예제 #1
 public static bool FillColourEvent(BeatmapEventData bev, ref ChromaColourEvent unfilledColourEvent, params Color[] colors)
     if (unfilledColourEvent != null)
         unfilledColourEvent.Colors = colors;
         ChromaEvent.SetChromaEvent(bev, unfilledColourEvent);
         //ChromaLogger.Log("Filled " + unfilledColourEvent.GetType().ToString() + " event.");
         unfilledColourEvent = null;
예제 #2
        public static void ReadMapData(BeatmapData beatmapData)
            ChromaLogger.Log("Reading event data... ");

            BeatmapEventData[] bevData       = beatmapData.beatmapEventData;
            ChromaColourEvent  unfilledEvent = null;

            for (int i = bevData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                try {
                    //ChromaLogger.Log("Event data: " + i);
                    ChromaEvent cLight = ApplyCustomEvent(bevData[i], ref unfilledEvent);
                    //if (cLight != null) ChromaLogger.Log("Custom Event " + cLight.GetType() + " found."); //lets not destroy the log
                } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #3
        // Colour Events
        //   - Stores two colour values, A and B
        //   - These events have two purposes
        //     - Used to recolour any lighting events placed after them, unless...
        //     - if used immediately after a "data event", their values will influence the data event.
        // 1,900,000,001 = 1900000001 = A/B
        // 1,900,000,002 = 1900000002 = AltA/AltB
        // 1,900,000,003 = 1900000003 = White/Half White
        // 1,900,000,004 = 1900000004 = Technicolor/Technicolor
        // 1,900,000,005 = 1900000005 = RandomColor/RandomColor

        // Data Events
        //   - Require Colour Events before them
        //   - Remember Unity colour uses 0-1, not 0-255
        // 1,950,000,001 = 1950000001 = Note Scale Event        - Scales all future spawned notes by (A.red * 1.5f)
        // 1,950,000,002 = 1950000002 = Health Event            - Alters the player's health by ((A.red - 0.5f) * 2)
        // 1,950,000,003 = 1950000003 = Rotate Event            - Rotates the player on all three axes by (A.red * 360 on x axis, A.green * 360 on y axis, A.blue * 360 on z axis)
        // 1,950,000,004 = 1950000004 = Ambient Light Event     - Immediately changes the colour of ambient lights to (A)
        // 1,950,000,005 = 1950000005 = Barrier Colour Event    - Changes all future spawned barrier colours to (A)

        // > 2,000,000,000 = >2000000000 = RGB (see ColourManager.ColourFromInt)

        public static ChromaEvent ApplyCustomEvent(BeatmapEventData bev, ref ChromaColourEvent unfilledColourEvent)
            //ChromaLogger.Log("Checking BEV ||| " + bev.time + "s : " + bev.value + "v");

            Color a, b;

            if (bev.value >= ColourManager.RGB_INT_OFFSET)   // > 2,000,000,000 = >2000000000 = RGB (see ColourManager.ColourFromInt)
                a = ColourManager.ColourFromInt(bev.value);
                b = a;
                if (FillColourEvent(bev, ref unfilledColourEvent, a))
                switch (bev.value)
                case ChromaLightEvent.CHROMA_LIGHT_OFFSET + 1:     // 1,900,000,001 = 1900000001 = A/B
                    a = ColourManager.LightA;
                    b = ColourManager.LightB;

                case ChromaLightEvent.CHROMA_LIGHT_OFFSET + 2:     // 1,900,000,002 = 1900000002 = AltA/AltB
                    a = ColourManager.LightAltA;
                    b = ColourManager.LightAltB;

                case ChromaLightEvent.CHROMA_LIGHT_OFFSET + 3:     // 1,900,000,003 = 1900000003 = White/Half White
                    a = ColourManager.LightWhite;
                    b = ColourManager.LightGrey;

                case ChromaLightEvent.CHROMA_LIGHT_OFFSET + 4:     // 1,900,000,004 = 1900000004 = Technicolor/Technicolor
                    a = ColourManager.GetTechnicolour(true, bev.time, ColourManager.TechnicolourStyle.WARM_COLD);
                    b = ColourManager.GetTechnicolour(false, bev.time, ColourManager.TechnicolourStyle.WARM_COLD);

                case ChromaLightEvent.CHROMA_LIGHT_OFFSET + 5:     // 1,900,000,005 = 1900000005 = RandomColor/RandomColor
                    a = UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(); a.a = 1;
                    b = UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(); b.a = 1;

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_SCALE:     //1,950,000,001 = 1950000001 = Note Scale Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaNoteScaleEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_HEALTH:     //1,950,000,002 = 1950000002 = Health Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaHealthEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_ROTATE:     //1,950,000,003 = 1950000003 = Rotate Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaRotateEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_AMBIENT_LIGHT:     //1,950,000,004 = 1950000004 = Ambient Light Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaAmbientLightEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_BARRIER_COLOUR:     //1,950,000,005 = 1950000005 = Barrier Colour Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaBarrierColourEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_SPEED_MULT:     //1,950,000,006 = 1950000006 = Ring Speed Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaRingSpeedEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_PROPAGATION_MULT:     //1,950,000,007 = 1950000007 = Ring Prop Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaRingPropagationEvent(bev);

                case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_STEP_MULT:     //1,950,000,008 = 1950000008 = Ring Step Event
                    unfilledColourEvent = new ChromaRingStepEvent(bev);

                default: return(null);
                if (FillColourEvent(bev, ref unfilledColourEvent, a, b))

            if (unfilledColourEvent != null)
                unfilledColourEvent = null;

            return(ChromaEvent.SetChromaEvent(bev, new ChromaLightEvent(bev, a, b)));
예제 #4
        public static CustomBeatmap CreateTransformedData(BeatmapData beatmapData, ref ChromaBehaviour chromaBehaviour, ref PlayerSpecificSettings playerSettings, ref BaseGameModeType baseGameMode, ref float bpm)
            ColourManager.TechnicolourLightsForceDisabled = false;

            ChromaLogger.Log("Checking for registered JSONBeatmap for " + beatmapData.ToString() + " (" + ChromaJSONBeatmap.chromaBeatmaps.Count + " registered maps total)");
            ChromaJSONBeatmap chromaInjectmap = ChromaJSONBeatmap.GetChromaBeatmap(beatmapData);

            if (beatmapData == null)
                ChromaLogger.Log("Null beatmapData", ChromaLogger.Level.ERROR);
            if (playerSettings == null)
                ChromaLogger.Log("Null playerSettings", ChromaLogger.Level.ERROR);

            List <CustomBeatmapObject> customBeatmapData = new List <CustomBeatmapObject>();

            beatmapData = beatmapData.GetCopy();
            BeatmapLineData[] beatmapLinesData = beatmapData.beatmapLinesData;
            int[]             array            = new int[beatmapLinesData.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                array[i] = 0;
            bool flag;

                flag = false;
                float num  = 999999f;
                int   num2 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < beatmapLinesData.Length; j++)
                    BeatmapObjectData[] beatmapObjectsData = beatmapLinesData[j].beatmapObjectsData;
                    int num3 = array[j];
                    while (num3 < beatmapObjectsData.Length && beatmapObjectsData[num3].time < num + 0.001f)
                        flag = true;
                        BeatmapObjectData beatmapObjectData = beatmapObjectsData[num3];
                        float             time = beatmapObjectData.time;
                        if (Mathf.Abs(time - num) < 0.001f)
                            if (beatmapObjectData.beatmapObjectType == BeatmapObjectType.Note)
                        else if (time < num)
                            num = time;
                            if (beatmapObjectData.beatmapObjectType == BeatmapObjectType.Note)
                                num2 = 1;
                                num2 = 0;

                CustomBeatmapObject customBeatmapObject = null;
                for (int k = 0; k < beatmapLinesData.Length; k++)
                    BeatmapObjectData[] beatmapObjectsData2 = beatmapLinesData[k].beatmapObjectsData;
                    int num4 = array[k];
                    while (num4 < beatmapObjectsData2.Length && beatmapObjectsData2[num4].time < num + 0.001f)
                        BeatmapObjectData beatmapObjectData2 = beatmapObjectsData2[num4];
                        if (beatmapObjectData2.beatmapObjectType == BeatmapObjectType.Note)
                            NoteData noteData = beatmapObjectData2 as NoteData;
                            if (noteData != null)
                                if (noteData.noteType == NoteType.NoteA || noteData.noteType == NoteType.NoteB)
                                    customBeatmapObject = new CustomBeatmapNote(beatmapObjectData2 as NoteData);
                                else if (noteData.noteType == NoteType.Bomb)
                                    customBeatmapObject = new CustomBeatmapBomb(beatmapObjectData2 as NoteData);
                        else if (beatmapObjectData2.beatmapObjectType == BeatmapObjectType.Obstacle)
                            ObstacleData obstacle = beatmapObjectData2 as ObstacleData;
                            if (obstacle != null)
                                customBeatmapObject = new CustomBeatmapBarrier(obstacle);
                        if (customBeatmapObject == null)
                            ChromaLogger.Log("Null beatmap object! ID:" + beatmapObjectData2.id + " LI:" + beatmapObjectData2.lineIndex + " T:" + beatmapObjectData2.time, ChromaLogger.Level.WARNING);
                            customBeatmapData.Add(customBeatmapObject);                                                                                                                                                                                                                   //CT Added
            }while (flag);

            CustomBeatmap customBeatmap = new CustomBeatmap(customBeatmapData);

            try {
                ChromaLogger.Log("Modifying map data...");
                if (beatmapData == null)
                    ChromaLogger.Log("Null beatmapData", ChromaLogger.Level.ERROR);
                if (beatmapData.beatmapEventData == null)
                    ChromaLogger.Log("Null beatmapData.beatmapEventData", ChromaLogger.Level.ERROR);
                ModifyCustomBeatmapEvent?.Invoke(beatmapData.notesCount * beatmapData.beatmapEventData.Length, ref customBeatmap, ref beatmapData, ref playerSettings, ref baseGameMode, ref bpm);
                //ModifyCustomBeatmap(beatmapData.notesCount * beatmapData.beatmapEventData.Length, ref customBeatmap, ref beatmapData, ref playerSettings, ref baseGameMode, ref bpm);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ChromaLogger.Log("Exception modifying map data...", ChromaLogger.Level.ERROR);

            customBeatmapData = customBeatmap.CustomBeatmapObjects;

            //from Tweaks
            int[] array2 = new int[beatmapLinesData.Length];
            for (int l = 0; l < customBeatmapData.Count; l++)
                BeatmapObjectData beatmapObjectData2 = customBeatmapData[l].Data;
                array2[Mathf.Clamp(beatmapObjectData2.lineIndex, 0, 3)]++; //array2[beatmapObjectData2.lineIndex]++;
            BeatmapLineData[] linesData = new BeatmapLineData[beatmapLinesData.Length];
            for (int m = 0; m < beatmapLinesData.Length; m++)
                linesData[m] = new BeatmapLineData();
                linesData[m].beatmapObjectsData = new BeatmapObjectData[array2[m]];
                array[m] = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < customBeatmapData.Count; n++)
                BeatmapObjectData beatmapObjectData3 = customBeatmapData[n].Data;
                int lineIndex = Mathf.Clamp(beatmapObjectData3.lineIndex, 0, 3); //beatmapObjectData3.lineIndex;
                linesData[lineIndex].beatmapObjectsData[array[lineIndex]] = beatmapObjectData3;
            BeatmapEventData[] eventsData = new BeatmapEventData[beatmapData.beatmapEventData.Length];
            for (int num5 = 0; num5 < beatmapData.beatmapEventData.Length; num5++)
                BeatmapEventData beatmapEventData = beatmapData.beatmapEventData[num5];
                eventsData[num5] = beatmapEventData.GetCopy();

            if (ChromaConfig.LightshowModifier)
                linesData = new BeatmapLineData[0];

            beatmapData = new BeatmapData(linesData, eventsData);

            if (chromaInjectmap != null)

            customBeatmap.BeatmapData = beatmapData;

             * LIGHTING EVENTS

            if (ChromaConfig.CustomColourEventsEnabled || ChromaConfig.CustomSpecialEventsEnabled)
                BeatmapEventData[] bevData       = beatmapData.beatmapEventData;
                ChromaColourEvent  unfilledEvent = null;
                for (int i = bevData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    //Forcing lane change
                    switch (bevData[i].value)
                    case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_ROTATE_LEFT:
                        bevData[i].SetProperty("type", BeatmapEventType.Event8);

                    case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_ROTATE_RIGHT:
                        bevData[i].SetProperty("type", BeatmapEventType.Event8);

                    case ChromaEvent.CHROMA_EVENT_RING_ROTATE_RESET:
                        bevData[i].SetProperty("type", BeatmapEventType.Event8);

                    ChromaEvent cLight = ApplyCustomEvent(bevData[i], ref unfilledEvent);
                    if (cLight != null)
                        ColourManager.TechnicolourLightsForceDisabled = true;
