예제 #1
        ///<summary>Allows the user to edit an existing ImageAttachment object.</summary>
        private void CellDoubleClick_EditImage(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e)
            GridRow selectedRow = gridAttachedImages.ListGridRows[gridAttachedImages.GetSelectedIndex()];

            ClaimConnect.ImageAttachment selectedAttachment = (ClaimConnect.ImageAttachment)selectedRow.Tag;
            FormClaimAttachmentItemEdit  FormCAIE           = new FormClaimAttachmentItemEdit(selectedAttachment.Image
                                                                                              , selectedAttachment.ImageFileNameDisplay, selectedAttachment.ImageDate, selectedAttachment.ImageType);

            if (FormCAIE.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)           //Update row
                _listImageAttachments[gridAttachedImages.GetSelectedIndex()] = FormCAIE.ImageAttachment;
예제 #2
        ///<summary>Saves all images in the grid to the patient on the claim's directory in the images module. Also creates
        ///a list of ClaimAttach objects to associate to the given claim.</summary>
        private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //The user must create an image or narrative attachment before sending.
            if (gridAttachedImages.ListGridRows.Count == 0 && textNarrative.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "An image or narrative must be specified before continuing.");
            try {
            //Creating and sending Attachments will sometimes time out when an arbirtrarily large group of attachments are being sent,
            //at which point each attachment should be sent individually.
            catch (TimeoutException ex) {
                ODProgress.ShowAction(() => { BatchSendAttachments(); }, "Sending attachments timed out. Attempting to send individually. Please wait.");
            catch (ODException ex) {
                //ODExceptions should already be Lans.g when throwing meaningful messages.
                //If they weren't translated, the message was from a third party and shouldn't be translated anyway.
            //Validate the claim, if it isn't valid let the user decide if they want to continue
            if (!ValidateClaimHelper())
                if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "There were errors validating the claim, would you like to continue?"))
            //Used for determining which category to save the image attachments to. 0 will save the image to the first category in the Images module.
            long imageTypeDefNum   = 0;
            Def  defClaimAttachCat = CheckImageCatDefs().FirstOrDefault();

            if (defClaimAttachCat != null)
                imageTypeDefNum = defClaimAttachCat.DefNum;
            else              //User does not have a Claim Attachment image category, just use the first image category available.
                imageTypeDefNum = Defs.GetCatList((int)DefCat.ImageCats).FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsHidden).DefNum;
            List <ClaimAttach> listClaimAttachments = new List <ClaimAttach>();

            for (int i = 0; i < gridAttachedImages.ListGridRows.Count; i++)
                ClaimConnect.ImageAttachment imageRow = ((ClaimConnect.ImageAttachment)gridAttachedImages.ListGridRows[i].Tag);
                if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.SaveDXCAttachments))
                    Bitmap   imageBitmap = new Bitmap(imageRow.Image);
                    Document docCur      = ImageStore.Import(imageBitmap, imageTypeDefNum, ImageType.Document, _claimPat);
                    imageRow.ImageFileNameActual = docCur.FileName;
                //Create attachment objects
                listClaimAttachments.Add(CreateClaimAttachment(imageRow.ImageFileNameDisplay, imageRow.ImageFileNameActual));
            //Keep a running list of attachments sent to DXC for the claim. This will show in the attachments listbox.
            MsgBox.Show("Attachments sent successfully!");
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;