public async Task <IActionResult> Update(int Id, ClaimDTO claimdto) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var ClaimFromDb = _unitOfWork.Claim.Get(Id); var ExistingPolicy = _unitOfWork.Policy.GetPolicyByPolice_No(ClaimFromDb.Police_No); if (ExistingPolicy.Effective > claimdto.Incured_Date || claimdto.Incured_Date > ExistingPolicy.Expiry) { return(BadRequest(error: "IncurredDate should fall within the Effective and Expiry of the policy")); } if (claimdto.Claimed_Amount < 1) { return(BadRequest(error: "ClaimedAmount should be greater than 1")); } _unitOfWork.Claim.Update(Id, claimdto); await _unitOfWork.SaveAllAsync(); return(NoContent()); throw new Exception($"Updating claim {Id} failed on update"); }
protected string CapNhatInfoBasic(ClaimDTO cl, KhachHangDTO kh, string ten) { string body = "<p>Update Notification - Giám định viên " + ten + " đã cập nhật một số thông tin của Claim.<p>"; // body += "<br/> "; body += "<br/>1. Previous Report: " + cl.BaoCaoTruoc; body += "<br/>2. Policy number: "+ cl.PolicyNo; body += "<br/>3. Location of loss: "+ cl.Premises; body += "<br/>4. Insured: "+ kh.TenKhachHang; body += "<br/>5. Adress: "+ kh.DiaChi; body += "<br/>6. Trade: "+ kh.LinhVucKinhDoanh; body += "<br/>7. Date Of loss: "+ cl.Dol; body += "<br/>8. Cause of loss: "+ cl.SortCause; body += "<br/>9. Extent Of Loss: "+ kh.Fax; body += "<br/>10. Sum Insured: "+ cl.SumInsured; body += "<br/>12. Insurance Period: "+ cl.Effective; body += "<br/>13. Applicable Deductible: "+ cl.MucMienThuong; body += "<br/>14. Extentsion Clause: "+ cl.DKBS; body += "<br/>15. Insured's Claim: "+ cl.KhieuNai; body += "<br/>16. Reserve for insurers: "+ cl.DuPhongBoiThuong; body += "<br/>17. Proposed Adjustment: "+ cl.DieuChinh; body += "<br/>17. Proposed Sellement: "+ cl.BoiThuong; string sto = "*****@*****.**"; string master = "*****@*****.**"; //sm.KiemTraMailChinh(master, body, "Update Cover Infomation - " + cl.MaClaim, "Claim_CoverInfo",""); return(sm.KiemTraMailChinh(master, body, "Update Cover Infomation - " + cl.MaClaim, "Claim_CoverInfo")); }
protected void btnCapNhatInfoBasic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { KhachHangDTO khm1 = new KhachHangDTO(); ClaimDTO clm1 = new ClaimDTO(); string maclaim = cldao.LayMaTheoTen(lblThamChieuHead.Text); if (maclaim != null) { clm1.MaClaim = maclaim; clm1.TenClaim = txtReferencenumber.Text; clm1.Premises = txtPremises.Text; clm1.PolicyNo = txtPolicyNo.Text; clm1.Effective = txtEffective.Text; clm1.TypePolicy = txtTypeOfloss.Text; khm1.TenKhachHang = txtInsured.Text; khm1.TenNguoiDaiDien = txtContactPerson.Text; khm1.Fax = txtFaxno.Text; khm1.DienThoai = txtPhone.Text; khm1.Email = txtEmail.Text; khm1.DiaChi = txtAddress.Text; clm1.Dol = txtDateofloss.Text; bool up = cldao.UpdateInfo(clm1, khm1); if (up == true) { string m = sm.CapNhatInfoBasic(clm1, khm1); Response.Write("<script>alert('Updated!');</script>"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 从认领平台认领作者 /// </summary> /// <param name="claim">它有两个属性: /// 1.Username,认领的用户名 /// 2.AuthorId,被认领的论文作者的ID /// </param> public void ClaimAuthor(ClaimDTO claim) { Author author = context.Author.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == claim.AuthorId); if (null == author) { return; } //该作者必须是没有候选人的 if (!isNoneCandidatesAuthor(author.Id)) { return; } Person person = context.Person.First(p => p.PersonNo == claim.Username); //禁止重复添加 var count = context.Candidate .Where(c => c.AuthorId == claim.AuthorId && c.PersonNo == claim.Username) .ToList().Count; if (count > 0) { return; } //生成一条新的候选人认领信息 Candidate candidate = CreateNewCandidate(author, person); context.Candidate.Add(candidate); context.SaveChanges(); }
protected void loadClaim(string maclaim) { ClaimDTO cl = new ClaimDTO(); cl = cldao.LayInFo(maclaim); lblThamChieuHead.Text = cl.TenClaim.ToString(); txtReferencenumber.Text = cl.TenClaim.ToString(); txtDateofloss.Text = cl.Dol.ToString(); txtPremises.Text = cl.Premises.ToString(); txtTypeOfloss.Text = cl.TypePolicy.ToString(); txtbrief.Text = cl.TomTatVuViec.ToString(); txtNote.Text = cl.GhiChu.ToString(); txtPolicyNo.Text = cl.PolicyNo.ToString(); txtEffective.Text = cl.Effective.ToString(); txtA1.Text = cl.A1.ToString(); txtA2.Text = cl.A2.ToString(); txtC1.Text = cl.C1.ToString(); txtC2.Text = cl.C2.ToString(); txtC3.Text = cl.C3.ToString(); txtE1.Text = cl.E1.ToString(); txtE2.Text = cl.E2.ToString(); txtG.Text = cl.G.ToString(); txtH.Text = cl.H.ToString(); txtI.Text = cl.I.ToString(); txtK.Text = cl.K.ToString(); ckDiscuss.Text = cl.Discuss.ToString(); txtD1.Text = cl.D1.ToString(); txtLossHistory.Text = cl.LossHistory.ToString(); txtGioiThieu.Text = cl.GioiThieuNDBH.ToString(); }
public IHttpActionResult PostClaim([FromBody] ClaimDTO claimDto) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid claim")); } var response = ""; // ClaimsMotor if (claimDto.Businessclass == "1") { var claim = new WebClaim { bizclassId = claimDto.Businessclass, bizclass = claimDto.Businessclassname, policyno = claimDto.RegistrationNo, description = claimDto.Description, location = claimDto.Location, lossDate = DateTime.Parse(claimDto.Dateofloss), Email = claimDto.Email, Phoneno = claimDto.Phoneno }; _context.WebClaims.Add(claim); _context.SaveChanges(); } // ClaimsMarine ="2" //ClaimsFire & Burglary = "3" return(Ok()); }
public void ShowClaimView(ClaimDTO claim) { var view = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IShowClaimView>(); ((ShowClaimVM)view.ViewModel).Load(claim); viewManager.ShowInDialog(view); }
public void Update(int Id, ClaimDTO claimDTO) { var ClaimFromDb = _context.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == Id); _mapper.Map(claimDTO, ClaimFromDb); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Add(ClaimDTO obj) { var permissions = _permissionRepository.GetAllSpecific(obj.Permissions); Claim auth = new Claim(obj.Name, permissions); _claimRepository.Add(auth); _unitOfWork.Commit(); }
public void Update(ClaimDTO obj) { var permissions = _permissionRepository.GetAllSpecific(obj.Permissions); var auth = _claimRepository.GetByName(obj.Name); auth.Permissions = permissions; _claimRepository.Update(auth); _unitOfWork.Commit(); }
public HttpResponseMessage PostClaimAuthor(ClaimDTO dto) { dto.Username = HttpContext.Current.Session["username"].ToString(); repository.ClaimAuthor(dto); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("success") }); }
public ShowClaimVM(IPMSController appController, IClaimServiceWrapper claimService, IPeriodMgtAppLocalizedResources periodMgtAppLocalizedResources) { this.appController = appController; this.claimService = claimService; PeriodMgtAppLocalizedResources = periodMgtAppLocalizedResources; Claim = new ClaimDTO(); DisplayName = PeriodMgtAppLocalizedResources.ShowClaimViewTitle; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(ClaimDTO claim) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(claim)); } var newlyCreatedClaim = await _claimService.AddAsync(claim); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Details), new { id = newlyCreatedClaim.ClaimId })); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int id, ClaimDTO form) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(form)); } await _claimService.UpdateAsync(form); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public ClaimDTO AddClaim(long periodId, ClaimDTO claimDto) { if (ClaimTypeEnum.FromValue <ClaimTypeEnum>(claimDto.ClaimTypeId.ToString()) == null) { throw new ClaimArgumentException("Claim", "ClaimType"); } var claim = claimService.AddClaim(new PeriodId(claimDto.PeriodId), claimDto.EmployeeNo, claimDto.Title, claimDto.ClaimDate, ClaimTypeEnum.FromValue <ClaimTypeEnum>(claimDto.ClaimTypeId.ToString()), claimDto.Request); return(claimDTOMapper.MapToModel(claim)); }
public async Task <ApiResult> CreateRoleClaim(string roleName, ClaimDTO model) { var user = await roleManager.FindByNameAsync(roleName); var result = await roleManager.AddClaimAsync(user, new Claim(model.type, model.value)); if (result.Succeeded) { return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest()); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimDTO cldto = new ClaimDTO(); KhachHangDAO kh = new KhachHangDAO(); KhachHangDTO khdto = new KhachHangDTO(); GiamDinhVienDAO gd = new GiamDinhVienDAO(); int maGDV = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["MaGDV"].Value); string tengd = gd.LayTenTheoMa(maGDV); string ma = Session["ThamChieu"].ToString(); int idkhach = cldao.ClaimMaKH(ma); //khdto.MaKhachHang = idkhach; //update custumer string ten = txtTenInsured.Text; khdto.TenKhachHang = ten; string diachi = txtDiaChi.Text; khdto.DiaChi = diachi; string linhvuckd = txtLinhVucKinhDoanh.Text; khdto.LinhVucKinhDoanh = linhvuckd; bool upkh = kh.Updatecover(idkhach, ten, diachi, linhvuckd); //update claim cldto.MaClaim = ma; cldto.BaoCaoTruoc = txtBaoCaoTruoc.Text; cldto.PolicyNo = txtHDBH.Text; cldto.Premises = txtDiaDiemTonThat.Text; cldto.Dol = txtNgayTonThat.Text; cldto.SortCause = txtNguyenNhan.Text; cldto.PhamViTonThat = txtPhamViTT.Text; cldto.SumInsured = txtSumInsured.Text; cldto.Effective = txtThoiHanBH.Text; cldto.MucMienThuong = txtMucMienThuong.Text; cldto.DKBS = txtDieuKhoanBoSung.Text; cldto.KhieuNai = txtKhieuNaiNDBH.Text; cldto.DuPhongBoiThuong = txtDuPhongBoiThuong.Text; cldto.DieuChinh = txtTinhToanDieuChinh.Text; cldto.TruMienThuong = txtTruMucMienThuong.Text; cldto.BoiThuong = txtDeXuatBoiThuong.Text; cldto.NamePolicy = txtTypePolicy.Text; bool kq = cldao.UpdateClaimCover(cldto); if (kq == true && upkh == true) { string cn = CapNhatInfoBasic(cldto, khdto, tengd); Response.Write("<script> alert('Updated!');</script>"); loadCover(ma); } }
public void AddClaim(ClaimDTO claim) { Name n = null; try { n = (Name)claim.ActionTemplate; m_claimTree.Add(n, claim.ClaimSI); } catch (DuplicatedKeyException) { throw new Exception($"There is already a claim associated to the action template \"{n}\""); } }
public string SendNewClaim(ClaimDTO cl, KhachHangDTO kh, string dv, string tengdv) { string body = "Thông tin vụ mới " + cl.TenClaim + "\n"; body += "<br/>1. Tham chiếu SAVVY: " + cl.TenClaim; body += "<br/>2. Giám định viên thụ lý: " + tengdv; body += "<br/>3. Đơn vị bảo hiểm: " + dv; body += "<br/>4. Người được bảo hiểm: " + kh.TenKhachHang; body += "<br/>5. Ngày chỉ định: " + cl.AssignedDate; body += "<br/>"; body += "<br/>Thông tin sẽ được cập nhật sau khi Giám định viên đi công tác hiện trường hoặc thông tin được cung cấp từ nhà bảo hiểm!"; string sto = "*****@*****.**"; return(KiemTraMailChinh(sto, body, "New Claim " + cl.TenClaim + " - " + kh.TenKhachHang, "New Claim")); }
public async Task <ClaimDTO> AddAsync(ClaimDTO claim) { var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync($"{_claimServiceApiConfig.BaseAddress}/claims", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(claim), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(null); } var jsonResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var createdClaim = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClaimDTO>(jsonResult); return(createdClaim); }
public string CapNhatInfoBasicFR(ClaimDTO cl) { string body = "Thông báo cập nhật thông tin chung : FR_" + cl.TenClaim + "\n"; body += "<br/>1. Previous report: " + cl.BaoCaoTruocFR; body += "<br/>2. Accept loss amount: "+ cl.ThietHaiHopLy; body += "<br/>3. Coverablle amount: "+ cl.TonThatHopLe; body += "<br/>4. Less savalge: "+ cl.TruGiaTriThuHoi; body += "<br/>5. Interim payment: "+ cl.TamUngBoiThuong; body += "<br/>6. Les deductible: "+ cl.TruMienThuong; body += "<br/>7. Proposed settlemt: "+ cl.BoiThuong; string sto = "*****@*****.**"; //string sto = "*****@*****.**"; return(KiemTraMailChinh(sto, body, "Update Basic Information of Claim " + cl.MaClaim, "Claim_CoverInfor")); }
public void Load(ClaimDTO claimParam, ActionType actionTypeParam) { actionType = actionTypeParam; if (actionTypeParam == ActionType.AddClaim) { IsReplyMode = false; } else if (actionTypeParam == ActionType.ReplyToClaim) { IsReplyMode = true; } else { throw new Exception("Action Mode Is not Valid"); } Claim = claimParam; preload(); }
public string CapNhatInfoBasic(ClaimDTO cl, KhachHangDTO kh) { string body = "Thông báo cập nhật ! " + "\n"; body += "<br/>1. Reference: " + cl.TenClaim; body += "<br/>2. Policy number: "+ cl.PolicyNo; body += "<br/>3. Địa điểm tốn thất: "+ cl.Premises; body += "<br/>4. Người được bảo hiểm: "+ kh.TenKhachHang; body += "<br/>5. Địa chỉ: "+ kh.DiaChi; body += "<br/>6. Người liên hệ: "+ kh.TenNguoiDaiDien; body += "<br/>7. Email: "+ kh.Email; body += "<br/>8. Phone: "+ kh.DienThoai; body += "<br/>9. Fax: "+ kh.Fax; body += "<br/>10. Effective: "+ cl.Effective; body += "<br/>11. Date of loss: "+ cl.Dol; string sto = "*****@*****.**"; //string sto = "*****@*****.**"; return(KiemTraMailChinh(sto, body, "Update Basic Information of Claim " + cl.MaClaim, "Claim_CoverInfor")); }
public string CapNhatInfoBasicPR(ClaimDTO cl, KhachHangDTO kh) { string body = "Thông báo cập nhật thông tin chung : PR_" + cl.TenClaim + "\n"; body += "<br/>1. Previous report: " + cl.ILADATE; body += "<br/>2. Policy number: "+ cl.PolicyNo; body += "<br/>3. Date of loss: "+ cl.Dol; body += "<br/>4. Cause of loss: "+ cl.SortCause; body += "<br/>5. Extend of loss: "+ cl.PhamViTonThat; body += "<br/>6. Name policy: "+ cl.NamePolicy; body += "<br/>7. Sum insured: "+ cl.SumInsured; body += "<br/>8. Effective: "+ cl.Effective; body += "<br/>9. Deductible: "+ cl.MucMienThuong; body += "<br/>10. Extension Clause: "+ cl.DKBS; body += "<br/>11. Insured's claim: "+ cl.KhieuNai; body += "<br/>12. Interim reserve: "+ cl.DuPhongBoiThuong; body += "<br/>13. Trade: "+ kh.LinhVucKinhDoanh; string sto = "*****@*****.**"; //string sto = "*****@*****.**"; return(KiemTraMailChinh(sto, body, "Update Basic Information of Claim " + cl.MaClaim, "Claim_CoverInfor")); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimDTO cldto = new ClaimDTO(); KhachHangDTO khdto = new KhachHangDTO(); string id = Session["ThamChieu"].ToString(); if (id != "") { cldto.MaClaim = id; cldto.TenClaim = txtTenClaim.Text; string iladate = txtDateILA.Text.Trim(); if (iladate != "") { cldto.ILADATE = iladate; } else { cldto.ILADATE = ""; } string nameP = txtPolicyNo.Text.Trim(); if (nameP != "") { cldto.PolicyNo = nameP; } else { cldto.PolicyNo = ""; } string dol = txtDOL.Text.Trim(); if (dol != "") { cldto.Dol = dol; } else { cldto.Dol = ""; } string cause = txtCauseloss.Text.Trim(); if (cause != "") { cldto.SortCause = cause; } else { cldto.SortCause = ""; } string pvtt = txtExtendofloss.Text.Trim(); if (pvtt != "") { cldto.PhamViTonThat = pvtt; } else { cldto.PhamViTonThat = ""; } string nametypo = txtTypepolicy.Text.Trim(); if (nametypo != "") { cldto.NamePolicy = nametypo; } else { cldto.NamePolicy = ""; } string sumI = txtSuminsured.Text.Trim(); if (sumI != "") { cldto.SumInsured = sumI; } else { cldto.SumInsured = ""; } string gd = txtperiod.Text.Trim(); if (gd != "") { cldto.Effective = gd; } else { cldto.Effective = ""; } string mmt = txtDeductible.Text.Trim(); if (mmt != "") { cldto.MucMienThuong = mmt; } else { cldto.MucMienThuong = ""; } string dkbs = txtExtensionclaise.Text.Trim(); if (dkbs != "") { cldto.DKBS = dkbs; } else { cldto.DKBS = ""; } string kn = txtKhieuNai.Text.Trim(); if (kn != "") { cldto.KhieuNai = kn; } else { cldto.KhieuNai = ""; } string dpbt = txtInterimreserve.Text; if (dpbt != "") { cldto.DuPhongBoiThuong = dpbt; } else { cldto.DuPhongBoiThuong = ""; } int maKH = cl.ClaimMaKH(id); if (maKH != 0) { khdto.MaKhachHang = maKH; } khdto.LinhVucKinhDoanh = txtTrade.Text.Trim(); bool up = cl.UpdateInfoPRIRFR(cldto, khdto); int maGDV = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["MaGDV"].Value); if (up == true) { sm.CapNhatInfoBasicPR(cldto, khdto); sm.CapNhatInfoBasicFR(cldto); string noidung = gdv.LayTenTheoMa(maGDV) + " edited cover preliminary report of case " + id + " ."; SaveLogTracking(maGDV, noidung, id); Response.Write("<script>parent.closeDialog();</script>"); Response.Write("<script>parent.reloaData();</script>"); } else { string noidung = gdv.LayTenTheoMa(maGDV) + " faild to edit cover preliminary report of case " + id + " ."; SaveLogTracking(maGDV, noidung, id); Response.Write("<script> alert('Error Update!');</script>"); } } }
public ShowClaimVM() { Claim = new ClaimDTO { Title = "ff" }; }
public Claim(ClaimDTO claimDTO) { ClaimId = Guid.NewGuid(); Title = claimDTO.Title; Value = claimDTO.Value; }
public void Load(ClaimDTO claimParam) { Claim = claimParam; }
public static ClientClaim ToEntity(this ClaimDTO dto) { return(dto == null ? null : Mapper.Map <ClientClaim>(dto)); }
public async Task <bool> UpdateAsync(ClaimDTO claim) { var result = await _httpClient.PutAsync($"{_claimServiceApiConfig.BaseAddress}/Claims/{claim.ClaimId}", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(claim), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); return(result.IsSuccessStatusCode); }