/// <summary> /// Sign in with device /// </summary> private void SignInWithDeviceId() { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithDeviceId(): Trying to sign in with device id..."; PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithAndroidDeviceID(new LoginWithAndroidDeviceIDRequest() { TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId, AndroidDevice = SystemInfo.deviceModel, AndroidDeviceId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier, OS = SystemInfo.operatingSystem, CreateAccount = true }, (result) => { playFabId = result.PlayFabId; isAuthenticated = true; debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithDeviceId(): succesful with playFabId: " + result.PlayFabId.ToString(); CheckVersionOnLogin(); ChestObject.GetLastChestOpenTime(); }, OnPlayFabError); }
/// <summary> /// Sign in with google /// </summary> private void SignInWithGoogle() { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() called"; try { connectingAnimation.SetActive(true); Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) => { if (success) { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Success auth... "; try { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : createAccount true scenario stepped in"; debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : checking if google account exists with auth code: " + authCode; PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount(new LoginWithGoogleAccountRequest() { TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId, ServerAuthCode = authCode, CreateAccount = true, }, (result) => { playFabId = result.PlayFabId; debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Account created with id: " + result.PlayFabId; debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Preparing to call LinkDeviceIdWithAccount();"; SetDisplayName(); CheckVersionOnLogin(); ChestObject.GetLastChestOpenTime(); }, OnGoogleAccountLoginResultFailed); } catch (Exception exception) { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Authenticate to playfab or google auth code refresh failed with error: " + exception.Message; connectingAnimation.SetActive(false); if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable) { FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage("PLEASE CONNECT TO THE INTERNET TO LOGIN"); } else { FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage(exception.Message); } } } else { if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable) { FindObjectOfType <ShowErrorMessageController>().SetErrorMessage("PLEASE CONNECT TO THE INTERNET FIRST"); //legit debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Please connect to the internet first!"; } debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Authentication to google failed"; connectingAnimation.SetActive(false); } }); } catch (Exception exception) { debugReporter.text = debugReporter.text + "\n" + "SignInWithGoogle() : Authenticate process failed with error: " + exception.Message; connectingAnimation.SetActive(false); } }