public void SetGame(GameViewModel model) { GameRoom gameRoom = db.GameRooms.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == model.RoomId); List <PieceModel> fark = new List <PieceModel>(); gameRoom.Pieces.ToList().ForEach(g => { PieceModel aPiece = model.Pieces.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == g.Id && (e.Row != g.Row || e.Col != g.Col || e.Name != g.Name || e.Status != g.Status)); if (aPiece != null) { fark.Add(aPiece); } }); fark.ForEach(e => { var aPiece = gameRoom.Pieces.Single(k => k.Id == e.Id); if (e.Col == 0 && e.Row == 0) { db.Entry(aPiece).State = EntityState.Deleted; db.SaveChanges(); } else { aPiece.Col = e.Col; aPiece.Row = e.Row; aPiece.Name = e.Name; aPiece.Status = e.Status; aPiece.Symbol = e.Symbol; } }); gameRoom.GameStatus = model.GameStatus; gameRoom.Turn = model.Turn; db.Entry(gameRoom).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); }
public void UpdateUser(User user) { User eUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(e => e.UId == user.UId); eUser.LoseCount = user.LoseCount; eUser.Name = user.Name; eUser.Surname = user.Surname; eUser.Title = user.Title; eUser.WonCount = user.WonCount; eUser.DrawCount = user.DrawCount; db.Entry(eUser).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); }
public void RemoveConnection(String ConnectionId) { using (var db = new ChessContext()) { var userConnection = db.UserConnections.Single(e => e.Connectionid == ConnectionId); db.Entry(userConnection).State = EntityState.Deleted; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public bool SendInvitation(string senderUId, string receiverUId, InvitationType invitationType) { if (db.Invitations.Any(e => e.InvitationFrom == senderUId && e.InvitationTo == receiverUId && e.InvitationState == InvitationState.Pending && e.InvitationType == invitationType)) { return(false); } Invitation invitation = new Invitation() { InvitationFrom = senderUId, InvitationTo = receiverUId, InvitationType = invitationType, InvitationState = InvitationState.Pending }; db.Invitations.Add(invitation); db.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public void AddConnection(String UserId, String ConnectionId) { using (var db = new ChessContext()) { db.UserConnections.Add(new UserConnection() { Userid = UserId, Connectionid = ConnectionId }); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public GameProgress PostStartGame([FromBody] StartGameRequest request) { // limit difficulty between 1 and 8 request.difficulty = Math.Min(8, Math.Max(1, request.difficulty)); var game = context.Game.Add(new Game() { Name =, Opponent = "AI", AIDifficulty = request.difficulty, }); ; context.SaveChanges(); var chess = chessService.ReplayMoves(new List <Models.Move>()); var progress = new GameProgress() { GameId = game.Entity.Id, State = CoordinateOutput.GameToState(chess), }; return(progress); }
public ActionResult ExternalLoginConfirmation(RegisterExternalLoginModel model, string returnUrl) { string provider = null; string providerUserId = null; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !OAuthWebSecurity.TryDeserializeProviderUserId(model.ExternalLoginData, out provider, out providerUserId)) { return(RedirectToAction("Manage")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Insert a new user into the database using (ChessContext db = new ChessContext()) { UserProfile user = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName.ToLower() == model.UserName.ToLower()); // Check if user already exists if (user == null) { // Insert name into the profile table db.UserProfiles.Add(new UserProfile { UserName = model.UserName }); db.SaveChanges(); OAuthWebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateAccount(provider, providerUserId, model.UserName); OAuthWebSecurity.Login(provider, providerUserId, createPersistentCookie: false); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", "User name already exists. Please enter a different user name."); } } } ViewBag.ProviderDisplayName = OAuthWebSecurity.GetOAuthClientData(provider).DisplayName; ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email }; var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); using (var db = new ChessContext()) { // var UsersContext = new ApplicationDbContext(); // string uid = UsersContext.Users.ToList().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Email == user.UserName).Id; User newUser = new User() { EMail = user.UserName, UId = user.Id, }; db.Users.Add(newUser); db.SaveChanges(); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public void Save() { context.SaveChanges(); }