예제 #1
        public Vector3 getField(Vector3 absLoc)
            Vector3 ret = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 rel = absLoc - body.GetTransform().position + centre;
            double  r   = rel.magnitude;

            foreach (Vector3 m in moments)
                if (m.magnitude == 0 || r == 0)
                double mdotr = dot(rel, m);
                if (double.IsNaN(r) || double.IsNaN(mdotr) || r == 0)
                    Debug.LogError("NaN error " + absLoc.x + " " + absLoc.y + " " + absLoc.z + " " + bodyAbsLoc.x + " " + bodyAbsLoc.y + " " + bodyAbsLoc.z + " " + r);
                ret.x += (float)((3 * konstant * rel.x * mdotr / (r * r * r * r * r)) - (konstant * m.x / (r * r * r)));
                ret.y += (float)((3 * konstant * rel.y * mdotr / (r * r * r * r * r)) - (konstant * m.y / (r * r * r)));
                ret.z += (float)((3 * konstant * rel.z * mdotr / (r * r * r * r * r)) - (konstant * m.z / (r * r * r)));

                //	Debug.Log(body.GetName()+" "+r+" ret:"+ret+" vdot:"+mdotr+" rel:"+rel+" m:"+m);

예제 #2
 public Vector3 getDirectionToSun()
     if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.MAINMENU)
         return(Scatterer.Instance.mainMenuLight.transform.forward * (-1));
         return(sunCelestialBody.GetTransform().position - parentCelestialBody.GetTransform().position);
예제 #3
 public Vector3 getDirectionToSun()
     //			if (m_skyNode.debugSettings [0]) {
     return((sunCelestialBody.GetTransform().position - parentCelestialBody.GetTransform().position));
     //			} else {
     //				return((ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(sunCelestialBody.GetTransform ().position)-ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(parentCelestialBody.GetTransform ().position)));
     //			}
예제 #4
 public Vector3 getDirectionToCelestialBody(CelestialBody target)
     return(target.GetTransform().position - parentCelestialBody.GetTransform().position);
예제 #5
 public void UpdateDistance(Vector3d position)
     distance = Vector3d.Distance(position, body.GetTransform().position);
예제 #6
파일: Addon.cs 프로젝트: ebugusey/PSG_kOS
        private StringValue Observe(StringValue body, ListValue instrumentPlusObserveType, ScalarValue exposure)
            string url      = "";
            string filename = body + "_" + instrumentPlusObserveType[0] + "_" + instrumentPlusObserveType[1] + ".txt";
            string opts     = "";

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("config.txt", Encoding.UTF8);

            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[] parameters = line.Split('|');

                if (parameters[0] == "url")
                    url = parameters[1];

                if (parameters[0] == "params")
                    opts = parameters[1];

            if (File.Exists(filename))
                var configPsg = File.ReadAllText(filename);

                var planetsMap = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["PS4892b"] = "PS4892b",
                    ["PS4892c"] = "TauCetif",
                    ["PS4892d"] = "Teegardenb",
                    ["PS4892e"] = "TRAPPIST1b",
                    ["PS4892f"] = "TRAPPIST1c",
                    ["PS4892g"] = "TRAPPIST1e",
                    ["PS4892h"] = "TRAPPIST1f",
                    ["PS4892i"] = "TRAPPIST1d",
                    ["PS4892j"] = "TRAPPIST1g",
                    ["PS4892k"] = "TRAPPIST1h",

                List <CelestialBody> bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies;

                Boolean       bodyExist  = false;
                CelestialBody targetBody = bodies[0];

                foreach (var currentBody in bodies)
                    if (currentBody.GetName() == planetsMap[body])
                        bodyExist  = true;
                        targetBody = currentBody;

                if (bodyExist)
                    Vector3 heading =
                        targetBody.GetTransform().position -

                    double distance = Math.Round(heading.magnitude / 1000.0);

                    double distanceAu = distance / 149600000000;

                    if (distance < 100000000)
                        configPsg = configPsg.Replace("${DISTANCE}", distance.ToString());
                        configPsg = configPsg.Replace("${ALTITUDEUNIT}", "km");
                        configPsg = configPsg.Replace("${DISTANCE}", distanceAu.ToString());
                        configPsg = configPsg.Replace("${ALTITUDEUNIT}", "AU");

                    configPsg = configPsg.Replace("${EXPOSURE}", exposure.ToString());

                    configPsg = configPsg.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                    File.WriteAllText("psg_config_debug.txt", configPsg);

                    var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
                    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                    request.Method      = "POST";

                    using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
                        string req = opts + WebUtility.UrlEncode(configPsg);

                    _logger.Log($"posting to url: {url}");
                    _logger.Log($"post body:\n{WebUtility.UrlEncode(configPsg)}");

                    var httpResponse = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                    using (Stream responseStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                            _logger.Log("got response from PSG");
                            _logger.Log($"PSG response size: {responseStream.Length}");

                            var payloadRows = 0;

                            var output = new List <(string, string)>();
                            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                                var currentRow = reader.ReadLine();
                                if (currentRow.StartsWith(@"#", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))


                                var values = currentRow.Split(' ');

                                output.Add((values[0], values[2]));

                            _logger.Log($"PSG response payload size: {payloadRows} rows");
                            if (payloadRows == 0)
                                _logger.LogError("No response from PSG");
                                return("No response from PSG");

                            var csvOutput = new StringBuilder();
                            var psgOutput = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (var(first, second) in output)
                                psgOutput.AppendLine($"{first}  {second}");

                            var currentTime = DateTime.Now;
                            var outFile     = $"psg_out_{currentTime:O}";
                            outFile = Regex.Replace(outFile, @"\+|:", "_");

                            var csvFilename = $"{outFile}.csv";
                            var psgFilename = $"{outFile}.txt";

                            _logger.Log($"writing PSG response to '{csvFilename}'");
                            File.WriteAllText(csvFilename, csvOutput.ToString());
                            _logger.Log($"writing PSG response to '{psgFilename}'");
                            File.WriteAllText(psgFilename, psgOutput.ToString());

                    return("Observe complete");
                    return("Celestial body does not exist");
                return("Config file does not exist");

            //return "No result";
예제 #7
		//		public void SetPostProcessDepth(float postDepth)
		//		{
		//			postProcessDepth=postDepth;
		//		}
		//		public void SetPostProcessAlpha(float postAlpha)
		//		{
		//			postProcessingAlpha=postAlpha;
		//		}
		//		public void SetPostProcessScale(float postScale)
		//		{
		//			postProcessingScale=postScale;
		//		}
		//		public void SetAtmosphereGlobalScale(float gScale)
		//		{
		//			atmosphereGlobalScale=gScale;
		//		}
		public void SetParentCelestialBody (CelestialBody inPlanet)
			parentCelestialBody = inPlanet;
			var _celBodyName = parentCelestialBody.name;
			var _celTransformName = parentCelestialBody.name;
			var _basePath = m_manager.GetCore ().path + "/config";
			if (parentCelestialBody.GetTransform () != null) {
				_celTransformName = parentCelestialBody.GetTransform ().name;
			string[] _possiblePaths = {
				_basePath + "/" + _celBodyName,
				_basePath + "/" + _celTransformName
			foreach (string _dir in _possiblePaths) {
				if (Directory.Exists (_dir)) {
					assetDir = _dir;
예제 #8
 public Vector3 getDirectionToSun()
     return(sunCelestialBody.GetTransform().position - parentCelestialBody.GetTransform().position);