예제 #1
 public static void Parse_ClassDefinition_Test()
     #region Test1: public sealed class String_ : Blueprint_CodeInjection    // namespace Blueprint.Rules.Types.String
     //      ===========================================
     string line = "public sealed class String_SubStr : Blueprint_CodeInjection";
     string nameSpace = "namespace Blueprint.Rules.Types.String";
     string classKind, classScope, className, classBase, classnameGroup, classNameShortVersion;
     ClassNTHeader_Methods.Parse_ClassDefinition(line, nameSpace, out classKind, out classScope, out className, out classBase, out classnameGroup, out classNameShortVersion);
     Assert.Equal("sealed", classKind);
     Assert.Equal("public", classScope);
     Assert.Equal("String_SubStr", className);
     Assert.Equal("Blueprint_CodeInjection", classBase);
     Assert.Equal("String", classnameGroup);
     Assert.Equal("SubStr", classNameShortVersion);
예제 #2
        public static void Parse_ClassHeader_Test()
            int           ii = 0;
            ClassNTStats_ stats;
            List <string> source;
            List <string> Using, attributes, commentLines;
            string        nameSpace, comment;
            bool          isClass;

            #region Test1: public sealed class Types_Money
            //      ===========================================
            source = new List <string>
                "using System;",
                "namespace Blueprint.lib.Rules.Types",
                "    /// <summary>",
                "    /// Money convertions",
                "    /// </summary>",
                "    [BlueprintRule_(enClassNetwork.Node_Action)]",
                "    [BlueprintCodeInjection_(typeof(Controller_BlueprintLogger), true)]",
                "    public sealed class Types_Money",
                "    {",
                "        /// <summary>",
                "        ///     A Double extension method that converts the @this to a money.",
                "        /// </summary>",
                "        /// <param name=\"this\">The @this to act on.</param>",
                "        /// <returns>@this as a Double.</returns>",
                "        public Double ToMoney(Double @this)",
                "        {",
                "            return Math.Round(@this, 2);",
                "        }",
                "    }",
            stats   = new ClassNTStats_();
            isClass = ClassNTHeader_Methods.Parse_ClassHeader(source, out ii, stats, out Using, out attributes, out nameSpace, out comment, out commentLines);
            Assert.Equal("System", Using[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Blueprint.lib.Rules.Types", nameSpace);
            Assert.Equal("Money convertions", comment);
            Assert.Equal("<summary>Money convertions</summary>", commentLines[0]);
            Assert.Equal(1, commentLines.Count);
            // Attributes ==========================
            Assert.Equal(2, attributes.Count);
            Assert.Equal("[BlueprintRule_(enClassNetwork.Node_Action)]", attributes[0]);
            Assert.Equal("[BlueprintCodeInjection_(typeof(Controller_BlueprintLogger), true)]", attributes[1]);
            // Statistics ===================
            Assert.Equal(10, stats.ClassTotalLines);
            Assert.Equal(3, stats.ClassTotalCommentLines);
            Assert.Equal(5, stats.ClassTotalCodeLines);
            Assert.Equal(1, stats.ClassTotalBlankLines);
            Assert.Equal(2, stats.TotalAttributes);
            // ===========================
            Assert.Equal(9, ii);

            #region Test2: enum test
            //      ===========================================
            source = new List <string>
                "namespace Access2System.domain.Enumerals",
                "    public enum enTodoTime",
                "    {",
                "        [Description = \"Test\"]",
                "        Hours,",
                "        Days,",
                "        Weeks",
                "    }",
            stats   = new ClassNTStats_();
            isClass = ClassNTHeader_Methods.Parse_ClassHeader(source, out ii, stats, out Using, out attributes, out nameSpace, out comment, out commentLines);
            Assert.Equal(source.Count, ii);
            Assert.Equal(10, stats.ClassTotalLines);
            Assert.Equal(10, stats.ClassTotalCodeLines);
            Assert.Equal(0, stats.ClassTotalCommentLines);
            Assert.Equal(1, stats.TotalAttributes);
            Assert.Equal(1, stats.TotalEnumerals);

            #region Test3: delegate test
            //      ===========================================
            source = new List <string>
                "using System;",
                "using System.Data;",
                "namespace Blueprint.domain.Events",
                "    /// <summary>",
                "    /// This event should fire after the submit to DB has failed.  The idea is to take the user on his word and just commit the data.  If the DB ",
                "    /// constraints do not allow the data to be entered, we look at reasons why.",
                "    /// </summary>",
                "    /// <param name=\"sender\">The sender will be the grid (Infragistics or DevX) that the data tabel is linked to</param>",
                "    /// <param name=\"table\">The data table trying to submit the data</param>",
                "    /// <param name=\"ex\">The exception thrown during the update</param>",
                "    /// <param name=\"reason\">Str containing the reasons why the Commit failed</param>",
                "    /// <returns></returns>",
                "    public delegate bool evDataTable_Commit_PostError(object sender, DataTable table, Exception ex, out string reason);",

            stats   = new ClassNTStats_();
            isClass = ClassNTHeader_Methods.Parse_ClassHeader(source, out ii, stats, out Using, out attributes, out nameSpace, out comment, out commentLines);
            Assert.Equal(source.Count, ii);
            Assert.Equal(2, stats.ClassTotalBlankLines);
            Assert.Equal(9, stats.ClassTotalCommentLines);
            Assert.Equal(source.Count, stats.ClassTotalLines);
            Assert.Equal(5, stats.ClassTotalCodeLines);

            #region Test4: interface test
            //      ===========================================
            source = new List <string>
                "using Blueprint.parts.AI.StateEngine;",
                "namespace Blueprint.domain.Interfaces",
                "    public interface IStateEngineTransition",
                "    {",
                "        /// <summary>",
                "        /// Transition to the next state.",
                "        /// </summary>",
                "        /// <returns>state</returns>",
                "        AI_StateEngine_ Transition_Next(AI_StateEngine_ state = null, bool moveToNextState = true);",
                "        /// <summary>",
                "        /// Transition to the previous state.",
                "        /// </summary>",
                "        /// <returns>state</returns>",
                "        AI_StateEngine_ Transition_Previous(bool moveToNextState = true);",
                "    }",
            stats   = new ClassNTStats_();
            isClass = ClassNTHeader_Methods.Parse_ClassHeader(source, out ii, stats, out Using, out attributes, out nameSpace, out comment, out commentLines);
            Assert.Equal(source.Count, ii);