public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj == this) { return(true); } return(obj is V1PaymentItemDetail other && ((CategoryName == null && other.CategoryName == null) || (CategoryName?.Equals(other.CategoryName) == true)) && ((Sku == null && other.Sku == null) || (Sku?.Equals(other.Sku) == true)) && ((ItemId == null && other.ItemId == null) || (ItemId?.Equals(other.ItemId) == true)) && ((ItemVariationId == null && other.ItemVariationId == null) || (ItemVariationId?.Equals(other.ItemVariationId) == true))); }
/// <summary> /// View model that attaches the items to their respective category /// </summary> /// <param name="category">The current category to have items assigned to</param> /// <param name="itemList">The list of items obtained from the exd file</param> public CategoryViewModel(string category, ObservableCollection <ItemData> itemList) : base(null, false) { _category = category; _itemList = itemList; IEnumerable <ItemData> filteredItems; //for aesthetic purposes the items in the character and pets category are not sorted by name if (!CategoryName.Equals(Strings.Character) && !CategoryName.Equals(Strings.Pets)) { filteredItems = from item in _itemList where item.ItemCategory.Equals(Info.IDSlot[CategoryName]) orderby item.ItemName select item; } else { filteredItems = from item in _itemList where item.ItemCategory.Equals(Info.IDSlot[CategoryName]) select item; } foreach (ItemData item in filteredItems) { Children.Add(new ItemViewModel(item, this)); } }
public override void ParseFromNetworkMessage(NetworkMessage message) { CategoryName = message.ReadString(); DisplayOfferId = message.ReadUInt32(); WindowType = message.ReadByte(); Collections.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var i = 0; i < Collections.Capacity; ++i) { Collections.Add(message.ReadString()); } if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { DisplaySubCategory = message.ReadString(); } Offers.Capacity = message.ReadUInt16(); for (var i = 0; i < Offers.Capacity; ++i) { var offer = new Offer { Name = message.ReadString(), IsFeatured = WindowType == 3 }; offer.Details.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var j = 0; j < offer.Details.Capacity; ++j) { var details = new OfferDetails { Id = message.ReadUInt32(), Amount = message.ReadUInt16(), Price = message.ReadUInt32() }; if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { details.IsConfirmedPrice = message.ReadBool(); } details.IsDisabled = message.ReadBool(); if (details.IsDisabled) { details.DisabledReasons.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var x = 0; x < details.DisabledReasons.Capacity; ++x) { var disabledReason = message.ReadString(); details.DisabledReasons.Add(disabledReason); } } details.HighlightState = message.ReadByte(); if (details.HighlightState == (int)StoreOfferHighlightState.Sale) { // This may actually be wrong, but since there aren't currently // any items on sale I can't confirm it. var saleValidUntilTimestamp = message.ReadUInt32(); var basePrice = message.ReadUInt32(); } offer.Details.Add(details); } offer.DisplayType = message.ReadByte(); if (offer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { offer.DisplayImage = message.ReadString(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { offer.DisplayMountId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { offer.DisplayLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 3) // item id { offer.DisplayItemId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { offer.GenderToShow = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayFemaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayMaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); offer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } offer.TryType = message.ReadByte(); // 0 = disabled, 1 = mounts/outfits, 2 = hireling dresses offer.Collection = message.ReadString(); offer.PopularityScore = message.ReadUInt16(); offer.NewUntilTimestamp = message.ReadUInt32(); offer.NeedsUserConfigurationBeforeBuying = message.ReadBool(); offer.Products.Capacity = message.ReadUInt16(); for (var j = 0; j < offer.Products.Capacity; ++j) { var subOffer = new Offer { Name = message.ReadString(), DisplayType = message.ReadByte() }; if (subOffer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { subOffer.DisplayImage = message.ReadString(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { subOffer.DisplayMountId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { subOffer.DisplayLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 3) // item sprite { subOffer.DisplayItemId = message.ReadUInt16(); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { subOffer.GenderToShow = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayFemaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayMaleLooktype = message.ReadUInt16(); subOffer.DisplayColorHead = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorTorso = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorLegs = message.ReadByte(); subOffer.DisplayColorDetail = message.ReadByte(); } offer.Products.Add(subOffer); } Offers.Add(offer); } if (CategoryName.Equals("Search", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { TooManySearchResults = message.ReadBool(); } if (WindowType == 3) // Home { Banners.Capacity = message.ReadByte(); for (var i = 0; i < Banners.Capacity; ++i) { var banner = new Banner { Image = message.ReadString(), Type = message.ReadByte() }; if (banner.Type == 2) { banner.Category = message.ReadString(); banner.Collection = message.ReadString(); } else if (banner.Type == 4) { banner.OfferId = message.ReadUInt32(); } banner.Unknown = message.ReadUInt16(); // Always 0x0200 (512)? Banners.Add(banner); } BannerSwitchDelay = message.ReadByte(); } }
public override void AppendToNetworkMessage(NetworkMessage message) { message.Write((byte)ServerPacketType.StoreOffers); message.Write(CategoryName); message.Write(DisplayOfferId); message.Write(WindowType); var count = Math.Min(Collections.Count, byte.MaxValue); message.Write((byte)count); for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { message.Write(Collections[i]); } if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { message.Write(DisplaySubCategory); } count = Math.Min(Offers.Count, ushort.MaxValue); message.Write((ushort)count); for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var offer = Offers[i]; message.Write(offer.Name); var detailCount = Math.Min(offer.Details.Count, byte.MaxValue); message.Write((byte)detailCount); for (var j = 0; j < detailCount; ++j) { var details = offer.Details[j]; message.Write(details.Id); message.Write(details.Amount); message.Write(details.Price); if (Client.VersionNumber >= 11900000) { message.Write(details.IsConfirmedPrice); } message.Write(details.IsDisabled); if (details.IsDisabled) { var reasonCount = Math.Min(details.DisabledReasons.Count, byte.MaxValue); message.Write((byte)reasonCount); for (var x = 0; x < reasonCount; ++x) { message.Write(details.DisabledReasons[x]); } } message.Write(details.HighlightState); } message.Write(offer.DisplayType); if (offer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { message.Write(offer.DisplayImage); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { message.Write(offer.DisplayMountId); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { message.Write(offer.DisplayLooktype); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorHead); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorTorso); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorLegs); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorDetail); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 3) // item id { message.Write(offer.DisplayItemId); } else if (offer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { message.Write(offer.GenderToShow); message.Write(offer.DisplayFemaleLooktype); message.Write(offer.DisplayMaleLooktype); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorHead); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorTorso); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorLegs); message.Write(offer.DisplayColorDetail); } message.Write(offer.TryType); message.Write(offer.Collection); message.Write(offer.PopularityScore); message.Write(offer.NewUntilTimestamp); message.Write(offer.NeedsUserConfigurationBeforeBuying); var productCount = Math.Min(offer.Products.Count, ushort.MaxValue); message.Write((ushort)productCount); for (var j = 0; j < productCount; ++j) { var subOffer = offer.Products[j]; message.Write(subOffer.Name); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayType); if (subOffer.DisplayType == 0) // image (.png) { message.Write(subOffer.DisplayImage); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 1) // mount id { message.Write(subOffer.DisplayMountId); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 2) // outfit { message.Write(subOffer.DisplayLooktype); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorHead); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorTorso); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorLegs); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorDetail); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 3) // item id { message.Write(subOffer.DisplayItemId); } else if (subOffer.DisplayType == 4) // male/female outfit { message.Write(subOffer.GenderToShow); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayFemaleLooktype); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayMaleLooktype); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorHead); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorTorso); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorLegs); message.Write(subOffer.DisplayColorDetail); } } } if (CategoryName.Equals("Search", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { message.Write(TooManySearchResults); } if (WindowType == 3) // Home { count = Math.Min(Banners.Count, byte.MaxValue); message.Write((byte)count); for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var banner = Banners[i]; message.Write(banner.Image); message.Write(banner.Type); if (banner.Type == 2) { message.Write(banner.Category); message.Write(banner.Collection); } else if (banner.Type == 4) { message.Write(banner.OfferId); } message.Write(banner.Unknown); } message.Write(BannerSwitchDelay); } }
public new void ConfigureForm(BaseApplicationManager m) { base.ConfigureForm(m); IEnumerable <MiscInfoNoId> tl; // Set radiobutton Ad Type if (CategoryName.Equals("Real Estate") || CategoryName.Equals("Jobs") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Adoption") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet & Animal Services") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Lost Pet") || CategoryName.Equals("Business Services")) { tl = m.GetAllAdTypes().Where(x => !x.Value.Equals("ALL") && !x.Value.Equals("TRADE")).ToList(); // Rename if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Lost Pet")) { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Found"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Missing"; } else if (CategoryName.Equals("Jobs")) { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Hiring (I am Hiring)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking for (I am Looking For)"; } else { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Offering (I am Selling)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking For (I am Looking for)"; } } else { tl = m.GetAllAdTypes().Where(x => !x.Value.Equals("ALL")).ToList(); tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Offering (I am Selling)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking For (I am Looking for)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("TRADE")).Name = "Trading (I am Trading)"; } SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "TypeList", List = new SelectList(tl, "Name", "Value") }); }
/// <include file='doc\PerformanceCounterInstaller.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="PerformanceCounterInstaller.CopyFromComponent"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public override void CopyFromComponent(IComponent component) { if (!(component is PerformanceCounter)) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.NotAPerformanceCounter)); } PerformanceCounter counter = (PerformanceCounter)component; if (counter.CategoryName == null || counter.CategoryName.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.IncompletePerformanceCounter)); } if (Counters.Count > 0 && !CategoryName.Equals(counter.CategoryName)) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.NewCategory)); } PerformanceCounterType counterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems32; string counterHelp = string.Empty; if (CategoryName == null || string.Empty.Equals(CategoryName)) { CategoryName = counter.CategoryName; if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { string machineName = counter.MachineName; if (PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(CategoryName, machineName)) { string keyPath = ServicePath + "\\" + CategoryName + "\\Performance"; RegistryKey key = null; try { if (machineName == "." || String.Compare(machineName, SystemInformation.ComputerName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(keyPath); } else { RegistryKey baseKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "\\\\" + machineName); key = baseKey.OpenSubKey(keyPath); } if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.NotCustomPerformanceCategory)); } object systemDllName = key.GetValue("Library"); if (systemDllName == null || !(systemDllName is string) || String.Compare((string)systemDllName, PerfShimName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.NotCustomPerformanceCategory)); } PerformanceCounterCategory pcat = new PerformanceCounterCategory(CategoryName, machineName); CategoryHelp = pcat.CategoryHelp; if (pcat.CounterExists(counter.CounterName)) { counterType = counter.CounterType; counterHelp = counter.CounterHelp; } } finally { if (key != null) { key.Close(); } } } } } CounterCreationData data = new CounterCreationData(counter.CounterName, counterHelp, counterType); Counters.Add(data); }
public bool Equals(Feature f) { return(Name.Equals(f.Name) && CategoryName.Equals(f.CategoryName) && Count == f.Count); }
public new void ConfigureForm(BaseApplicationManager m) { base.ConfigureForm(m); // Set Contact info from datastore string ucn = "", uce = "", ucp = "", ucp2 = "", ucp3 = ""; m.SetContanctInfo(ref ucn, ref uce, ref ucp, ref ucp2, ref ucp3); AdContactName = ucn; AdContactEmail = uce; AdContactPhone = ucp; AdContactPhone2 = ucp2; AdContactPhone3 = ucp3; IEnumerable <MiscInfoNoId> tl; // Set radiobutton Ad Type if (CategoryName.Equals("Real Estate") || CategoryName.Equals("Jobs") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Adoption") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet & Animal Services") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Lost Pet") || CategoryName.Equals("Business Services")) { tl = m.GetAllAdTypes().Where(x => !x.Value.Equals("ALL") && !x.Value.Equals("TRADE")).ToList(); // Rename if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Lost Pet")) { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Found"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Missing"; } else if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Adoption")) { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Offering (I am Offering)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking for (I am Looking For)"; } else if (CategoryName.Equals("Jobs")) { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Hiring (I am Hiring)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking for (I am Looking For)"; } else { tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Offering (I am Selling)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking For (I am Looking for)"; } } else { tl = m.GetAllAdTypes().Where(x => !x.Value.Equals("ALL")).ToList(); tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("SELL")).Name = "Offering (I am Selling)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("WANT")).Name = "Looking For (I am Looking for)"; tl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals("TRADE")).Name = "Trading (I am Trading)"; } SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "TypeList", List = new SelectList(tl, "Name", "Value") }); }
public void ConfigureForm(BaseApplicationManager m) { if (SelectListForm == null) { SelectListForm = new List <SelectListForm>(); } // Set Price Info (Saved values set in view) SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "PriceInfoList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllPriceInfo(), "Value", "Value", (PriceInfo ?? null)) }); // populate select lists (Saved values set in view) SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "CountryList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllCountries(), "Id", "Name", CountryId) }); if (CountryId.HasValue) { var regions = m.GetAllRegionsByCountryId(CountryId.Value); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "RegionList", List = new SelectList(regions, "Id", "Name", 0) }); } else { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "RegionList", List = new SelectList(Enumerable.Empty <SelectListItem>()) }); } // ======================= if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Cars/Trucks")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "MakeList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllMake(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Make")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "BodyTypeList", List = new SelectList(m.BodyTypeGetAll(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Body Type")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "TransmissionList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllTransmission(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Transmission")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "FuelTypeList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllFuelType(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Fuel Type")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "ConditionList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllCondition(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Condition")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "DrivetrainList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllDrivetrain(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Drivetrain")).Description : null) }); } else if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Motorcycles/ATVs")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "MakeList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllMake(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Make")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "FuelTypeList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllFuelType(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Fuel Type")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "ConditionList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllCondition(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Condition")).Description : null) }); } else if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Automotive Parts")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "MakeList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllMake(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Make")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "ConditionList", List = new SelectList(m.GetAllCondition(), "Value", "Value", (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Condition")).Description : null) }); } else if (CategoryName.Equals("Real Estate")) { if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Apartments/Condos Rental") || SubCategoryName.Equals("House Rental") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Land Rental/Leasing")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "RentalType", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Rental Only", "Rent To Own" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Rental Type")).Description : null) }); } if (SubCategoryName.Contains("Apartments/Condos") || SubCategoryName.Contains("House")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "BedroomList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Bachelor / Studio", "1 bedroom", "2 bedrooms", "3 bedrooms", "4 bedrooms", "5 or more bedrooms" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.DefaultIfEmpty(null).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Bedrooms")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "BathroomList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "1 bathroom", "2 bathrooms", "3 bathrooms", "4 bathrooms", "5 or more bathrooms" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Bathrooms")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "FurnishedList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Unfurnished", "Semi-Furnished", "Fully-Furnished" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Furnished")).Description : null) }); } else if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Commercial Office Space")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "FurnishedList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Unfurnished", "Semi-Furnished", "Fully-Furnished" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Furnished")).Description : null) }); } } else if (CategoryName.Equals("Jobs")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "JobTypeList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Full-time", "Permanent Full-time", "Part-time", "Permanent Part-time", "Temporary", "Contract", "Internship", "Project", "Please Contact" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Job Type")).Description : null) }); SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "SalaryInfoList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Hourly", "Daily", "Weekly", "Fortnightly", "Monthly", "Yearly" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Salary Type")).Description : null) }); } else if (CategoryName.Equals("Pets")) { if (SubCategoryName.Equals("Lost Pet") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Adoption") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Hub") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Services") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet Accessories") || SubCategoryName.Equals("Pet & Animal Services")) { SelectListForm.Add(new SelectListForm() { Name = "SpeciesList", List = new SelectList(new List <string>() { "Bird", "Cat", "Dog", "Fish", "Other" }, (AdInfo != null) ? AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Species")).Description : null) }); } } // Handles Create ad photo init if (Photos == null) { if (CategoryName.Equals("Jobs")) { Photos = new UploadPhoto[1]; } else if (SubCategoryName.Contains("Apartments/Condos") || SubCategoryName.Contains("House") || SubCategoryName.Contains("Office") || SubCategoryName.Contains("Cars/Trucks")) { Photos = new UploadPhoto[12]; } else { Photos = new UploadPhoto[6]; } } }
public new void ConfigureForm(BaseApplicationManager m) { CurrentPhotoCount = Photos.Length; if (Photos != null) { var temp = Photos; var max = 0; if (CategoryName.Equals("Jobs")) { max = 1; } else if (SubCategoryName.Contains("Apartments/Condos") || SubCategoryName.Contains("House") || SubCategoryName.Contains("Office") || SubCategoryName.Contains("Cars/Trucks")) { max = 12; } else { max = 6; } Photos = new UploadPhoto[max]; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { Photos[i] = _getPhoto(i, temp.Length, temp); } } base.ConfigureForm(m); try { var years = AdInfo.Where(x => x.Name.Equals("Year")).ToList(); if (years != null && years.Count > 1) { AdInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Year")).Description = years.FirstOrDefault().Description + "-" + years.LastOrDefault().Description; foreach (var y in years) { if (y != years.FirstOrDefault()) { AdInfo.Remove(y); } } } var ages = AdInfo.Where(x => x.Name.Equals("Age")).ToList(); if (ages != null && ages.Count > 0) { foreach (var a in ages) { if (a != ages.FirstOrDefault()) { AdInfo.Remove(a); } } if (ages.FirstOrDefault().Description != null) { AgeType = AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Age")).Description.Split(' ').Last(); AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Age")).Description = AdInfo.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("Age")).Description.Split(' ').First(); } } var ai = m.GetAdTemplate(SubCategoryId).Except(AdInfo, new CustomCompare()).ToList(); AdInfo = AdInfo.Union(ai).ToList(); } catch (Exception) { } }