private static void OnLoaded(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != "Sion") { return; } Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 600, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 1600, 140); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 550); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 725, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1600, 60); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 550, SkillShotType.Cone, 300, 900, 140); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Sion", "Sion"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use W Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use E Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R Combo")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("REnemies", new Slider("Min Hit Enemies Use R :", 3, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("FLEE"); ComboMenu.Add("FleeR", new CheckBox("Use R ")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Use W Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Use E Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassWEQ", new CheckBox("Harass is W->E->Q")); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Use Q JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("WJungle", new CheckBox("Use W JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Use E JungleClear")); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Use Q LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("QMinions", new Slider("Min Hit Enemies Use R :", 3, 1, 6)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Use W LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearE", new CheckBox("Use E LaneClear")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("E Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W Range")); Drawings.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public static void Initialize() { ClearMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Clear", "Clear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Clear Options"); _q = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); _w = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); }
static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Malphite")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Loaded!", Color.Orange); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 250); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 400); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 700, 270); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Malhite", "Malphite"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use W Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use E Combo")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboFQ", new KeyBind("Use R Selected Target", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R in multitarget")); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Hit Enemies Use R :", 3, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use W Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana Harass % :", 40)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Use Q JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("WJungle", new CheckBox("Use W JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Use E JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Mana JungleClear % :", 20)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Use Q LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Use W LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearE", new CheckBox("Use E LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLC", new Slider("Mana LaneClear", 50)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("Use Q LastHit")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLH", new Slider("Mana LastHit % : ", 50)); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("E Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("R Range")); Drawings.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Malphite")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Yuklendi Ceviri TekinTR!", Color.Orange); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 250); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 400); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1000, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 700, 270); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Malhite", "Malphite"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KomboAyarlari", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboFQ", new KeyBind("Kullan R Secili hedefe", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Kullan R butun dusmanlar bir arada ise")); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("R en az kac kisiye isabet etsin:", 3, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Durtme ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ComboMenu.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana ayari % :", 40)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Orman Temizleme", "JungleClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Orman temizleme"); ClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ClearMenu.Add("WJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Mana ayari % :", 20)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Koridor temizleme"); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLC", new Slider("Mana ayari", 50)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("SonVurus Ayarlari"); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q SonVurus")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLH", new Slider("Mana ayari % : ", 50)); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Cizim Ayarlari", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Cizim Ayarlari"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Goster Q Menzili")); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Goster E Menzili")); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Goster R Menzili")); Drawings.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
public static void Initialize() { ClearMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("LaneTemizleme", "Clear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneTemizleme Ayarları"); _q = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.Q", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); _w = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.W", new CheckBox("Kullan W")); _e = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.E", new CheckBox("Kullan E")); _hydra = ClearMenu.Add("Clear.Hydra", new CheckBox("Kullan Tiamat/Hydra")); }
public static void Initialize() { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp Atılacak"); _enable = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Enable", new CheckBox("Kullan Çarp")); ClearMenu.AddSeparator(); _baron = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Baron", new CheckBox("Baron Nashor")); _dragon = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Dragon", new CheckBox("Ejder")); _red = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Red", new CheckBox("Red")); _blue = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Blue", new CheckBox("Blue")); _krug = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Krug", new CheckBox("Yampiri Yengeç")); _gromp = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Gromp", new CheckBox("Kurbağa")); _raptor = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Raptor", new CheckBox("Sivri Gagalar")); _wolf = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Wolf", new CheckBox("AlacaKurtlar")); }
public static void Initialize() { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Smite Mobs"); _enable = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Enable", new CheckBox("Use Smite")); ClearMenu.AddSeparator(); _baron = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Baron", new CheckBox("Baron Nashor")); _dragon = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon")); _red = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Red", new CheckBox("Red Brambleback")); _blue = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Blue", new CheckBox("Blue Sentinel")); _krug = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Krug", new CheckBox("Ancient Krug")); _gromp = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp")); _raptor = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Raptor", new CheckBox("Crimson Raptor")); _wolf = ClearMenu.Add("Smite.Wolf", new CheckBox("Greater Murk Wolf")); }
public Cassiopeia() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 850) { Width = 75, CastDelay = 400 }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Circular, 850) { Width = 90, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 2500 }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Targeted, 700) { Speed = 1900, CastDelay = 125 }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Cone, 825) { Width = 80, CastDelay = 500 }; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastSentTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.EndPosition; break; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; Q.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; case SpellSlot.W: W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; break; } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { KeysMenu.Add("AssistedUltimate", new KeyBind("Assisted Ultimate", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.Add("HarassToggle", new KeyBind("Harass Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { Harass(); } }); ToggleManager.RegisterToggle( KeysMenu.Add("LastHitToggle", new KeyBind("LastHit Toggle", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L')), delegate { if (!ModeManager.Combo) { LastHit(); } }); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); W.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "On Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ComboMenu.Add("R", new Slider("Use R if enemies inside >= {0}", 3, 0, 5)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "On Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); HarassMenu.Add("ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 2, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.AddStringList("LaneClear.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "On Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit"); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "On Poisoned", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.Add("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R to interrupt enemy spells")); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(false); E.AddDrawings(); R.AddDrawings(); DrawingsMenu.Add("Toggles", new CheckBox("Draw toggles status")); } }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Graves) { return; } Chat.Print("Graves7 Loaded!", Color.GreenYellow); Chat.Print("Doctor7", Color.Yellow); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 950, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1650, 150); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 425, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1500, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 100); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Graves7", "Graves7"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Graves7"); Menu.AddLabel(" FEATURES "); Menu.AddLabel(" Please Select Target Before Play ! "); Menu.AddLabel(" Use E Reset AA"); Menu.AddLabel(" KillSteal"); Menu.AddLabel(" Anti Gapcloser"); Menu.AddLabel(" Skin Hack "); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboMenu"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Spell [Q] On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { ComboMenu.Add("combo" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]", false)); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Enemies Use [R]", 2, 0, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "HarassMenu"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass [Q] On"); foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { HarassMenu.Add("haras" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName)); } HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [Q]", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaW", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [W]", 40)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaHarass", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] Harass", 50)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Laneclear Settings", "LaneClearMenu"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] LaneClear", 70)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E] Reset AA", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ELane", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] LaneClear", 70)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleMenu"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] JungleClear", 30)); JungleMenu.Add("WJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleManaW", new Slider("Min Mana For [W] JungleClear", 50)); JungleMenu.Add("JungleAA", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJung", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] JungleClear", 30)); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillStealMenu"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Spell [W] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Spell [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("minKsR", new Slider("Min [R] Range KillSteal", 600, 1, 1500)); KillStealMenu.Add("maxKsR", new Slider("Max [R] Range KillSteal", 1500, 1, 1500)); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("AntiGap Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [E] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.Add("AntiGapW", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.AddLabel("Spells On CC Settings"); Misc.Add("Rstun", new CheckBox("Use [R] If Enemy Has CC", false)); Misc.Add("QStun", new CheckBox("Use [Q] If Enemy Has CC")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "DrawingMenu"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawings"); Drawings.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Drawings.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("[W] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("[E] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; }
// Menu private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Pantheon")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Yuklendi Ceviri TekinTR!", Color.White); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600); W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 600); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 600, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 2000, 70); E.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 2000, SkillShotType.Circular); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Youmuu = new Item(3142, 10); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Pantheon", "Pantheon"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Kombo Ayarlari", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("CQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ComboMenu.Add("CW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ComboMenu.Add("CE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Durtme Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ComboMenu.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ")); ComboMenu.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ComboMenu.Add("HM", new Slider("Durtmek icin enaz mana %", 50, 0, 100)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Otomatil Durtme Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Otomatik Q kullan")); ComboMenu.Add("AutoM", new Slider("Otomatik durtme icin enaz mana", 60, 0, 100)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Otomatik Q Kullanilsin"); foreach (var target in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ" + target.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + target.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Oldurme Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Oldururken tutustur kullan")); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Temizleme Ayarlari", "Clear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Koridor Temizleme Ayarlari"); ClearMenu.Add("LQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q ")); ClearMenu.Add("LW", new CheckBox("Kullan W ", false)); ClearMenu.Add("LE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ME", new Slider("En az kac minyon icin [E] kullanilsin", 3, 1, 6)); ClearMenu.Add("LM", new Slider("Mana ayari", 60, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("SonVurus Ayari"); ClearMenu.Add("LHQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q SonVurus")); ClearMenu.Add("LHM", new Slider("Mana ayari", 60, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Orman Temizleme ayari"); ClearMenu.Add("JQ", new CheckBox("Settings Q ")); ClearMenu.Add("JW", new CheckBox("Settings W ")); ClearMenu.Add("JE", new CheckBox("Settings E ")); ClearMenu.Add("JM", new Slider("Mana ayari", 20, 0, 100)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Karisik", "Cizimler"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Atilma onleyici"); Misc.Add("antiGap", new CheckBox("Atilma yapana W kullan", false)); Misc.Add("inter", new CheckBox("Buyu engellemede W kullan")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Cizim Ayarlari"); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Cizimleri Kapat", false)); Misc.Add("Draw", new CheckBox("Goster [Q/W/E] Mesafeleri")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interupt; Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_CantLasthit; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += OnCastSpell; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += AIHeroClient_OnProcessSpellCast; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffLose += BuffLose; }
static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Irelia")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Loaded!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 425); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 900, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1600, 120); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Sheen = new Item(ItemId.Sheen); Tryn = new Item(ItemId.Trinity_Force); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Irelia", "Irelia"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ2", new CheckBox("Use [Q] on minions to get closer to the target")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use[W Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("DisQ", new Slider("Use [Q] If Enemy Distance >", 125, 0, 625)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("[Q] Distance < 125 = Always [Q]"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("AlwaysE", new CheckBox("Only Use [E] If Can Stun Target", false)); ComboMenu.Add("CTurret", new KeyBind("Dont Use [Q] UnderTurret", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'I')); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Interrupt Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("interQ", new CheckBox("Use [E] Interrupt")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ2", new CheckBox("Use [Q] on minions to get closer to the target")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("DisQ2", new Slider("Use [Q] If Enemy Distance >", 125, 0, 625)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("[Q] Distance < 125 = Always [Q]"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("AlwaysEH", new CheckBox("Only Use E If Can Stun Target")); ComboMenu.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana Harass", 40)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Setting"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Use [R] Low Hp"); ComboMenu.Add("RHeatlh", new CheckBox("Use R If MyHP <")); ComboMenu.Add("MauR", new Slider("MyHP Use [R] <", 50)); ComboMenu.Add("Rminion", new CheckBox("Use R On Minion If No Enemies Around")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use Q KillSteal")); ComboMenu.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Use E KillSteal")); ComboMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use R KillSteal")); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear Settings", "JungleClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Use [Q] JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("WJungle", new CheckBox("Use [W] JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Use [E] JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Mana JungleClear", 20)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Use [W] LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("MauW", new Slider("Use [W] If HealthPercent <", 50)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearE", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLC", new Slider("Mana LaneClear", 50)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LastHit")); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitE", new CheckBox("Use [E] LastHit")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLH", new Slider("Mana LastHit", 50)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Changer", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings"); Misc.Add("FleeQ", new CheckBox("Only Use [Q] Flee If Killalble Minion")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Misc.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Misc.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Misc.Add("DrawTR", new CheckBox("Status Under Turret")); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interupt; }
private static void OnLoad() { Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Aatrox", "Aatrox"); Menu.AddLabel("Ported from BrianSharp - Berb"); Menu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> Switch To Heal If Hp <", 50)); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); ComboMenu.Add("RHpU", new Slider("-> If Enemy Hp <", 60)); ComboMenu.Add("RCountA", new Slider("-> Or Enemy >=", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("AutoE", new KeyBind("Auto E", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); HarassMenu.Add("AutoEHpA", new Slider("-> If Hp >=", 50)); HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("QHpA", new Slider("-> If Hp >=", 20)); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear"); ClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("WPriority", new CheckBox("-> Priority Heal")); ClearMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> Switch To Heal If Hp <", 50)); ClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.Add("Item", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat/Hydra Item")); ClearMenu.AddSeparator(); FleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee"); FleeMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); FleeMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); FleeMenu.AddSeparator(); KSMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal"); KSMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KSMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KSMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite")); KSMenu.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite")); KSMenu.AddSeparator(); GapMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Anti Gap Closer"); GapMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); foreach ( var spell in AntiGapcloser.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName))) { GapMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot, new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName)); } GapMenu.AddSeparator(); IntMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Interrupt"); IntMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); foreach ( var spell in Interrupter.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName))) { IntMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot, new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName)); } IntMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Smite Mob"); SmiteMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite")); SmiteMenu.Add("Auto", new CheckBox("-> Auto Smite")); SmiteMenu.Add("Baron", new CheckBox("-> Baron Nashor")); SmiteMenu.Add("Dragon", new CheckBox("-> Dragon")); SmiteMenu.Add("Red", new CheckBox("-> Red Brambleback")); SmiteMenu.Add("Blue", new CheckBox("-> Blue Sentinel")); SmiteMenu.Add("Krug", new CheckBox("-> Ancient Krug")); SmiteMenu.Add("Gromp", new CheckBox("-> Gromp")); SmiteMenu.Add("Raptor", new CheckBox("-> Crimson Raptor")); SmiteMenu.Add("Wolf", new CheckBox("-> Greater Murk Wolf")); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650); Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1075); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 550); Q.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 250, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); Q2.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 150, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 35, 1250, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); Tiamat = ItemData.Tiamat_Melee_Only.GetItem(); Hydra = ItemData.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only.GetItem(); foreach ( var spell in myHero.Spellbook.Spells.Where( i => i.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite") && (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2))) { Smite = spell.Slot; } Ignite = myHero.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"); Game.OnTick += OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Interrupter.OnPossibleToInterrupt += OnPossibleToInterrupt; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
// Menu private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Corki")) { return; } Chat.Print("Doctor's Corki Loaded!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Circular, 300, 1000, 250); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 800, SkillShotType.Linear); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 200, 1950, 40); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Doctor's Corki", "Corki"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Mercedes7"); SpellMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); SpellMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo")); SpellMenu.Add("QMode", new ComboBox("Q Mode:", 0, "Fast [Q]", "[Q] After Attack")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo")); SpellMenu.Add("RMode", new ComboBox("Q Mode:", 0, "Fast [R]", "[R] After Attack")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use [E Harass]")); HarassMenu.Add("manaHarass", new Slider("Min Mana Harass", 50, 0, 100)); HarassMenu.Add("RocketHarass", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("ClearQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearR", new CheckBox("Use [R] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearE", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("manaClear", new Slider("Min Mana LaneClear", 65, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.Add("RocketClear", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleR", new CheckBox("Use [R] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Use [E] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("manaJung", new Slider("Min Mana JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.Add("RocketJung", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); KillstealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KS"); KillstealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillstealMenu.Add("RKs", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillstealMenu.Add("QKs", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillstealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Settings"); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings", false)); Misc.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Range [Q]")); Misc.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Range [W]", false)); Misc.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Range [E]")); Misc.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Range [R]")); items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items"); items.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); items.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Use [Botrk]")); items.Add("ihp", new Slider("My HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); items.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Enemy HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Graves) { return; } Chat.Print("Doctor's Graves Loaded!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 950, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1650, 150); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 425, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1500, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 100); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Thm = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 32, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Youmuu = new Item(3142, 10); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Graves", "Graves7"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Doctor7"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboMenu"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); ComboMode = ComboMenu.Add("comboMode", new Slider("Min Stack Use [E] Reload", 1, 0, 1)); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Aoe In Combo", false)); ComboMenu.Add("MinR", new Slider("Min Enemies Use [R]", 2, 1, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "HarassMenu"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); HarassMenu.AddLabel("Harass [Q] On"); foreach (var Selector in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { HarassMenu.Add("haras" + Selector.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + Selector.ChampionName)); } HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana Harass [Q]", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Spells Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaW", new Slider("Mana Harass [W]", 40)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassAA", new CheckBox("Use [E] Reset AA", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaHarass", new Slider("Mana [E] Harass", 50)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Laneclear Settings", "LaneClearMenu"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("minQ", new Slider("Min Hit Minion [Q]", 3, 1, 6)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] LaneClear", 70)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneAA", new CheckBox("Use [E] Reset AA", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ELane", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] LaneClear", 70)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleMenu"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For [Q] JungleClear", 30)); JungleMenu.Add("WJungleClear", new CheckBox("Use [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleManaW", new Slider("Min Mana For [W] JungleClear", 50)); JungleMenu.Add("JungleAA", new CheckBox("Use [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJung", new Slider("Min Mana For [E] JungleClear", 30)); KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillStealMenu"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Use [W] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add("minKsR", new Slider("Min [R] Range KillSteal", 100, 1, 1500)); KillStealMenu.Add("RKb", new KeyBind("[R] Semi Manual Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); Items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items"); Items.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); Items.Add("you", new CheckBox("Use [Youmuu]")); Items.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Use [Botrk]")); Items.Add("ihp", new Slider("My HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); Items.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Enemy HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddLabel("Misc Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [E] AntiGap")); Misc.Add("AntiGapW", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGap")); Misc.Add("QStun", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Immoblie")); Misc.AddLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer", false)); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "DrawingMenu"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("[W] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("[E] Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("[R] Range")); Drawings.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings")); Drawings.Add("Notifications", new CheckBox("Alerter Can Kill [R]")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; }
public Orianna() { try { AIO.Initializers.Add(delegate { _ballObject = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_GeneralParticleEmitter>() .FirstOrDefault( o => o.IsValid && !o.IsDead && o.Name.Equals(BallName)); }); Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 815) { Speed = 1200, Width = 80, CollidesWithYasuoWall = false }; Q.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Self, 255); W.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); W.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => Ball); E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Circular, 1095) { Speed = 1800, Width = 85, MinHitChancePercent = 45, CollidesWithYasuoWall = false }; E.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Self, 400) { CastDelay = 500 }; R.SetSourceFunction(() => Ball); R.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => Ball); Spellbook.OnCastSpell += delegate(Spellbook sender, SpellbookCastSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.Owner.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.R && MiscMenu.CheckBox("R.Block")) { args.Process = _hitR != 0 && !_ballIsMissile; } } }; GameObject eTarget = null; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { if (args.Slot == SpellSlot.E) { eTarget = args.Target; } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (sender.Name.Equals(BallName)) { _ballObject = sender; } else { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaizuna") || missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaredact")) { _ballObject = missile; } } } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals("orianaredact")) { _ballObject = eTarget; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnPlayAnimation += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectPlayAnimationEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe && args.Animation.Equals("Prop")) { _ballObject = sender; } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsAlly) { if (Target != null && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && Ball.GetDistanceSqr(Target) > args.End.Distance(Target, true) && args.End.Distance(Target, true) < args.Sender.GetDistanceSqr(Target)) { CastE(sender); } } }; Dash.OnDash += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Dash.DashEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsAlly) { if (Target != null && AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser") && Ball.GetDistanceSqr(Target) > args.EndPos.Distance(Target, true) && args.EndPos.Distance(Target, true) < sender.GetDistanceSqr(Target)) { CastE(sender); } } }; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Interrupter")) { if (!Ball.InRange(args.Sender, R.Range)) { ThrowBall(args.Sender); } else { CastR(args.Sender); } } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && _canShield && args.Target != null && args.Target.IsMe) { if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { if (sender.IsMelee) { CastE(MyHero); } } else if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.obj_AI_Turret) { CastE(MyHero); } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy && _canShield && args.Target != null && args.Target.IsMe) { if (sender.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient) { CastE(MyHero); } } }; Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); R.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.Add("TeamFight", new Slider("Use TeamFight logic if enemies near >= {0}", 3, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Common logic"); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q on target")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W on target")); ComboMenu.Add("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); ComboMenu.Add("E.HealthPercent", new Slider("Use E if HealthPercent <= {0}", 40)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("1 vs 1 logic"); ComboMenu.Add("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Use R on target if killable")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("TeamFight logic"); ComboMenu.Add("Q.Hit", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.Add("W.Hit", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.Add("R.Hit", new Slider("Use R if hit >= {0}", 3, 1, 5)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.Add("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); HarassMenu.Add("E.HealthPercent", new Slider("Use E if HealthPercent <= {0}", 40)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit >= {0}", 6, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit"); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "None", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.Add("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); KillStealMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on ally gapclosing")); AutomaticMenu.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Use R to interrupt enemy spell")); AutomaticMenu.Add("E.Shield", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy spells")); AutomaticMenu.Add("W.Hit", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 2, 1, 5)); AutomaticMenu.Add("R.Hit", new Slider("Use R if hit >= {0}", 3, 1, 5)); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { var c = DrawingsMenu.Add("Ball", new CheckBox("Draw ball position")); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle(c, new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 255, 100), () => 120, () => true, () => Ball) { Width = 3 }); Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Misc"); { MiscMenu.Add("R.Block", new CheckBox("Block R if will not hit")); if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0) { var enemiesAdded = new HashSet <string>(); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Don't use R in:"); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { if (!enemiesAdded.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)) { MiscMenu.Add("BlackList." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, false)); enemiesAdded.Add(enemy.ChampionName); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { AIO.WriteInConsole(e.ToString()); } }
static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Irelia")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Yuklendi Ceviri TekinTR!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 625); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 425); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 900, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1600, 120); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Sheen = new Item(ItemId.Sheen); Tryn = new Item(ItemId.Trinity_Force); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Irelia", "Irelia"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Kombo Ayarlari", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kombo Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Kullan Q")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ2", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] hedefe yaklasmak icin")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Kullan [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Kullan R")); ComboMenu.Add("DisQ", new Slider("Kullan [Q] dusman uzakligi >", 125, 0, 625)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("[Q] Uzakligi < 125 = Her Zaman [Q]"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E]")); ComboMenu.Add("AlwaysE", new CheckBox("Sadece hedef sersemleyecek ise [E] kullan", false)); ComboMenu.Add("CTurret", new KeyBind("Kullanma [Q] Kule altinda", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'I')); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Buyu engelleme Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("interQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] Buyuleri engellemede")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Durtme Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ2", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] hedefe yaklasmak icin")); ComboMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Kullan [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("DisQ2", new Slider("Kullan [Q] dusman uzakligi >", 125, 0, 625)); ComboMenu.AddLabel("[Q] Uzakligi < 125 = Her Zaman [Q]"); ComboMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Kullan E ")); ComboMenu.Add("AlwaysEH", new CheckBox("Sadece hedef sersemleyecek ise [E] kullan")); ComboMenu.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana Ayari", 40)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Ayarlari"); ComboMenu.AddLabel("Kullan [R] Dusuk Hp"); ComboMenu.Add("RHeatlh", new CheckBox("Kullan R eger HP ise <")); ComboMenu.Add("MauR", new Slider("Kullan HP [R] <", 50)); ComboMenu.Add("Rminion", new CheckBox("Use R On Minion If No Enemies Around")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use Q KillSteal")); ComboMenu.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Use E KillSteal")); ComboMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use Ignite KillSteal")); ComboMenu.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use R KillSteal")); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Temizleme", "JungleClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Orman Temizleme"); ClearMenu.Add("QJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] ")); ClearMenu.Add("WJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan [W] ")); ClearMenu.Add("EJungle", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] ")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Mana ayari", 20)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Koridor Temizleme"); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] ")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearW", new CheckBox("Kullan [W] ")); ClearMenu.Add("MauW", new Slider("Kullan [W] Eger hp ise <", 50)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] ")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLC", new Slider("Mana ayari", 50)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("SonVurus Ayarlari"); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("LastHitE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E]")); ClearMenu.Add("ManaLH", new Slider("Mana ayari", 50)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Karisik", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Item Ayarlari"); Misc.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Kullan [Mahvolmus]")); Misc.Add("ihp", new Slider("Kullanilsin Mahvolmus HP<=", 50)); Misc.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Dusman HP kullan Mahvolmus <=", 50)); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Kacis Ayarlari"); Misc.Add("FleeQ", new CheckBox("Sadece minyon olucek ise kacarken [Q] kullan")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Cizim Ayarlari"); Misc.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Mesafesi")); Misc.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("[R] Mesafesi")); Misc.Add("DrawTR", new CheckBox("Kule alti durumunu goster")); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Cizimleri kapat")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interupt; }
// Menu private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Pantheon")) { return; } Chat.Print("HTTF TopLane Series Loaded!", Color.White); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600); W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 600); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 600, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 2000, 70); E.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 2000, SkillShotType.Circular); R.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; Youmuu = new Item(3142, 10); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("HTTF Pantheon", "Pantheon"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("CQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("CW", new CheckBox("Use W Combo")); ComboMenu.Add("CE", new CheckBox("Use E Combo")); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Use W Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Use E Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("HM", new Slider("Mana Harass %", 50, 0, 100)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Harass Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q Harass")); ComboMenu.Add("AutoM", new Slider("Mana Auto Harass", 60, 0, 100)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Q On"); foreach (var target in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { ComboMenu.Add("HarassQ" + target.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + target.ChampionName)); } ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use Ignite KillSteal")); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear Settings", "Clear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LQ", new CheckBox("Use Q Laneclear")); ClearMenu.Add("LW", new CheckBox("Use W Laneclear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("LE", new CheckBox("Use E Laneclear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ME", new Slider("Min Hit Minions Use [E] LaneClear", 3, 1, 6)); ClearMenu.Add("LM", new Slider("Mana LaneClear", 60, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("LHQ", new CheckBox("Use Q LastHit")); ClearMenu.Add("LHM", new Slider("Mana LastHit", 60, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("JQ", new CheckBox("Use Q JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("JW", new CheckBox("Use W JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("JE", new CheckBox("Use E JungleClear")); ClearMenu.Add("JM", new Slider("Mana JungleClear", 20, 0, 100)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Draw"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Anti Gapcloser"); Misc.Add("antiGap", new CheckBox("Use W Anti Gapcloser", false)); Misc.Add("inter", new CheckBox("Use W Interupt")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Settings"); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Disabled Drawings", false)); Misc.Add("Draw", new CheckBox("Draw [Q/W/E]")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interupt; Orbwalker.OnUnkillableMinion += Orbwalker_CantLasthit; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += OnCastSpell; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += AIHeroClient_OnProcessSpellCast; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffLose += BuffLose; }
public Zed() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Linear, 925) { CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1700, Width = 50 }; Q.SetSourceFunction(() => MyHero); Q.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => MyHero); W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Linear, WRange) { Speed = 1750, Width = 60 }; E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Self, 280); E.SetSourceFunction(() => MyHero); E.SetRangeCheckSourceFunction(() => MyHero); R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Targeted, 625); IsDeadText = new Text("Is Dead", new Font("Arial", 30F, FontStyle.Bold)) { Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red, Position = new Vector2(100, 50) }; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Obj_AI_BaseBuffGainEventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName && args.Buff.Caster.IsMe) { switch (args.Buff.Name) { case "zedwshadowbuff": WShadow = minion; break; case "zedrshadowbuff": RShadow = minion; break; } } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnPlayAnimation += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectPlayAnimationEventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName) { switch (args.Animation) { case "Death": if (WShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { WShadow = null; } else if (RShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { RShadow = null; } break; } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { if (sender.Name == IsDeadName) { IsDeadObject = sender; } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var minion = sender as Obj_AI_Minion; if (minion != null && minion.IsAlly && minion.BaseSkinName == ShadowSkinName) { if (WShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { WShadow = null; } else if (RShadow.IdEquals(minion)) { RShadow = null; } } else if (sender.IdEquals(IsDeadObject)) { IsDeadObject = null; } }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.W: if (args.SData.Name == "ZedW") { W.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; W.LastEndPosition = args.End; } break; case SpellSlot.R: if (args.SData.Name == "ZedR") { } break; } } }; Evader.OnEvader += delegate(EvaderArgs args) { var w1Distance = (W.IsReady && IsW1 && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.W1")) ? MyHero.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var w2Distance = (W.IsReady && WShadowIsValid && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.W2") && !args.WillHitMyHero(WShadow.Position)) ? WShadow.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var rTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, DamageType.Physical) ?? args.Sender; var r1Distance = (R.IsReady && IsR1 && rTarget != null && R.InRange(rTarget) && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.R1")) ? MyHero.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var r2Distance = (R.IsReady && RShadowIsValid && EvaderMenu.CheckBox("Evader.R2") && !args.WillHitMyHero(RShadow.Position)) ? RShadow.GetDistanceSqr(args.Sender) : 16000000; var min = Math.Min(w1Distance, Math.Min(w2Distance, Math.Min(r1Distance, r2Distance))); if (min < 16000000) { if (Math.Abs(min - r2Distance) < float.Epsilon) { R.Cast(); } else if (Math.Abs(min - r1Distance) < float.Epsilon) { R.Cast(rTarget); } else if (Math.Abs(min - w2Distance) < float.Epsilon) { W.Cast(); } else if (Math.Abs(min - w1Distance) < float.Epsilon) { var wPos = MyHero.ServerPosition + ((args.Sender.ServerPosition - MyHero.ServerPosition).Normalized() * WRange) .To2D() .Perpendicular() .To3DWorld(); W.Cast(wPos); } } }; MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Keys"); { Orbwalker.RegisterKeyBind( KeysMenu.Add("Combo2", new KeyBind("Combo without R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A')), Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo); Orbwalker.RegisterKeyBind( KeysMenu.Add("Harass2", new KeyBind("Harass 2", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S')), Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass); } Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.AddStringList("Mode", "R Mode", new[] { "Line", "Triangle", "MousePos" }); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); ComboMenu.Add("Items", new CheckBox("Use Items")); ComboMenu.Add("SwapDead", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 if target will die")); ComboMenu.Add("SwapGapclose", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 to get close to target")); ComboMenu.Add("SwapHP", new Slider("Use W2/R2 if my HealthPercent is <= {0}", 15)); ComboMenu.Add("Prevent", new CheckBox("Don't use spells before R")); if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0) { ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Don't use R on"); var enemiesAdded = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { if (!enemiesAdded.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)) { ComboMenu.Add("BlackList." + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName, false)); enemiesAdded.Add(enemy.ChampionName); } } } } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.Add("Collision", new CheckBox("Add collision check for Q (more damage)", false)); HarassMenu.Add("SwapGapclose", new CheckBox("Use W2 if target is killable")); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass 1"); HarassMenu.Add("Harass1.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("Harass1.W", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.Add("Harass1.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); HarassMenu.Add("Harass1.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. Energy Percent:", 20)); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass 2"); HarassMenu.Add("Harass2.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("Harass2.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.Add("Harass2.E", new CheckBox("Use E")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.E", new Slider("Use E if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit"); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "None", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.E", "Use E", new[] { "None", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.Add("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.E", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use auto E", false)); AutomaticMenu.Add("SwapDead", new CheckBox("Use W2/R2 if target will die", false)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Evader"); { EvaderMenu.Add("Evader.W1", new CheckBox("Use W1", false)); EvaderMenu.Add("Evader.W2", new CheckBox("Use W2")); EvaderMenu.Add("Evader.R1", new CheckBox("Use R1")); EvaderMenu.Add("Evader.R2", new CheckBox("Use R2")); } Evader.Initialize(); Evader.AddCrowdControlSpells(); Evader.AddDangerousSpells(); MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle( DrawingsMenu.Add("W.Shadow", new CheckBox("Draw W shadow circle")), SharpDX.Color.Blue, () => 100, () => WShadowIsValid, () => WShadow) { Width = 1 }); CircleManager.Circles.Add(new Circle( DrawingsMenu.Add("R.Shadow", new CheckBox("Draw R shadow circle")), SharpDX.Color.Orange, () => 100, () => RShadowIsValid, () => RShadow) { Width = 1 }); DrawingsMenu.Add("IsDead", new CheckBox("Draw text if target will die")); DrawingsMenu.Add("Passive", new CheckBox("Draw text when passive is ready")); } }
private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Corki")) { return; } Chat.Print("Corki7 Loaded!", Color.Orange); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Circular, 300, 1000, 250); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 800, SkillShotType.Linear); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 200, 1950, 40); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Borki7", "Corki"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Doctor7"); SpellMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); SpellMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo")); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Harass")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use [E Harass]")); HarassMenu.Add("manaHarass", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50, 0, 100)); HarassMenu.Add("RocketHarass", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("ClearQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearR", new CheckBox("Use [R] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearE", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear", false)); ClearMenu.Add("manaClear", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 65, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.Add("RocketClear", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleR", new CheckBox("Use [R] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Use [E] JungleClear")); JungleMenu.Add("manaJung", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.Add("RocketJung", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); KillstealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KS"); KillstealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillstealMenu.Add("RKs", new CheckBox("Use [R] KillSteal")); KillstealMenu.Add("QKs", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KillSteal")); KillstealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGapcloser", false)); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Settings"); Misc.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Range [Q]")); Misc.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Range [W]", false)); Misc.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Range [E]")); Misc.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Range [R]")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer", false)); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 0, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")); items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items"); items.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); items.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Use [Botrk]")); items.Add("ihp", new Slider("My HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); items.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Enemy HP Use BOTRK <=", 50)); items.AddGroupLabel("Qss Settings"); items.Add("Qss", new CheckBox("Use Qss")); items.AddGroupLabel("Qss On CC"); items.Add("stun", new CheckBox("Stuns")); items.Add("rot", new CheckBox("Root")); items.Add("tunt", new CheckBox("Taunt")); items.Add("snare", new CheckBox("Snare")); items.Add("charm", new CheckBox("Charm", false)); items.Add("slow", new CheckBox("Slows", false)); items.Add("blind", new CheckBox("Blinds", false)); items.Add("fear", new CheckBox("Fear", false)); items.Add("silence", new CheckBox("Silence", false)); items.Add("supperss", new CheckBox("Supperss", false)); items.Add("poly", new CheckBox("Polymorph", false)); items.Add("delay", new Slider("Humanizer Qss Delay", 0, 0, 1500)); Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public Diana() { Q = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.Q, SpellType.Circular, 825) { Width = 185, CastDelay = 250, Speed = 1640, }; W = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.W, SpellType.Self, 250); E = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.E, SpellType.Self, 450) { CastDelay = 250, }; R = new SpellBase(SpellSlot.R, SpellType.Targeted, 825) { Speed = 2500, }; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsMe) { switch (args.Slot) { case SpellSlot.Q: Q.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; QEndPosition = args.End; // +(args.End - sender.ServerPosition).Normalized() * Q.Width / 2; break; case SpellSlot.R: R.LastCastTime = Core.GameTickCount; break; } } }; GameObject.OnCreate += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals(QMissileName)) { QMissile = missile; } } }; GameObject.OnDelete += delegate(GameObject sender, EventArgs args) { var missile = sender as MissileClient; if (missile != null && missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.IsMe) { if (missile.SData.Name.Equals(QMissileName)) { QMissile = null; } } }; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += delegate(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser")) { E.Cast(sender); } } }; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Interrupter.InterruptableSpellEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Interrupter")) { E.Cast(sender); } } }; Dash.OnDash += delegate(Obj_AI_Base sender, Dash.DashEventArgs args) { if (sender.IsEnemy) { if (AutomaticMenu.CheckBox("Gapcloser")) { E.Cast(sender); } } }; Q.AddConfigurableHitChancePercent(); MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Combo"); { ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("QR", new CheckBox("Use QR on minion to gapclose")); ComboMenu.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite if killable", false)); ComboMenu.AddStringList("E", "Use E", new[] { "Never", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); ComboMenu.AddStringList("R", "Use R", new[] { "Never", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Harass"); { HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.Add("ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 25)); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Clear"); { ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q if hit >= {0}", 4, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W if hit >= {0}", 3, 0, 10)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LastHit"); { ClearMenu.AddStringList("LastHit.Q", "Use Q", new[] { "None", "Smart", "Always" }, 1); ClearMenu.Add("LastHit.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 50)); } ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear"); { ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.R", new CheckBox("Use R")); ClearMenu.Add("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Min. ManaPercent", 20)); } } MenuManager.AddKillStealMenu(); { KillStealMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); } MenuManager.AddSubMenu("Automatic"); { AutomaticMenu.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E on enemy dashing")); AutomaticMenu.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Use E to interrupt enemy spell")); } MenuManager.AddDrawingsMenu(); { Q.AddDrawings(); W.AddDrawings(); E.AddDrawings(false); R.AddDrawings(); } }
private static void Load(EventArgs args) { if (Player.ChampionName != "Ekko") { return; } Chat.Print("Ekko7 Loaded!", Color.Yellow); Chat.Print("Doctor7 Good Luck!", Color.GreenYellow); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 800, SkillShotType.Linear, (int).25, 1700, 60); Q2 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1050, SkillShotType.Linear, (int).5f, 1200, 120); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1600, SkillShotType.Circular, (int).5f, int.MaxValue, 350); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 352, SkillShotType.Linear); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 375, SkillShotType.Circular, (int).1f, int.MaxValue, 375); R1 = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ekko7", "ekko"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("EKKO7"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("FEATURES ADDON"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Combo Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Harass Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("LaneClear Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("JungleClear Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Flee Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("Drawings Settings"); Menu.AddLabel("KillSteal Settings"); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "combo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("Whit", new Slider("Min W Enemies", 1, 1, 5)); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("QHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); HarassMenu.Add("WHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("EHarass", new CheckBox("Spell [E]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50)); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(18); HarassMenu.AddLabel("E Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("DontE", new Slider("Don't Use E >= Enemies", 3, 1, 5)); HarassMenu.Add("EHP", new Slider("Dont Use E HP <= %", 20)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "Clear Settings"); ClearMenu.AddLabel("Lane Clear"); ClearMenu.Add("QClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("ClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 60, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "Jungle Settings"); JungleMenu.AddLabel("Jungle Clear"); JungleMenu.Add("QJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("EJungleClear", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleMana", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Misc.AddSeparator(18); Misc.AddLabel("Ultimate Settings"); Misc.Add("UseRHit", new CheckBox("Use R Count", false)); Misc.Add("RHit", new Slider("R Count Enemies >= {0}", 3, 2, 5)); Misc.Add("R_Safe_Net2", new Slider("R If HP <= %", 25, 0, 100)); Misc.Add("RKill", new CheckBox("R Killable", false)); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 0, "Classic", "1", "2")); Drawings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Draw"); Drawings.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); Drawings.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Drawings.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("E Range", false)); Drawings.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("R Range")); AttackableUnit.OnDamage += AIHeroClient_OnDamage; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
private static void OnLoad() { Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("剑魔", "Aatrox"); Menu.AddLabel("原BrianSharp移植 - Berb"); Menu.AddSeparator(); ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("连招"); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("使用 W")); ComboMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> 切换W为治疗,当生命低于", 50)); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("使用 R")); ComboMenu.Add("RHpU", new Slider("-> 使用R 敌方生命低于 <", 60)); ComboMenu.Add("RCountA", new Slider("-> 或者敌方数量为 >=", 2, 1, 5)); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("骚扰"); HarassMenu.Add("AutoE", new KeyBind("自动 E", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); HarassMenu.Add("AutoEHpA", new Slider("-> 如果生命大于>=", 50)); HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); HarassMenu.Add("QHpA", new Slider("-> 如果生命大于 >=", 20)); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("清线"); ClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); ClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("使用 W")); ClearMenu.Add("WPriority", new CheckBox("-> 优先治疗")); ClearMenu.Add("WHpU", new Slider("-> 切换W为治疗,当生命低于", 50)); ClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); ClearMenu.Add("Item", new CheckBox("使用 九头蛇/泰坦")); ClearMenu.AddSeparator(); FleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("逃跑"); FleeMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); FleeMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); FleeMenu.AddSeparator(); KSMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("抢头"); KSMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); KSMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("使用 E")); KSMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("使用惩戒")); KSMenu.Add("Ignite", new CheckBox("使用点燃")); KSMenu.AddSeparator(); GapMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("防突击"); GapMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); foreach ( var spell in AntiGapcloser.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName))) { GapMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot, new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName)); } GapMenu.AddSeparator(); IntMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("技能打断"); IntMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("使用 Q")); foreach ( var spell in Interrupter.Spells.Where(i => HeroManager.Enemies.Any(a => i.ChampionName == a.ChampionName))) { IntMenu.Add(spell.ChampionName + "_" + spell.Slot, new CheckBox("-> Skill " + spell.Slot + " Of " + spell.ChampionName)); } IntMenu.AddSeparator(); SmiteMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("惩戒"); SmiteMenu.Add("Smite", new CheckBox("使用惩戒")); SmiteMenu.Add("Auto", new CheckBox("-> 自动惩戒")); SmiteMenu.Add("Baron", new CheckBox("-> 男爵")); SmiteMenu.Add("Dragon", new CheckBox("-> 龙")); SmiteMenu.Add("Red", new CheckBox("-> 红")); SmiteMenu.Add("Blue", new CheckBox("-> 蓝")); SmiteMenu.Add("Krug", new CheckBox("-> 石头人")); SmiteMenu.Add("Gromp", new CheckBox("-> 青蛙")); SmiteMenu.Add("Raptor", new CheckBox("-> 4鸟")); SmiteMenu.Add("Wolf", new CheckBox("-> 狼")); SmiteMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("线圈"); DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("显示 Q")); DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("显示 E")); DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("显示 R")); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650); Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1075); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 550); Q.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 250, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); Q2.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 150, 2000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 35, 1250, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); Tiamat = ItemData.Tiamat_Melee_Only.GetItem(); Hydra = ItemData.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only.GetItem(); foreach (var spell in myHero.Spellbook.Spells.Where(i => i.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite") && (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2))) { Smite = spell.Slot; } Ignite = myHero.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"); Game.OnTick += OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Interrupter.OnPossibleToInterrupt += OnPossibleToInterrupt; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; }
private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Corki")) { return; } Chat.Print("Borki Loaded!", Color.GreenYellow); Chat.Print("Good Luck!", Color.GreenYellow); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Circular, 300, 1000, 250); W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 800, SkillShotType.Linear); E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 200, 1950, 40); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Borki", "Borki"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("BORKI"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("Good Luck!"); SpellMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Spells Settings", "Combo"); SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); SpellMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); SpellMenu.Add("item", new CheckBox("Use [BOTRK]")); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); HarassMenu.Add("manaHarass", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50, 0, 100)); HarassMenu.Add("RocketHarass", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("ClearQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]", false)); ClearMenu.Add("manaClear", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 65, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.Add("RocketClear", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("manaJung", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.Add("RocketJung", new Slider("Save Rockets [R]", 3, 0, 6)); KillstealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KS"); KillstealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillstealMenu.Add("RKs", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); KillstealMenu.Add("QKs", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); KillstealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings"); Misc.Add("AntiGap", new CheckBox("Use [W] AntiGapcloser")); Misc.AddSeparator(); Misc.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Range [Q]")); Misc.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Range [W]", false)); Misc.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Range [E]")); Misc.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Range [R]")); Skin = Menu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer", "SkinChanger"); Skin.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Skin.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 0, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")); Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
// Menu private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Corki")) { return; } Chat.Print("Doctor's Corki Yuklendi.Ceviri TekinTR!", Color.Orange); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Circular, 300, 1000, 250); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 800, SkillShotType.Linear); W.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue; E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1200, SkillShotType.Linear, 200, 1950, 40); Botrk = new Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King); Bil = new Item(3144, 475f); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Doctor's Corki", "Corki"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Yapimci Mercedes7"); SpellMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); SpellMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); SpellMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q]")); SpellMenu.Add("QMode", new ComboBox("Q Mode:", 0, "Hizli [Q]", "[Q] Atakdan Sonra")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Kullan [R]")); SpellMenu.Add("RMode", new ComboBox("R Mode:", 0, "Hizli [R]", "[R] Atakdan Sonra")); SpellMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E]")); HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] Durtme")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassR", new CheckBox("Kullan [R] Durtme")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] Durtme")); HarassMenu.Add("manaHarass", new Slider("Durtmek icin enaz mana", 50, 0, 100)); HarassMenu.Add("RocketHarass", new Slider("Roket sakla [R]", 3, 0, 6)); ClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Laneclear Settings"); ClearMenu.Add("ClearQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] KoridorTemizleme", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearR", new CheckBox("Kullan [R] KoridorTemizleme", false)); ClearMenu.Add("ClearE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] KoridorTemizleme", false)); ClearMenu.Add("manaClear", new Slider("KoridorTemizleme icin enaz mana", 65, 0, 100)); ClearMenu.Add("RocketClear", new Slider("Roket sakla [R]", 3, 0, 6)); JungleMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleMenu.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] Orman")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleR", new CheckBox("Kullan [R] Orman")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Kullan [E] Orman")); JungleMenu.Add("manaJung", new Slider("Orman icin enaz mana", 30, 0, 100)); JungleMenu.Add("RocketJung", new Slider("Roket sakla [R]", 3, 0, 6)); KillstealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KS"); KillstealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillstealMenu.Add("RKs", new CheckBox("Kullan [R] Oldururken")); KillstealMenu.Add("QKs", new CheckBox("Kullan [Q] Oldururken")); KillstealMenu.Add("ign", new CheckBox("Kullan [Tutustur] Oldururken")); Misc = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Settings"); Misc.Add("Draw_Disabled", new CheckBox("Cizimleri Kapat", false)); Misc.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Goster [Q] Menzili")); Misc.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Goster [W] Menzili", false)); Misc.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Goster [E] Menzili")); Misc.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Goster [R] Menzili")); items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items Settings", "Items"); items.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); items.Add("BOTRK", new CheckBox("Kullan [Mahvolmus]")); items.Add("ihp", new Slider("Benim HP Kullan Mahvolmus <=", 50)); items.Add("ihpp", new Slider("Dusman HP Kullan Mahvolmus <=", 50)); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += ResetAttack; }
public static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Ryze")) { return; } Chat.Print("Ryze7 Loaded!", Color.Orange); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 900, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1500, 50); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 600); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); Seraph = new Item(3040); Tahoma16B = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 15, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ryze7", "Ryze"); ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); ComboMenu.Add("Human", new Slider("Humanizer Delay", 1, 0, 1000)); HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); HarassMenu.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); HarassMenu.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50, 0, 100)); LastHitMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LastHit Settings", "LastHit"); LastHitMenu.Add("LHQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); LastHitMenu.Add("LHW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); LastHitMenu.Add("LHE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]", false)); LastHitMenu.Add("LastHitMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LastHit", 50, 0, 100)); ClearMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.Add("LCQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]", false)); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 50, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.Add("JQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("JR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]", false)); JungleMenu.Add("JungleClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); KsMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillSteal"); KsMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Setting"); KsMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); KsMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); KsMenu.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); KsMenu.Add("KsIgnite", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("AntiGap Setting"); Misc.Add("gapw", new CheckBox("AntiGap [W]")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Seraph Settings"); Misc.Add("dts", new CheckBox("Use Seraph")); Misc.Add("Hp", new Slider("HP For Seraph", 30, 0, 100)); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Autos = menu.AddSubMenu("Stacks Settings", "Stacks"); Autos.Add("AutoStack", new KeyBind("Auto Stack", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T')); Autos.Add("MaxStack", new Slider("Keep Max Stacks", 2, 1, 5)); Autos.Add("StackMana", new Slider("Min Mana AutoStack", 70, 0, 100)); Autos.Add("DrawSt", new CheckBox("Draw Stacks")); Draws = menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "Draw"); Draws.AddSeparator(10); Draws.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Setting"); Draws.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Draws.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W / E Range")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; }
public static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (!_Player.ChampionName.Contains("Ryze")) { return; } Chat.Print("Ball Ryze7 Loaded!", Color.GreenYellow); Chat.Print("Doctor7 Good Luck!", Color.Yellow); Bootstrap.Init(null); Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 900, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1500, 50); Q.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; W = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.W, 600); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 600); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R); if (_Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot") != SpellSlot.Unknown) { Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } Seraph = new Item(3040); menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ryze7", "Ryze"); menu.AddLabel(" FEATURES "); menu.AddLabel(" Combo Mode "); menu.AddLabel(" Auto Stacks "); menu.AddLabel(" Block AA In Combo "); menu.AddLabel(" Leave Feedback For Any Bugs "); ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ComboMenu.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); ComboMenu.Add("Human", new Slider("Humanizer Delay", 200, 0, 1000)); HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings", "Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("HQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); HarassMenu.Add("HW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); HarassMenu.Add("HE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Min Mana For Harass", 50, 0, 100)); LastHitMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LastHit Settings", "LastHit"); LastHitMenu.Add("LHQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); LastHitMenu.Add("LHW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]", false)); LastHitMenu.Add("LHE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]", false)); LastHitMenu.Add("LastHitMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LastHit", 50, 0, 100)); ClearMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings", "LaneClear"); ClearMenu.Add("LCQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); ClearMenu.Add("LCR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); ClearMenu.Add("LaneClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For LaneClear", 50, 0, 100)); JungleMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings", "JungleClear"); JungleMenu.Add("JQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); JungleMenu.Add("JW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); JungleMenu.Add("JE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); JungleMenu.Add("JR", new CheckBox("Spell [R]")); JungleMenu.Add("JungleClearMana", new Slider("Min Mana For JungleClear", 30, 0, 100)); KsMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings", "KillSteal"); KsMenu.AddSeparator(10); KsMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Setting"); KsMenu.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Spell [Q]")); KsMenu.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Spell [W]")); KsMenu.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Spell [E]")); KsMenu.Add("KsIgnite", new CheckBox("Use [Ignite] KillSteal")); Misc = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings", "Misc"); Misc.AddGroupLabel("AntiGap Setting"); Misc.Add("gapw", new CheckBox("AntiGap [W]")); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Seraph Settings"); Misc.Add("dts", new CheckBox("Use Seraph")); Misc.Add("Hp", new Slider("HP For Seraph", 30, 0, 100)); Misc.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer"); Misc.Add("checkSkin", new CheckBox("Use Skin Changer")); Misc.Add("skin.Id", new ComboBox("Skin Mode", 3, "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")); Autos = menu.AddSubMenu("Stacks Settings", "Stacks"); Autos.Add("AutoStack", new KeyBind("Auto Stack", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T')); Autos.Add("MaxStack", new Slider("Keep Max Stacks", 2, 1, 5)); Autos.Add("StackMana", new Slider("Min Mana AutoStack", 70, 0, 100)); Draws = menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings", "Draw"); Draws.AddSeparator(10); Draws.AddGroupLabel("Drawings Setting"); Draws.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Q Range")); Draws.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("W / E Range")); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; }