private void ShowGrid()
        DataSet oDs = GetGridData();
        double dTotal = 0;

        this.LblFrom.Text = this.cc2DateSelector.StartDate().ToString("d MMMM yyyy");
        this.LblTo.Text = this.cc2DateSelector.EndDate().ToString("d MMMM yyyy");

        foreach (DataRow oDr in oDs.Tables[0].Rows)
            dTotal += double.Parse(oDr["Hours"].ToString());

        ViewState["TotalHours"] = dTotal.ToString();

        this.GridTime.DataSource = oDs;

        //	Time events which are locked cannot be edited or deleted.

        ClassTime oTim = new ClassTime();

        foreach (GridViewRow oRow in GridTime.Rows)
            ImageButton oDel = (ImageButton)oRow.FindControl("ImgTrash");

            if (oDel != null)

                if (oTim.Locked)
                    oDel.ToolTip = "";
                    oDel.Enabled = false;
                    oDel.ImageUrl = "~/Images/BlankIcon.gif";
예제 #2
    private void ShowGrid(Int32 PageNo)
        DateTime DateStart = this.cc2DateSelector.StartDate();
        DateTime DateEnd = this.cc2DateSelector.EndDate();

        this.LblFrom.Text = DateStart.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
        this.LblTo.Text = DateEnd.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");

        ClassReport oRep = new ClassReport();
        DataSet oDs = oRep.GetTimeSheet(Int32.Parse(ViewState["UserId"].ToString()), DateStart, DateEnd);
        double dTotal = 0;

        foreach (DataRow oDr in oDs.Tables[0].Rows)
            dTotal += double.Parse(oDr["Hours"].ToString());

        ViewState["TotalHours"] = dTotal.ToString();

        this.GridTime.DataSource = oDs;
        this.GridTime.PageIndex = (PageNo >= 0) ? PageNo : 0;

        if (Int32.Parse(ViewState["TimeId"].ToString()) == 0)
            this.BtnSubmit.Text = "Submit";
            this.LblTimeId.Text = "New";
            this.BtnSubmit.Text = "Update";
            this.LblTimeId.Text = string.Format("Update ({0})", Int32.Parse(ViewState["TimeId"].ToString()));

        //	Time events which are locked cannot be edited or deleted.

        ClassTime oTim = new ClassTime();

        foreach (GridViewRow oRow in GridTime.Rows)
            ImageButton oDel = (ImageButton)oRow.FindControl("ImgTrash");

            if (oDel != null)

                if (oTim.Locked)
                    oDel.ToolTip = "";
                    oDel.Enabled = false;
                    oDel.ImageUrl = "~/Images/BlankIcon.gif";
