예제 #1
        // Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x00002AA0 File Offset: 0x00000CA0
        private static bool SafeHasSkillKnowledge(Character character, int skillID)

            if (character == null)
                flag = null;
                CharacterInventory inventory = character.Inventory;
                if (inventory == null)
                    flag = null;
                    CharacterSkillKnowledge skillKnowledge = inventory.SkillKnowledge;
                    flag = ((skillKnowledge != null) ? new bool?(skillKnowledge.IsItemLearned(skillID)) : null);
            bool?flag2 = flag;

예제 #2
        public static void Prefix(Weapon __instance, ref ImbueEffectPreset _effect)
            CharacterSkillKnowledge characterSkillKnowledge;

            if (__instance == null)
                characterSkillKnowledge = null;
                Character ownerCharacter = __instance.OwnerCharacter;
                if (ownerCharacter == null)
                    characterSkillKnowledge = null;
                    CharacterInventory inventory = ownerCharacter.Inventory;
                    characterSkillKnowledge = ((inventory != null) ? inventory.SkillKnowledge : null);
            CharacterSkillKnowledge characterSkillKnowledge2 = characterSkillKnowledge;
            bool flag = _effect.PresetID == 219 && characterSkillKnowledge2 != null && characterSkillKnowledge2.IsItemLearned(2502026);

            if (flag)
                _effect = (ImbueEffectPreset)ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetEffectPreset(269);
예제 #3
        static private int GetPrice(Character character, SkillSlot slot)
            // Cache
            CharacterSkillKnowledge characterSkills = character.Inventory.SkillKnowledge;
            Vector4 coeffs             = _formulaCoeffsByLevel[GetLevel(slot)];
            int     allSkillsCount     = characterSkills.m_activeSkillUIDs.Count + characterSkills.m_passiveSkillUIDs.Count;
            int     currentSkillsCount = slot.ParentBranch.ParentTree.SkillSlots.Count(t => t.HasSkill(character));
            int     breakthroughsCount = character.PlayerStats.m_usedBreakthroughCount;

            float price = _formulaType == FormulaType.Linear
                        ? coeffs.x + coeffs.y * allSkillsCount
                          + coeffs.z * currentSkillsCount
                          + coeffs.w * breakthroughsCount
                        : coeffs.x * coeffs.y.Div(100f).Add(1).Pow(allSkillsCount)
                          * coeffs.z.Div(100f).Add(1).Pow(currentSkillsCount)
                          * coeffs.w.Div(100f).Add(1).Pow(breakthroughsCount);

예제 #4
        // PopulateSkillBar populates the default-behaviour Outward skill bar with enties from either
        // quickSlots1[] or quickSlots2[] based on the value of barMode
        private void PopulateSkillBar(Character character)
            CharacterQuickSlotManager qsManager = character.QuickSlotMngr;

            if (qsManager.isActiveAndEnabled)
                CharacterInventory      inventory   = qsManager.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
                CharacterSkillKnowledge knownSkills = inventory.SkillKnowledge;
                ItemManager             itemManager = ItemManager.Instance;

                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("Populating Skill Bar");

                // The entries we are going to use to populate Outward's default-behaviour skill bar is dependent on
                // whether we want the first skill bar or the second skill bar
                switch (charCurrentBarMode[character.UID])
                // In the case where we want entries from the first skill bar...
                case BarMode.FIRST:

                    for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
                        if (charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i] != 0)
                            // This line loads a skill into the variable called "entry"...
                            var entry = knownSkills.GetItemFromItemID(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]);

                            // ...But if "entry" isn't a skill, load an item instead
                            if (entry == null)
                                if (inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]).Count() == 0)
                                    entry = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]);
                                    entry = inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]).First();

                            qsManager.SetQuickSlot(i, entry, false);
                    // We are done doing stuff in the case of the first skill bar, so BREAK!

                // In the case where we want to add entries from the second skill bar...
                case BarMode.SECOND:

                    for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
                        if (charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i] != 0)
                            // This line loads a skill into the variable called "entry"...
                            var entry = knownSkills.GetItemFromItemID(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]);

                            // ...But if "entry" isn't a skill, load an item instead
                            if (entry == null)
                                if (inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]).Count() == 0)
                                    entry = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]);
                                    entry = inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]).First();

                            qsManager.SetQuickSlot(i, entry, false);
                    // We are done doing stuff in the case of the second skill bar, so BREAK!
        private void LoadQuickSlotsFromJSON(CharacterQuickSlotManager self)
            CharacterInventory      charInvent = self.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
            CharacterSkillKnowledge charSkills = charInvent.SkillKnowledge;
            ItemManager             itemMan    = ItemManager.Instance;

            //Load Quickslots for Bar 1
            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 1");

                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["DefaultBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    defaultSlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");

            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 2");
                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["SecondaryBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    secondarySlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");