontChannelLogoutUri,
                FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired     = client.FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired,
                BackChannelLogoutUri                  = client.BackChannelLogoutUri,
                BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired      = client.BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired,
                AllowOfflineAccess                    = client.AllowOfflineAccess,
                IdentityTokenLifetime                 = client.IdentityTokenLifetime,
                AllowedIdentityTokenSigningAlgorithms = client.AllowedIdentityTokenSigningAlgorithms,
                AccessTokenLifetime                   = client.AccessTokenLifetime,
                AuthorizationCodeLifetime             = client.AuthorizationCodeLifetime,
                AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime          = client.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime,
                SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime           = client.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime,
                RefreshTokenUsage                     = client.RefreshTokenUsage,
                UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh      = client.UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh,
                RefreshTokenExpiration                = client.RefreshTokenExpiration,
                AccessTokenType                       = 0,
                EnableLocalLogin                      = client.EnableLocalLogin,
                IncludeJwtId                          = client.IncludeJwtId,
                AlwaysSendClientClaims                = client.AlwaysSendClientClaims,
                ClientClaimsPrefix                    = client.ClientClaimsPrefix,
                PairWiseSubjectSalt                   = client.PairWiseSubjectSalt,
                Created                               = client.Created,
                Updated                               = client.Updated,
                LastAccessed                          = client.LastAccessed,
                RequirePkce                           = client.RequirePkce,
                UserSsoLifetime                       = client.UserSsoLifetime,
                UserCodeType                          = client.UserCodeType,
                DeviceCodeLifetime                    = client.DeviceCodeLifetime,
                NonEditable                           = client.NonEditable,
                ClientSecrets                         = clientSecretDtos,
                AllowedGrantTypes                     = clientGrantTypeDtos,
                RedirectUris                          = clientRedirectUriDtos,
                PostLogoutRedirectUris                = clientPostLogoutRedirectUriDtos,
                AllowedScopes                         = clientScopeDtos,
                IdentityProviderRestrictions          = clientIdPRestrictionDtos,
                AllowedCorsOrigins                    = clientCorsOriginDtos,
                Properties                            = clientPropertyDtos,
                Claims                                = clientClaimDtos

            return(new ResultModel(ResultCode.Success, clientDto));
        /// <summary>
        /// 检查回调URL是否正确
        /// </summary>
        private string GetRedirectUri(string callbackUrl, ClientDto client)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callbackUrl))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.RedirectUrl))
                    return string.Empty;
                return client.RedirectUrl;

                // 校验callbackUrl 和 client.RedirectUrl 的域名是否一致.
                if (callbackUrl.GetDomain().Trim() != client.RedirectUrl.GetDomain().Trim())
                    return string.Empty;
                return callbackUrl;
 public ClientUpdatedEvent(ClientDto originalClient, ClientDto client)
     OriginalClient = originalClient;
     Client         = client;
예제 #6
        public virtual Task <bool> CanInsertClientAsync(ClientDto client, bool isCloned = false)
            var clientEntity = client.ToEntity();

            return(ClientRepository.CanInsertClientAsync(clientEntity, isCloned));
 public ClientDetailedDto(ClientDto client, AddressDto address)
     Client  = client;
     Address = address;
 /// <summary>
 /// InvoiceXpress <a href="">Clients Update</a> Method
 /// </summary>
 public static void Update(string apiKey, string accountName, int clientId, ClientDto inputData)
     Rest_Update(apiKey, accountName, clientId, inputData.XmlSerializeToString());
예제 #9
 public async Task NewClient(ClientDto client)
     await Clients.All.NewClient(client);
        public void Add(ClientDto clientDto)
            var client = clientMapper.MapperDtoToEntity(clientDto);

예제 #11
 public ClientRequestedEvent(ClientDto clientDto)
     ClientDto = clientDto;
        public void fillExcelTableByType(IEnumerable <object> grid, string status, FileInfo xlsxFile)
            if (grid != null)
                //ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial;
                ExcelPackage pck   = new ExcelPackage(xlsxFile);
                var          excel = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(status);
                int          x     = 1;
                int          y     = 1;

                CultureInfo cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name);
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture             = cultureInfo;
                cultureInfo.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
                excel.Cells["A1: Z1"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                excel.Cells.Style.HorizontalAlignment           = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                excel.Cells.Style.Numberformat.Format           = "General";

                Object dtObj = new Object();
                switch (status)
                case "Client":
                    dtObj = new ClientDto();

                case "Room":
                    dtObj = new RoomDto();

                foreach (var prop in dtObj.GetType().GetProperties())
                    excel.Cells[y, x].Value = prop.Name.Trim();
                // Генерация строк-записей таблицы.
                foreach (var item in grid)
                    // Объект-контейнер для текущего читаемого элемента.
                    Object itemObj = item;
                    x = 1;
                    foreach (var prop in itemObj.GetType().GetProperties())
                        object t = prop.GetValue(itemObj, null);
                        object val;
                        if (t == null)
                            val = " ";
                            val = t.ToString();

                        excel.Cells[y, x].Value = val;
                // Устанавливаем размер колонок по ширине содержимого.
                // Сохраняем файл.
                MessageBox.Show("Данные не загружены");
예제 #13
 public ClientDto Insert(ClientDto client)
예제 #14
 public ClientDto Update(int clientId, ClientDto client)
     client.ClientId = clientId;
예제 #15
        public ClientDto AddClient(ClientDto client)
            ClientDto clientDtos = _clientRepo.AddClient(client);

예제 #16
        public ClientDto DeleteClient(ClientDto client)
            ClientDto clientDtos = _clientRepo.DeleteClient(client);

        public void Remove(ClientDto clientDto)
            var client = clientMapper.MapperDtoToEntity(clientDto);

            /// <summary>
            /// InvoiceXpress <a href="">Clients Create</a> Method
            /// </summary>
            public static ClientDto Create(string apiKey, string accountName, ClientDto inputData)
                HttpResponseInfo result = Rest_Create(apiKey, accountName, inputData.XmlSerializeToString());

                return(result.Text.DeserializeXml <ClientDto>());
        public void Update(ClientDto clientDto)
            var client = clientMapper.MapperDtoToEntity(clientDto);

예제 #20
 public AccountEntered(ClientDto client)
     Client = client;
예제 #21
        public void CreateDocuments(Guid applicationId)
            var appl = _context.Applications
                       .Include(c => c.Steps)
                       .Include(c => c.Documents)
                       .Include(c => c.User)
                       .First(c => c.Id == applicationId);

            // get the advisor advise
            var advise = _context.AdvisorAdvise
                         .First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            // get the advisor
            var advisor = _context.Users
                          .Include(c => c.BrokerDetails)
                          .First(c => c.Id == advise.AdvisorId);

            // If we did a digital KYC, get it
            var kycExist         = _context.KycMetaData.Any(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);
            KycMetaDataModel kyc = null;

            if (kycExist)
                kyc = _context.KycMetaData.First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            // get record of advise
            var roa = _context.RecordOfAdvise
                      .Include(c => c.SelectedProducts)
                      .First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            // get the bank validation data
            var bankValidation = _context.BankVerifications
                                 .First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            // get schedule step
            var scheduleStep = _context.ApplicationSteps
                               .First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId &&
                                      c.StepType == ApplicationStepTypesEnum.PrimarySchedule);

            // get scheduele details
            AddressDto address = null;
            ClientDto  client  = null;

            if (scheduleStep.ScheduleType == "Individual")
                var schedule = _context.PrimaryIndividuals
                               .Where(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId)
                               .Include(c => c.ContactDetails)
                               .Include(c => c.ClientDetails)
                               .ThenInclude(c => c.IdentityDetails)
                               .Include(c => c.TaxResidency)
                               .ThenInclude(c => c.TaxResidencyItems)

                address = new AddressDto()
                    UnitNumber   = schedule.ContactDetails.UnitNumber,
                    Complex      = schedule.ContactDetails.Complex,
                    StreetNumber = schedule.ContactDetails.StreetNumber,
                    StreetName   = schedule.ContactDetails.StreetName,
                    City         = schedule.ContactDetails.City,
                    Country      = schedule.ContactDetails.Country,
                    Suburb       = schedule.ContactDetails.Suburb,
                    PostalCode   = schedule.ContactDetails.PostalCode,
                client = new ClientDto()
                    DateOfBirth  = schedule.ClientDetails.DateOfBirth,
                    TaxNumber    = schedule.TaxResidency.TaxNumber,
                    WorkNumber   = schedule.ContactDetails.WorkNumber,
                    MobileNumber = schedule.ContactDetails.MobileNumber,
                    Email        = schedule.ContactDetails.Email

            var risk = _context.RiskProfiles.First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            var fdpMandate = _context.FspMandatates.First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            var divTax = _context.Dividends.First(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            var documentList = new List <ApplicationDocumentsModel>();

            // intro letter
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateIntroLetter(advisor, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, kyc.IdNumber) :
                             CreateIntroLetter(advisor, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, appl.User.IdNumber));

            // FNA
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateFinancialNeedsAnalysis(roa, address.City, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, kyc.IdNumber, advisor) :
                             CreateFinancialNeedsAnalysis(roa, address.City, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, appl.User.IdNumber, advisor));

            // Bank Validation
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateBankValidationReport(bankValidation, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName) :
                             CreateBankValidationReport(bankValidation, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName));

            // Primary Schedule
            ApplicationDocumentsModel schedulePrimary = null;

            if (scheduleStep.ScheduleType == "Individual")
                var schedule = _context.PrimaryIndividuals
                               .Where(c => c.ApplicationId == applicationId)
                               .Include(c => c.ContactDetails)
                               .Include(c => c.ClientDetails)
                               .ThenInclude(c => c.IdentityDetails)
                               .Include(c => c.TaxResidency)
                               .ThenInclude(c => c.TaxResidencyItems)
                               .Include(c => c.PurposeAndFunding)

                schedulePrimary = CreatePrimaryIndividualSchedule(schedule, bankValidation);

            // Risk Profile
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateRiskProfile(risk, advisor, advise, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, kyc.IdNumber) :
                             CreateRiskProfile(risk, advisor, advise, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, appl.User.IdNumber));

            // Record Of Advise
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateRecordOfAdvie(roa, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, kyc.IdNumber, advisor, risk, advise) :
                             CreateRecordOfAdvie(roa, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, appl.User.IdNumber, advisor, risk, advise));

            // FSP Mandate
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateFspMandate(kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, risk, fdpMandate, address, appl.User, advisor, roa, bankValidation) :
                             CreateFspMandate(appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, risk, fdpMandate, address, appl.User, advisor, roa, bankValidation));

            // Dividend
            documentList.Add(kycExist == true ?
                             CreateDividendTax(divTax, address, client, kyc.FirstNames, kyc.SurName, kyc.IdNumber) :
                             CreateDividendTax(divTax, address, client, appl.User.FirstName, appl.User.LastName, appl.User.IdNumber));

            documentList.ForEach(doc =>
                doc.ApplicationId = appl.Id;
                doc.B64Prefix     = "data:application/pdf;base64,";
                doc.Name          =
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.IntorLetter ?
                    $"Intro Letter: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.FinancialNeedsAnalysis ?
                    $"Financial Needs Analysis: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.BankVerification ?
                    $"Bank Validation Report: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.PrimarySchedule ?
                    $"Primary Schedule, Individual: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.RiskProfile ?
                    $"Risk Profile: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.RecordOfAdvise ?
                    $"Record of Advise: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.FspMandate ?
                    $"FSP Mandate: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :
                    doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypesEnum.Dividende ?
                    $"Dividend Tax: {appl.User.FirstName} {appl.User.LastName}.pdf" :

                if (appl.Documents.Any(c => c.DocumentType == doc.DocumentType))


            // update applicaiton - documents created
            appl.DocumentsCreated = true;
예제 #22
 public ClientRegistered(ClientDto user)
     User = user;
예제 #23
        public async Task <DinazorResult <List <OrganizationLicenceDto> > > IsLicenceValid(ClientDto clientDto)
            var result = new DinazorResult <List <OrganizationLicenceDto> >();
            // try to the generate the client identifier according to the given information
            var clientIdentifier = clientDto.BiosVersion + clientDto.HddSerialNo + clientDto.Username + clientDto.Password;

            if (clientIdentifier != clientDto.ClientIdentifier)
                result.Status = ResultStatus.Unauthorized;

            //then check the database if there is a row with given information
            var clientIdResult = await _licenceOperation.GetClientByClientIdentifier(clientIdentifier);

            if (!clientIdResult.IsSuccess)
                //something went wrong
            clientDto.Id = clientIdResult.Data;
            // then get the client active licences
            var activeLicencesResult = await _licenceOperation.GetActiveLicence(clientDto.Id);

        public async Task <IActionResult> EditClient(int id)
            ClientDto client = await _clientService.GetClientByIdAsync(id);

예제 #25
 public int Add(ClientDto item)
     return(_clientRepository.Create(_mapper.Map <ClientDto, Client>(item)));
 private void EditClick(int id)
     ToSave = Clients.Find(x => x.ClientId == id);
예제 #27
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostClient(ClientDto clientDto)
            bool created = await _service.CreateClient(clientDto);

            return(created ? StatusCode(201, clientDto) : (IActionResult)BadRequest());
예제 #28
 public static Client ToEntity(this ClientDto client)
     return(Mapper.Map <Client>(client));
예제 #29
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateClient(string id, ClientDto clientDto)
            var updatedClient = await _service.UpdateClient(id, clientDto);

            return(updatedClient != null?Ok(updatedClient) : (IActionResult)BadRequest());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] ClientDto dto)
            var result = await _customClientService.Insert(dto);

예제 #31
 public static Client FromDto(ClientDto dto)
 => new(new Code(dto.Code)
예제 #32
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ClientDto obj = ((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as ClientDto;

            Switcher.Switch(new AddContractPage(obj));
예제 #33
        public ClientDto UpdateClient(ClientDto client)
            ClientDto clientDtos = _clientRepo.UpdateClient(client);
