public void Literal_Name() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => CbHelper.LiteralName(null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => CbHelper.LiteralName(string.Empty)); Assert.Equal("`test`", CbHelper.LiteralName("test")); Assert.Equal("`test\\\\foo`", CbHelper.LiteralName("test\\foo")); }
public void Literal_String() { Assert.Equal("NULL", CbHelper.Literal(null)); Assert.Equal("\"Hello World!\"", CbHelper.Literal("Hello World!")); Assert.Equal("\"'\"", CbHelper.Literal("'")); Assert.Equal("\"\\\"\"", CbHelper.Literal("\"")); Assert.Equal("\"\\\\\"", CbHelper.Literal("\\")); Assert.Equal("\"\\b\"", CbHelper.Literal("\b")); Assert.Equal("\"\\f\"", CbHelper.Literal("\f")); Assert.Equal("\"\\n\"", CbHelper.Literal("\n")); Assert.Equal("\"\\r\"", CbHelper.Literal("\r")); Assert.Equal("\"\\t\"", CbHelper.Literal("\t")); }
public async Task Flush() { var indexQuery = $"select * from system:indexes where keyspace_id={CbHelper.Literal(bucket.Name)}"; // Flush and verify that the primary index was created by default. couchbase.Clear(); var indexes = await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <JObject>(indexQuery); Assert.Single(indexes); var index = (JObject)indexes.First().GetValue("indexes"); Assert.True((bool)index.GetValue("is_primary")); Assert.Equal("idx_primary", (string)index.GetValue("name")); // Write some data, verify that it was written then flush // the bucket and verify that the data is gone. await bucket.UpsertSafeAsync("hello", "world!"); Assert.Equal("world!", await bucket.GetSafeAsync <string>("hello")); couchbase.Clear(); Assert.Null(await bucket.FindSafeAsync <string>("hello")); // Create a secondary index and verify. await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>($"create index idx_foo on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} ( {CbHelper.LiteralName("Test")} )"); indexes = await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <JObject>(indexQuery); Assert.Equal(2, indexes.Count); // Expecting the primary and new secondary index // Clear the database and then verify that only the // recreated primary index exists. couchbase.Clear(); indexes = await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <JObject>(indexQuery); Assert.Single(indexes); index = (JObject)indexes.First().GetValue("indexes"); Assert.True((bool)index.GetValue("is_primary")); Assert.Equal("idx_primary", (string)index.GetValue("name")); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public void Run(ModuleContext context) { var hive = HiveHelper.Hive; var nodeGroups = hive.Definition.GetHostGroups(excludeAllGroup: true); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse the module arguments. if (!context.ValidateArguments(context.Arguments, validModuleArgs)) { context.Failed = true; return; } var couchbaseArgs = CouchbaseArgs.Parse(context); if (couchbaseArgs == null) { return; } if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <string>("state", out var state)) { state = "present"; } state = state.ToLowerInvariant(); if (!context.Arguments.TryGetValue <bool>("force", out var force)) { force = false; } var buildNow = context.ParseBool("build_all"); if (!buildNow.HasValue) { buildNow = false; } var primary = context.ParseBool("primary") ?? false; string name; if (primary) { name = "#primary"; } else { name = context.ParseString("name", v => new Regex(@"[a-z][a-z0-0#_]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(v)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && state != "build") { context.WriteErrorLine("[name] argument is required."); } var type = (context.ParseEnum <IndexType>("using") ?? default(IndexType)).ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); var namespaceId = context.ParseString("namespace"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceId)) { namespaceId = "default"; } var keys = context.ParseStringArray("keys"); var where = context.ParseString("where"); var nodes = context.ParseStringArray("nodes"); var defer = context.ParseBool("build_defer") ?? false; var wait = context.ParseBool("build_wait") ?? true; var replicas = context.ParseInt("replicas"); if (state == "present") { if (primary) { if (keys.Count > 0) { context.WriteErrorLine("PRIMARY indexes do not allow any [keys]."); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { context.WriteErrorLine("PRIMARY indexes do not support the [where] clause."); return; } } else { if (keys.Count == 0) { context.WriteErrorLine("Non-PRIMARY indexes must specify at least one [key]."); return; } } if (type == "GSI" && replicas.HasValue && nodes.Count > 0) { context.WriteErrorLine("Only one of [nodes] or [replicas] may be specified for GSI indexes."); return; } } string keyspace; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceId) && namespaceId != "default") { keyspace = $"{namespaceId}:{couchbaseArgs.Settings.Bucket}"; } else { keyspace = couchbaseArgs.Settings.Bucket; } if (context.HasErrors) { return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform the operation. Task.Run( async() => { using (var bucket = couchbaseArgs.Settings.OpenBucket(couchbaseArgs.Credentials)) { var indexId = $"{bucket.Name}.{name}"; // Fetch the index if it already exists. var existingIndex = await bucket.GetIndexAsync(name); if (existingIndex == null) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Index [{name}] does not exist."); } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Index [{name}] exists."); } var existingIsPrimary = existingIndex != null && existingIndex.IsPrimary; switch (state.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "present": // Generate the index creation query. var sbCreateIndexCommand = new StringBuilder(); if (primary) { sbCreateIndexCommand.Append($"create primary index {CbHelper.LiteralName(name)} on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)}"); } else { var sbKeys = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var key in keys) { sbKeys.AppendWithSeparator(key, ", "); } sbCreateIndexCommand.Append($"create index {CbHelper.LiteralName(name)} on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} ( {sbKeys} )"); } // Append the WHERE clause for non-PRIMARY indexes. if (!primary && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { // Ensure that the WHERE clause is surrounded by "( ... )". if (!where.StartsWith("(") && !where.EndsWith(")")) { where = $"({where})"; } // Now strip the parens off the where clause to be added // to the query. var queryWhere = where.Substring(1, where.Length - 2); // Append the clause. sbCreateIndexCommand.AppendWithSeparator($"where {queryWhere}"); } // Append the USING clause. sbCreateIndexCommand.AppendWithSeparator($"using {type}"); // Append the WITH clause for GSI indexes. if (type == "GSI") { var sbWithSettings = new StringBuilder(); if (defer) { sbWithSettings.AppendWithSeparator("\"defer_build\":true", ", "); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, "Query for the hive nodes."); var clusterNodes = await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>("select from system:nodes"); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Hive has [{clusterNodes.Count}] nodes."); if ((!replicas.HasValue || replicas.Value == 0) && nodes.Count == 0) { // We're going to default to hosting GSI indexes explicitly // on all nodes unless directed otherwise. We'll need query // the database for the current nodes. foreach (JObject node in clusterNodes) { nodes.Add((string)node.GetValue("name")); } } else if (replicas.HasValue && replicas.Value > 0) { if (clusterNodes.Count <= replicas.Value) { context.WriteErrorLine($"[replicas={replicas.Value}] cannot equal or exceed the number of Couchbase nodes. [replicas={clusterNodes.Count - 1}] is the maximum allowed value for this hive."); return; } } if (nodes.Count > 0) { sbWithSettings.AppendWithSeparator("\"nodes\": [", ", "); var first = true; foreach (var server in nodes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sbCreateIndexCommand.Append(","); } sbWithSettings.Append(CbHelper.Literal(server)); } sbWithSettings.Append("]"); } if (replicas.HasValue && type == "GSI") { sbWithSettings.AppendWithSeparator($"\"num_replica\":{CbHelper.Literal(replicas.Value)}", ", "); } if (sbWithSettings.Length > 0) { sbCreateIndexCommand.AppendWithSeparator($"with {{ {sbWithSettings} }}"); } } // Add or update the index. if (existingIndex != null) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Index [{indexId}] already exists."); // An index with this name already exists, so we'll compare its // properties with the module parameters to determine whether we // need to remove and recreate it. var changed = false; if (force) { changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, "Rebuilding index because [force=yes]."); } // Compare the old/new index types. var orgType = existingIndex.Type.ToUpperInvariant(); if (!string.Equals(orgType, type, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rebuilding index because using changed from [{orgType}] to [{type}]."); } // Compare the old/new index keys. var keysChanged = false; if (!primary) { var orgKeys = existingIndex.Keys; if (orgKeys.Length != keys.Count) { keysChanged = true; } else { // This assumes that the order of the indexed keys doesn't // matter. var keysSet = new Dictionary <string, bool>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); for (int i = 0; i < orgKeys.Length; i++) { keysSet[(string)orgKeys[i]] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < orgKeys.Length; i++) { keysSet[CbHelper.LiteralName(keys[i])] = true; } keysChanged = keysSet.Values.Count(k => !k) > 0; } if (keysChanged) { changed = true; var sbOrgKeys = new StringBuilder(); var sbNewKeys = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string key in orgKeys) { sbOrgKeys.AppendWithSeparator(key, ", "); } foreach (string key in keys) { sbNewKeys.AppendWithSeparator(key, ", "); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rebuilding index because keys changed from [{sbOrgKeys}] to [{sbNewKeys}]."); } } // Compare the filter condition. var orgWhere = existingIndex.Where; if (orgWhere != where) { changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Rebuilding index because where clause changed from [{orgWhere ?? string.Empty}] to [{where ?? string.Empty}]."); } // We need to remove and recreate the index if it differs // from what was requested. if (changed) { if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"Index [{indexId}] will be rebuilt when CHECK-MODE is disabled."); } else { context.Changed = !context.CheckMode; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Removing existing index [{indexId}]."); string dropCommand; if (existingIsPrimary) { dropCommand = $"drop primary index on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} using {orgType.ToUpperInvariant()}"; } else { dropCommand = $"drop index {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)}.{CbHelper.LiteralName(name)} using {orgType.ToUpperInvariant()}"; } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"DROP COMMAND: {dropCommand}"); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(dropCommand); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Dropped index [{indexId}]."); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"CREATE COMMAND: {sbCreateIndexCommand}"); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(sbCreateIndexCommand.ToString()); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Created index [{indexId}]."); if (!defer && wait) { // Wait for the index to come online. context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Waiting for index [{name}] to be built."); await bucket.WaitForIndexAsync(name, "online"); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Completed building index [{name}]."); } } } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"No changes detected for index [{indexId}]."); } } else { if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"Index [{indexId}] will be created when CHECK-MODE is disabled."); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"{sbCreateIndexCommand}"); } else { context.Changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Creating index."); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"CREATE COMMAND: {sbCreateIndexCommand}"); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(sbCreateIndexCommand.ToString()); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Created index [{indexId}]."); if (!defer && wait) { // Wait for the index to come online. context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Waiting for index [{name}] to be built."); await bucket.WaitForIndexAsync(name, "online"); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Completed building index [{name}]."); } } } break; case "absent": if (existingIndex != null) { if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"Index [{indexId}] will be dropped when CHECK-MODE is disabled."); } else { context.Changed = true; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Dropping index [{indexId}]."); string orgType = existingIndex.Type; string dropCommand; if (existingIsPrimary) { dropCommand = $"drop primary index on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} using {orgType.ToUpperInvariant()}"; } else { dropCommand = $"drop index {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)}.{CbHelper.LiteralName(name)} using {orgType.ToUpperInvariant()}"; } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"COMMAND: {dropCommand}"); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(dropCommand); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"Index [{indexId}] was dropped."); } } else { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"Index [{indexId}] does not exist so there's no need to drop it."); } break; case "build": // List the names of the deferred GSI indexes. var deferredIndexes = ((await bucket.ListIndexesAsync()).Where(index => index.State == "deferred" && index.Type == "gsi")).ToList(); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"[{deferredIndexes.Count}] deferred GSI indexes exist."); if (deferredIndexes.Count == 0) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"All GSI indexes have already been built."); context.Changed = false; return; } // Build the indexes (unless we're in CHECK-MODE). var sbIndexList = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var deferredIndex in deferredIndexes) { sbIndexList.AppendWithSeparator($"{CbHelper.LiteralName(deferredIndex.Name)}", ", "); } if (context.CheckMode) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Important, $"These GSI indexes will be built when CHECK-MODE is disabled: {sbIndexList}."); context.Changed = false; return; } var buildCommand = $"BUILD INDEX ON {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} ({sbIndexList})"; context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Trace, $"BUILD COMMAND: {buildCommand}"); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Building indexes: {sbIndexList}"); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(buildCommand); context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Build command submitted."); context.Changed = true; // The Couchbase BUILD INDEX command doesn't wait for the index // building to complete so, we'll just spin until all of the // indexes we're building are online. if (wait) { context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Waiting for the indexes to be built."); foreach (var deferredIndex in deferredIndexes) { await bucket.WaitForIndexAsync(deferredIndex.Name, "online"); } context.WriteLine(AnsibleVerbosity.Info, $"Completed building [{deferredIndexes.Count}] indexes."); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"[state={state}] is not one of the valid choices: [present], [absent], or [build]."); } } }).Wait(); }
/// <summary> /// Removes all data and indexes from the database bucket and then recreates the /// primary index if an index was specified when the fixture was started. /// </summary> public void Clear() { CheckDisposed(); // $todo(jeff.lill): // // The code below was originally intended to clear the Couchbase bucket // in place and this seemed to work for several months and then it just stopped // working in Nov 2018 after I upgraded the CouchbaseNetClient nuget package. // The weird thing is that is still didn't work after I reverted. // // The problem seems to be due to a timing or race condition because if I pause // execution after clearing, the subsequent unit test passes. Unfortunately, I // haven't been able to figure out how to determine when everything is ready. // I even tried executing the unit test query that fails but it succeeded here // but still failed in the test. I can't really explain that: perhaps // Couchbase restarted one or more services sometime after I cleared the // bucket but after I checked for health below. // // It seems like the first test ran against a clean container always works // so I'm going to revert to simply restarting the container and come back // someday and remove this section. #if DIDNT_WORK // Drop all of the bucket indexes. var existingIndexes = Bucket.ListIndexesAsync().Result; if (existingIndexes.Count > 0) { foreach (var index in existingIndexes) { Bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>($"drop index {CbHelper.LiteralName(Bucket.Name)}.{CbHelper.LiteralName(index.Name)} using {index.Type}").Wait(); } } // Flush the bucket data. using (var bucketManager = Bucket.CreateManager()) { NeonBucket.ReadyRetry.InvokeAsync( async() => { bucketManager.Flush(); await Bucket.WaitUntilReadyAsync(); }).Wait(); } // Wait until all of the indexes are actually deleted. NeonHelper.WaitFor( () => { var indexes = Bucket.ListIndexesAsync().Result; return(indexes.Count == 0); }, timeout: NeonBucket.ReadyTimeout, pollTime: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)); // Recreate the primary index if one was enabled when the fixture was started. if (createPrimaryIndex) { Bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>($"create primary index on {CbHelper.LiteralName(Bucket.Name)} using gsi").Wait(); Bucket.WaitForIndexAsync("#primary").Wait(); } #endif base.Restart(); Thread.Sleep(warmupDelay); ConnectBucket(); }
/// <summary> /// Establishes the bucket connection and waits until the Couchbase container is ready /// to start handling requests. /// </summary> private void ConnectBucket() { // Give the Couchbase container a chance to spin up. Thread.Sleep(warmupDelay); // Dispose any existing underlying cluster and bucket. if (Bucket != null) { var existingBucket = Bucket.GetInternalBucket(); if (existingBucket != null) { existingBucket.Cluster.CloseBucket(existingBucket); existingBucket.Cluster.Dispose(); Bucket.SetInternalBucket(null); } } // It appears that it may take a bit of time for the Couchbase query // service to start in new container we started above. We're going to // retry creating the primary index (or a dummy index) until it works. var bucket = (NeonBucket)null; var indexCreated = false; var indexReady = false; var queryReady = false; NeonBucket.ReadyRetry.InvokeAsync( async() => { if (bucket == null) { bucket = Settings.OpenBucket(Username, Password); } try { if (createPrimaryIndex) { // Create the primary index if requested. if (!indexCreated) { await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>($"create primary index on {CbHelper.LiteralName(bucket.Name)} using gsi"); indexCreated = true; } if (!indexReady) { await bucket.WaitForIndexAsync("#primary"); indexReady = true; } // Ensure that the query service is running too. if (!queryReady) { var query = new QueryRequest($"select meta({bucket.Name}).id, {bucket.Name}.* from {bucket.Name}") .ScanConsistency(ScanConsistency.RequestPlus); await bucket.QuerySafeAsync <dynamic>(query); queryReady = true; } } else { // List the indexes to ensure the index service is ready when we didn't create a primary index. if (!queryReady) { await bucket.ListIndexesAsync(); queryReady = true; } } } catch { // $hack(jeff.lill): // // It looks like we need to create a new bucket if the query service // wasn't ready. I'm guessing that this is due to the Couchbase index // service not being ready at the time the bucket was connected and // the bucket isn't smart enough to retry looking for the index service // afterwards. This won't be a problem for most real-world scenarios // because for those, Couchbase will have been started long ago and // will continue running indefinitely. // // We'll dispose the old bucket and set it to NULL here and then // open a fresh bucket above when the retry policy tries again. bucket.Dispose(); bucket = null; throw; } }).Wait(); // Use the new bucket if this is the first Couchbase container created or // else substitute the new underlying bucket into the existing bucket so // that unit tests don't need to be aware of the change. if (this.Bucket == null) { this.Bucket = bucket; } else { this.Bucket.SetInternalBucket(bucket.GetInternalBucket()); } }