public ActionResult CreateLeaveApp(DateTime leave_date, string leave_reason)
            if (!CheckEmployeeLogin.Check())
            string    emp_email       = Session["employee_email"].ToString();
            string    emp_password    = Session["employee_password"].ToString();
            int       emp_id          = db.Employees.SingleOrDefault(e => e.emp_email == emp_email && e.emp_password == emp_password).id;
            int       leave_status_id = db.Leave_status.SingleOrDefault(s => s.status_name == "Pending").id;
            Leave_App new_leaveApp    = new Leave_App()
                leave_emp_id    = emp_id,
                leave_date      = leave_date,
                leave_reason    = leave_reason,
                leave_status_id = leave_status_id
            string status = "";
            string msg    = "";

                status = "success";
                msg    = "Operation has successfully completed.";
                status = "error";
                msg    = "Databazada Leave_status tablosunda mutleq Pending adli statusname olmalidir!";
            return(Json(new { status, msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult ChangePassword(string new_password)
            if (!CheckEmployeeLogin.Check())
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(new_password))
                return(Json(new { status = "error", msg = "Password cannot be empty!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            string emp_email    = Session["employee_email"].ToString();
            string emp_password = Session["employee_password"].ToString();
            var    emp          = db.Employees.SingleOrDefault(e => e.emp_email == emp_email && e.emp_password == emp_password);

            emp.emp_password = new_password;
            return(Json(new { status = "success", msg = "Password has changed. Please enter with new password." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult MyLeaves()
            if (!CheckEmployeeLogin.Check())
            string               emp_email     = Session["employee_email"].ToString();
            string               emp_password  = Session["employee_password"].ToString();
            Employee             employee      = db.Employees.Include(g => g.Gender).Include(e => e.Departament).Include(e => e.Leave_App).Include(e => e.Designation).Where(e => e.emp_email == emp_email && e.emp_password == emp_password).SingleOrDefault();
            CalcAtWork           clc           = new CalcAtWork(Convert.ToDateTime(employee.emp_date_of_joining));
            List <UserBirthdays> userBirthdays = db.Employees.Where(e => e.emp_dateof_birth.Value.Day > DateTime.Now.Day && e.emp_dateof_birth.Value.Month == DateTime.Now.Month || e.emp_dateof_birth.Value.Month == DateTime.Now.Month + 1).Select(e => new UserBirthdays {
                Fullname = e.emp_fullname, ProfileImage = e.emp_photo, Birthdate = e.emp_dateof_birth.Value
            }).OrderByDescending(b => b.Birthdate).ToList();
            var leave_status = db.Leave_status.ToList();

            return(View(new EmployeeAccount {
                Employee = employee, CalcAtWork = clc.GetWorkTime, UserBirthdays = userBirthdays, Leave_status = leave_status