// Token: 0x06001B0F RID: 6927 RVA: 0x00051BE4 File Offset: 0x0004FDE4 private void BeginFishing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.method_0()) { return; } Class106 joeFishSettings = Class110.Instance.JoeFishSettings; using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (JoeFishRunning joeFishRunning = new JoeFishRunning(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle, Enum50.const_0, this.class98_0, this.class103_0, this.class101_0)) { @class.method_0(joeFishRunning); if (joeFishRunning.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Abort && joeFishSettings.ShowStatisticsAfterRunning) { base.BringToFront(); base.Activate(); Struct52 @struct = new Struct52(joeFishRunning.StartTime, joeFishRunning.EndTime, joeFishRunning.FishCaught, joeFishRunning.BootsCaught, joeFishRunning.BucketsSold, joeFishRunning.Casts); Class106 class2 = joeFishSettings; class2.JoeFishTotalRunStatistics = Struct50.smethod_0(class2.JoeFishTotalRunStatistics, @struct); using (JoeFishStatistics joeFishStatistics = new JoeFishStatistics()) { joeFishStatistics.JoeFishRunStatistics = new Struct52?(@struct); joeFishStatistics.ShowDialog(); } } } } this.class98_0.method_4(); }
// Token: 0x06001B1C RID: 6940 RVA: 0x00052238 File Offset: 0x00050438 private void UpdatePondCaptureMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.method_0()) { return; } if (this.bool_0) { this.bool_0 = false; if (DialogResult.Cancel == DialogBox.smethod_6(JoeFish.string_4, JoeFish.string_5, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_0, Enum39.const_1 })) { return; } } using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (JoeFishRunning joeFishRunning = new JoeFishRunning(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle, Enum50.const_1, this.class98_0, this.class103_0, this.class101_0)) { @class.method_0(joeFishRunning); joeFishRunning.ShowDialog(); } } this.class98_0.method_4(); }
// Token: 0x06001B1D RID: 6941 RVA: 0x000522F4 File Offset: 0x000504F4 private void CreateCapturesMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (JoeFishCaptureSetup joeFishCaptureSetup = new JoeFishCaptureSetup()) { @class.method_0(joeFishCaptureSetup); joeFishCaptureSetup.ShowDialog(); } } }
// Token: 0x06001B19 RID: 6937 RVA: 0x00052150 File Offset: 0x00050350 private void CreateWayPointsMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (WayPointEditor wayPointEditor = new WayPointEditor(true)) { @class.method_0(wayPointEditor); wayPointEditor.ShowDialog(); } } }
// Token: 0x06001992 RID: 6546 RVA: 0x00046360 File Offset: 0x00044560 private void method_22(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (RemoteControlSetup remoteControlSetup = new RemoteControlSetup()) { @class.method_0(remoteControlSetup); remoteControlSetup.FirstSelectedWindow = base.FirstToonTownWindow; remoteControlSetup.SecondSelectedWindow = base.SecondToonTownWindow; remoteControlSetup.ShowDialog(); base.FirstToonTownWindow = remoteControlSetup.FirstSelectedWindow; base.SecondToonTownWindow = remoteControlSetup.SecondSelectedWindow; this.method_23(); } } }
// Token: 0x060021A8 RID: 8616 RVA: 0x00071AC8 File Offset: 0x0006FCC8 private void CustomizeEstate_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { if (!this.CustomizeActions.Checked) { this.CustomizeActions.Checked = true; } using (Class499 @class = new Class499(base.ParentForm)) { using (CustomizeEstatePlanting customizeEstatePlanting = new CustomizeEstatePlanting(this.class94_0)) { @class.method_0(customizeEstatePlanting); if (customizeEstatePlanting.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.method_1(); } } } }
// Token: 0x06001B61 RID: 7009 RVA: 0x00054CC0 File Offset: 0x00052EC0 private void EditGeneralNavigation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.dictionary_0.ContainsKey(sender)) { return; } Enum85 @enum = this.dictionary_0[sender]; using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this)) { using (WayPointEditor wayPointEditor = new WayPointEditor(this.class90_0[@enum])) { @class.method_0(wayPointEditor); wayPointEditor.Text = "WayPoint Editor : " + @enum.smethod_2(); wayPointEditor.ShowDialog(); if (wayPointEditor.FileModified) { base.FileModified = true; } } } }
// Token: 0x060019D2 RID: 6610 RVA: 0x00047950 File Offset: 0x00045B50 public static bool smethod_2(this Class141 process, Form owner, EventHandler <EventArgs15> e = null) { using (Class499 @class = new Class499(owner)) { using (WindowSelect_1 windowSelect_ = Class460.smethod_0(e)) { @class.method_0(windowSelect_); if (windowSelect_.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Class335.smethod_3(Class197.string_1, new object[] { windowSelect_.SelectedHandle }); process.MainWindowHandle = windowSelect_.SelectedHandle; Class335.smethod_3(Class197.string_0, new object[] { process.MainWindowHandle }); return(true); } } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x0600172D RID: 5933 RVA: 0x0003824C File Offset: 0x0003644C protected bool method_10(string message, string question, Struct46 ratio, out Class125 bmp, out Struct46 resulting_ratio) { bmp = null; resulting_ratio = default(Struct46); if (!this.class141_0.ProcessOpen && !this.class141_0.smethod_1(this)) { return(false); } using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this, true)) { using (DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(question, "Are you ready?", Enum90.const_0, null, false, Enum121.const_1, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_0, Enum39.const_1 })) { @class.method_1(dialogBox, DialogResult.OK); DialogResult dialogResult = dialogBox.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } @class.method_4(); @class.method_6(); } if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); using (CountDown countDown = new CountDown()) { @class.method_1(countDown, DialogResult.OK); if (countDown.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { @class.method_6(); @class.method_4(); if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); EventHandler eventHandler = null; CaptureSetupForm.Class159 class2 = new CaptureSetupForm.Class159(); class2.regionSelector_0 = new RegionSelector(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); try { @class.method_0(class2.regionSelector_0); Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); class2.regionSelector_0.SelectionBounds = Rectangle.Empty; class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion = ratio.method_0(rectangle.Size); class2.regionSelector_0.RegionSelectorType = Enum124.const_0; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSelect = false; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSize = true; class2.regionSelector_0.FullScreenCapture = true; class2.regionSelector_0.MovableResizeMessage = message + " Press any key to accept or escape to cancel."; Form regionSelector_ = class2.regionSelector_0; if (eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = new EventHandler(class2.method_0); } regionSelector_.Shown += eventHandler; if (class2.regionSelector_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion.smethod_2()) { bmp = class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedBitmap; resulting_ratio = Struct46.smethod_3(class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, rectangle.Size)); return(true); } } finally { if (class2.regionSelector_0 != null) { ((IDisposable)class2.regionSelector_0).Dispose(); } } } } } } } return(false); }
public override void Visit(Class499 c) { }
public abstract void Visit(Class499 c);
public void method_13(Class499 A_0) { this.class499_0 = A_0; }