public override void Start()
            chirpPane = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>();

            if (chirpPane == null)

            // Set visuals for panel
            this.backgroundSprite  = "ChirperBubble";
            this.color             = new Color32(122, 132, 138, 255);
            this.width             = 300;
            this.height            = 200;
            this.transformPosition = new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.9f);

            // Allow automated layout
            this.autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical;
            this.autoLayoutStart     = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
            this.autoLayoutPadding   = new RectOffset(10, 10, 0, 10);
            this.autoLayout          = true;

            // Add drag handle for panel
            UIDragHandle dragHandle = this.AddUIComponent <UIDragHandle>();
            // Add title to drag handle
            UILabel titleLabel = dragHandle.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            titleLabel.text          = "Options";
            titleLabel.textScale     = 1.5f;
            titleLabel.textColor     = new Color32(36, 202, 255, 255);
            titleLabel.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            UIButton muteButton     = AddNewButton("Mute");
            UIButton filterButton   = AddNewButton("Filters: OFF");
            UIButton hashTagsButton = AddNewButton("HashTags: ON");

            // Defaults to ON if ChirpFilter is active.

             * if (SuperChirper.HasFilters)
             *  filterButton.text = "Filters: ON";

            muteButton.eventClick     += MuteButtonClick;
            filterButton.eventClick   += FilterButtonClick;
            hashTagsButton.eventClick += HashTagsButtonClick;

            SuperChirperMod.MuteButtonInstance     = muteButton;
            SuperChirperMod.FilterButtonInstance   = filterButton;
            SuperChirperMod.HashTagsButtonInstance = hashTagsButton;

            // Default to hidden

            DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] ConfigPanel built.");
예제 #2
        public static void SendMessage(string senderName, string message)
            ChirpPanel cp = ChirpPanel.instance;

            if (cp == null)

            cp.AddMessage(new ChirpForecast()
                senderName = senderName, text = message
예제 #3
        public void OnCreated(IChirper chirper)
            chirperDestroyed = false;

            messageManager = GameObject.Find("MessageManager").GetComponent <MessageManager>();
            GameObject filterModule = new GameObject("ChirperFilterModule");

            module = filterModule.AddComponent <ChirpFilter.FilterModule>();

            cpanel = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>();

            chirpContainer = cpanel.transform.FindChild("Chirps").FindChild("Clipper").FindChild("Container").gameObject;
            soundStore     = cpanel.m_NotificationSound;
            chiperChecked  = false;
            recentMessages = new List <FilterContainer>();
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// On creation, startup the IRC client to hook onto the twitch chat
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnCreated(IChirper c)


            if (IrcClient == null)
                IrcClient = new IrcClient(Logger);

            // The noise will drive people bonkers
            ChirpPanel cp = ChirpPanel.instance;
            if (cp != null)
                cp.m_NotificationSound = null;

            CustomCitizens = GetCustomCitizens();

            //bool enterPressed = Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter);

            // If they're using the default username, make them aware of the options tab
            GetChirperManager.AddMessage("chirpertestclient", "Welcome to Twitch Chirper Chat! Click the Options button or press Alt+C to access options!", MessagePriority.Critical);

                String.Format("User Name: {0} - Channel: {1} - Connecting to Irc...",

                if (_apiManager != null)
            // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
            catch {}

            _apiManager = new ApiManager(Logger, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.IrcChannel);
            _apiManager.NewFollowers += _apiManager_NewFollowers;

            // Hook up the Irc client events and execute a connection
            IrcClient.ChatMessageReceived += _ircClient_ChatMessageReceived;
            IrcClient.Disconnected += _ircClient_Disconnected;
            IrcClient.Connected += _ircClient_Connected;
            IrcClient.NewSubscriber += _ircClient_NewSubscriber;
            IrcClient.Connect(Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.UserName, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.OAuthKey, Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.IrcChannel);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///  Clean up the leftovers
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnReleased()
                // Make sure we reset the notification sound back to normal, or we might really screw something up
                ChirpPanel cp = ChirpPanel.instance;
                if (cp != null)
                    cp.m_NotificationSound = null;

                // Make sure the Irc client is really gone so it releases the Irc port
                if (IrcClient != null)

                IrcClient = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #6
        //Thread: Main
        public override void OnCreated(IChirper chirper)
                chirpPane      = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>();
                messageManager = GameObject.Find("MessageManager").GetComponent <MessageManager>();

                thisChirper = chirper;

                messageFilterMap   = new Dictionary <ChirpMessage, bool>();
                hashTaggedMessages = new List <ChirpMessage>();
                messageMap         = new Dictionary <ChirpMessage, IChirperMessage>();

                showHideTime = chirpPane.m_ShowHideTime;

                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] Initialised modification.");
                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] Initialisation failed.");
예제 #7
        void Init()
                DebugLogger.Message("Start Deploying Assemblys");

                m_TempDir = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%TEMP%\ModChitter\");

                if (Directory.Exists(m_TempDir))
                    Directory.Delete(m_TempDir, true);


                File.WriteAllBytes(m_TempDir + "Chitter.exe", Properties.Resources.Chitter);
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_TempDir + "Hammock.ClientProfile.dll", Properties.Resources.Hammock_ClientProfile);
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_TempDir + "Newtonsoft.Json.dll", Properties.Resources.Newtonsoft_Json);
                File.WriteAllBytes(m_TempDir + "TweetSharp.dll", Properties.Resources.TweetSharp);

                DebugLogger.Log(MessageType.Message, "Start Chirper Outbound");
                m_Chirpy = Singleton <ChirpPanel> .instance;

                DebugLogger.Log(MessageType.Message, "Start Pipe Server");
                m_ServerStream = new NamedPipeServerStream("chirper", PipeDirection.In);

                m_StreamReader = new Thread(StreamReader);

                DebugLogger.Message("Try Start Chitter Application at:\n\t\"" + m_TempDir + "Chitter.exe" + "\"");
                m_Chitter = Process.Start(m_TempDir + "Chitter.exe");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DebugLogger.Log(MessageType.Error, ex.Message);
예제 #8
        public static void SendMessage(string senderName, string msg)
            ChirpPanel cp = ChirpPanel.instance;

            if (cp == null)

            if (lastChrip == DateTime.MinValue)
                lastChrip = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10);

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            //  if ((now - lastChrip).TotalSeconds > 5)
                cp.AddMessage(new ChirpBox()
                    senderName = senderName, text = msg
                lastChrip = now;
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            chirpPane      = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>();
            messageManager = GameObject.Find("MessageManager").GetComponent <MessageManager>();

            // For development

            if (chirpPane == null)

            messageSound = chirpPane.m_NotificationSound;

            #region "ChirpFilters Mod"
            // We check if ChirpFilters mod is installed - if it is we don't worry about handling our own filters.
            GameObject chirperFilter = GameObject.Find("ChirperFilterModule");
            if (chirperFilter != null)
                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] ChirpFilters located.");
                SuperChirper.HasFilters = true;
            else if (chirperFilter == null)
                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] ChirpFilters NOT located.");
                SuperChirper.HasFilters = false;

            #region "NewGame"
            // Give intro message (only shows up on new level)
            ChirpMessage introMessage = new ChirpMessage("SuperChirpy", "Welcome to Super Chirpy! Press Alt+C to toggle Chirpy, press Clear to delete all chirps, and options to access other features.", 12345);
            // Get rid of default message

            GameObject clearButtonObject   = new GameObject("SuperChirperClearButton", typeof(UIButton));
            GameObject optionsButtonObject = new GameObject("SuperChirperOptionsButton", typeof(UIButton));
            optionsPanelObject = new GameObject("SuperChirperOptionsPanel", typeof(ChirperConfigPanel));

            // Make the Objects a child of the uiView.
            clearButtonObject.transform.parent   = chirpPane.transform;
            optionsButtonObject.transform.parent = chirpPane.transform;

            // Get the button component.
            UIButton           clearButton   = clearButtonObject.GetComponent <UIButton>();
            UIButton           optionsButton = optionsButtonObject.GetComponent <UIButton>();
            ChirperConfigPanel optionsPanel  = optionsPanelObject.GetComponent <ChirperConfigPanel>();

            if (optionsPanel == null)
                DebugOutputPanel.AddMessage(PluginManager.MessageType.Message, "[SuperChirper] No ConfigPanel component found.");


            // Set the text to show on the button.
            clearButton.text   = "Clear";
            optionsButton.text = "Options";

            // Set the button dimensions.
            clearButton.width    = 50;
            clearButton.height   = 20;
            optionsButton.width  = 60;
            optionsButton.height = 20;

            // Style the buttons to make them look like a menu button.
            clearButton.normalBgSprite    = "ButtonMenu";
            clearButton.disabledBgSprite  = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
            clearButton.hoveredBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuHovered";
            clearButton.focusedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuFocused";
            clearButton.pressedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuPressed";
            clearButton.textColor         = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
            clearButton.disabledTextColor = new Color32(7, 7, 7, 255);
            clearButton.hoveredTextColor  = new Color32(7, 132, 255, 255);
            clearButton.focusedTextColor  = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
            clearButton.pressedTextColor  = new Color32(30, 30, 44, 255);

            optionsButton.normalBgSprite    = "ButtonMenu";
            optionsButton.disabledBgSprite  = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
            optionsButton.hoveredBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuHovered";
            optionsButton.focusedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuFocused";
            optionsButton.pressedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuPressed";
            optionsButton.textColor         = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
            optionsButton.disabledTextColor = new Color32(7, 7, 7, 255);
            optionsButton.hoveredTextColor  = new Color32(7, 132, 255, 255);
            optionsButton.focusedTextColor  = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
            optionsButton.pressedTextColor  = new Color32(30, 30, 44, 255);

            // Enable sounds.
            clearButton.playAudioEvents   = true;
            optionsButton.playAudioEvents = true;

            // Place the button.
            clearButton.transformPosition   = new Vector3(-1.22f, 1.0f);
            optionsButton.transformPosition = new Vector3(-1.37f, 1.0f);

            // Respond to button click.
            clearButton.eventClick   += ClearButtonClick;
            optionsButton.eventClick += OptionsButtonClick;

            SuperChirperMod.ClearButtonInstance = clearButton;

            SuperChirperMod.OptionsButtonInstance = optionsButton;

            SuperChirperMod.OptionsPanelInstance = optionsPanel;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the options menu and Option + Clear buttons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            // For development

            _optionsPanelObject = new GameObject("TwitchChirperChatOptionsPanel", typeof(ConfigurationPanel));

                _chirpPanel = GameObject.Find("ChirperPanel").GetComponent <ChirpPanel>();

            if (_chirpPanel != null)
                //messageSound = chirpPane.m_NotificationSound;

                GameObject clearButtonObject   = new GameObject("SuperChirperClearButton", typeof(UIButton));
                GameObject optionsButtonObject = new GameObject("SuperChirperOptionsButton", typeof(UIButton));

                clearButtonObject.transform.parent   = _chirpPanel.transform;
                optionsButtonObject.transform.parent = _chirpPanel.transform;

                UIButton clearButton   = clearButtonObject.GetComponent <UIButton>();
                UIButton optionsButton = optionsButtonObject.GetComponent <UIButton>();

                // Set the text to show on the button.
                clearButton.text   = "Clear";
                optionsButton.text = "Options";

                // Set the button dimensions.
                clearButton.width    = 50;
                clearButton.height   = 20;
                optionsButton.width  = 65;
                optionsButton.height = 20;

                // Style the buttons to make them look like a menu button.
                clearButton.normalBgSprite    = "ButtonMenu";
                clearButton.disabledBgSprite  = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
                clearButton.hoveredBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuHovered";
                clearButton.focusedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuFocused";
                clearButton.pressedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuPressed";
                clearButton.textColor         = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
                clearButton.disabledTextColor = new Color32(7, 7, 7, 255);
                clearButton.hoveredTextColor  = new Color32(7, 132, 255, 255);
                clearButton.focusedTextColor  = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
                clearButton.pressedTextColor  = new Color32(30, 30, 44, 255);

                optionsButton.normalBgSprite    = "ButtonMenu";
                optionsButton.disabledBgSprite  = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
                optionsButton.hoveredBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuHovered";
                optionsButton.focusedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuFocused";
                optionsButton.pressedBgSprite   = "ButtonMenuPressed";
                optionsButton.textColor         = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
                optionsButton.disabledTextColor = new Color32(7, 7, 7, 255);
                optionsButton.hoveredTextColor  = new Color32(7, 132, 255, 255);
                optionsButton.focusedTextColor  = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
                optionsButton.pressedTextColor  = new Color32(30, 30, 44, 255);

                // Enable sounds.
                clearButton.playAudioEvents   = true;
                optionsButton.playAudioEvents = true;

                // Place the button.
                clearButton.transformPosition   = new Vector3(-1.42f, 0.9999f);
                optionsButton.transformPosition = new Vector3(-1.60f, 0.9999f);

                // Respond to button click.
                clearButton.eventClick   += ClearButtonClick;
                optionsButton.eventClick += OptionsButtonClick;

                ClearButtonInstance   = clearButton;
                OptionsButtonInstance = optionsButton;

            var optionsPanel = _optionsPanelObject.GetComponent <ConfigurationPanel>();

            OptionsPanelInstance = optionsPanel;