public void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { try { LOG.Info($"Accepted Callback port: {Port}"); // Create new socket for client Socket handler = ListenerSocket.EndAccept(ar); byte[] buffer = new byte[2]; handler.Receive(buffer); string data = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine($"Data: '{data}'"); Console.ResetColor(); // Add new client to ClientController ClientController.AddClient(handler, data); // Start listening again ListenerSocket.BeginAccept(AcceptCallback, ListenerSocket); } catch (Exception) { //throw new Exception("Base Accept error" + ex); Console.WriteLine("Connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"); } }
public void TestGetClients() { DatabaseHelper.InitialiseDb(); Client _testClient = new Client("Add me to the list"); ClientController.AddClient(_testClient); Assert.IsNotNull(ClientController.GetClients()); ClientController.DeleteProject(_testClient); }
public void TestClientExistsTrue() { DatabaseHelper.InitialiseDb(); Client _testClient = new Client("Fancy Pants Client"); ClientController.AddClient(_testClient); Assert.AreEqual(_testClient.Exists(), true); ClientController.DeleteProject(_testClient); }
public void TestGetClientById() { DatabaseHelper.InitialiseDb(); Client _testClient = new Client("Add me to the list"); ClientController.AddClient(_testClient); int _clientId = ClientController.GetClientByName("Add me to the list").Id; Assert.AreEqual(ClientController.GetClientById(_clientId).Name, "Add me to the list"); ClientController.DeleteProject(_testClient); }
public void AddClientTest() { ClientController cc = new ClientController(); Client client = new Client(); client.full_name = "mairon"; client.identification = 5415; var result = cc.AddClient(client) as RedirectResult; Assert.AreEqual("~/Client/Client", result.Url); }
private async Task AcceptConnectionsAsync() { while (!_acceptConnectionsToken.IsCancellationRequested) { var socketClient = new SocketClient(); var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(socketClient.Token, _acceptConnectionsToken); try { var newClientSocket = await _serverSocket.AcceptAsync(_acceptConnectionsToken); var clientIp = newClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint?.ToString(); Log.Logger.Information($"Подключился новый клиент: {clientIp}"); await socketClient.CreateAsync(newClientSocket, _acceptConnectionsToken); _clientController.AddClient(clientIp, socketClient); _events.CallClientConnectedEvent(this, clientIp); // await _clientController.BroadcastAllAsync("Подключился новый клиент", _listenerToken); var _ = Task.Run(() => DataReceiverAsync(socketClient, _token), linkedCts.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TaskCanceledException || ex is OperationCanceledException || ex is ObjectDisposedException || ex is InvalidOperationException) { _isListen = false; // if (socketClient != null) // socketClient.Dispose(); Log.Logger.Information($"Stopped listening"); break; } else { // if (socketClient != null) // socketClient.Dispose(); Log.Logger.Error($"Возникла ошибка во время ожидация новых подключений: {ex}"); continue; } } } _isListen = false; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { stopWatch.Stop(); Project _newProject = new Project(); // Preconditon: If selected item and the text field are not null if (ProjectDropDown.SelectedItem != null) { _newProject.Name = ProjectDropDown.SelectedItem.ToString(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectDropDown.Text)) { _newProject.Name = ProjectDropDown.Text; } Client _newClient = new Client(); // Preconditon: If selected item and the text field are not null if (ClientDropDown.SelectedItem != null) { _newClient.Name = ClientDropDown.SelectedItem.ToString(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientDropDown.Text)) { _newClient.Name = ClientDropDown.Text; } // Preconditon: If there isn't a new client create it if (!(_newClient.Exists())) { ClientController.AddClient(_newClient); } _newProject.ClientId = _newClient.Id; _newProject.Client = _newClient; // Preconditon: project is not null if (_newProject.Exists()) { _newProject.Id = ProjectController.GetProjectsByClientId(_newClient.Id).Where(p => p.Name == _newProject.Name).First().Id; } else if (_newProject != null) { ProjectController.AddProject(_newProject); } Task _newTask = new Task(_newProject.Id, textBoxNotes.Text, textBoxTime.Text); TaskController.AddTask(_newTask); ClearForm(); }
public async Task TestCreateClient() { Client client = new Client() { FirstName = "Johnny", LastName = "Bravo", }; this.clientRepositoryMock.Setup(t => t.Insert(It.IsAny <Client>())).Verifiable(); await controller.AddClient(client); this.clientRepositoryMock.VerifyAll(); }
public void Add_passes_through() { var cmdletMock = CmdletMock.CreateMock(); var ctxName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var newClient = new Models.Client { ClientId = "MyClientId" }; using (var ctx = _dbContextFixture.GetContext(ctxName)) { var controller = new ClientController(ctx, cmdletMock.Object); controller.AddClient(newClient, true); } cmdletMock.Verify(cmdlet => cmdlet.WriteObject(newClient), Times.Exactly(1)); }
public async Task Adds_to_database() { var cmdletMock = CmdletMock.CreateMock(); var ctxName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var newClient = new Models.Client { ClientId = "MyClientId", AllowedScopes = new[] { "Scope1" }, AllowedGrantTypes = new[] { "Grant1" }, AllowedCorsOrigins = new[] { "Origin1" }, Claims = new[] { new Claim("ClaimType1", "Claim1"), }, Properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Key1", "Value1" } }, RedirectUris = new[] { "Redirect1" } }; using (var ctx = _dbContextFixture.GetContext(ctxName)) { var controller = new ClientController(ctx, cmdletMock.Object); controller.AddClient(newClient, false); } using (var ctx = _dbContextFixture.GetContext(ctxName)) { var clients = ctx.Clients.ToList(); Assert.Single(clients); var store = new ClientStore(ctx, NullLogger <ClientStore> .Instance); var client = await store.FindClientByIdAsync("MyClientId"); Assert.NotNull(client); Assert.Equal(1, client.AllowedScopes.Count); Assert.Equal(1, client.AllowedGrantTypes.Count); Assert.Equal(1, client.AllowedCorsOrigins.Count); Assert.Equal(1, client.Claims.Count); Assert.Equal(1, client.Properties.Count); Assert.Equal(1, client.RedirectUris.Count); } }