예제 #1
    public static CelestialVector3 Cross(CelestialVector3 a, CelestialVector3 b)
        double cx = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y;
        double cy = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z;
        double cz = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;

        return(new CelestialVector3(cx, cy, cz));
예제 #2
    public override List <Vector3> GetOrbit(double currentJulianDate, double resolution)
        double orbitalPeriodInDays = GetOrbitalPeriod();

        double julianDaysPerPosition = (orbitalPeriodInDays / resolution);

        List <Vector3> orbit = new List <Vector3>();

        // Start at 1/2 orbit in the past
        double julianDate = currentJulianDate - (orbitalPeriodInDays * 0.5);

        double radiusVector;
        double eclipticalLongitude;
        double eclipticLatitude;

        GetHeliocentricEclipticalCoordinates(julianDate, out radiusVector, out eclipticalLongitude, out eclipticLatitude);

        // In case a planet makes it in here without an orbit, abort
        if (radiusVector != 0.0f)
            double initialRotation = eclipticalLongitude;
            double difference      = 0.0;
            bool   closing         = false;

            while (true)
                double newDifference = Math.Abs(initialRotation - eclipticalLongitude);

                if (closing)
                    if (newDifference > difference)
                else if (newDifference < difference)
                    closing = true;

                difference = newDifference;

                CelestialVector3 position = PlanetPositionUtility.GetPositionFromHeliocentricEclipticalCoordinates(radiusVector, eclipticalLongitude, eclipticLatitude);

                orbit.Add((Vector3)(position / GlobalConstants.CelestialUnit));

                julianDate += julianDaysPerPosition;

                GetHeliocentricEclipticalCoordinates(julianDate, out radiusVector, out eclipticalLongitude, out eclipticLatitude);

예제 #3
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: Gotthorm/Expanity
    private void UpdateShipPosition()
        // Update the spaceship's position
        if (null != m_BaseBody && null != m_SpaceShip)
            CelestialVector3 offset = m_Position + (m_Position.Normalized() * m_BaseBody.Radius);

            m_SpaceShip.Position = m_BaseBody.Position - offset;

            m_BasePosition = m_SpaceShip.Position;
예제 #4
    public void UpdateDynamicScale(CelestialVector3 basePosition)
        // Update the dynamic scalar values of all Celestial Bodies using given base position
        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, CelestialBody> celestialBodyRecord in m_CelestialBodies)
            CelestialBody celestialBody = celestialBodyRecord.Value;

            CelestialVector3 position = new CelestialVector3();
            double           scale;
            GetScaledPosition(basePosition, celestialBody.Position, out position, out scale);
            float radius   = (float)(scale * celestialBody.Radius);
            float diameter = 2.0f * radius;
            celestialBody.transform.localScale = new Vector3(diameter, diameter, diameter);

            celestialBody.transform.localPosition = (Vector3)position;
예제 #5
    public override void UpdatePosition(double julianDate)
        CelestialVector3 position = CalculatePosition(julianDate);

        LocalPosition = position;

        if (OrbitParentID != 0)
            CelestialBody parentBody = CelestialManagerPhysical.Instance.GetCelestialBody(OrbitParentID);

            if (parentBody != null)
                position += parentBody.Position;

        Position = position;
예제 #6
    private void UpdatePosition(CelestialBody body)
        CelestialVirtual virtualBody = body as CelestialVirtual;

        if (null != virtualBody)
            CelestialBody celestialBody = CelestialManagerPhysical.Instance.GetCelestialBody(virtualBody.OwnerID);

            if (null != celestialBody)
                CelestialPlanetoid planetoid = celestialBody as CelestialPlanetoid;

                if (null != planetoid)
                    CelestialVector3 position = planetoid.CalculatePosition(CelestialTime.Instance.Current);

                    virtualBody.LocalPosition = position;

                    if (body.OrbitParentID != 0)
                        CelestialBody parentBody = GetCelestialBody(body.OrbitParentID);

                        if (parentBody != null)
                            position += parentBody.Position;

                    virtualBody.Position = position;
                    // Set the virtual position to match the real planet's
                    virtualBody.LocalPosition = celestialBody.LocalPosition;
                    virtualBody.Position      = celestialBody.Position;
                Debug.LogWarning("Unable to update position of " + body.name);
예제 #7
    // Give the planets position in real data and get back the scaled version
    private void GetScaledPosition(CelestialVector3 basePosition, CelestialVector3 celestialPosition, out CelestialVector3 scaledPosition, out double scale)
        scale = 1.0;

        scaledPosition = celestialPosition - basePosition;

        double distance = scaledPosition.Length();

        double _cosfov2 = 1.0 - System.Math.Cos(m_FieldOfView * 0.5);

        double f = m_FarClipPlane * _cosfov2;
        double p = 0.75 * f;

        if (distance > p)
            double s    = 1.0 - System.Math.Exp(-p / (distance - p));
            double dist = p + (f - p) * s;
            scale          = dist / distance;
            scaledPosition = scaledPosition / distance * dist;
예제 #8
    public static CelestialVector3 GetPositionFromHeliocentricEclipticalCoordinates(double radiusVector, double eclipticalLongitude, double eclipticLatitude)
        // radiusVector is in AU units

        // If we were using only floats then all we would need to do here is this:
        // *Notice* how we need to scale by astronomical units to keep data in range
        // Vector3 position = new Vector3( (float)( radiusVector * GlobalConstants.AstronomicalUnit ), 0, 0 );
        // Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0, -(float)eclipticalLongitude, -(float)eclipticLatitude );
        // return position * rotation;

        // Instead we are using doubles so we need to do this manually
        // We do not need to scale the data using this method

        CelestialVector3 position = new CelestialVector3((radiusVector * GlobalConstants.AstronomicalUnit), 0, 0);

        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -(float)eclipticalLongitude, -(float)eclipticLatitude);

        // Algorithm for converting Euler angles to a quaternion
        //public void rotate( double heading, double attitude, double bank )
        //    // Assuming the angles are in radians.
        //    double c1 = Math.cos( heading / 2 );
        //    double s1 = Math.sin( heading / 2 );
        //    double c2 = Math.cos( attitude / 2 );
        //    double s2 = Math.sin( attitude / 2 );
        //    double c3 = Math.cos( bank / 2 );
        //    double s3 = Math.sin( bank / 2 );
        //    double c1c2 = c1 * c2;
        //    double s1s2 = s1 * s2;
        //    w = c1c2 * c3 - s1s2 * s3;
        //    x = c1c2 * s3 + s1s2 * c3;
        //    y = s1 * c2 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
        //    z = c1 * s2 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;

        // Algorithm for rotation a vector by a quaternion
        //void rotate_vector_by_quaternion(const Vector3&v, const Quaternion&q, Vector3 & vprime)
        //    // Extract the vector part of the quaternion
        //    Vector3 u( q.x, q.y, q.z);
        //    // Extract the scalar part of the quaternion
        //    float s = q.w;
        //    // Do the math
        //    vprime = 2.0f * dot( u, v ) * u
        //          + ( s * s - dot( u, u ) ) * v
        //          + 2.0f * s * cross( u, v );

        // The algorithm can be simplified to this

        double halfDegreesToRadians = GlobalConstants.DegreesToRadians / 2;

        double c1 = Math.Cos(-eclipticalLongitude * halfDegreesToRadians);
        double s1 = Math.Sin(-eclipticalLongitude * halfDegreesToRadians);
        double c2 = Math.Cos(-eclipticLatitude * halfDegreesToRadians);
        double s2 = Math.Sin(-eclipticLatitude * halfDegreesToRadians);

        double w = c1 * c2;

        CelestialVector3 u = new CelestialVector3(s1 * s2, s1 * c2, c1 * s2);

        CelestialVector3 part1 = u * (2.0 * CelestialVector3.Dot(u, position));
        CelestialVector3 part2 = position * (w * w - CelestialVector3.Dot(u, u));
        CelestialVector3 part3 = CelestialVector3.Cross(u, position) * (2.0 * w);

        return(part1 + part2 + part3);
예제 #9
    protected override void SetPosition(CelestialVector3 position)

        transform.position = (Vector3)(position / GlobalConstants.CelestialUnit);
예제 #10
    // This is the position in space using real units
    protected virtual void SetPosition(CelestialVector3 position)
        m_PositionInKM = position;

        //transform.localPosition = (Vector3)position;
예제 #11
    //    Dot Product
    //V1.x* V2.x + V1.y* V2.y + V1.z* V2.z

    //Cross Product
    //cx = aybz− azby
    //cy = azbx− axbz
    //cz = axby− aybx

    public static double Dot(CelestialVector3 a, CelestialVector3 b)
        return(a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z);