public static void DemonstrateConsumables() { Console.WriteLine("Items: \nPotion\nStatus Potion\nCharacter Candy\nGood"); Character a = CharacterCreator(); Console.WriteLine("\n" + a.ToString() + "\n"); int demCon = rand.Next(4); switch (demCon) { case 0: Potion p = HealGenerator(); Console.WriteLine(p.ToString()); p.Use(a); break; case 1: CharacterCandy cc = CandyGen(); Console.WriteLine(cc.ToString()); cc.Use(a); break; case 2: Good g = GoodGen(); Console.WriteLine(g.ToString()); g.Use(a); break; case 3: StatusPotion sp = StatusGenerator(); Console.WriteLine(sp.ToString()); sp.Use(a); break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("\n" + a.ToString() + "\n"); int choice = CIO.PromptForInt("Would You Like To Attack? 1. Yes 2. No Please Entre Input: ", 1, 2); if (choice == 1) { int damage = a.Attack(); a.TakeDamage(damage); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(a.GetType().Name + " did " + damage + " points of damage to themself.\n"); Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + "\n"); } Run(); }
public static CharacterCandy CandyGen() { List <string> Name = new List <string> { "Penguin", "Elf", "Human", "Aurin", "Granok", "Mordesh", "Dwarf", "Pandaren" }; string name = Name[rand.Next(Name.Count)]; int value = rand.Next(1000, 5000); CharacterCandy cC = new CharacterCandy(name, value); return(cC); }