예제 #1
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Initializes the test string according to the mask and populates the character descirptor table
        ///     (stringDescriptor).
        /// </devdoc>
        private void Initialize()
            this.testString = new StringBuilder();
            this.stringDescriptor = new List<CharDescriptor>();

            CaseConversion caseConversion = CaseConversion.None; // The conversion specified in the mask.
            bool escapedChar  = false;            // indicates the current char is to be escaped.
            int  testPosition = 0;                // the position of the char in the test string.
            CharType charType = CharType.Literal; // the mask language char type.
            char ch;                              // the char under test.
            string locSymbol  = string.Empty;     // the locale symbol corresponding to a separator in the mask.
                                                  // in some cultures a symbol is represented with more than one
                                                  // char, for instance '$' for en-JA is '$J'.

            // Traverse the mask to generate the test string and the string descriptor table so we don't have
            // to traverse those strings anymore.
            for (int maskPos = 0; maskPos < this.mask.Length; maskPos++)
                ch = this.mask[maskPos];
                if (!escapedChar)   // if false treat the char as literal.
                    switch (ch)
                        // Mask language placeholders.
                        // set the corresponding localized char to be added to the test string.
                        case '.':   // decimal separator.
                            locSymbol = this.culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
                            charType  = CharType.Separator;

                        case ',':   // thousands separator.
                            locSymbol = this.culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator;
                            charType  = CharType.Separator;

                        case ':':   // time separator.
                            locSymbol = this.culture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator;
                            charType  = CharType.Separator;

                        case '/':   // date separator.
                            locSymbol = this.culture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator;
                            charType  = CharType.Separator;

                        case '$':   // currency symbol.
                            locSymbol = this.culture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol;
                            charType  = CharType.Separator;

                        // Mask language modifiers.
                        // StringDescriptor won't have an entry for modifiers, the modified character
                        // descriptor contains an entry for case conversion that is set accordingly.
                        // Just set the appropriate flag for the characters that follow and continue.
                        case '<':   // convert all chars that follow to lowercase.
                            caseConversion = CaseConversion.ToLower;

                        case '>':   // convert all chars that follow to uppercase.
                            caseConversion = CaseConversion.ToUpper;

                        case '|':   // no convertion performed on the chars that follow.
                            caseConversion = CaseConversion.None;

                        case '\\':   // escape char - next will be a literal.
                            escapedChar = true;
                            charType = CharType.Literal;

                        // Mask language edit identifiers (#, 9, &, C, A, a, ?).
                        // Populate a CharDescriptor structure desrcribing the editable char corresponding to this
                        // identifier.
                        case '0':   // digit required.
                        case 'L':   // letter required.
                        case '&':   // any character required.
                        case 'A':   // alphanumeric (letter or digit) required.
                            ch = this.promptChar;                     // replace edit identifier with prompt.
                            charType = CharType.EditRequired;         // set char as editable.

                        case '?':   // letter optional (space OK).
                        case '9':   // digit optional (space OK).
                        case '#':   // digit or plus/minus sign optional (space OK).
                        case 'C':   // any character optional (space OK).
                        case 'a':   // alphanumeric (letter or digit) optional.
                            ch = this.promptChar;                     // replace edit identifier with prompt.
                            charType = CharType.EditOptional;         // set char as editable.

                        // Literals just break so they're added to the test string.
                            charType = CharType.Literal;
                    escapedChar = false; // reset flag since the escaped char is now going to be added to the test string.

                // Populate a character descriptor for the current character (or loc symbol).
                CharDescriptor chDex = new CharDescriptor(maskPos, charType);

                if (IsEditPosition(chDex))
                    chDex.CaseConversion = caseConversion;

                // Now let's add the character to the string description table.
                // For code clarity we treat all characters as localizable symbols (can have multi-char representation).
                if (charType != CharType.Separator)
                    locSymbol = ch.ToString();

                foreach (char chVal in locSymbol)

            // Trim test string to needed size.
            this.testString.Capacity = this.testString.Length;
예제 #2
        private bool TestEscapeChar( char input, int position, CharDescriptor charDex )
            // Test literals first.  See VSW#454461.
            // If the position holds a literal, it is escaped only if the input is the same as the literal independently on
            // the input value (space, prompt,...).
            if (IsLiteralPosition(charDex)) 
                return this.SkipLiterals && input == this.testString[position];
            if ((this.ResetOnPrompt && (input == this.promptChar)) || (this.ResetOnSpace && (input == spaceChar)))
                return true;

            return false;
예제 #3
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Sets the character at the specified position in the test string to the specified value.
        ///     SetChar increments the number of assigned characters in the test string.
        /// </devdoc>
        private void SetChar(char input, int position, CharDescriptor charDescriptor)
            Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range.");
            Debug.Assert(charDescriptor != null, "Null character descriptor.");

            // Get the character info from the char descriptor table.
            CharDescriptor charDex = this.stringDescriptor[position];

            // If input is space or prompt and is to be escaped, we are actually resetting the position if assigned,
            // this doesn't affect literal positions.
            if (TestEscapeChar(input, position, charDescriptor))

            Debug.Assert( !IsLiteralPosition( charDex ), "Setting char in literal position." );

            if (Char.IsLetter(input))
                if (Char.IsUpper(input))
                    if (charDescriptor.CaseConversion == CaseConversion.ToLower)
                        input = this.culture.TextInfo.ToLower(input);
                else // Char.IsLower( input )
                    if (charDescriptor.CaseConversion == CaseConversion.ToUpper)
                        input = this.culture.TextInfo.ToUpper(input);

            this.testString[position] = input;

            if (!charDescriptor.IsAssigned) // if position not counted for already (replace case) we do it (add case).
                charDescriptor.IsAssigned = true;

                if (charDescriptor.CharType == CharType.EditRequired)

            Debug.Assert(this.assignedCharCount <= this.EditPositionCount, "Invalid count of assigned chars.");
예제 #4
 /// <devdoc>
 ///     Checks wheteher the character in the specified position is a literal and the same as the specified character.
 /// </devdoc>
 private static bool IsLiteralPosition( CharDescriptor charDescriptor )
     return (charDescriptor.CharType == CharType.Literal) || (charDescriptor.CharType == CharType.Separator);
예제 #5
 private static bool IsEditPosition( CharDescriptor charDescriptor )
     return (charDescriptor.CharType == CharType.EditRequired || charDescriptor.CharType == CharType.EditOptional);
        private bool TestEscapeChar( char input, int position, CharDescriptor charDex )
            if (IsLiteralPosition(charDex)) 
                return this.SkipLiterals && input == this.testString[position];
            if ((this.ResetOnPrompt && (input == this.promptChar)) || (this.ResetOnSpace && (input == spaceChar)))
                return true;

            return false;