public static void GenerateMesh(Common.VoxelEngine.Spaceship.SmallShip.Chunk chunk, ChunkMesh chunkMesh)
            ChunkVertex[] vertices = new ChunkVertex[SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE_CUBE * 6 * 4];
            uint[]        indices  = new uint[SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE_CUBE * 6 * 6];

            uint vertexCount = 0;
            int  indexCount  = 0;

            Stopwatch generationTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
#endif // _DEBUG_CHUNKS

            int    shift = 0;
            int    i = 0;
            uint[] pos = new uint[3];
            int    index = 0;
            int    A, B;
            for (pos[2] = 0; pos[2] < SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[2]++)
                for (pos[1] = 0; pos[1] < SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[1]++)
                    for (pos[0] = 0; pos[0] < SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[0]++)
                        shift = 0;
                        A     = chunk.blocks[index];
                        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            if (pos[i] == SmallShipComponent.CHUNK_SIZE_MASK)
                                B = 0;
                                B = chunk.blocks[index + (1 << shift)];

                            if (A > 0 == B > 0)
                            // There is a face, render it
                            if (B == 0)
                                // Render this blocks face
                                // Render the adjacent block's face

                            shift += SmallShipComponent.LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;

            Debug.Log($"ShipChunk Meshing Speed: {generationTimer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}");
#endif // _DEBUG_CHUNKS

            chunkMesh.SetData(vertices, indices);
        public static bool GenerateMesh(ChunkMesh mesh, Chunk chunk, ref double timer)
            if (vertexPool.ArrayAvailble && indexPool.ArrayAvailble)
                // Generate the mesh
                int vertexToken = 0;
                int indexToken  = 0;

                ChunkVertex[] vertices = vertexPool.GetArray(ref vertexToken);
                uint[]        indices  = indexPool.GetArray(ref indexToken);

                BlockStorage blocks      = chunk.GetBlocks();
                int          vertexCount = 0;
                int          indexCount  = 0;

                Stopwatch generationTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
#endif // _DEBUG_CHUNKS

                int    index    = 0;
                uint   posIndex = 0;
                uint   i;
                int    shift;
                uint   A, B;
                uint   lights;
                uint[] pos = new uint[3];

                for (pos[2] = 0; pos[2] < World.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[2]++)
                    for (pos[1] = 0; pos[1] < World.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[1]++)
                        for (pos[0] = 0; pos[0] < World.CHUNK_SIZE; pos[0]++)
                            shift = 0;
                            A     = (uint)blocks.GetBlock(index);

                            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                if (pos[i] == World.CHUNK_MASK)
                                    B = 0;
                                    B = (uint)blocks.GetBlock(index + (1 << shift));

                                shift += World.LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
                                if (A > 0 == B > 0)

                                posIndex = pos[0] | pos[1] << 6 | pos[2] << 12;

                                if (B == 0)
                                    if (pos[i] == World.CHUNK_MASK)
                                        lights = 0;
                                        lights = chunk.lights.GetLightUInt(index);

                                    //Current face
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 0].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (0u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 0].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 0] // Position
                                         | lights << 18

                                    vertices[vertexCount + 1].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (3u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 1].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 1] // Position
                                         | lights << 18
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 2].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (2u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 2].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 2] // Position
                                         | lights << 18
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 3].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (1u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 3].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 3] // Position
                                         | lights << 18

                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 3;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 2;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 0;

                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 2;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 1;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 0;
                                    vertexCount          += 4;
                                    lights = chunk.lights.GetLightUInt(index);
                                    //Current face
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 0].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (0u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 0].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 0 + 12] + Block_Pos_Shifts[i] // Position
                                         | lights << 18

                                    vertices[vertexCount + 1].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (3u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 1].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 1 + 12] + Block_Pos_Shifts[i] // Position
                                         | lights << 18
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 2].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (2u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 2].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 2 + 12] + Block_Pos_Shifts[i] // Position
                                         | lights << 18
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 3].BlockType = A | (i << 16) | (1u << 23);
                                    vertices[vertexCount + 3].BlockData =
                                        (posIndex + Face_Data[(i * 4) + 3 + 12] + Block_Pos_Shifts[i] // Position
                                         | lights << 18

                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 3;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 2;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 0;

                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 2;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 1;
                                    indices[indexCount++] = (uint)vertexCount + 0;
                                    vertexCount          += 4;


                timer = generationTimer.ElapsedTicks / 10000.0;
#endif // _DEBUG_CHUNKS

                mesh.SetData(vertices, indices);

            // Wait for free cycles