예제 #1
        //attributes have to be simple types, either enum, string, int, double, bool
        private static void AddXMLAttributte(FileLevelInfo info, XmlAttributeAttribute xa, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            string fieldName = xa.AttributeName;
              string dtype = SetupSimpleType(info, snip, xa.DataType, fieldName, finfo.FieldType.Name);

              snip.fromXml += "\t"+fieldName+" = FromString_" + dtype +"(pEm, pEm->Attribute(\"" + fieldName + "\"));\n";
              snip.toXml += "\tpEm->SetAttribute(\"" + fieldName + "\", ToString_" + dtype + "(" + fieldName + "));\n";

              snip.declarations += "\t" + dtype + " " + fieldName + ";\n";
예제 #2
        private static void AddSimpleXMLElement(FileLevelInfo info, XmlElementAttribute xea, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            string fieldName = xea.ElementName;
              string dtype = SetupSimpleType(info, snip, xea.DataType, fieldName, finfo.FieldType.Name);

              string nodeGetter = "pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + fieldName + "\")";

              snip.fromXml += "\t" + fieldName + " = FromString_" + dtype + "(pNode, GetValue(\"" + fieldName + "\", pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + fieldName + "\"), pNode));\n";
              snip.toXml += "\tTiXmlElement* n" + fieldName + " = new TiXmlElement(\"" + fieldName+ "\");\n";
              snip.toXml += "\tTiXmlText* nt" + fieldName + " = new TiXmlText(ToString_" + dtype + "(" + fieldName + "));\n";
              snip.toXml += "\tn" + fieldName + "->LinkEndChild(nt"+fieldName+");\n";
              snip.toXml += "\tpEm->LinkEndChild(n" + fieldName + ");\n";

              snip.declarations += "\t" + dtype + " " + fieldName + ";\n";
예제 #3
        private static string SetupSimpleType(FileLevelInfo info, ClassSnippet snip, string dtype, string fieldName, string fieldType)
            if (dtype == null || dtype.Length == 0)
                if (fieldType != null && info.enumNames.ContainsKey(fieldType))
                    fieldName = fieldType;
                if (info.enumNames.ContainsKey(fieldName))
                    dtype = (string)info.enumNames[fieldName];
                    throw new Exception("Bad simple type: " + fieldName + " : " + dtype);
            if (dtype == "integer")
                dtype = "int";
            if (dtype == "boolean")
                dtype = "bool";

            if (!info.knownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(dtype))
                if (!info.unKnownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(dtype))
                    info.unKnownSimpleTypes.Add(dtype, dtype);
                dtype = "string";
예제 #4
        //attributes have to be simple types, either enum, string, int, double, bool
        private static void AddXMLAttributte(FileLevelInfo info, XmlAttributeAttribute xa, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            string fieldName = xa.AttributeName;
            string dtype     = SetupSimpleType(info, snip, xa.DataType, fieldName, finfo.FieldType.Name);

            snip.fromXml += "\t" + fieldName + " = FromString_" + dtype + "(pEm, pEm->Attribute(\"" + fieldName + "\"));\n";
            snip.toXml   += "\tpEm->SetAttribute(\"" + fieldName + "\", ToString_" + dtype + "(" + fieldName + "));\n";

            snip.declarations += "\t" + dtype + " " + fieldName + ";\n";
예제 #5
        private static void AddSimpleXMLElement(FileLevelInfo info, XmlElementAttribute xea, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            string fieldName = xea.ElementName;
            string dtype     = SetupSimpleType(info, snip, xea.DataType, fieldName, finfo.FieldType.Name);

            string nodeGetter = "pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + fieldName + "\")";

            snip.fromXml += "\t" + fieldName + " = FromString_" + dtype + "(pNode, GetValue(\"" + fieldName + "\", pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + fieldName + "\"), pNode));\n";
            snip.toXml   += "\tTiXmlElement* n" + fieldName + " = new TiXmlElement(\"" + fieldName + "\");\n";
            snip.toXml   += "\tTiXmlText* nt" + fieldName + " = new TiXmlText(ToString_" + dtype + "(" + fieldName + "));\n";
            snip.toXml   += "\tn" + fieldName + "->LinkEndChild(nt" + fieldName + ");\n";
            snip.toXml   += "\tpEm->LinkEndChild(n" + fieldName + ");\n";

            snip.declarations += "\t" + dtype + " " + fieldName + ";\n";
예제 #6
        //when we add an element it either needs to be
        private static void AddXMLElement(FileLevelInfo info, XmlElementAttribute xea, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            if (xea.Type == null)
                AddSimpleXMLElement(info, xea, snip, finfo);
            string typeName = xea.Type.ToString();

            string[] ss = typeName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            typeName = ss[ss.Length - 1];
            string typesuffix    = "_t";
            string fromNamespace = getCppNamespace(xea.Namespace);
            string fullName;
            string swigFullName;
            string ename = xea.ElementName;

            if (xea.Type.Namespace == "System")
                if (!info.knownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(typeName.ToLower()))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown system array type : " + typeName);
                fromNamespace = info.nSpace;
                typesuffix    = "";
                typeName      = (string)info.knownSimpleTypes[typeName.ToLower()];
                fullName      = typeName;
                swigFullName  = info.nSpace + "::" + typeName;
                if (!info.collections.ContainsKey(typeName))
                    info.collections.Add(typeName, typeName);
            else if (fromNamespace == info.nSpace)
                if (typeName != snip.type.Name)
                    //don't make a class dependent on itself.
                fullName     = typeName;
                swigFullName = info.nSpace + "::" + typeName;
                fullName     = fromNamespace + "::" + typeName;
                swigFullName = fullName;
                if (!info.includes.ContainsKey(fromNamespace))
                    info.includes.Add(fromNamespace, fullName);
            bool isCollection = false;

            if (info.collections.ContainsKey(typeName))
                snip.declarations += "#ifdef SWIG\n%immutable " + ename + "Vector;\n#endif\n";

                snip.classDeclaration = "#ifdef SWIG\n}\n%template(" + ename + "_c) std::vector<" + swigFullName + typesuffix + "*>;\nnamespace " + info.nSpace + "{\n#endif\n" + snip.classDeclaration;
                snip.declarations    += "\tprivate: collectedType < " + fullName + typesuffix + " > " + ename + ";\n";
                snip.declarations    += "\tpublic: vector < " + fullName + typesuffix + "* >& " + ename + "Vector;\n";
                if (snip.constructor == null)
                    snip.constructor = snip.className + "::" + snip.className + "():\n\t\t";
                    snip.constructor += ",\n\t\t";
                snip.constructor += ename + "(\"" + typeName + "\"), " + ename + "Vector(" + ename + ".collection)";

                if (snip.needsChildren != null)
                    snip.needsChildren += " && ";
                snip.needsChildren += ename + ".size() == 0";

                isCollection = true;
                snip.declarations += "#ifdef SWIG\n%immutable " + ename + ";\n#endif\n";
                snip.declarations += "\t" + fullName + typesuffix + " " + ename + ";\n";

            snip.toXml += "\t" + ename + ".toXml(pEm, true, aIgnoreValid);\n";
            string nodeName = "pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + ename + "\")";

            if (ename == snip.type.Name || isCollection)
                nodeName = "pNode";
            snip.fromXml += "\t" + ename + ".fromXml(" + nodeName + ");\n";
예제 #7
        private static void BuildClassSnippets(FileLevelInfo info, ClassSnippet snip)
            Type t = snip.type;

            FieldInfo[] fi = t.GetFields();
            snip.className        = t.Name + "_t";
            snip.classDeclaration = "class " + snip.className + " : ";
            //set the base class
            string baseClass = null;

            if (t.BaseType != typeof(System.Object))
                string nspace = getCppNamespace(t.BaseType.Namespace);
                if (t.BaseType.Namespace != t.Namespace)
                    if (!info.includes.ContainsKey(nspace))
                        info.includes.Add(nspace, t.BaseType.FullName);
                baseClass              = nspace + "::" + t.BaseType.Name + "_t";
                snip.classDeclaration += "public " + baseClass;
                snip.classDeclaration += "public IXMLDataBound ";
            snip.classDeclaration += "{\npublic:\n\tvoid toXml(TiXmlNode* pParent, bool aCreateNode, bool aIgnoreValid);\n\tvoid fromXml(TiXmlNode* pNode);\n";
            snip.constructor       = null;
            snip.declarations      = "";
            snip.fromXml           = "void " + snip.className + " :: fromXml(TiXmlNode* pNode){\n";
            snip.toXml             = "";
            snip.needsChildren     = null;
            snip.fromXml          += "\tif(pNode == NULL)return;\n";
            snip.fromXml          += "\tXML_CHECK(\"" + t.Name + "\",pNode->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT);\n";
            snip.fromXml          += "\tTiXmlElement* pEm = pNode->ToElement();\n";
            snip.fromXml          += "\tXML_CHECK(\"" + t.Name + "\",pEm != 0);\n";
            if (baseClass != null)
                snip.fromXml += "\tthis->" + baseClass + "::fromXml(pNode);\n";
            foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
                if (f.DeclaringType != t)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Skipped " + f.Name + " in " + t.ToString() + " since its allready defined in: " + f.DeclaringType.ToString());
                object[] atts = f.GetCustomAttributes(true);

                foreach (Attribute a in atts)
                    if (a.GetType() == typeof(XmlAttributeAttribute))
                        AddXMLAttributte(info, (XmlAttributeAttribute)a, snip, f);
                    if (a.GetType() == typeof(XmlElementAttribute))
                        AddXMLElement(info, (XmlElementAttribute)a, snip, f);
            if (snip.constructor == null)
                snip.constructor = "";
                //when we have had to construct
                snip.constructor      += "{};\n";
                snip.classDeclaration += "\t" + snip.className + "();\n\n";
            snip.fromXml += "\tvalid=true;\n};\n";
            string tempToXml = snip.toXml;

            snip.toXml = "void " + snip.className + " :: toXml(TiXmlNode* pParent, bool aCreateNode, bool aIgnoreValid){\n";
            if (snip.needsChildren != null)
                snip.toXml += "\tif(" + snip.needsChildren + ")return;\n";

            snip.toXml += "\tif(!aIgnoreValid && !valid) return;\n";

            snip.toXml += "\tTiXmlElement * pEm;\n\tif(aCreateNode){\n\t\tpEm = new TiXmlElement(\"" + t.Name + "\");\n";
            snip.toXml += "\t\tpParent->LinkEndChild(pEm);\n\t}else{\n\t\tpEm = pParent->ToElement();\n\t}\n";
            if (baseClass != null)
                snip.toXml += "\tthis->" + baseClass + "::toXml(pEm, false, aIgnoreValid);\n";
            snip.toXml      += tempToXml;
            snip.toXml      += "};\n";
            snip.declaration = snip.classDeclaration + snip.declarations + "};";
            snip.definition  = snip.constructor + snip.fromXml + snip.toXml;
예제 #8
        //when we add an element it either needs to be
        private static void AddXMLElement(FileLevelInfo info, XmlElementAttribute xea, ClassSnippet snip, FieldInfo finfo)
            if (xea.Type == null)
            AddSimpleXMLElement(info, xea, snip, finfo);
              string typeName = xea.Type.ToString();
              string[] ss = typeName.Split(new char[] { '.' });
              typeName = ss[ss.Length - 1];
              string typesuffix = "_t";
              string fromNamespace = getCppNamespace(xea.Namespace);
              string fullName;
              string swigFullName;
              string ename = xea.ElementName;
              if (xea.Type.Namespace == "System")
            if (!info.knownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(typeName.ToLower()))
              throw new Exception("Unknown system array type : " + typeName);
            fromNamespace = info.nSpace;
            typesuffix = "";
            typeName = (string)info.knownSimpleTypes[typeName.ToLower()];
            fullName = typeName;
            swigFullName = info.nSpace + "::" + typeName;
            if (!info.collections.ContainsKey(typeName)) info.collections.Add(typeName, typeName);
              else if (fromNamespace == info.nSpace)
            if (typeName != snip.type.Name)
              //don't make a class dependent on itself.
            fullName = typeName;
            swigFullName = info.nSpace +"::"+typeName;
            fullName = fromNamespace + "::" + typeName;
            swigFullName = fullName;
            if (!info.includes.ContainsKey(fromNamespace)) info.includes.Add(fromNamespace, fullName);
              bool isCollection = false;
              if (info.collections.ContainsKey(typeName))
            snip.declarations += "#ifdef SWIG\n%immutable " + ename + "Vector;\n#endif\n";

            snip.classDeclaration = "#ifdef SWIG\n}\n%template(" + ename + "_c) std::vector<" + swigFullName + typesuffix + "*>;\nnamespace " + info.nSpace + "{\n#endif\n" + snip.classDeclaration;
            snip.declarations += "\tprivate: collectedType < " + fullName + typesuffix+" > " + ename + ";\n";
            snip.declarations += "\tpublic: vector < " + fullName + typesuffix+"* >& "+ename+"Vector;\n";
            if (snip.constructor == null)
              snip.constructor = snip.className + "::" + snip.className + "():\n\t\t";
              snip.constructor += ",\n\t\t";
            snip.constructor += ename + "(\"" + typeName + "\"), "+ename+"Vector(" + ename + ".collection)";

            if (snip.needsChildren != null) snip.needsChildren += " && ";
            snip.needsChildren += ename + ".size() == 0";

            isCollection = true;
            snip.declarations += "#ifdef SWIG\n%immutable " + ename + ";\n#endif\n";
            snip.declarations += "\t" + fullName + typesuffix +" " + ename + ";\n";

              snip.toXml += "\t" + ename + ".toXml(pEm, true, aIgnoreValid);\n";
              string nodeName = "pNode->FirstChildElement(\"" + ename + "\")";
              if (ename == snip.type.Name || isCollection) nodeName = "pNode";
              snip.fromXml += "\t" + ename + ".fromXml(" + nodeName + ");\n";
예제 #9
        private static string SetupSimpleType(FileLevelInfo info, ClassSnippet snip, string dtype, string fieldName, string fieldType)
            if (dtype == null || dtype.Length == 0)
            if (fieldType != null && info.enumNames.ContainsKey(fieldType))
              fieldName = fieldType;
            if (info.enumNames.ContainsKey(fieldName))
              dtype = (string)info.enumNames[fieldName];
              return dtype;
              throw new Exception("Bad simple type: " + fieldName + " : " + dtype);
              if (dtype == "integer") dtype = "int";
              if (dtype == "boolean") dtype = "bool";

              if (!info.knownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(dtype))
            if(!info.unKnownSimpleTypes.ContainsKey(dtype)) info.unKnownSimpleTypes.Add(dtype,dtype);
            dtype = "string";
              return dtype;
예제 #10
        private static void BuildClassSnippets(FileLevelInfo info, ClassSnippet snip)
            Type t = snip.type;
              FieldInfo[] fi = t.GetFields();
              snip.className = t.Name + "_t";
              snip.classDeclaration = "class " + snip.className + " : ";
              //set the base class
              string baseClass = null;
              if (t.BaseType != typeof(System.Object))
              string nspace = getCppNamespace(t.BaseType.Namespace);
              if (t.BaseType.Namespace != t.Namespace)
              if (!info.includes.ContainsKey(nspace)) info.includes.Add(nspace, t.BaseType.FullName);
              else snip.dependencies.Add(t.BaseType.Name);
              baseClass = nspace + "::" + t.BaseType.Name + "_t";
              snip.classDeclaration += "public " + baseClass;
            snip.classDeclaration += "public IXMLDataBound ";
              snip.classDeclaration += "{\npublic:\n\tvoid toXml(TiXmlNode* pParent, bool aCreateNode, bool aIgnoreValid);\n\tvoid fromXml(TiXmlNode* pNode);\n";
              snip.constructor = null;
              snip.declarations = "";
              snip.fromXml = "void " + snip.className + " :: fromXml(TiXmlNode* pNode){\n";
              snip.toXml = "";
              snip.needsChildren = null;
              snip.fromXml += "\tif(pNode == NULL)return;\n";
              snip.fromXml += "\tXML_CHECK(\""+t.Name+"\",pNode->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT);\n";
              snip.fromXml += "\tTiXmlElement* pEm = pNode->ToElement();\n";
              snip.fromXml += "\tXML_CHECK(\"" + t.Name + "\",pEm != 0);\n";
              if (baseClass != null)
            snip.fromXml += "\tthis->" + baseClass + "::fromXml(pNode);\n";
              foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
            if (f.DeclaringType != t)
              //Console.WriteLine("Skipped " + f.Name + " in " + t.ToString() + " since its allready defined in: " + f.DeclaringType.ToString());
            object[] atts = f.GetCustomAttributes(true);

            foreach (Attribute a in atts)

              if (a.GetType() == typeof(XmlAttributeAttribute))
            AddXMLAttributte(info, (XmlAttributeAttribute)a, snip, f);

              if (a.GetType() == typeof(XmlElementAttribute))
            AddXMLElement(info, (XmlElementAttribute)a, snip, f);
              if (snip.constructor == null) snip.constructor = "";
            //when we have had to construct
            snip.constructor += "{};\n";
            snip.classDeclaration += "\t" + snip.className + "();\n\n";
              snip.fromXml += "\tvalid=true;\n};\n";
              string tempToXml = snip.toXml;
              snip.toXml = "void " + snip.className + " :: toXml(TiXmlNode* pParent, bool aCreateNode, bool aIgnoreValid){\n";
              if (snip.needsChildren != null)
              snip.toXml += "\tif(" + snip.needsChildren + ")return;\n";

              snip.toXml += "\tif(!aIgnoreValid && !valid) return;\n";

              snip.toXml += "\tTiXmlElement * pEm;\n\tif(aCreateNode){\n\t\tpEm = new TiXmlElement(\"" + t.Name + "\");\n";
              snip.toXml += "\t\tpParent->LinkEndChild(pEm);\n\t}else{\n\t\tpEm = pParent->ToElement();\n\t}\n";
              if (baseClass != null)
             snip.toXml += "\tthis->" + baseClass + "::toXml(pEm, false, aIgnoreValid);\n";
              snip.toXml += tempToXml;
              snip.toXml += "};\n";
              snip.declaration = snip.classDeclaration + snip.declarations + "};";
              snip.definition = snip.constructor + snip.fromXml + snip.toXml;