예제 #1
        public async Task <HttpResult> AddUpdateGymFinderGym([FromBody] GymFinderGym gym)
                //User editor = db.User.Find(gym.OwnerId);
                bool userLoggedIn  = Functions.UserLoggedIn(Request, out User editor);
                bool adminLoggedIn = Functions.AdminLoggedIn(Request, out _);

                //if ((gym.Id > 0 && !adminLoggedIn ) //gym belongs to someone
                //    && (
                //        (!adminLoggedIn && !userLoggedIn) //no user logged in
                //        || (userLoggedIn && editor.Id != gym.OwnerId) ) //or user logged in but does not own the gym
                //        )
                //    throw new Exception("Not logged in!");

                if (gym.Id > 0 && !userLoggedIn && !adminLoggedIn)
                    //gym belongs to someone but no user logged in
                    throw new Exception("Not logged in!");
                else if (gym.Id > 0 && !adminLoggedIn && userLoggedIn && editor.Id != gym.OwnerId)
                    //user is not admin, and gym does not belong to this user
                    throw new Exception("Not logged in!");
                //all okay, gym belongs to user, or user is admin.

                DateTime now  = DateTime.Now;
                CityGeo  city = db.CityGeo.Find(gym.LocationCityId);
                gym.LocationCountryId = db.CountryGeo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CountryName == city.CountryName).Id;

                if (gym.Id > 1)
                    GymFinderGym updating = db.GymFinderGym.Find(gym.Id);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Website) && gym.Website.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Website = "https://" + gym.Website;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Youtube) && gym.Youtube.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Youtube = "https://" + gym.Youtube;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Facebook) && gym.Facebook.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Facebook = "https://" + gym.Facebook;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Twitter) && gym.Twitter.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Twitter = "https://" + gym.Twitter;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Instagram) && gym.Instagram.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Instagram = "https://" + gym.Instagram;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gym.Linkedin) && gym.Linkedin.StartsWith("www"))
                        gym.Linkedin = "https://" + gym.Instagram;

                    updating.Phone                 = gym.Phone;
                    updating.Website               = gym.Website;
                    updating.Facebook              = gym.Facebook;
                    updating.Twitter               = gym.Twitter;
                    updating.Instagram             = gym.Instagram;
                    updating.AverageRating         = gym.AverageRating;
                    updating.Cafe                  = gym.Cafe;
                    updating.CardioMachines        = gym.CardioMachines;
                    updating.ChangingRooms         = gym.ChangingRooms;
                    updating.ClassesAvailable      = gym.ClassesAvailable;
                    updating.Crossfit              = gym.Crossfit;
                    updating.Description           = gym.Description;
                    updating.FreeWeightsBarsPlates = gym.FreeWeightsBarsPlates;
                    updating.FreeWeightsDumbbells  = gym.FreeWeightsDumbbells;
                    updating.LocationCityId        = gym.LocationCityId;
                    updating.LocationCountryId     = gym.LocationCountryId;
                    updating.LocationLat           = (double)city.Latitude;
                    updating.LocationLong          = (double)city.Longitude;
                    updating.MembersOnly           = gym.MembersOnly;
                    updating.Name                  = gym.Name;
                    updating.NoMembershipRequired  = gym.NoMembershipRequired;
                    updating.OlympicLifting        = gym.OlympicLifting;
                    updating.Other                 = gym.Other;
                    updating.Physio                = gym.Physio;
                    updating.Powerlifting          = gym.Powerlifting;
                    updating.ResistanceMachines    = gym.ResistanceMachines;
                    updating.Sauna                 = gym.Sauna;
                    updating.OwnerId               = gym.OwnerId;
                    updating.StreetAddress         = gym.StreetAddress;
                    updating.SwimmingPool          = gym.SwimmingPool;
                    updating.Toilets               = gym.Toilets;
                    updating.Lockers               = gym.Lockers;
                    updating.Strongman             = gym.Strongman;
                    updating.TwentyFourHour        = gym.TwentyFourHour;
                    updating.VendingMachine        = gym.VendingMachine;
                    updating.LocationCityName      = city.CityName;
                    updating.LocationCountryName   = city.CountryName;
                    updating.Status                = gym.Status;
                    updating.ModifiedDate          = now;
                    updating.Whatsapp              = gym.Whatsapp;
                    updating.Linkedin              = gym.Linkedin;
                    updating.GooglePlus            = gym.GooglePlus;
                    updating.Snapchat              = gym.Snapchat;
                    updating.Skype                 = gym.Skype;
                    updating.Youtube               = gym.Youtube;

                    db.Entry(updating).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;

                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                    gym.CreationDate        = now;
                    gym.ModifiedDate        = now;
                    gym.LocationLat         = (double)city.Latitude;
                    gym.LocationLong        = (double)city.Longitude;
                    gym.LocationCityName    = city.CityName;
                    gym.LocationCountryName = city.CountryName;
                    gym.Status        = (int)Enums.GymStatus.Pending;
                    gym.AverageRating = 5d;


                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(new HttpResult(true, gym, ""));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new HttpResult(false, null, Functions.ErrorMessage(e)));
예제 #2
        public async Task <HttpResult> Search([FromBody] GymSearch q)
                int takeAmount = 10;
                int pageNum    = q.Page;

                string k = q.Keywords.ToLower().Trim();
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k))
                //    k = " ";
                ////for some reason search takes less time if given keyword is not empty...

                List <string> queryWords = k.Replace(',', ' ').Split(' ').Where(x => x.Length > 0).ToList();

                IQueryable <GymFinderGym> gyms = (from g in db.GymFinderGym
                                                  //let citySearch = city.Id > 0
                                                      (g.Status == q.Status || q.Status == (int)Enums.GymStatus.Any)
                                                          string.IsNullOrEmpty(k) ||
                                                          queryWords.Any(w => g.Name.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                                          queryWords.Any(w => g.StreetAddress.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                                          queryWords.Any(w => g.LocationCityName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                                          queryWords.Any(w => g.LocationCountryName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                                          queryWords.All(w => g.Description.ToLower().Contains(w))
                                                      //      q.CityID == city.Id || !citySearch
                                                      (q.Cafe == g.Cafe || q.Cafe != 1)
                                                      (q.CardioMachines == g.CardioMachines || q.CardioMachines != 1)
                                                      (q.ChangingRooms == g.ChangingRooms || q.ChangingRooms != 1)
                                                      (q.ClassesAvailable == g.ClassesAvailable || q.ClassesAvailable != 1)
                                                      (q.Crossfit == g.Crossfit || q.Crossfit != 1)
                                                      (q.FreeWeightsBarsPlates == g.FreeWeightsBarsPlates || q.FreeWeightsBarsPlates != 1)
                                                      (q.FreeWeightsDumbbells == g.FreeWeightsDumbbells || q.FreeWeightsDumbbells != 1)
                                                      (q.MembersOnly == g.MembersOnly || q.MembersOnly != 1)
                                                      (q.NoMembershipRequired == g.NoMembershipRequired || q.NoMembershipRequired != 1)
                                                      (q.OlympicLifting == g.OlympicLifting || q.OlympicLifting != 1)
                                                      (q.Physio == g.Physio || q.Physio != 1)
                                                      (q.Powerlifting == g.Powerlifting || q.Powerlifting != 1)
                                                      (q.ResistanceMachines == g.ResistanceMachines || q.ResistanceMachines != 1)
                                                      (q.Sauna == g.Sauna || q.Sauna != 1)
                                                      (q.SwimmingPool == g.SwimmingPool || q.SwimmingPool != 1)
                                                      (q.Toilets == g.Toilets || q.Toilets != 1)
                                                      (q.TwentyFourHour == g.TwentyFourHour || q.TwentyFourHour != 1)
                                                      (q.VendingMachine == g.VendingMachine || q.VendingMachine != 1)
                                                      (q.Strongman == g.Strongman || q.Strongman != 1)
                                                      (q.Lockers == g.Lockers || q.Lockers != 1)
                                                  select g);

                int total = gyms.Count();

                CityGeo city = await db.CityGeo.FindAsync(q.CityID);

                //if (city == null)
                //    city = new CityGeo { Id = 0 };

                if (city != null)
                {//sort by distance first if city selected
                    GeoAPI.Geometries.IGeometryFactory geometryFactory = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory(srid: 4326);
                    GeoAPI.Geometries.IPoint           cityLocation    = geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate((double)city.Latitude, (double)city.Longitude));

                    gyms = gyms
                           .OrderBy(x => new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(x.LocationLat, x.LocationLong).Distance(cityLocation.Coordinate))
                           .ThenByDescending(x => x.CreationDate);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(k))
                {//else sort by keyword relevance only
                    gyms = gyms
                           .OrderByDescending(x => x.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(k))
                           .ThenByDescending(x => x.CreationDate);
                {//else sort by rating
                    gyms = gyms.OrderByDescending(x => x.AverageRating);

                gyms = gyms.Skip(pageNum * takeAmount).Take(takeAmount);

                return(new HttpResult(true, new { gyms, total }, ""));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new HttpResult(false, null, Functions.ErrorMessage(e)));
예제 #3
        public async Task <HttpResult> Search([FromBody] CoachSearch q)
                int takeAmount = 15;
                int pageNum    = q.Page;

                string k = q.Keywords.ToLower().Trim();

                List <string> queryWords = k.Replace(',', ' ').Split(' ').Where(x => x.Length > 0).ToList();

                var coaches = (from u in db.User
                               //let citySearch = city.Id > 0
                                   u.IsCoach == 1
                                   (u.Status == q.Status || q.Status == (int)Enums.UserStatus.Active)
                                       string.IsNullOrEmpty(k) ||
                                       queryWords.Any(w => u.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                       queryWords.Any(w => u.LastName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                       queryWords.Any(w => u.CityName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                       queryWords.Any(w => u.CountryName.ToLower().Contains(w)) ||
                                       queryWords.All(w => u.CoachBio.ToLower().Contains(w))
                                   (u.IsVerified == q.IsVerfied || q.IsVerfied != 1)
                                   (u.CoachBodybuilding == q.CoachBodybuilding || q.CoachBodybuilding != 1)
                                   (u.CoachClasses == q.CoachClasses || q.CoachClasses != 1)
                                   (u.CoachCrossfit == q.CoachCrossfit || q.CoachCrossfit != 1)
                                   (u.CoachDance == q.CoachDance || q.CoachDance != 1)
                                   (u.CoachMasseuse == q.CoachMasseuse || q.CoachMasseuse != 1)
                                   (u.CoachNutrition == q.CoachNutrition || q.CoachNutrition != 1)
                                   (u.CoachOlympicLifting == q.CoachOlympicLifting || q.CoachOlympicLifting != 1)
                                   (u.CoachOneOnOne == q.CoachOneOnOne || q.CoachOneOnOne != 1)
                                   (u.CoachOnlineAvailable == q.CoachOnlineAvailable || q.CoachOnlineAvailable != 1)
                                   (u.CoachOnlineOnly == q.CoachOnlineOnly || q.CoachOnlineOnly != 1)
                                   (u.CoachOther == q.CoachOther || q.CoachOther != 1)
                                   (u.CoachPhysio == q.CoachPhysio || q.CoachPhysio != 1)
                                   (u.CoachPowerlifting == q.CoachPowerlifting || q.CoachPowerlifting != 1)
                                   (u.CoachProgramOnly == q.CoachProgramOnly || q.CoachProgramOnly != 1)
                                   (u.CoachStrongman == q.CoachStrongman || q.CoachStrongman != 1)
                                   (u.CoachWeightLoss == q.CoachWeightLoss || q.CoachWeightLoss != 1)

                               select u);

                int total = coaches.Count();

                CityGeo city = await db.CityGeo.FindAsync(q.CityID);

                if (city != null)
                {//sort by distance first if city selected
                    GeoAPI.Geometries.IGeometryFactory geometryFactory = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory(srid: 4326);
                    GeoAPI.Geometries.IPoint           cityLocation    = geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate((double)city.Latitude, (double)city.Longitude));

                    coaches = coaches.Where(x => x.Latitude.HasValue)
                              .OrderBy(x => new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(x.Latitude.Value, x.Longitutde.Value).Distance(cityLocation.Coordinate))
                              .ThenByDescending(x => x.CreationDate);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(k))
                {//else sort by keyword relevance only
                    coaches = coaches
                              .OrderByDescending(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.FirstName) && x.FirstName.ToLower().StartsWith(k))
                              .ThenByDescending(x => x.CreationDate);
                {//else sort by rating
                    coaches = coaches.OrderByDescending(x => x.AverageRating);

                coaches = coaches.Skip(pageNum * takeAmount).Take(takeAmount);

                if (coaches.Count() == 0)
                    return(new HttpResult(true, new { coaches = new List <UserPublic>(), total }, ""));
                    return(new HttpResult(true, new { coaches = coaches.Where(x => x != null).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new UserPublic(s, false)).ToList(), total }, ""));
            catch (Exception e)
                var rawData = db.User.ToList();
                return(new HttpResult(false, null, Functions.ErrorMessage(e)));