예제 #1
        ///<summary>Fills the missing data field on the queueItem that was passed in.  This contains all missing data on this claim.  Claim will not be allowed to be sent electronically unless this string comes back empty.</summary>
        public static void GetMissingData(ClaimSendQueueItem queueItem)         //, out string warnings){
            queueItem.Warnings    = "";
            queueItem.MissingData = "";
            Clearinghouse clearhouse = ClearinghouseL.GetClearinghouse(queueItem.ClearinghouseNum, true);         //Suppress error message in case no default medical clearinghouse set.

            //this is usually just the default clearinghouse or the clearinghouse for the PayorID.
            if (clearhouse == null)
                if (queueItem.MedType == EnumClaimMedType.Dental)
                    queueItem.MissingData += "No default dental clearinghouse set.";
                    queueItem.MissingData += "No default medical/institutional clearinghouse set.";
            if (clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.x837D_4010)
                X837_4010.Validate(queueItem);                //,out warnings);
            else if (clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.x837D_5010_dental ||
                     clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.x837_5010_med_inst)
                X837_5010.Validate(queueItem);                //,out warnings);
            else if (clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.Renaissance)
                queueItem.MissingData = Renaissance.GetMissingData(queueItem);
            else if (clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.Canadian)
                queueItem.MissingData = Canadian.GetMissingData(queueItem);
            else if (clearhouse.Eformat == ElectronicClaimFormat.Dutch)
                Dutch.GetMissingData(queueItem);                //,out warnings);
            //return "";
예제 #2
        public static string Run(int scriptNum, string responseExpected, string responseTypeExpected, Claim claim, bool showForms, int pageNumber, int lastPageNumber, double firstExamFee, double diagnosticPhaseFee)
            string             retVal            = "";
            ClaimSendQueueItem queueItem         = Claims.GetQueueList(claim.ClaimNum, claim.ClinicNum, 0)[0];
            Clearinghouse      clearinghouseHq   = ClearinghouseL.GetClearinghouseHq(queueItem.ClearinghouseNum);
            Clearinghouse      clearinghouseClin = Clearinghouses.OverrideFields(clearinghouseHq, Clinics.ClinicNum);

            Eclaims.GetMissingData(clearinghouseClin, queueItem);           //,out warnings);
            if (queueItem.MissingData != "")
                return("Cannot send predetermination until missing data is fixed:\r\n" + queueItem.MissingData + "\r\n");
            Canadian.testNumber = scriptNum;
            claim.PreAuthString = "" + pageNumber + "," + lastPageNumber + "," + firstExamFee + "," + diagnosticPhaseFee;
            long             etransNum    = Canadian.SendClaim(clearinghouseClin, queueItem, showForms);
            Etrans           etrans       = Etranss.GetEtrans(etransNum);
            string           message      = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(etrans.EtransMessageTextNum);
            CCDFieldInputter formData     = new CCDFieldInputter(message);
            string           responseType = formData.GetValue("A04");
            if (responseType != responseTypeExpected)
                return("Form type is '" + responseType + "' but should be '" + responseTypeExpected + "'\r\n");
            string responseStatus = formData.GetValue("G05");
            if (responseStatus != responseExpected)
                return("G05 is '" + responseStatus + "' but should be '" + responseExpected + "'\r\n");
            if (responseExpected == "R" && responseTypeExpected == "11")
                //so far, only for #6.  We need some other way to test if successful transaction
                string errorMsgCount = formData.GetValue("G06");
                if (errorMsgCount == "00")
                    return("Wrong message count.\r\n");
            retVal += "Predetermination #" + scriptNum + " page " + pageNumber + " of " + lastPageNumber + " successful.\r\n";
예제 #3
        public static string Run(int scriptNum, string responseExpected, string responseTypeExpected, Claim claim, bool showForms)
            string             retVal            = "";
            ClaimSendQueueItem queueItem         = Claims.GetQueueList(claim.ClaimNum, claim.ClinicNum, 0)[0];
            Clearinghouse      clearinghouseHq   = ClearinghouseL.GetClearinghouseHq(queueItem.ClearinghouseNum);
            Clearinghouse      clearinghouseClin = Clearinghouses.OverrideFields(clearinghouseHq, Clinics.ClinicNum);

            Eclaims.GetMissingData(clearinghouseClin, queueItem);           //,out warnings);
            if (queueItem.MissingData != "")
                return("Cannot send claim until missing data is fixed:\r\n" + queueItem.MissingData + "\r\n");
            Canadian.testNumber = scriptNum;
            long             etransNum    = Canadian.SendClaim(clearinghouseClin, queueItem, showForms);
            Etrans           etrans       = Etranss.GetEtrans(etransNum);
            string           message      = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(etrans.EtransMessageTextNum);
            CCDFieldInputter formData     = new CCDFieldInputter(message);
            string           responseType = formData.GetValue("A04");
            if (responseType != responseTypeExpected)
                return("Form type should be " + responseTypeExpected + "\r\n");
            string responseStatus = formData.GetValue("G05");
            if (responseStatus != responseExpected)
                return("G05 should be " + responseExpected + "\r\n");
            if (responseExpected == "R" && responseTypeExpected == "11")
                //so far, only for #6.  We need some other way to test if successful transaction
                string errorMsgCount = formData.GetValue("G06");
                if (errorMsgCount == "00")
                    return("Wrong message count.\r\n");
            retVal += "Claim #" + scriptNum.ToString() + " successful.\r\n";
예제 #4
        ///<summary>Called once for each claim to be created.  For claims with a lot of procedures, this may actually create multiple claims.  Normally returns empty string unless something went wrong.</summary>
        public static bool CreateClaim(ClaimSendQueueItem queueItem, int batchNum)
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
            string        t    = "\t";

            Clearinghouse    clearhouse         = ClearinghouseL.GetClearinghouse(queueItem.ClearinghouseNum);
            Claim            claim              = Claims.GetClaim(queueItem.ClaimNum);
            Provider         provBill           = Providers.GetProv(claim.ProvBill);
            Patient          pat                = Patients.GetPat(claim.PatNum);
            InsPlan          insplan            = InsPlans.GetPlan(claim.PlanNum, new List <InsPlan>());
            InsSub           insSub             = InsSubs.GetSub(claim.InsSubNum, new List <InsSub>());
            Carrier          carrier            = Carriers.GetCarrier(insplan.CarrierNum);
            List <ClaimProc> claimProcList      = ClaimProcs.Refresh(pat.PatNum);
            List <ClaimProc> claimProcsForClaim = ClaimProcs.GetForSendClaim(claimProcList, claim.ClaimNum);
            List <Procedure> procList           = Procedures.Refresh(claim.PatNum);
            Procedure        proc;
            ProcedureCode    procCode;

            //ProcedureCode procCode;
            for (int i = 0; i < claimProcsForClaim.Count; i++)
                proc = Procedures.GetProcFromList(procList, claimProcsForClaim[i].ProcNum);
                strb.Append(provBill.SSN + t);        //110
                strb.Append(provBill.MedicaidID + t); //111
                strb.Append(t);                       //112
                strb.Append(t);                       //118
                strb.Append(pat.SSN + t);             //203/403
                strb.Append(carrier.CarrierName + t); //carrier name?
                strb.Append(insSub.SubscriberID + t);
                strb.Append(pat.PatNum.ToString() + t);
                strb.Append(pat.Birthdate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + t);
                if (pat.Gender == PatientGender.Female)
                    strb.Append("2" + t);                  //"V"+t);
                    strb.Append("1" + t);                  //M"+t);
                strb.Append("1" + t);
                strb.Append(DutchLName(pat.LName) + t);                //last name without prefix
                strb.Append(DutchLNamePrefix(pat.LName) + t);          //prefix
                strb.Append("2" + t);
                strb.Append(DutchInitials(pat) + t);                   //215. initials
                strb.Append(pat.Zip + t);
                strb.Append(DutchAddressNumber(pat.Address) + t);      //219 house number.  Already validated.
                strb.Append(proc.ProcDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + t); //procDate
                procCode = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(proc.CodeNum);
                string strProcCode = procCode.ProcCode;
                if (strProcCode.EndsWith("00"))                 //ending with 00 indicates it's a lab code.
                    strb.Append("02" + t);
                    strb.Append("01" + t);                  //409. Procedure code (01) or lab costs (02)
                strb.Append(strProcCode + t);
                strb.Append(GetUL(proc, procCode) + t);                             //414. U/L.
                strb.Append(Tooth.ToInternat(proc.ToothNum) + t);
                strb.Append(Tooth.SurfTidyForClaims(proc.Surf, proc.ToothNum) + t); //needs validation
                if (claim.AccidentRelated == "")                                    //not accident
                    strb.Append("N" + t);
                    strb.Append("J" + t);
                strb.Append(pat.SSN + t);
                strb.Append(proc.ProcFee.ToString("F") + t);
                strb.Append("1" + t);
                strb.Append(proc.ProcFee.ToString("F") + t);
                strb.Append(proc.ProcFee.ToString("F") + t);
            string saveFolder = clearhouse.ExportPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(saveFolder))
                MessageBox.Show(saveFolder + " " + Lan.g("Dutch", "not found."));
            string saveFile = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(saveFolder, "claims" + claim.ClaimNum.ToString() + ".txt");

            File.WriteAllText(saveFile, strb.ToString());