public static bool TrySplit(this IEnumerable <Spatial.Shell> shells_In, out List <Spatial.Shell> shells_Out, out List <Topology> topologies, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { shells_Out = null; topologies = null; if (shells_In == null) { return(false); } List <Cell> cells = new List <Cell>(); foreach (Spatial.Shell shell in shells_In) { Cell cell = shell?.ToTopologic_Cell(tolerance); if (cell == null) { continue; } cells.Add(cell); } if (cells == null) { return(false); } CellComplex cellComplex = null; try { cellComplex = CellComplex.ByCells(cells); } catch (Exception exception) { } if (cellComplex == null) { return(false); } topologies = new List <Topology>() { cellComplex }; cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); if (cells == null || cells.Count == 0) { return(false); } shells_Out = cells.ToSAM(); return(shells_Out != null); }
public static bool TrySplit_Obsolete(this IEnumerable <Spatial.Shell> shells_In, out List <Spatial.Shell> shells_Out, out List <Topology> topologies, bool tryCellComplexByCells = true, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { shells_Out = null; topologies = null; if (shells_In == null) { return(false); } List <global::Topologic.Face> faces = new List <global::Topologic.Face>(); foreach (Spatial.Shell shell in shells_In) { List <Face3D> face3Ds = shell?.Face3Ds; if (face3Ds == null || face3Ds.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (Face3D face3D in face3Ds) { global::Topologic.Face face = Convert.ToTopologic(face3D); if (face != null) { faces.Add(face); } } } topologies = new List <Topology>(); List <Cell> cells = null; if (tryCellComplexByCells) { try { Cluster cluster = Cluster.ByTopologies(faces as IList <Topology>); Topology topology = cluster.SelfMerge(); if (topology.Cells != null && topology.Cells.Count != 0) { cells = topology.Cells?.ToList(); CellComplex cellComplex = null; try { cellComplex = CellComplex.ByCells(cells); } catch (Exception exception) { } if (cellComplex != null && cellComplex.Cells != null && cellComplex.Cells.Count != 0) { topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } else { topologies.Add(topology); } } } catch (Exception exception) { cells = null; } } if (cells == null) { try { CellComplex cellComplex = CellComplex.ByFaces(faces, tolerance); topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } catch (Exception exception) { cells = null; } } if (cells == null || cells.Count == 0) { return(false); } shells_Out = cells.ToSAM(); return(shells_Out != null); }
public static AdjacencyCluster AdjacencyCluster(IEnumerable <Space> spaces, IEnumerable <Panel> panels, out List <Topology> topologies, out List <Panel> redundantPanels, double minArea = Tolerance.MacroDistance, bool updatePanels = true, bool tryCellComplexByCells = true, Log log = null, double silverSpacing = Tolerance.MacroDistance, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Method Name: {0}, Tolerance: {1}, Update Panels: {2}", "SAM.Analytical.Topologic.Create.AdjacencyCluster", tolerance, updatePanels); topologies = null; redundantPanels = null; AdjacencyCluster result = new AdjacencyCluster(); result.AddObjects(spaces); result.AddObjects(panels); List <Face> faces = new List <Face>(); int index = 1; foreach (Panel panel in result.GetObjects <Panel>()) { if (panel == null) { continue; } Face face = Convert.ToTopologic(panel); if (face == null) { continue; } faces.Add(face); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Face {0:D4} added. Panel [{1}]", index, panel.Guid); index++; } if (faces == null || faces.Count == 0) { return(null); } topologies = new List <Topology>(); List <Cell> cells = null; if (tryCellComplexByCells) { try { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Trying to make CellComplex By Cells"); Cluster cluster = Cluster.ByTopologies(faces as IList <Topology>); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cluster.ByTopologies Done"); Topology topology = cluster.SelfMerge(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cluster SelfMerge Done"); if (topology.Cells != null && topology.Cells.Count != 0) { cells = topology.Cells?.ToList(); CellComplex cellComplex = null; try { cellComplex = CellComplex.ByCells(cells); } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cells could not be taken from CellComplex"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); } if (cellComplex != null && cellComplex.Cells != null && cellComplex.Cells.Count != 0) { topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } else { topologies.Add(topology); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cells taken from Cluster"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cannot create CellComplex By Cells or Cells form Cluster SelfMerge"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); cells = null; } } if (cells == null) { try { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Trying to make CellComplex By Faces"); CellComplex cellComplex = CellComplex.ByFaces(faces, tolerance); topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "CellComplex By Faces Created"); } catch (Exception exception) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Cannot create CellComplex By Faces"); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Exception Message: {0}", exception.Message); cells = null; } } if (cells == null || cells.Count == 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "No cells found"); return(null); } List <Geometry.Spatial.Shell> shells = cells.ToSAM(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Single CellComplex converted to shells"); if (shells == null) { return(null); } //Matching spaces with shells Dictionary <Geometry.Spatial.Shell, List <Space> > dictionary_Spaces = new Dictionary <Geometry.Spatial.Shell, List <Space> >(); if (spaces != null) { foreach (Space space in spaces) { if (space == null || space.Location == null || !space.IsPlaced()) { continue; } List <Geometry.Spatial.Shell> shells_Temp = Analytical.Query.SpaceShells(shells, space.Location, silverSpacing, tolerance); if (shells_Temp == null || shells_Temp.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (Geometry.Spatial.Shell shell in shells_Temp) { if (!dictionary_Spaces.TryGetValue(shell, out List <Space> spaces_Shell)) { spaces_Shell = new List <Space>(); dictionary_Spaces[shell] = spaces_Shell; } spaces_Shell.Add(space); } } } HashSet <Guid> guids_Updated = new HashSet <Guid>(); Dictionary <Panel, Face3D> dictionary_Panel_Face3D = new Dictionary <Panel, Face3D>(); result.GetObjects <Panel>().ForEach(x => dictionary_Panel_Face3D[x] = x.GetFace3D()); index = 1; List <Tuple <Panel, Point3D> > tuples_InternalPoint3D = new List <Tuple <Panel, Point3D> >(); for (int i = 0; i < shells.Count; i++) { Geometry.Spatial.Shell shell = shells[i]; if (shell == null) { return(null); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Simplifying shell"); //shell.Simplify(tolerance); // Low tolerance cause of rounding issues shell.Simplify(); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Extracting faces from shell"); List <Face3D> face3Ds = shell?.Face3Ds; if (face3Ds == null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "No face2Ds found in Shell"); continue; } dictionary_Spaces.TryGetValue(shell, out List <Space> spaces_Shell); if (spaces_Shell == null || spaces_Shell.Count == 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating new Space"); Point3D location = shell.CalculatedInternalPoint3D(silverSpacing, tolerance); if (location == null) { continue; } Space space = new Space("Cell " + index, location); index++; if (!result.AddObject(space)) { continue; } spaces_Shell = new List <Space>() { space }; dictionary_Spaces[shell] = spaces_Shell; } if (spaces_Shell == null || spaces_Shell.Count == 0) { continue; } double volume = double.NaN; if (cells[i] != null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Calculating Volume"); volume = CellUtility.Volume(cells[i]); foreach (Space space_Shell in spaces_Shell) { space_Shell.SetValue(SpaceParameter.Volume, volume); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Upadting Panels"); foreach (Face3D face3D in face3Ds) { if (minArea != 0 && face3D.GetArea() <= minArea) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Face3D is too small"); continue; } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Looking for existing Panel"); Tuple <Panel, Point3D> tuple_InternalPoint3D = tuples_InternalPoint3D.Find(x => face3D.Inside(x.Item2, tolerance)); if (tuple_InternalPoint3D != null) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Existing Panel found: {0}", tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1.Guid); foreach (Space space in spaces_Shell) { if (result.AddRelation(space, tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1)) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Space [{0}] and Panel [{1}] relation added", space.Guid, tuple_InternalPoint3D.Item1.Guid); } } continue; } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Looking for old Panel"); //Panel panel_Old = Query.SimilarPanel(face3D, dictionary_Panel_Face3D); //if (panel_Old == null) // continue; List <Panel> panels_Old = Query.SimilarPanels(face3D, dictionary_Panel_Face3D); if (panels_Old == null || panels_Old.Count == 0) { continue; } Panel panel_Old = panels_Old.First(); if (panels_Old.Count > 1) { if (redundantPanels == null) { redundantPanels = new List <Panel>(); } panels_Old.RemoveAt(0); redundantPanels.AddRange(panels_Old); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Old Panel found: {0}", panel_Old.Guid); Panel panel_New = null; if (updatePanels) { if (guids_Updated.Contains(panel_Old.Guid)) { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(Guid.NewGuid(), panel_Old, face3D); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating new Panel for Old Panel [{0}]. New Panel [{1}]", panel_Old.Guid, panel_New.Guid); } else { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(panel_Old.Guid, panel_Old, face3D); guids_Updated.Add(panel_Old.Guid); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Updating Panel [{0}] with new geometry", panel_New.Guid); } result.AddObject(panel_New); } else { panel_New = Analytical.Create.Panel(panel_Old.Guid, panel_Old, face3D); Core.Modify.Add(log, "Creating temporary Panel for Panel [{0}]", panel_New.Guid); } if (panel_New == null) { continue; } tuples_InternalPoint3D.Add(new Tuple <Panel, Point3D>(panel_New, face3D.InternalPoint3D(tolerance))); foreach (Space space in spaces_Shell) { if (result.AddRelation(space, panel_New)) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Space [{0}] and Panel [{1}] relation added", space.Guid, panel_New.Guid); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Adding face finished"); } } if (redundantPanels != null && redundantPanels.Count != 0) { Core.Modify.Add(log, "Solving Redundant Panels"); foreach (Panel panel in redundantPanels) { result.RemoveObject <Panel>(panel.Guid); } } List <Panel> panels_Shading = Analytical.Query.CutShading(result.GetPanels(), panels, tolerance); if (panels_Shading != null || panels_Shading.Count != 0) { foreach (Panel panel_Shading in panels_Shading) { result.AddObject(panel_Shading); } } Core.Modify.Add(log, "AdjacencyCluster verification"); Log log_AdjacencyCluster = Analytical.Create.Log(result); if (log != null) { log.AddRange(log_AdjacencyCluster); } Core.Modify.Add(log, "Process completed"); return(result); }
public static List <Spatial.Shell> Shells(IEnumerable <Face3D> face3Ds, out List <Topology> topologies, bool tryCellComplexByCells = true, double tolerance = Tolerance.Distance) { topologies = null; if (face3Ds == null || face3Ds.Count() == 0) { return(null); } List <global::Topologic.Face> faces = new List <global::Topologic.Face>(); foreach (Face3D face3D in face3Ds) { global::Topologic.Face face = Convert.ToTopologic(face3D); if (face == null) { continue; } faces.Add(face); } topologies = new List <Topology>(); List <Cell> cells = null; if (tryCellComplexByCells) { try { Cluster cluster = Cluster.ByTopologies(faces as IList <Topology>); Topology topology = cluster.SelfMerge(); if (topology.Cells != null && topology.Cells.Count != 0) { cells = topology.Cells?.ToList(); CellComplex cellComplex = null; try { cellComplex = CellComplex.ByCells(cells); } catch (Exception exception) { cellComplex = null; } if (cellComplex != null && cellComplex.Cells != null && cellComplex.Cells.Count != 0) { topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } else { topologies.Add(topology); } } } catch (Exception exception) { cells = null; } } if (cells == null) { try { CellComplex cellComplex = CellComplex.ByFaces(faces, tolerance); topologies.Add(cellComplex); cells = cellComplex.Cells?.ToList(); } catch (Exception exception) { cells = null; } } return(cells?.ToSAM()); }