protected void btnSubmitUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SerializeAndDeserializing = new FaceBookHelper.SerializeAndDeserializing(); HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"]; String oldUsername = cookie.Values["userName"]; String oldPassword = cookie.Values["passWord"]; String firstName = txtFirstName.Text; String lastName = txtLastName.Text; String phoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text; String address = txtAddress.Text; String email = txtEmail.Text; String newUserName = txtUserName.Text; String newPassWord = txtPassWord.Text; String newPassWordConfim = txtConfirmPassword.Text; String question1Response = txtQuestion1.Text; String question2Response = txtQuestion2.Text; String question3Response = txtQuestion3.Text; String city = txtCity.Text; String state = txtState.Text; String likes = txtLikes.Text; if ((firstName == "") || (lastName == "") || (phoneNumber == "") || (address == "") || (email == "") || (newUserName == "") || (newPassWord == "") || (newPassWordConfim == "") || (question1Response == "") || (question2Response == "") || (question3Response == "") || (city == "") || (state == "") || (likes == "")) { lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = true; lblSubmitUpdate.Text = "*All fields must be filled out*"; } else { lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = false; Boolean passwordsMatch = false; if ((txtPassWord.Text) != (txtConfirmPassword.Text)) { lblPassWordConfim.Visible = true; lblPassWordConfim.Text = "*Your passwords do not match*"; passwordsMatch = false; } else { lblPassWordConfim.Visible = false; passwordsMatch = true; } ////////code to check all the feilds have the right inputs if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(city)) { lblCityInfo.Visible = true; lblCityInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblCityInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(state)) { lblStateInfo.Visible = true; lblStateInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblStateInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(firstName)) { lblFirstNameInfo.Visible = true; lblFirstNameInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblFirstNameInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(lastName)) { lblLastNameInfo.Visible = true; lblLastNameInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblLastNameInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.ValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) { lblPhoneNumberInfo.Visible = true; lblPhoneNumberInfo.Text = "*Vailid Format* <br/> Correct Format: 123-123-4567 "; } else { lblPhoneNumberInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.GoodEmailAddress(email)) { lblEmailInfo.Visible = true; lblEmailInfo.Text = "*Invaild Email Format* <br/> Correct Format: <br/> [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]"; } else { lblEmailInfo.Visible = false; } ////////code to check all the feilds have the right inputs if ((Checker.AllAlphabetChars(firstName)) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(lastName)) && (Checker.ValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) && (Checker.GoodEmailAddress(email)) && (passwordsMatch) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(city)) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(state))) { objDBhelper = new FaceBookHelper.DataBaseRequest(); //alter this int usernamePasswordComboUpdated = objDBhelper.UpdateUserInformation(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtPhoneNumber.Text, txtAddress.Text, txtEmail.Text, oldUsername, oldPassword, txtUserName.Text, txtPassWord.Text, txtQuestion1.Text, txtQuestion2.Text, txtQuestion3.Text, txtCity.Text, txtState.Text, Checker.GoodLikesInput(txtLikes.Text)); //alter this if (usernamePasswordComboUpdated != 0) { lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = false; DataSet dsUserRecord = objDBhelper.GetUserRecordWithUsernamePassword(txtUserName.Text, txtPassWord.Text); //pulls User record linked to valid username/password combo for (int i = 0; i < dsUserRecord.Tables.Count; i++) //loops through User record and creates a new cookie with all information linked to the User { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CIS3342_Cookie"); //new cookie! myCookie.Values["firstName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["lastName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LastName"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["phoneNumber"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["address"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["email"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["userName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); //myCookie.Values["passWord"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PassWord"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["passWord"] = crypto.PerformEncryption(dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PassWord"].ToString());//encrypt data myCookie.Values["security1"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security1"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["security2"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security2"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["security3"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security3"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security1Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security1Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security2Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security2Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security3Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security3Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["loginPreferences"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["loginPreferences"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["LastVisited"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); myCookie.Expires = new DateTime(2025, 1, 1); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = true; lblSubmitUpdate.Text = "*Update Completed*"; ////code here to send an email confirmation after the friend request is sent out ////code here to send an email confirmation after the friend request is sent out // //HttpCookie cookieEdit = Request.Cookies["CIS3342_Cookie"]; //String myID = crypto.PerformDecryption(cookieEdit.Values["passWord"]);//Decrypts password! //String yourEmail = ""; //DataSet friendsRecord = objDBhelper.GetUserRecordByID(int.Parse(myID)); //for (int i = 0; i < friendsRecord.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) //{ // yourEmail = friendsRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); //} ////code here to send an email confirmation after the friend request is sent out // //Email objEmail = new Email(); //String strTO = yourEmail; //String strFROM = ""; //String strSubject = "testing out the email feature bro!"; //String strMessage = "Thanks for updating you information on " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); ; //objEmail.SendMail(strTO, strFROM, strSubject, strMessage); ////code here to send an email confirmation after the friend request is sent////code here to send an email confirmation after the friend request is sent out // } else { lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = true; lblSubmitUpdate.Text = "*Your password and username combination is already taken*"; } } else { lblSubmitUpdate.Visible = true; lblSubmitUpdate.Text = "*One or more of your fields are invalid in format*"; } } }
//protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // Label4.Text = Checker.GoodLikesInput(txtLikes.Text); //} protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); objDBhelper = new FaceBookHelper.DataBaseRequest(); if ((txtFirstName.Text == "") || (txtLastName.Text == "") || (txtPhoneNumber.Text == "") || (txtAddress.Text == "") || (txtEmail.Text == "") || (txtUserName.Text == "") || (txtPassWord.Text == "") || (txtLikes.Text == "") || (txtCity.Text == "") || (txtState.Text == "")) { lblSubmitInfo.Visible = true; lblSubmitInfo.Text = "*All Fields Have To Be Filled Out*"; } else { lblSubmitInfo.Visible = false; String firstName = txtFirstName.Text; String lastName = txtLastName.Text; String phoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text; String address = txtAddress.Text; String email = txtEmail.Text; String userName = txtUserName.Text; String passWord = txtPassWord.Text; String security1 = txtQuestion1.Text; String security2 = txtQuestion2.Text; String security3 = txtQuestion3.Text; String likes = txtLikes.Text; String city = txtCity.Text; String state = txtState.Text; if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(city)) { lblCityInfo.Visible = true; lblCityInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblCityInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(state)) { lblStateInfo.Visible = true; lblStateInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblStateInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(firstName)) { lblFirstNameInfo.Visible = true; lblFirstNameInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblFirstNameInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.AllAlphabetChars(lastName)) { lblLastNameInfo.Visible = true; lblLastNameInfo.Text = "*Only Alphabetical Characters Allowed*"; } else { lblLastNameInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.ValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) { lblPhoneNumberInfo.Visible = true; lblPhoneNumberInfo.Text = "*Vailid Format* <br/> Correct Format: 123-123-4567 "; } else { lblPhoneNumberInfo.Visible = false; } if (!Checker.GoodEmailAddress(email)) { lblEmailInfo.Visible = true; lblEmailInfo.Text = "*Invaild Email Format* <br/> Correct Format: <br/> [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]"; } else { lblEmailInfo.Visible = false; } Boolean passwordsMatch = false; if ((txtPassWord.Text != txtConfirmPassword.Text)) { lblConfirmPassWord.Visible = true; lblConfirmPassWord.Text = "*Your Passwords don't match*"; passwordsMatch = false; } else { lblConfirmPassWord.Visible = false; passwordsMatch = true; } //code here to check the txtLikes feild... the list of things the user likes to do has to be seperated by a comma //likes = objDBhelper.GoodLikesInput(likes); String modifedLikesInput = Checker.GoodLikesInput(likes); //code here to check the txtLikes feild... the list of things the user likes to do has to be seperated by a comma if ((Checker.AllAlphabetChars(firstName)) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(lastName)) && (Checker.ValidPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) && (Checker.GoodEmailAddress(email)) && (passwordsMatch) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(city)) && (Checker.AllAlphabetChars(state))) { int test = Convert.ToInt32(radLoginPreferences.SelectedValue); String loginPreferences = ""; switch (test) { case 1: loginPreferences = "None"; break; case 2: loginPreferences = "Fast"; break; case 3: loginPreferences = "Auto"; break; default: break; } lblSubmitInfo.Visible = false; int goodUsernamePassword = objDBhelper.CreateUser(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, address, email, userName, passWord, security1, security2, security3, DropDownListQuestionSet1.SelectedValue, DropDownListQuestionSet2.SelectedValue, DropDownListQuestionSet3.SelectedValue, loginPreferences, modifedLikesInput, city, state); //if the username/password combo is not already taken than a user is created and added to the table //the return from the "CreateUser" method will be an int //0 = means the username/password combo is not in the system yet // andything other than 0 means the username/password combo exists and the UserID of that user with this username/password combo is returned if (goodUsernamePassword == 0) { lblSubmitInfo.Visible = true; lblSubmitInfo.Text = "*Account Created*"; //code here to update the SettingsObject record in the database table for this user// DataSet dsUserRecord = objDBhelper.GetUserRecordWithUsernamePassword(userName, passWord); //pulls User record linked to valid username/password combo for (int i = 0; i < dsUserRecord.Tables.Count; i++) //loops through User record and creates a new cookie with all information linked to the User { int userID = int.Parse(dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserID"].ToString()); SerializeAndDeserializing.SerializingUserSettingsOBJ(userID, loginPreferences, "background-color:#dfe3ee"); if (Request.Cookies["CIS3342_CookieCustom"] != null) { Response.Cookies["CIS3342_CookieCustom"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CIS3342_Cookie"); myCookie.Values["userID"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserID"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["firstName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["lastName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LastName"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["phoneNumber"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["City"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["City"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["State"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["State"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["PhotoPath"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PhotoPath"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Likes"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Likes"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["address"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Address"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["email"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["userName"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); //myCookie.Values["passWord"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PassWord"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["passWord"] = crypto.PerformEncryption(dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PassWord"].ToString());//encrypts password! myCookie.Values["security1"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security1"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["security2"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security2"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["security3"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security3"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security1Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security1Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security2Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security2Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["Security3Question"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Security3Question"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["WallPost"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WallPost"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["loginPreferences"] = dsUserRecord.Tables[0].Rows[i]["loginPreferences"].ToString(); myCookie.Values["LastVisited"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); myCookie.Expires = new DateTime(2025, 1, 1); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } //code here to update the SettingsObject record in the database table for this user// int adjustSettingsNowValue = Convert.ToInt32(radAdjustSettingsNow.SelectedValue); switch (adjustSettingsNowValue) { case 1: // user selects no, they do not want to change these setting now Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); break; case 2: //user selects yes, they do not want to change these setting now Response.Redirect("GeneralAccountSettings.aspx"); break; default: break; } } else //goodUsernamePassword is not 0 { lblSubmitInfo.Visible = true; lblSubmitInfo.Text = "*Username/Password combination is already taken**"; } } else { lblSubmitInfo.Visible = true; lblSubmitInfo.Text = "*One Or More Fields Are Invalid*"; } } }