예제 #1
        //stores datapack as xml
        public static void ExportDataPack(Classes.Data ObjectToStore)
            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Data));

            using (Stream str = File.Create(Application.StartupPath + "/Appdata/DataPacks/" + ObjectToStore.PackName + ".DataPack"))
                ser.Serialize(str, ObjectToStore);
예제 #2
파일: LoadSave.cs 프로젝트: jraiver/FULL-VK
        /// <summary>
        /// Запись информации приложения
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool WriteData(bool users = false)
            string path = $"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\\Data.txt";

            Classes.Data toWrite = new Classes.Data();
            toWrite.LastChoise = new Classes.Data.LastChoiseClass[LastChoise.Count()];
            var urls = LastChoise.GetAll();

            for (int i = 0; i < urls.Count; i++)
                toWrite.LastChoise[i] = new Classes.Data.LastChoiseClass()
                    url  = urls.ElementAt(i).Key,
                    name = urls.ElementAt(i).Value

            for (int i = 0; i < LastChoise.Count(); i++)
                toWrite.LastChoise[i] = new Classes.Data.LastChoiseClass()
                    url  = LastChoise.Get(i).Key,
                    name = LastChoise.Get(i).Value

            var FavoriteData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(toWrite, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

            File.WriteAllText(path, FavoriteData, Encoding.UTF8);
            if (users)

        async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadPlayerAsync()
            //we create a proxy to access the db
            Final_Project.Player_ServiceRef.SavePlayer_ServiceClient proxy = new Final_Project.Player_ServiceRef.SavePlayer_ServiceClient();

            var resultUsername = await proxy.IsUsernameExistsAsync(UsernameText.Text);              // we check first if the username exists

            if (resultUsername)                                                                     // if he exists we check for the password
                var result = await proxy.IsPlayerExistsAsync(UsernameText.Text, PasswordText.Text); // we check if the player exists (with the password

                if (result)                                                                         // if he does exist
                    //we dont know which hearts images to load to so we check
                    var playerResult = await proxy.LoadPlayerAsync(UsernameText.Text, PasswordText.Text); // we load him

                    List <double> ShieldHp = new List <double>()
                        playerResult.Shield1_HP, playerResult.Shield2_HP, playerResult.Shield3_HP
                    };                                                                                          // init array of 3 shield hp

                    Image shield_Image_1 = new Image();                                                         // we load the images of the shields
                                                                                                                //if any things doesnt work create 3 objects
                    shield_Image_1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/SpaceShip/Shield.png")); // we load shield images
                    List <Image> Shields_Images = new List <Image>()
                        shield_Image_1, shield_Image_1, shield_Image_1
                    };                                // to pass

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)       // check for missing shield
                        if (ShieldHp[i] <= 0)         // if shield hp is less then 0 or 0
                            Shields_Images[i] = null; // we delete its image
                    List <Image> Shields_hp_Images;                                                                                           // we load the hp images of the shields
                    Shields_hp_Images = LoadShieldImages(playerResult.Shield1_Image, playerResult.Shield2_Image, playerResult.Shield3_Image); // we dont know which images to load so we send the number of the image of each shield to load

                    Classes.Data player_data = new Classes.Data(playerResult.Current_Level, playerResult.Coins, playerResult.HP,
                                                                playerResult.SpaceShip_Level, (Final_Project.Classes.Bullets)playerResult.Bullet_Level, Shields_Images,
                                                                Shields_hp_Images, ShieldHp, UsernameText.Text, PasswordText.Text, true);

                    Frame.Navigate(typeof(GamePage), player_data); // pass to page after got all data
                else // if he doesnt exist - we let him enter new password or create new player
                    var dialog = new MessageDialog("You have entered a wrong password!\nPlease enter a correct password or create a new player");
                    dialog.Title = "Couldn't Login!";
                    dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand {
                        Label = "OK", Id = 0
                    var ans = await dialog.ShowAsync();
            else // if the username doesnt exist there is no need to check the password - we just start new game with the given info
                Classes.Data player_data = new Classes.Data();
                player_data.username      = UsernameText.Text; // we only pass username and password
                player_data.password      = PasswordText.Text;
                player_data.isExitingInDB = false;             // but he doesnt exist in the db so we will need to add him
                player_data.Level         = 1;
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(GamePage), player_data); // we send that he has no data and the data will be create thoughout the game