private void AddAgent() { new System.Threading.Thread(() => { Classes.AgentManager agentManager = new Classes.AgentManager(); if (agentManager.CanAddAgent(GetEmail())) { SetLoadingState(true); if (agentManager.AddAgent(GetName(), GetSurname(), GetPhone(), GetEmail(), GetPassword())) { DisplayNotifyBox("Agent Added", GetName() + " has been successfully added", 2); } else { DisplayNotifyBox("ERROR", "Could not add " + GetName(), 2); } ClearForm(); } else { DisplayNotifyBox("Username Exists Already", "Cannot add " + GetName() + ", the email " + GetEmail() + " exits already", 3); } SetLoadingState(false); }).Start(); }
private void EditEmail(string email, string newEmail) { Classes.AgentManager agentManager = new Classes.AgentManager(); if (agentManager.CanAddAgent(newEmail)) { new System.Threading.Thread(() => { SetLoadingState(true); if (agentManager.EditEmail(email, newEmail)) { DisplayNotifyBox("Edited", "Email changed to " + newEmail, 5); } else { edited = false; DisplayNotifyBox("Could not edit", "En error occured while trying to change email. Please try again later", 5); } SetLoadingState(false); }).Start(); } else { edited = false; DisplayNotifyBox("Could not edit", "Cannot change " + email + " to " + newEmail + " because " + newEmail + " already exists", 4); } }
private void AddAgent() { new System.Threading.Thread(() => { Classes.AgentManager agentManager = new Classes.AgentManager(); if (agentManager.CanAddAgent(GetEmail())) { SetLoadingState(true); Classes.Validation valid = new Classes.Validation(); if (valid.TextIsShorterThan(GetName(), 32) && valid.TextIsShorterThan(GetSurname(), 32) && valid.TextIsShorterThan(GetPhone(), 12)) { if (valid.IsTextNumeric(GetPhone())) { if (agentManager.AddAgent(GetName(), GetSurname(), GetPhone(), GetEmail(), GetPassword())) { DisplayNotifyBox("Agent Added", GetName() + " has been successfully added", 5); } else { DisplayNotifyBox("ERROR", "Could not add " + GetName(), 2); } } else { DisplayNotifyBox("ERROR", "Please use a valid cellphone number with local 099 999 999 format", 10); } } else { DisplayNotifyBox("ERROR", "Please ensure all fields have lengths shorter than 32 characters", 10); } ClearForm(); } else { DisplayNotifyBox("Username Exists Already", "Cannot add " + GetName() + ", the email " + GetEmail() + " exits already", 3); } SetLoadingState(false); }).Start(); }