// precedence of new public override TextBuffer ToJava(int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { TextBuffer buf = new TextBuffer(); if (anonymous) { ClassesProcessor.ClassNode child = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(newType.value); // IDEA-204310 - avoid backtracking later on for lambdas (causes spurious imports) if (!enumConst && (!lambda || DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences .Lambda_To_Anonymous_Class))) { string enclosing = null; if (!lambda && constructor != null) { enclosing = GetQualifiedNewInstance(child.anonymousClassType.value, constructor.GetLstParameters (), indent, tracer); if (enclosing != null) { buf.Append(enclosing).Append('.'); } } buf.Append("new "); string typename = ExprProcessor.GetCastTypeName(child.anonymousClassType); if (enclosing != null) { ClassesProcessor.ClassNode anonymousNode = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor(). GetMapRootClasses().GetOrNull(child.anonymousClassType.value); if (anonymousNode != null) { typename = anonymousNode.simpleName; } else { typename = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(typename, typename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); } } GenericClassDescriptor descriptor = ClassWriter.GetGenericClassDescriptor(child.classStruct ); if (descriptor != null) { if ((descriptor.superinterfaces.Count == 0)) { buf.Append(GenericMain.GetGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superclass)); } else { if (descriptor.superinterfaces.Count > 1 && !lambda) { DecompilerContext.GetLogger().WriteMessage("Inconsistent anonymous class signature: " + child.classStruct.qualifiedName, IFernflowerLogger.Severity.Warn); } buf.Append(GenericMain.GetGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superinterfaces[0])); } } else { buf.Append(typename); } } buf.Append('('); if (!lambda && constructor != null) { List <Exprent> parameters = constructor.GetLstParameters(); List <VarVersionPair> mask = child.GetWrapper().GetMethodWrapper(ICodeConstants.Init_Name , constructor.GetStringDescriptor()).synthParameters; if (mask == null) { InvocationExprent superCall = child.superInvocation; mask = ExprUtil.GetSyntheticParametersMask(superCall.GetClassname(), superCall.GetStringDescriptor (), parameters.Count); } int start = enumConst ? 2 : 0; bool firstParam = true; for (int i = start; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (mask == null || mask[i] == null) { if (!firstParam) { buf.Append(", "); } ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(parameters[i], constructor.GetDescriptor().@params [i], buf, indent, true, tracer); firstParam = false; } } } buf.Append(')'); if (enumConst && buf.Length() == 2) { buf.SetLength(0); } if (lambda) { if (!DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Lambda_To_Anonymous_Class )) { buf.SetLength(0); } // remove the usual 'new <class>()', it will be replaced with lambda style '() ->' Exprent methodObject = constructor == null ? null : constructor.GetInstance(); TextBuffer clsBuf = new TextBuffer(); new ClassWriter().ClassLambdaToJava(child, clsBuf, methodObject, indent, tracer); buf.Append(clsBuf); tracer.IncrementCurrentSourceLine(clsBuf.CountLines()); } else { TextBuffer clsBuf = new TextBuffer(); new ClassWriter().ClassToJava(child, clsBuf, indent, tracer); buf.Append(clsBuf); tracer.IncrementCurrentSourceLine(clsBuf.CountLines()); } } else if (directArrayInit) { VarType leftType = newType.DecreaseArrayDim(); buf.Append('{'); for (int i = 0; i < lstArrayElements.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.Append(", "); } ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(lstArrayElements[i], leftType, buf, indent, false, tracer); } buf.Append('}'); } else if (newType.arrayDim == 0) { if (!enumConst) { string enclosing = null; if (constructor != null) { enclosing = GetQualifiedNewInstance(newType.value, constructor.GetLstParameters() , indent, tracer); if (enclosing != null) { buf.Append(enclosing).Append('.'); } } buf.Append("new "); string typename = ExprProcessor.GetTypeName(newType); if (enclosing != null) { ClassesProcessor.ClassNode newNode = DecompilerContext.GetClassProcessor().GetMapRootClasses ().GetOrNull(newType.value); if (newNode != null) { typename = newNode.simpleName; } else { typename = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(typename, typename.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); } } buf.Append(typename); } if (constructor != null) { List <Exprent> parameters = constructor.GetLstParameters(); List <VarVersionPair> mask = ExprUtil.GetSyntheticParametersMask(constructor.GetClassname (), constructor.GetStringDescriptor(), parameters.Count); int start = enumConst ? 2 : 0; if (!enumConst || start < parameters.Count) { buf.Append('('); bool firstParam = true; for (int i = start; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (mask == null || mask[i] == null) { Exprent expr = parameters[i]; VarType leftType = constructor.GetDescriptor().@params[i]; if (i == parameters.Count - 1 && expr.GetExprType() == VarType.Vartype_Null && ProbablySyntheticParameter (leftType.value)) { break; } // skip last parameter of synthetic constructor call if (!firstParam) { buf.Append(", "); } ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(expr, leftType, buf, indent, true, false, true, true , tracer); firstParam = false; } } buf.Append(')'); } } } else if (isVarArgParam) { // just print the array elements VarType leftType = newType.DecreaseArrayDim(); for (int i = 0; i < lstArrayElements.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.Append(", "); } // new String[][]{{"abc"}, {"DEF"}} => new String[]{"abc"}, new String[]{"DEF"} Exprent element = lstArrayElements[i]; if (element.type == Exprent_New) { ((NewExprent)element).SetDirectArrayInit(false); } ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(element, leftType, buf, indent, false, tracer); } // if there is just one element of Object[] type it needs to be casted to resolve ambiguity if (lstArrayElements.Count == 1) { VarType elementType = lstArrayElements[0].GetExprType(); if (elementType.type == ICodeConstants.Type_Object && elementType.value.Equals("java/lang/Object" ) && elementType.arrayDim >= 1) { buf.Prepend("(Object)"); } } } else { buf.Append("new ").Append(ExprProcessor.GetTypeName(newType)); if ((lstArrayElements.Count == 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < newType.arrayDim; i++) { buf.Append('['); if (i < lstDims.Count) { buf.Append(lstDims[i].ToJava(indent, tracer)); } buf.Append(']'); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < newType.arrayDim; i++) { buf.Append("[]"); } VarType leftType = newType.DecreaseArrayDim(); buf.Append('{'); for (int i = 0; i < lstArrayElements.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.Append(", "); } ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(lstArrayElements[i], leftType, buf, indent, false, tracer); } buf.Append('}'); } } return(buf); }