예제 #1
 public CharacterBLL FindByCharacterID(int CharacterID)
     CharacterBLL proposedReturnValue = null;
     CharacterDAL DataLayerObject = _context.FindByCharacterID(CharacterID);
     if (null != DataLayerObject)
         proposedReturnValue = new CharacterBLL(DataLayerObject);
     return proposedReturnValue;
예제 #2
 // in this section we are setting objects in the BLL to their data from the DAL
 public CharacterBLL(CharacterDAL dal)
     this.CharacterID       = dal.CharacterID;
     this.UserID            = dal.UserID;
     this.CharacterName     = dal.CharacterName;
     this.ClassID           = dal.ClassID;
     this.RaceID            = dal.RaceID;
     this.StrengthScore     = dal.StrengthScore;
     this.DexterityScore    = dal.DexterityScore;
     this.ConstitutionScore = dal.ConstitutionScore;
     this.IntelligenceScore = dal.IntelligenceScore;
     this.WisdomScore       = dal.WisdomScore;
     this.CharismaScore     = dal.CharismaScore;
     this.UserName          = dal.UserName;
     this.ClassName         = dal.ClassName;
     this.RaceName          = dal.RaceName;