public void ToString_Returns_Correct_Rgba_String_Representation() { byte red = 4; byte green = 65; byte blue = 154; double alpha = 0.232; string expectedString = $"rgba({red}, {green}, {blue}, {alpha})"; var color = ChartColor.FromRgba(red, green, blue, alpha); var actualString = color.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, actualString); }
public void ToString_Comma_Culture_Returns_Correct_Rgba_String_Representation() { byte red = 4; byte green = 65; byte blue = 154; double alpha = 0.232; CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("nl-NL"); string expectedString = $"rgba({red}, {green}, {blue}, {alpha.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})"; var color = ChartColor.FromRgba(red, green, blue, alpha); var actualString = color.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedString, actualString); }
public static Chart BuildTemperatureAttributesBubbleChart1(List <TemperatureOrigin> temperatureOrigins) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bubble; var data = new Data(); List <Dataset> datasets = new List <Dataset>(); ChartColor[] colors = { Colors.GetRedBorder(), Colors.GetBlueBorder(), Colors.GetGreenBorder() }; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < temperatureOrigins.Count; i++) { var dataset = new BubbleDataset(); var bubbleDataList = new List <BubbleData>(); foreach (var temp in temperatureOrigins[i].TemperatureAtts) { TimeSpan t = (temp.Time - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); var bubbleData = new BubbleData { X = (int)t.TotalSeconds, Y = temp.Temp, R = 5 }; bubbleDataList.Add(bubbleData); } dataset.Data = bubbleDataList; dataset.BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { colors[j++] }; dataset.BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) }; dataset.Label = temperatureOrigins[i].Origin; datasets.Add(dataset); } data.Datasets = datasets; FixTimeLabels(chart.Options); chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
private LineChartDataset <double> GetLoadTimeLineChartDataset() { return(new LineChartDataset <double> { Label = L["LoadTime"].Value, Data = MonitorWithDetails.LoadTimes, BackgroundColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 218, 197, 0.2f) }, BorderColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 218, 197, 1f) }, Fill = true, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List <int> { } }); }
async Task RefreshUI(SourceHistory history) { var labels = history.HistoryData .Select(d => d.TimeStampUtc.LocalDateTime.ToString("d.M.")) .Reverse() .ToArray(); var dataSupplies = history.HistoryData .Select(d => { // Item 0 = supplies in kg (label "supplies") string value = d.DataItems[0].Value.ToString(); double.TryParse(value, out double supplies); return(supplies); }) .Reverse() .ToList(); var currentSupplies = $"Vorrat: {dataSupplies.Last():0.0}kg"; var dataSetPelletSupplies = new LineChartDataset <double> { Label = currentSupplies, Data = dataSupplies, BackgroundColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(226, 228, 242, 0.8f) }, BorderColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(95, 104, 188, 0.5f) }, Fill = true, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List <int> { } }; await lineChart.Clear(); await lineChart.AddLabel(labels); await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetPelletSupplies); await lineChart.Update(); }
private LineChartDataset <Point> GetLineChartDataset() { List <string> backgroundColors = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(195, 171, 214, 0.2f) }; List <string> borderColors = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(195, 171, 214, 0.8f) }; return(new LineChartDataset <Point> { Data = new List <Point>() { }, BackgroundColor = backgroundColors, BorderColor = borderColors, Fill = true, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List <int> { } }); }
private static Chart GetTimePerDayChart(Dictionary <string, double> timePerDay) { var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.HorizontalBar }; var data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data { Labels = timePerDay.Keys.ToList() }; var dataset = new BarDataset { Label = "# hours watched", Data = new List <double?>(timePerDay.Values.Select(x => (double?)x)), BorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(229, 9, 20, 0.8) }, Type = Enums.ChartType.HorizontalBar, }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; chart.Options = new Options { Responsive = true, MaintainAspectRatio = false, Title = new Title { Text = "Hours watched per day", Display = true }, ResponsiveAnimationDuration = 500 }; return(chart); }
private static Chart GetHourlyActivityChart(Dictionary <TimeSpan, double> timePerTimeOfDay) { var labels = timePerTimeOfDay.Keys.Select(x => x.IsFullHour() ? x.ToString("hh':'mm") : ""); var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Radar }; var data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data { Labels = labels.ToList() }; var dataset = new RadarDataset { Label = "# hours watched", Data = new List <double?>(timePerTimeOfDay.Values.Select(x => (double?)x)), BorderWidth = 1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(229, 9, 20, 0.8), Type = Enums.ChartType.Radar }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; chart.Options = new RadarOptions { Responsive = true, MaintainAspectRatio = false, Title = new Title { Text = "Hours watched per time of day", Display = true }, ResponsiveAnimationDuration = 500, Tooltips = new ToolTip { Enabled = false } }; return(chart); }
public static ChartColor GetRed() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)); }
public static Chart BuildTemperatureAttributesBubbleChart(TemperatureOrigin temperatureOrigins, ChartColor color1, ChartColor color2) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bubble; var data = new Data(); List <Dataset> datasets = new List <Dataset>(); ChartColor[] colors = { Colors.GetRed(), Colors.GetRedBorder(), Colors.GetBlue(), Colors.GetBlueBorder(), Colors.GetGreen(), Colors.GetGreenBorder() }; int j = 0; var dataset = new BubbleDataset(); var bubbleDataList = new List <BubbleData>(); foreach (var temp in temperatureOrigins.TemperatureAtts) { TimeSpan t = (temp.Time - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); var bubbleData = new BubbleData { X = (int)t.TotalSeconds, Y = temp.Temp, R = 5 }; bubbleDataList.Add(bubbleData); } dataset.Data = bubbleDataList; dataset.BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { color1 }; dataset.BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) }; dataset.Label = "TEMP"; datasets.Add(dataset); var dewpDataset = new BubbleDataset(); var bubbleDataList2 = new List <BubbleData>(); foreach (var temp in temperatureOrigins.TemperatureAtts) { TimeSpan t = (temp.Time - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); var bubbleData = new BubbleData { X = (int)t.TotalSeconds, Y = temp.Dewp, R = 5 }; bubbleDataList2.Add(bubbleData); } dewpDataset.Data = bubbleDataList2; dewpDataset.Label = "DEWP"; dewpDataset.BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { color2 }; dewpDataset.BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) }; datasets.Add(dewpDataset); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset, dewpDataset }; FixTimeLabels(chart.Options); chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public static ChartColor GetOrange() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)); }
public Chart GenerateLineChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "My First dataset", Data = new List <double?>() { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 1), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 1) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromHexString("#fff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 1) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(220, 220, 220, 1) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); Options options = new Options() { Scales = new Scales() }; Scales scales = new Scales() { YAxes = new List <Scale>() { new CartesianScale() } }; CartesianScale yAxes = new CartesianScale() { Ticks = new Tick() }; Tick tick = new Tick() { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '$' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale>() { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
/// <summary> /// Retourne le graphique intégré à l'espace administrauter: nombre de nouvelles notes par mois /// </summary> /// <param name="nbMonths">Nombre de mois avant celui en cours</param> /// <param name="Notes">Liste de notes</param> public static Chart GenerateChartNotes(int nbMonths, List <Note> Notes) { List <string> monthLabels = new List <string>(); List <double?> noteCounter = new List <double?>(); DateTime dateVar = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < nbMonths; i++) // Création d'une liste de mois, contenant les n mois inférieurs à celui en cours { monthLabels.Add(dateVar.ToString("MM/yyyy")); dateVar = dateVar.AddMonths(-1); } monthLabels.Reverse(); foreach (string monthY in monthLabels) // Création du set de données du graphique { int nbNotes = 0; foreach (Note note in Notes) { if (note.DateCreation.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + note.DateCreation.Year.ToString("0000") == monthY) { nbNotes++; } } noteCounter.Add(nbNotes); } Chart chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Line }; ChartJSCore.Models.Data data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data { Labels = monthLabels }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() // Paramètrage du graphique { Label = "Créations", Data = noteCounter, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public static ChartColor GetYellow() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 205, 86, 0.2)); }
public static ChartColor GetPurple() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2)); }
private static Chart GenerateLineChart() { var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Line }; var data = new Data { Labels = new List <string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July" } }; var dataset = new LineDataset { Label = "My First dataset", Data = new List <double> { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; var options = new Options { Scales = new Scales() }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale() } }; var yAxes = new CartesianScale { Ticks = new Tick() }; var tick = new Tick { Callback = "function(value, index, values) {return '$' + value;}" }; yAxes.Ticks = tick; scales.YAxes = new List <Scale> { yAxes }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(List <string> paramsList) { var generateChartTask = Task.Run(function: () => { if (!_context.SimulationJobs.Any()) { return(null); } Chart chart = new Chart(); ChartColors cc = new ChartColors(); // charttype chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Scatter; var simConfig = _context.SimulationConfigurations.Single(predicate: a => a.Id == Convert.ToInt32(paramsList[0])); // use available hight in Chart var maxY = Math.Floor(d: (decimal)simConfig.SimulationEndTime / 1000) * 1000; var maxX = 100; chart.Options = new LineOptions() { MaintainAspectRatio = false, Responsive = true, Scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Id = "first-y-axis", Type = "linear", Display = true , Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { Max = maxX, Min = 0, Display = true } , ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = "Quantity", Display = true, FontSize = 12 } } }, XAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Id = "first-x-axis", Type = "linear", Display = true , Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { Max = Convert.ToInt32(value: maxY), Min = 0, Display = true } , ScaleLabel = new ScaleLabel { LabelString = "Time in min", Display = true, FontSize = 12 } } } }, Legend = new Legend { Position = "bottom", Display = true, FullWidth = true }, Title = new Title { Text = "Order Evolution", Position = "top", FontSize = 24, FontStyle = "bold" } }; SimulationType simType = (paramsList[index: 1].Equals(value: "Decentral")) ? SimulationType.Decentral : SimulationType.Central; var kpis = _context.SimulationOrders.Where(predicate: x => x.SimulationConfigurationId == Convert.ToInt32(paramsList[0]) && x.SimulationNumber == Convert.ToInt32(paramsList[2]) && x.SimulationType == simType && x.FinishingTime != 0); // filter unfinished orders var data = new Data { Datasets = new List <Dataset>() }; var startVal = 0; var ts = simConfig.DynamicKpiTimeSpan; var input = new List <LineScatterData> { new LineScatterData { X = "0", Y = "0" } }; var progress = new List <LineScatterData> { new LineScatterData { X = "0", Y = "0" } }; var output = new List <LineScatterData> { new LineScatterData { X = "0", Y = "0" } }; for (var i = ts; i < simConfig.SimulationEndTime; i = i + ts) { input.AddRange(collection: kpis.Where(predicate: x => x.CreationTime >= startVal && x.CreationTime < i) .Select(selector: x => new { time = i, value = (decimal)x.Name.Count() }) .GroupBy(keySelector: g => g.time) .Select(selector: n => new LineScatterData { X = Convert.ToDouble(n.Key).ToString(), Y = Convert.ToDouble(n.Count()).ToString() }).ToList()); progress.AddRange(collection: kpis.Where(predicate: x => x.CreationTime <= i && x.FinishingTime > i) .Select(selector: x => new { time = i, value = x.Name.Count() }) .GroupBy(keySelector: g => g.time) .Select(selector: n => new LineScatterData { X = Convert.ToDouble(n.Key).ToString(), Y = Convert.ToDouble(n.Count()).ToString() }).ToList()); output.AddRange(collection: kpis.Where(predicate: x => x.FinishingTime >= startVal && x.FinishingTime < i) .Select(selector: x => new { time = i, value = x.Name.Count() }) .GroupBy(keySelector: g => g.time) .Select(selector: n => new LineScatterData { X = Convert.ToDouble(n.Key).ToString(), Y = Convert.ToDouble(n.Count()).ToString() }).ToList()); startVal = i; } data.Datasets.Add(item: new LineScatterDataset() { Data = new List <LineScatterData> { new LineScatterData { X = "0", Y = maxX.ToString() }, new LineScatterData { X = simConfig.SettlingStart.ToString(), Y = maxX.ToString() } }, BorderWidth = 1, Label = "Settling time", BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), ShowLine = true, Fill = "true", //SteppedLine = false, LineTension = 0, PointRadius = new List <int> { 0, 0 } }); data.Datasets.Add(item: new LineScatterDataset() { Data = input, BorderWidth = 3, Label = "Input", BackgroundColor = cc.Color[index: 3], BorderColor = cc.Color[index: 3], ShowLine = true, Fill = "false", //SteppedLine = false, LineTension = 0.5 }); data.Datasets.Add(item: new LineScatterDataset() { Data = progress, BorderWidth = 3, Label = "Processing", BackgroundColor = cc.Color[index: 0], BorderColor = cc.Color[index: 0], ShowLine = true, Fill = "false", //SteppedLine = false, LineTension = 0.5 }); data.Datasets.Add(item: new LineScatterDataset() { Data = output, BorderWidth = 3, Label = "Output", BackgroundColor = cc.Color[index: 2], BorderColor = cc.Color[index: 2], Fill = "false", ShowLine = true, //SteppedLine = false, LineTension = 0.5 }); chart.Data = data; return(chart); }); // create JS to Render Chart. ViewData[index : "chart"] = await generateChartTask; ViewData[index : "Type"] = paramsList[index : 1]; return(View(viewName: $"OrderEvolution")); }
public Chart GeneratePointsOfStudentsBarChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar; Data data = new Data(); List <StudentExam> studentExams = _studentExamManager.GetAll().ToList(); List <string> studentNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in studentExams) { studentNames.Add(item.Student.FullName); } data.Labels = studentNames; List <double> scores = new List <double>(); foreach (var item in studentExams) { scores.Add(item.Points); } BarDataset dataset = new BarDataset() { Label = "Score", Data = scores, BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2) }, BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 99, 132), ChartColor.FromRgb(54, 162, 235), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 206, 86), ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), ChartColor.FromRgb(153, 102, 255), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 159, 64) }, BorderWidth = new List <int>() { 1 } }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; var options = new Options { Scales = new Scales() }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { BeginAtZero = true } } }, XAxes = new List <Scale> { new BarScale { BarPercentage = 0.5, BarThickness = 6, MaxBarThickness = 8, MinBarLength = 2, GridLines = new GridLine() { OffsetGridLines = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Options.Layout = new Layout { Padding = new Padding { PaddingObject = new PaddingObject { Left = 10, Right = 12 } } }; return(chart); }
/// <summary> /// 1st = Param[0] = SimulationId /// 2st = Param[1] = SimulationType /// 3nd = Param[2] = SimulationNumber /// </summary> /// <param name="paramsList"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(List <string> paramsList) { // Determine Type and Data _simList.Add(item: new Tuple <int, SimulationType>(item1: Convert.ToInt32(value: paramsList[index: 0]), item2: (paramsList[index: 1] == "Central") ? SimulationType.Central : SimulationType.Decentral)); if (paramsList.Count() == 8) { _simList.Add(item: new Tuple <int, SimulationType>(item1: Convert.ToInt32(value: paramsList[index: 6]), item2: (paramsList[index: 7] == "Central") ? SimulationType.Central : SimulationType.Decentral)); } if (paramsList.Count() >= 6) { _simList.Add(item: new Tuple <int, SimulationType>(item1: Convert.ToInt32(value: paramsList[index: 4]), item2: (paramsList[index: 5] == "Central") ? SimulationType.Central : SimulationType.Decentral)); } if (paramsList.Count() >= 4) { _simList.Add(item: new Tuple <int, SimulationType>(item1: Convert.ToInt32(value: paramsList[index: 2]), item2: (paramsList[index: 3] == "Central") ? SimulationType.Central : SimulationType.Decentral)); } var kpi = new List <Kpi>(); // charttype foreach (var sim in _simList) { var trick17 = _context.Kpis.Where(predicate: x => x.KpiType == KpiType.LeadTime && x.SimulationConfigurationId == sim.Item1 && x.SimulationNumber == 1 && x.SimulationType == sim.Item2); kpi.AddRange(collection: trick17.ToList()); } var max = kpi.Max(selector: m => m.Value); var generateChartTask = Task.Run(function: () => { if (!_context.SimulationOperations.Any()) { return(null); } Chart chart = new Chart(); // charttype chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar; // use available hight in Chart chart.Options = new Options() { MaintainAspectRatio = false, Responsive = true, Legend = new Legend { Position = "bottom", Display = false }, Title = new Title { Text = "BoxPlot LeadTimes", Position = "top", FontSize = 24, FontStyle = "bold", Display = true }, Scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Stacked = true, Display = true, Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { Max = ((int)Math.Ceiling(a: max / 100.0)) * 100 } } }, XAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Stacked = true, Display = true } }, }, Tooltips = new ToolTip { Mode = "x", Callbacks = new Callback { Label = BoxplotCallback() } } }; var labels = kpi.Select(selector: n => n.Name).Distinct().ToList(); var data = new Data { Datasets = new List <Dataset>(), Labels = labels, }; var dsClear = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "dsClear", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var lowerStroke = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "lowerStroke", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var firstQuartile = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "fQ", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var secondQuartile = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "Med", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var thirdQuartile = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "uQ", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var fourthQuartile = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "line", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var upperStroke = new BarDataset { Data = new List <double>(), Label = "upperStroke", BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>(), BorderWidth = new List <int>(), BorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() }; var products = kpi.Select(selector: x => x.Name).Distinct().ToList(); var colors = new ChartColors(); int i = 0; foreach (var sim in _simList) { foreach (var product in products) { var boxplotValues = kpi.Where(predicate: x => x.IsKpi == false && x.Name == product && x.SimulationConfigurationId == sim.Item1 && x.SimulationType == sim.Item2).OrderBy(keySelector: x => x.Value) .ToList(); dsClear.Data.Add(item: (double)boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 0).Value); dsClear.BackgroundColor.Add(item: ChartColors.Transparent); dsClear.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColors.Transparent); dsClear.BorderWidth.Add(item: 0); lowerStroke.Data.Add(item: 5); lowerStroke.BackgroundColor.Add(item: ChartColors.Transparent); lowerStroke.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); lowerStroke.BorderWidth.Add(item: 2); var fq = (double)(boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 1).Value - boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 0).Value - 5); firstQuartile.Data.Add(item: fq); firstQuartile.BackgroundColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1));// .Add(colors.Color[i].Substring(0, colors.Color[i].Length - 4) + "0.8)"); firstQuartile.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); firstQuartile.BorderWidth.Add(item: 0); var m = (double)(boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 2).Value - boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 1).Value); secondQuartile.Data.Add(item: m); secondQuartile.BackgroundColor.Add(item: colors.Get(i, 0.8)); secondQuartile.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); secondQuartile.BorderWidth.Add(item: 1); var up = (double)(boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 3).Value - boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 2).Value); thirdQuartile.Data.Add(item: up); thirdQuartile.BackgroundColor.Add(item: colors.Get(i, 0.8)); thirdQuartile.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); thirdQuartile.BorderWidth.Add(item: 1); var hs = (double)(boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 4).Value - boxplotValues.ElementAt(index: 3).Value - 5); fourthQuartile.Data.Add(item: hs); fourthQuartile.BackgroundColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); //.Add(colors.Color[i].Substring(0, colors.Color[i].Length - 4) + "0.8)"); fourthQuartile.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); fourthQuartile.BorderWidth.Add(item: 0); upperStroke.Data.Add(item: 5); upperStroke.BackgroundColor.Add(item: ChartColors.Transparent); upperStroke.BorderColor.Add(item: ChartColor.FromRgba(50, 50, 50, 1)); upperStroke.BorderWidth.Add(item: 2); i = i + 2; } } data.Datasets.Add(item: dsClear); data.Datasets.Add(item: lowerStroke); data.Datasets.Add(item: firstQuartile); data.Datasets.Add(item: secondQuartile); data.Datasets.Add(item: thirdQuartile); data.Datasets.Add(item: fourthQuartile); data.Datasets.Add(item: upperStroke); var avg = kpi.Sum(selector: x => x.Value) / kpi.Count(); var min = kpi.Min(selector: x => x.Value); var end = ((int)Math.Ceiling(a: max / 100.0)) * 100; //data.Datasets[0].Data = new List<double> { 0, (int)(min/end*100), (int)(avg /end*100), (int)(max /end*100), end }; //data.Datasets[0].Data = new List<double> { min, avg, 10, max, end-max }; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }); // create JS to Render Chart. ViewData[index : "chart"] = await generateChartTask; ViewData[index : "Type"] = paramsList[index : 1]; ViewData[index : "Data"] = kpi.Where(predicate : w => w.IsFinal && w.IsKpi).ToList(); ViewData[index : "percentage"] = Math.Round(value : kpi.Sum(selector : x => x.Value) / kpi.Count(), digits : 0); return(View(viewName: $"ProductLeadTime")); }
public static ChartColor GetGrey() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(201, 203, 207, 0.2)); }
private Chart GetGoalChart(StatisticsViewModel statisticsViewModel) { Chart chart = new Chart(); Data data = new Data(); data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); chart.Data = data; chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Line; data.Labels = new List <string>() { "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd", "asd" }; LineDataset dataset = new LineDataset() { Label = "TestChart", Data = new List <double?> { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 }, Fill = "false", LineTension = 0.1, BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.4), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), BorderCapStyle = "butt", BorderDash = new List <int> { }, BorderDashOffset = 0.0, BorderJoinStyle = "miter", PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromHexString("#ffffff") }, PointBorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHoverRadius = new List <int> { 5 }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192) }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(220, 220, 220) }, PointHoverBorderWidth = new List <int> { 2 }, PointRadius = new List <int> { 1 }, PointHitRadius = new List <int> { 10 }, SpanGaps = false }; data.Datasets.Add(dataset); return(chart); }
public static ChartColor GetGreen() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)); }
public Chart GenerateNumberOfCoursesBarChart() { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar; Data data = new Data(); List <Course> courses = _courseManager.GetAll().ToList(); List <string> course = new List <string>() { "Courses" }; data.Labels = course; List <double> numberOfCourses = new List <double>(); numberOfCourses.Add(courses.Count()); BarDataset dataset = new BarDataset() { Label = "# of Courses", Data = numberOfCourses, BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2) }, BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 99, 132), ChartColor.FromRgb(54, 162, 235), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 206, 86), ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), ChartColor.FromRgb(153, 102, 255), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 159, 64) }, BorderWidth = new List <int>() { 1 } }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; var options = new Options { Scales = new Scales() }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { BeginAtZero = true } } }, XAxes = new List <Scale> { new BarScale { BarPercentage = 0.5, BarThickness = 6, MaxBarThickness = 8, MinBarLength = 2, GridLines = new GridLine() { OffsetGridLines = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Options.Layout = new Layout { Padding = new Padding { PaddingObject = new PaddingObject { Left = 10, Right = 12 } } }; return(chart); }
public static ChartColor GetBlue() { return(ChartColor.FromRgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)); }
async Task RefreshUI(SourceHistory history) { var labels = history.HistoryData .Select(d => d.TimeStampUtc.LocalDateTime.ToString("HH:mm")) .Reverse() .ToArray(); var dataHousePower = history.HistoryData .Select(d => { string value = d.DataItems[1].Value.ToString(); double.TryParse(value, out double power); return(power); }) .Reverse() .ToList(); var dataSolarPower = history.HistoryData .Select(d => { string value = d.DataItems[2].Value.ToString(); double.TryParse(value, out double power); return(power); }) .Reverse() .ToList(); var productionEnergy = $"PV ({dataSolarPower.Last():0.#}kW)"; var consumptionEnergy = $"Verbrauch ({dataHousePower.Last():0.#}kW)"; var dataSetHousePower = new LineChartDataset <double> { Label = consumptionEnergy, Data = dataHousePower, BackgroundColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(249, 134, 134, 0.5f) }, BorderColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(249, 134, 134, 1f) }, Fill = true, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List <int> { } }; var dataSetSolarPower = new LineChartDataset <double> { Label = productionEnergy, Data = dataSolarPower, Fill = true, BackgroundColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(226, 228, 242, 0.8f) }, BorderColor = new List <string> { ChartColor.FromRgba(95, 104, 188, 0.5f) }, PointRadius = 2, BorderDash = new List <int> { } }; await lineChart.Clear(); await lineChart.AddLabel(labels); await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetHousePower); await lineChart.AddDataSet(dataSetSolarPower); await lineChart.Update(); }
private static Chart GenerateBarChartForYearOnYear(List <Project> listOfProjects) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar; Data data = new Data(); List <List <Project> > result = listOfProjects .GroupBy(p => p.ArticleDate.Year) .Select(g => g.ToList()) .ToList(); List <string> datalabels = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, List <Project> > yearMap = new Dictionary <string, List <Project> >(); Dictionary <string, double> counterMap = new Dictionary <string, double>(); foreach (var projectListByYear in result) { datalabels.Add(projectListByYear[0].ArticleDate.Year.ToString()); yearMap.Add(projectListByYear[0].ArticleDate.Year.ToString(), projectListByYear); counterMap.Add(projectListByYear[0].ArticleDate.Year.ToString(), (double)projectListByYear.Count); } List <double> countList = new List <double>(); data.Labels = datalabels; foreach (var year in data.Labels) { if (counterMap.TryGetValue(year, out double indResult)) { countList.Add(indResult); } } //Maybe this foreach and the one above could be merged? List <ChartColor> listOfBackgroundColors = new List <ChartColor>(); List <ChartColor> listOfBorderColors = new List <ChartColor>(); Random r = new Random(); foreach (var year in data.Labels) { listOfBackgroundColors.Add(ChartColor.FromRgba((byte)r.Next(1, 255), (byte)r.Next(1, 255), (byte)r.Next(1, 255), 0.2)); listOfBorderColors.Add(ChartColor.FromRgb(listOfBackgroundColors.Last().Red, listOfBackgroundColors.Last().Green, listOfBackgroundColors.Last().Blue)); } BarDataset dataset = new BarDataset() { Label = "# of projects per year", Data = countList, BackgroundColor = listOfBackgroundColors, BorderColor = listOfBorderColors, BorderWidth = new List <int>() { 1 } }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset); chart.Data = data; var options = new Options { Scales = new Scales() }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { BeginAtZero = true } } }, XAxes = new List <Scale> { new BarScale { BarPercentage = 0.5, BarThickness = 6, MaxBarThickness = 8, MinBarLength = 2, GridLines = new GridLine() { OffsetGridLines = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Options.Layout = new Layout { Padding = new Padding { PaddingObject = new PaddingObject { Left = 10, Right = 12 } } }; return(chart); }
private static Chart GenerateBarChart() { var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar }; var data = new Data { Labels = new List <string> { "Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange" } }; var dataset = new BarDataset { Label = "# of Votes", Data = new List <double> { 12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3 }, BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(153, 102, 255, 0.2), ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2) }, BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 99, 132), ChartColor.FromRgb(54, 162, 235), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 206, 86), ChartColor.FromRgb(75, 192, 192), ChartColor.FromRgb(153, 102, 255), ChartColor.FromRgb(255, 159, 64) }, BorderWidth = new List <int> { 1 } }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { dataset }; chart.Data = data; var options = new BarOptions { Scales = new Scales(), BarPercentage = 0.7 }; var scales = new Scales { YAxes = new List <Scale> { new CartesianScale { Ticks = new CartesianLinearTick { BeginAtZero = true } } } }; options.Scales = scales; chart.Options = options; chart.Options.Layout = new Layout { Padding = new Padding { PaddingObject = new PaddingObject { Left = 10, Right = 12 } } }; return(chart); }
private static Chart GenerateRadarChart(List <Project> listOfProjects) { Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Type = Enums.ChartType.Radar; Data data = new Data(); data.Labels = new List <string>() { "Eating", "Drinking", "Sleeping", "Designing", "Coding", "Cycling", "Running" }; RadarDataset dataset1 = new RadarDataset() { Label = "My First dataset", BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(179, 181, 198, 0.2), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(179, 181, 198, 1), PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(179, 181, 198, 1) }, PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromHexString("#fff") }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromHexString("#fff") }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(179, 181, 198, 1) }, Data = new List <double>() { 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 } }; RadarDataset dataset2 = new RadarDataset() { Label = "My Second dataset", BackgroundColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2), BorderColor = ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 1), PointBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 1) }, PointBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromHexString("#fff") }, PointHoverBackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromHexString("#fff") }, PointHoverBorderColor = new List <ChartColor>() { ChartColor.FromRgba(255, 99, 132, 1) }, Data = new List <double>() { 28, 48, 40, 19, 96, 27, 100 } }; data.Datasets = new List <Dataset>(); data.Datasets.Add(dataset1); data.Datasets.Add(dataset2); chart.Data = data; return(chart); }
private const decimal SLICE_SHADE_STEP = 0.2023809523809524m;// private ChartColor SliceColorGenerator(int index) => ChartColor.FromRgba( (byte)((index + 1) * 26 * SLICE_SHADE_STEP), (byte)((index + 1) * 35 * SLICE_SHADE_STEP), (byte)((index + 1) * 126 * SLICE_SHADE_STEP), 1);
private Chart GenerateUserChart() { var chart = new Chart { Type = Enums.ChartType.Bar }; var data = new ChartJSCore.Models.Data { Labels = new List <string>() { "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "December", "Januari", "Februari", "Maart", "April", "Mei" } }; var datasetSiteUsers = new BarDataset() { Label = "Nieuwe gebruikers zonder Discord", Data = new List <double?>(), BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(0, 159, 227, 0.9), }, BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227), ChartColor.FromRgb(0, 159, 227) }, }; var datasetDiscordUsers = new BarDataset() { Label = "Nieuwe gebruikers met Discord", Data = new List <double?>(), BackgroundColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9), ChartColor.FromRgba(230, 0, 126, 0.9) }, BorderColor = new List <ChartColor> { ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126), ChartColor.FromRgb(230, 0, 126) }, }; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var time = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-i); var users = userRepository.GetAll() .Where(u => u.CreationDate.Month == time.Month) .ToList(); datasetSiteUsers.Data.Add(users.Count(u => u.DiscordUserName is null)); datasetDiscordUsers.Data.Add(users.Count(u => u.DiscordUserName is not null)); } data.Datasets = new List <Dataset> { datasetSiteUsers, datasetDiscordUsers }; chart.Data = data; return(chart); }