예제 #1
                public void SetPosition(float xPos, float yPos)
                    // we're not moving if we're in edit mode
                    if (EditMode_Enabled == false)
                        // first, let the Citation + Glyph define the minimum width this control can be
                        Citation.Frame = new RectangleF( );
                        Citation.SizeToFit( );

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActiveUrl) == false)
                            UrlGlyph.Text = PrivateNoteConfig.CitationUrl_Icon;
                            UrlGlyph.Text = string.Empty;
                        UrlGlyph.SizeToFit( );

                        // clamp the yPos to the vertical bounds of our parent
                        yPos = Math.Max(yPos, ParentNote.Padding.Top);

                        // now left, which is easy
                        xPos = Math.Max(xPos, ParentNote.Padding.Left);

                        // Now do the right edge. This is tricky because we will allow this control to move forward
                        // until it can't wrap any more. Then, we'll clamp its movement to the parent's edge.

                        // Get the width of the widest child, which is always the citation plus glyph.
                        float minRequiredWidth = UrlGlyph.Frame.Width + (BorderPaddingPx * 2) + Padding.Left + Padding.Width;

                        // now, if the control cannot wrap any further, we want to clamp its movement
                        // to the parent's right edge

                        // Right Edge Check
                        xPos = Math.Min(xPos, ParentSize.Width - ParentNote.Padding.Right - minRequiredWidth);

                        float xOffset = xPos - Frame.Left;
                        float yOffset = yPos - Frame.Top;

                        base.AddOffset(xOffset, yOffset);

                        // now update the actual width and height of the Quote based on the available width remaining
                        // our width remaining is the parent's right edge minus the control's left edge minus all padding.
                        float availableWidth = (ParentSize.Width - ParentNote.Padding.Right) - Frame.Left - Padding.Left - Padding.Width - (BorderPaddingPx * 2);

                        QuoteLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Left, QuoteLabel.Frame.Top, Math.Max(minRequiredWidth, availableWidth), 0);
                        QuoteLabel.SizeToFit( );

                        Citation.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Left, Citation.Frame.Top, Math.Max(minRequiredWidth, availableWidth), 0);
                        Citation.SizeToFit( );

                        UrlGlyph.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right, Citation.Frame.Top, Math.Max(0, (availableWidth - Citation.Frame.Right)), 0);
                        UrlGlyph.SizeToFit( );

                        // now that we know our text size, we can adjust the citation
                        // for citation width, attempt to use quote width, but if there was no quote text,
                        // the width will be 0, so we'll fallback to the citation width.

                        RectangleF frame;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuoteLabel.Text) != true)
                            // when taking the citation frame, put it at the left edge of the quote,
                            // because if it's longer than the quote we'll want the bounding frame to use
                            // its width as opposed to the quote's width.
                            Citation.Frame = new RectangleF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Left,

                            UrlGlyph.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right,
                                                            Citation.Frame.Top - ((UrlGlyph.Frame.Height - Citation.Frame.Height) / 2),

                            RectangleF citationGlyphFrame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(Citation.Frame, UrlGlyph.Frame);

                            // get a bounding frame for the quote and citation
                            frame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(QuoteLabel.Frame, citationGlyphFrame);

                            // now right-adjust it IF it's smaller than the quote
                            if (citationGlyphFrame.Width < QuoteLabel.Frame.Width)
                                Citation.Position = new PointF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Right - citationGlyphFrame.Width, Citation.Position.Y);
                                UrlGlyph.Position = new PointF(Citation.Frame.Right, UrlGlyph.Frame.Top);
                            Citation.Frame = new RectangleF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Left,

                            UrlGlyph.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right,
                                                            Citation.Frame.Top - ((UrlGlyph.Frame.Height - Citation.Frame.Height) / 2),

                            // get a bounding frame for the quote and citation
                            frame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(Citation.Frame, UrlGlyph.Frame);

                        Citation.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;

                        // reintroduce vertical padding
                        frame.Height = frame.Height + Padding.Top + Padding.Height;

                        // setup our bounding rect for the border

                        // because we're basing it off of the largest control (quote or citation),
                        // we need to reintroduce the border padding.
                        frame = new RectangleF(frame.X - BorderPaddingPx - Padding.Left,
                                               frame.Y - BorderPaddingPx - Padding.Top,
                                               frame.Width + (Padding.Width * 2) + (BorderPaddingPx * 2),
                                               frame.Height + (Padding.Height) + BorderPaddingPx);

                        // and store that as our bounds
                        BorderView.Frame = frame;
                        Frame            = frame;
예제 #2
파일: Quote.cs 프로젝트: J3057/MobileApp
                public Quote(CreateParams parentParams, XmlReader reader)
                    Initialize( );

                    // Always get our style first
                    mStyle = parentParams.Style;
                    Styles.Style.ParseStyleAttributesWithDefaults(reader, ref mStyle, ref ControlStyles.mQuote);

                    // check for attributes we support
                    RectangleF bounds     = new RectangleF( );
                    SizeF      parentSize = new SizeF(parentParams.Width, parentParams.Height);

                    ParseCommonAttribs(reader, ref parentSize, ref bounds);

                    // Get margins and padding
                    RectangleF padding;
                    RectangleF margin;

                    GetMarginsAndPadding(ref mStyle, ref parentSize, ref bounds, out margin, out padding);

                    // apply margins to as much of the bounds as we can (bottom must be done by our parent container)
                    ApplyImmediateMargins(ref bounds, ref margin, ref parentSize);
                    Margin = margin;

                    // create the font that either we or our parent defined
                    QuoteLabel.SetFont(mStyle.mFont.mName, mStyle.mFont.mSize.Value);
                    Citation.SetFont(mStyle.mFont.mName, mStyle.mFont.mSize.Value);

                    QuoteLabel.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;
                    Citation.TextColor   = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;

                    Citation.BackgroundColor   = 0;
                    QuoteLabel.BackgroundColor = 0;

                    UrlGlyph.Text      = PrivateNoteConfig.CitationUrl_Icon;
                    UrlGlyph.TextColor = mStyle.mFont.mColor.Value;
                    UrlGlyph.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, mStyle.mFont.mSize.Value);
                    UrlGlyph.BackgroundColor = 0;

                    // check for border styling
                    int borderPaddingPx = 0;

                    if (mStyle.mBorderColor.HasValue)
                        BorderView.BorderColor = mStyle.mBorderColor.Value;

                    if (mStyle.mBorderRadius.HasValue)
                        BorderView.CornerRadius = mStyle.mBorderRadius.Value;

                    if (mStyle.mBorderWidth.HasValue)
                        BorderView.BorderWidth = mStyle.mBorderWidth.Value;
                        borderPaddingPx        = (int)Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(mStyle.mBorderWidth.Value + PrivateNoteConfig.BorderPadding);

                    if (mStyle.mBackgroundColor.HasValue)
                        BorderView.BackgroundColor = mStyle.mBackgroundColor.Value;

                    // now calculate the available width based on padding. (Don't actually change our width)
                    float availableWidth = bounds.Width - padding.Left - padding.Width - (borderPaddingPx * 2);

                    // Set the bounds and position for the frame (except Height, which we'll calculate based on the text)
                    QuoteLabel.Frame = new RectangleF(bounds.X + padding.Left + borderPaddingPx, bounds.Y + padding.Top + borderPaddingPx, availableWidth, 0);

                    // expect the citation to be an attribute
                    string result = reader.GetAttribute("Citation");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) == false)
                        // set and resize the citation to fit
                        Citation.Text   = result;
                        Citation.Bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.X + padding.Left + borderPaddingPx, bounds.Y + padding.Top + borderPaddingPx, availableWidth, 0);
                        Citation.SizeToFit( );

                    // see if there's a Url attribute, which is where the user should be taken if they tap the link
                    ActiveUrl = reader.GetAttribute("Url");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActiveUrl) == false)
                        UrlGlyph.Text   = PrivateNoteConfig.CitationUrl_Icon;
                        UrlGlyph.Bounds = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right, Citation.Frame.Top, (availableWidth - Citation.Frame.Right), 0);
                        UrlGlyph.SizeToFit( );

                    string urlLaunchesExternalBrowser = reader.GetAttribute("UrlLaunchesExternalBrowser");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlLaunchesExternalBrowser) == false)
                        UrlLaunchesExternalBrowser = bool.Parse(urlLaunchesExternalBrowser);

                    string urlUsesRockImpersonation = reader.GetAttribute("UrlUsesRockImpersonation");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlUsesRockImpersonation) == false)
                        UrlUsesRockImpersonation = bool.Parse(urlUsesRockImpersonation);

                    bool finishedScripture = false;

                    while (finishedScripture == false && reader.IsEmptyElement == false && reader.Read( ))
                        switch (reader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:
                            // grab the text. remove any weird characters
                            string text = Regex.Replace(reader.Value, @"\t|\n|\r", "");

                            // now break it into words so we can do word wrapping
                            string[] words = text.Split(' ');
                            foreach (string word in words)
                                // create labels out of each one
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word) == false)
                                    QuoteLabel.Text += word + " ";


                        case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                            // if we hit the end of our label, we're done.
                            //if( reader.Name == "Quote" || reader.Name == "Q" )
                            if (ElementTagMatches(reader.Name))
                                finishedScripture = true;


                    // adjust the text
                    switch (mStyle.mTextCase)
                    case Styles.TextCase.Upper:
                        QuoteLabel.Text = QuoteLabel.Text.ToUpper( );
                        Citation.Text   = Citation.Text.ToUpper( );

                    case Styles.TextCase.Lower:
                        QuoteLabel.Text = QuoteLabel.Text.ToLower( );
                        Citation.Text   = Citation.Text.ToLower( );

                    // We forced the text to fit within the width specified above, so this will simply calculate the height.
                    QuoteLabel.SizeToFit( );

                    // now that we know our text size, we can adjust the citation
                    // for citation width, attempt to use quote width, but if there was no quote text,
                    // the width will be 0, so we'll fallback to the citation width.

                    RectangleF frame;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QuoteLabel.Text) != true)
                        // when taking the citation frame, put it at the left edge of the quote,
                        // because if it's longer than the quote we'll want the bounding frame to use
                        // its width as opposed to the quote's width.
                        Citation.Frame = new RectangleF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Left,

                        UrlGlyph.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right,
                                                        Citation.Frame.Top - ((UrlGlyph.Frame.Height - Citation.Frame.Height) / 2),

                        RectangleF citationGlyphFrame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(Citation.Frame, UrlGlyph.Frame);

                        // get a bounding frame for the quote and citation
                        frame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(QuoteLabel.Frame, citationGlyphFrame);

                        // now right-adjust it IF it's smaller than the quote
                        if (citationGlyphFrame.Width < QuoteLabel.Frame.Width)
                            Citation.Position = new PointF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Right - citationGlyphFrame.Width, Citation.Position.Y);
                            UrlGlyph.Position = new PointF(Citation.Frame.Right, UrlGlyph.Frame.Top);
                        Citation.Frame = new RectangleF(QuoteLabel.Frame.Left,

                        UrlGlyph.Frame = new RectangleF(Citation.Frame.Right,
                                                        Citation.Frame.Top - ((UrlGlyph.Frame.Height - Citation.Frame.Height) / 2),

                        // get a bounding frame for the quote and citation
                        frame = Parser.CalcBoundingFrame(Citation.Frame, UrlGlyph.Frame);

                    Citation.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;

                    // reintroduce vertical padding
                    frame.Height = frame.Height + padding.Top + padding.Height;

                    // setup our bounding rect for the border

                    // because we're basing it off of the largest control (quote or citation),
                    // we need to reintroduce the border padding.
                    frame = new RectangleF(frame.X - borderPaddingPx - padding.Left,
                                           frame.Y - borderPaddingPx - padding.Top,
                                           frame.Width + (padding.Width * 2) + (borderPaddingPx * 2),
                                           frame.Height + (padding.Height) + borderPaddingPx);

                    // and store that as our bounds
                    BorderView.Frame = frame;
                    Frame            = frame;