public void SendCommand_Receives_Generic_Error_Message()
            const string errorMessage = "DOESNOTMATTER";
            const string expectedMessage = "Error: Received an exception trying to perform the operation - please contact support";

            const string serialNumber = "KNOWNSERIALNUMBER";
            const string command = "Initialize";
            string expectedJSON = "{ Code = 500, Message = " + expectedMessage + " }";
            var performEquipmentOperationWasCalled = false;

            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                var myContext = new SIMPLTestContext();

                var fakeUserDto = myContext.GetFakeUserDtoObject();
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = () => fakeUserDto;

                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.PerformEquipmentOperationListOfEquipmentOperationDtoUserDto =
                        performEquipmentOperationWasCalled = true;
                        throw new Exception(errorMessage);

                var testCleanAndScreenController = new CleanAndScreenController(new RosettianClient(), null);

                var result = testCleanAndScreenController.SendCommand(serialNumber, command);

                Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Send Command result is null");
                Assert.IsTrue(performEquipmentOperationWasCalled, "PerformEquipmentOperation was not called");
                Assert.IsTrue(result is JsonResult, "Result is not a JSON Result");
                var testJsonResult = result as JsonResult;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedJSON, testJsonResult.Data.ToString(),
                    string.Format("Resulting JSON is incorrect: Actual-{0} Expected-{1}", testJsonResult.Data.ToString(),

        public void SendCommand_Receives_ProvisioningError_From_Triad()
            const string errorMessage =
                "\n      Provisioning error: details follow\n    , ErrorMessage: Terminal state operation, defined by the operation code of the state component, failed., Controller Code:2005, Name:DAC 11, Type:GI DAC 6000";
            const string expectedMessage =
                "Provisioning error: details follow<br/>ErrorMessage: Terminal state operation, defined by the operation code of the state component, failed.<br />Controller Code:2005, Name:DAC 11, Type:GI DAC 6000";
            const string serialNumber = "KNOWNSERIALNUMBER";
            const string command = "Initialize";
            string expectedJSON = "{ Code = 500, Message = "+ expectedMessage + " }";
            var performEquipmentOperationWasCalled = false;

            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                var myContext = new SIMPLTestContext();

                var fakeUserDto = myContext.GetFakeUserDtoObject();
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = () => fakeUserDto;

                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.PerformEquipmentOperationListOfEquipmentOperationDtoUserDto =
                        performEquipmentOperationWasCalled = true;
                        throw new Exception(errorMessage);

                var testCleanAndScreenController = new CleanAndScreenController(new RosettianClient(), null);

                var result = testCleanAndScreenController.SendCommand(serialNumber, command);

                Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Send Command result is null");
                Assert.IsTrue(performEquipmentOperationWasCalled, "PerformEquipmentOperation was not called");
                Assert.IsTrue(result is JsonResult, "Result is not a JSON Result");
                var testJsonResult = result as JsonResult;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedJSON, testJsonResult.Data.ToString(),
                    string.Format("Resulting JSON is incorrect: Actual-{0} Expected-{1}", testJsonResult.Data.ToString(),
