예제 #1
        public void SetXmlToAlbum(Stream stream, ChameleonAlbum album,
                                  string thumbSizePostfix, string fullSizePostfix, Size thumbSize)
            // Load the stream into and XDocument for processing
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(stream);

            // Iterate through the image elements
            foreach (XElement image in doc.Descendants("image"))
                string imgUrl = image.Element("url").Value;
                imgUrl = imgUrl.Replace(image.Element("urlBase").Value + "_", "").Replace(".jpg", "");
                string thumbailImg = image.Element("urlBase").Value + thumbSizePostfix;
                string verticalImg = image.Element("urlBase").Value + fullSizePostfix;

                album.Add(new WebPicture()
                    Guid         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    SourceOrigin = SourceOrigin.BingToday,
                    FileName     = FileHelper.GetFileName(verticalImg),
                    Name         = image.Element("copyright").Value,
                    Path         = BING + verticalImg,
                    Width        = (int)ResolutionHelper.CurrentResolution.Width,
                    Height       = (int)ResolutionHelper.CurrentResolution.Height,
                    ContentType  = "image/jpeg",
                    Thumbnail    = new WebPicture()
                        Path        = BING + thumbailImg,
                        Width       = (int)thumbSize.Width,
                        Height      = (int)thumbSize.Height,
                        ContentType = "image/jpeg",
예제 #2
        public async void Load()
            ChameleonAlbum album = new ChameleonAlbum();

            using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
                using (var picResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync("http://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/image_of_the_day.rss", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead))
                    if (picResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        if (picResponse.Content.Headers.ContentEncoding.Contains("gzip"))
                            using (GZipInputStream gzip = new GZipInputStream(await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()))
                                SetXmlToAlbum(gzip, album);
                            using (Stream stream = await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                SetXmlToAlbum(stream, album);

                using (var picResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync("http://www.nasa.gov/rss/dyn/chandra_images.rss", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead))
                    if (picResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        if (picResponse.Content.Headers.ContentEncoding.Contains("gzip"))
                            using (GZipInputStream gzip = new GZipInputStream(await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()))
                                SetXmlToAlbum(gzip, album);
                            using (Stream stream = await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                SetXmlToAlbum(stream, album);

            if (LoadCompleted != null)
                LoadCompleted(this, new TodayImageResult()
                    Album = album
예제 #3
        private void Pivot_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            String pivotName = (e.AddedItems[0] as PivotItem).Name;

            ApplicationBar.IsVisible = false;

            LongListMultiSelector selector = GetSelectorByPivotName(pivotName);

            if (selector != PhonePictureSelector)
                ApplicationBar.IsVisible = true;
                ChameleonAlbum album = selector.ItemsSource as ChameleonAlbum;
                ChangeAppbarIconButton(selector, 0, true);
                (ApplicationBar.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = (album != null && album.Count > 0);
예제 #4
        private void finder_FindCompleted(object sender, ChameleonAlbum webAlbum)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                SearchingProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                WebPictureSelector.ItemsSource  = webAlbum;

                (ApplicationBar.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = webAlbum.Count > 0;
                if (webAlbum.Count > 0)
                    TxtSearchBingNoData.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
                    TxtSearchBingNoData.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
예제 #5
        void bgPhoneLoader_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            object[]       args       = e.UserState as object[];
            ChameleonAlbum phoneAlbum = args[0] as ChameleonAlbum;
            Picture        picture    = args[1] as Picture;

            using (Stream stream = picture.GetImage())
                WriteableBitmap bitmap = JpegHelper.Resize(stream, new Size(200, 200), true);
                phoneAlbum.Add(new PhonePicture()
                    SourceOrigin = SourceOrigin.Phone,
                    AlbumName    = picture.Album.Name,
                    ImageSource  = bitmap,
                    Name         = picture.Name
예제 #6
        private void SetXmlToAlbum(Stream stream, ChameleonAlbum album)
                // Load the stream into and XDocument for processing
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(stream);

                // Iterate through the image elements
                foreach (XElement image in doc.Descendants("item"))
                    string imgUrl = image.Element("enclosure").Attribute("url").Value;
                    long   length = long.Parse(image.Element("enclosure").Attribute("length").Value);
                    string type   = image.Element("enclosure").Attribute("type").Value;

                    string thumbailImg = IMG_URL + "226x170/public/";
                    string orgImg      = IMG_URL + "946xvariable_height/public/";
                    string fileName    = imgUrl.Substring(imgUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                    album.Add(new WebPicture()
                        Guid         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        SourceOrigin = SourceOrigin.NasaToday,
                        FileName     = FileHelper.GetFileName(fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("?"))),
                        Name         = image.Element("title").Value,
                        Path         = orgImg + fileName,
                        FileSize     = length,
                        Width        = 946,
                        //Height = (int)resolution.Height,
                        ContentType = type,
                        Thumbnail   = new WebPicture()
                            Path        = thumbailImg + fileName,
                            Width       = 226,
                            Height      = 170,
                            ContentType = type,
            catch (System.Xml.XmlException xe)
예제 #7
파일: Finder.cs 프로젝트: yookjy/Chameleon
        // Handle the query callback.
        private void _onImageQueryComplete(IAsyncResult imageResults)
            // Get the original query from the imageResults.
            DataServiceQuery <Bing.ImageResult> query =
                imageResults.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery <Bing.ImageResult>;

            ChameleonAlbum webAlbum = new ChameleonAlbum();

                foreach (var result in query.EndExecute(imageResults))
                    webAlbum.Add(new WebPicture()
                        Guid         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        SourceOrigin = SourceOrigin.Search,
                        Name         = result.Title,
                        Path         = result.MediaUrl,
                        Width        = (int)result.Width,
                        Height       = (int)result.Height,
                        FileSize     = (long)result.FileSize,
                        ContentType  = result.ContentType,
                        Thumbnail    = new WebPicture()
                            Path        = result.Thumbnail.MediaUrl,
                            Width       = (int)result.Thumbnail.Width,
                            Height      = (int)result.Thumbnail.Height,
                            FileSize    = (long)result.Thumbnail.FileSize,
                            ContentType = result.Thumbnail.ContentType
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.InnerException.Message == "NotFound")
                    //검색된 데이터 없음.
            FindCompleted(this, webAlbum);
예제 #8
        void nasaToday_LoadCompleted(object sender, TodayImageResult result)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ChameleonAlbum album = new ChameleonAlbum();
                NasaTodayPictureSelector.ItemsSource = album;

                foreach (var pic in result.Album)

                if (result.Index > 0)
                    (ApplicationBar.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = result.Album.Count > 0;
                NasaTodayProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
예제 #9
        void bingToday_LoadCompleted(object sender, TodayImageResult result)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ChameleonAlbum album = BingTodayPictureSelector.ItemsSource as ChameleonAlbum;
                if (album == null)
                    album = new ChameleonAlbum();
                    BingTodayPictureSelector.ItemsSource = album;

                bool loadBreak = false;

                foreach (var pic in result.Album)
                    bool exists = album.Any(x => {
                        return(((WebPicture)x).Path == ((WebPicture)pic).Path);

                    if (!exists)
                        loadBreak = true;

                if (!loadBreak)

                if (result.Index > 0)
                    (ApplicationBar.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = result.Album.Count > 0;
                BingTodayProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
예제 #10
        public static void ProcessDownloadImageResult(ObservableCollection <DownloadItem> downloadList, LongListMultiSelector selector)
            ChameleonAlbum album = selector.ItemsSource as ChameleonAlbum;

            //저장소에서 리턴값 삭제

            foreach (DownloadItem item in downloadList)
                AbstractPicture pic = album.First(x => x.Guid == item.Guid) as AbstractPicture;
                if (pic.Guid == item.Guid)
                    if (item.DownloadStatusCode == DownloadStatus.Completed)
                        //1. 해당 파일이 정상적으로 완료된 파일이라면 화면에서 삭제 처리
                    else if (item.DownloadStatusCode == DownloadStatus.DownloadFailed ||
                             item.DownloadStatusCode == DownloadStatus.SaveFailed)
                        //2. 해당 파일이 실패한 경우 이면
                        if (item.BlackListMode == BlackListMode.Domain)
                            //2.1 블랙리스트에 추가된 파일이라면 삭제
                            //2.2 아니면 실패 뱃지를 달아준다. 실패 원인을 표시한다.
                            pic.ProgressStatus = item.DownloadStatus.Replace(AppResources.MsgAddDomainFilter, string.Empty);
            //3. 선택 모드 해제 (여기서 즉시하면 에러가 발생하므로 딜레이 0.5초를 줘서 실행시킴)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(async() =>
                await Task.Delay(500);
                selector.EnforceIsSelectionEnabled = false;
예제 #11
        void bgPhoneLoader_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            ChameleonAlbum   phoneAlbum = e.Argument as ChameleonAlbum;
            BackgroundWorker worker     = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            using (MediaLibrary mediaLibrary = new MediaLibrary())
                foreach (var pa in mediaLibrary.RootPictureAlbum.Albums)
                    if (pa.Pictures.Count > 0)
                        var pic = (from picture in pa.Pictures
                                   orderby picture.Date descending
                                   select picture).First();

                        worker.ReportProgress(0, new object[] { phoneAlbum, pic });
예제 #12
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

            if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.New)
                ChameleonAlbum album = new ChameleonAlbum();
                PhonePictureSelector.ItemsSource = album;

            else if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.Back)
                if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey(Constants.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_LIST))
                    ObservableCollection <DownloadItem> downloadList = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State[Constants.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_LIST] as ObservableCollection <DownloadItem>;
                    PageHelper.ProcessDownloadImageResult(downloadList, GetSelectorBySourceOrigin(downloadList[0].SourceOrigin));
예제 #13
        //락스크린 리스트 로딩
        public void LoadLockscreenList()
            //락스크린 썸네일 이미지 크기  설정
            LockscreenSelector.GridCellSize = LockscreenHelper.ThumnailSize;
            ChameleonAlbum phoneAlbum = LockscreenSelector.ItemsSource as ChameleonAlbum;

            if (phoneAlbum == null)
                phoneAlbum = new ChameleonAlbum();
                LockscreenSelector.ItemsSource = phoneAlbum;

            using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                var imgNames = from element in isoStore.GetFileNames()
                               where element.Contains(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX)
                               orderby element.Substring(0, element.IndexOf("_")) ascending
                               select element;

                Uri lockscreenFileUri = null;

                    lockscreenFileUri = LockScreen.GetImageUri();
                catch (Exception)

                string lockscreenFileName = null;

                if (lockscreenFileUri != null)
                    lockscreenFileName = lockscreenFileUri.ToString()
                                         .Replace(Constants.PREFIX_APP_DATA_FOLDER, string.Empty)
                                         .Replace(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_A_POSTFIX, Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX)
                                         .Replace(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_B_POSTFIX, Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX);

                foreach (string imgName in imgNames)
                    bool isReady = isoStore.GetFileNames(imgName.Replace(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX, Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_READY_POSTFIX)).Any();
                    var  pic     = from element in phoneAlbum
                                   where element.Name == imgName
                                   select element;

                    if (pic.Any())
                        //원래 존재하는 이름이므로 해당 파일에 대한 정보를 업데이트 처리
                        PhonePicture curPic = pic.First() as PhonePicture;

                        if (curPic.Name == lockscreenFileName)
                            curPic.CurrentLockscreen = currentLockscreenUri;
                            curPic.Margin            = currentLockscreenMargin;
                            curPic.CurrentLockscreen = null;
                            curPic.Margin            = new Thickness();

                        //이미지 변경 시간을 체크해서, 이미지가 편집이 되었다면 이미지를 다시 로드
                        DateTimeOffset offset = isoStore.GetLastWriteTime(imgName);
                        if (offset.Subtract(curPic.DateTimeOffset).Milliseconds != 0)
                            curPic.DateTimeOffset = offset;

                            WriteableBitmap bitmap    = null;
                            string          thumbName = imgName.Replace(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX, Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_THUMNAIL_POSTFIX);
                            string[]        thumbs    = isoStore.GetFileNames(thumbName);

                            //썸네일이 없는 경우면 원본 이름을 셋팅
                            if (thumbs == null || thumbs.Length == 0)
                                thumbName = imgName;

                            //이미지 로드
                            using (IsolatedStorageFileStream sourceStream = isoStore.OpenFile(thumbName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                //썸네일이 없는 경우면 원본을 리사이징
                                if (thumbs == null || thumbs.Length == 0)
                                    bitmap = JpegHelper.Resize(sourceStream, LockscreenHelper.ThumnailSize, true);
                                    bitmap = BitmapFactory.New(0, 0).FromStream(sourceStream);
                            //썸네일 이미지 교체
                            curPic.ThumbnailImageSource = bitmap;

                        //편집 페이지에서 준비상태로 편집이 완료되었으면 편집 경고 삭제
                        if (isReady)
                            curPic.Warnning = null;
                        //존재하지 않는 파일이므로 새롭게 리스트에 추가
                        WriteableBitmap bitmap    = null;
                        string          thumbName = imgName.Replace(Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_POSTFIX, Constants.LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE_THUMNAIL_POSTFIX);
                        string[]        thumbs    = isoStore.GetFileNames(thumbName);
                        Uri             uri       = null;
                        Thickness       margin    = new Thickness();
                        //썸네일이 없는 경우면 원본 이름을 셋팅
                        if (thumbs == null || thumbs.Length == 0)
                            thumbName = imgName;

                        //이미지 로드
                        using (IsolatedStorageFileStream sourceStream = isoStore.OpenFile(thumbName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            //썸네일이 없는 경우면 원본을 리사이징
                            if (thumbs == null || thumbs.Length == 0)
                                bitmap = JpegHelper.Resize(sourceStream, LockscreenHelper.ThumnailSize, true);
                                bitmap = BitmapFactory.New(0, 0).FromStream(sourceStream);
                        //현재 락스크린 지정 이미지인 경우 처리
                        if (lockscreenFileName == imgName)
                            uri    = currentLockscreenUri;
                            margin = currentLockscreenMargin;
                        //락스크린 이미지 객체 생성
                        phoneAlbum.Add(new PhonePicture()
                            Guid                 = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Name                 = imgName,
                            ThumnailName         = thumbName,
                            ThumbnailImageSource = bitmap,
                            Margin               = margin,
                            CurrentLockscreen    = uri,
                            Warnning             = isReady ? null : warnningUri,
                            Opacity              = 1,
                            DateTimeOffset       = isoStore.GetLastWriteTime(thumbName)

                    //경고 안내문구 표시
                    if (!LockscreenEditWarnning && !isReady)
                        LockscreenEditWarnning = true;

            (IAppBarLockscreen.Buttons[0] as ApplicationBarIconButton).IsEnabled = !(phoneAlbum.Count == 0 && IAppBarLockscreen.Buttons.Count > 1);
            //이미지 갯수 표시
            LockscreenCount = string.Format("({0})", phoneAlbum.Count);
            //에디팅 경고 표시
            LockscreenEditWarnning = phoneAlbum.Any(x => (x as PhonePicture).Warnning != null);

            if (phoneAlbum.Count == 0)
                //도움말 표시 토글
                TxtLockscreen.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                //이미지가 없고 활성화된 라이브타일이 없으면 스케쥴러 정저
                if (!ExistsActiveTile)
                UseLockscreen.IsChecked = false;
                UseLockscreen.IsEnabled = false;
                UseLockscreen.IsEnabled  = true;
                TxtLockscreen.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
예제 #14
        public async void Load(int idx, string regionCode)
            ChameleonAlbum album    = new ChameleonAlbum();
            int            newIndex = -1;

            if (idx != -1)
                Size       resolution  = ResolutionHelper.CurrentResolution;
                HttpClient httpClient  = new HttpClient();
                string     url         = string.Format(IMG_URL, idx, 7, regionCode);
                var        picResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync(url, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead);

                string sizeFormat = "_{0:0.##}x{1:0.##}.jpg";
                Size   thumbSize  = new Size(240, 400);
                Size   fullSize   = resolution;

                if (SettingHelper.GetString(Constants.BING_SEARCH_ASPECT) == "Wide")
                    thumbSize.Width  = 400;
                    thumbSize.Height = 240;
                    fullSize.Width   = resolution.Height;
                    fullSize.Height  = resolution.Width;

                string thumbSizePostfix = string.Format(sizeFormat, thumbSize.Width, thumbSize.Height);
                string fullSizePostfix  = string.Format(sizeFormat, fullSize.Width, fullSize.Height);

                if (picResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        if (picResponse.Content.Headers.ContentEncoding.Contains("gzip"))
                            using (GZipInputStream gzip = new GZipInputStream(await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()))
                                SetXmlToAlbum(gzip, album, thumbSizePostfix, fullSizePostfix, thumbSize);
                            using (Stream stream = await picResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                                SetXmlToAlbum(stream, album, thumbSizePostfix, fullSizePostfix, thumbSize);
                        newIndex = idx + 7;
                    catch (System.Xml.XmlException xe)


            LoadCompleted(this, new TodayImageResult()
                Album = album, Index = newIndex