private void LoadCategoriesAndCountCommand() { List <Model.RevitBase> loadedCategories = GroupByCategory.Execute(SQLDB, SelectedDatabase); loadedCategories.ForEach(cat => CategoriesAndCount.Add(cat)); foreach (Model.RevitCategories cat in loadedCategories) { try { DictCategoriesAndCount.Add(cat.CategoryName, cat.CategoryCount); } catch { DictCategoriesAndCount[cat.CategoryName] = cat.CategoryCount; } } List <Model.RevitBase> existingCategories = CategoriesAndCount.ToList(); foreach (Model.RevitCategories cat in existingCategories) { int count = 0; if (DictCategoriesAndCount.TryGetValue(cat.CategoryName, out count)) { cat.VariationOnPrevious = cat.CategoryCount - count; } else { cat.VariationOnPrevious = cat.CategoryCount; } } }
private void FilterCategory() { BackupCategoriesAndCount = new List <Model.RevitBase>(CategoriesAndCount); try { for (int i = CategoriesAndCount.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Model.RevitElement rl = CategoriesAndCount[i] as Model.RevitElement; either do a casting or move the property to the base class if (CategoriesAndCount[i].CategoryName != SelectedRevitElement.CategoryName) { CategoriesAndCount.RemoveAt(i); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void ChangeColors() { List <Model.RevitBase> currentList = CategoriesAndCount.ToList(); CategoriesAndCount.Clear(); //var random = new Random(); //var color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000)); var groupByColor = currentList.GroupBy(item => item.ColorSet).Select(group => group); string[] color = new string[] { "#4287f5", "#0e9c44", "#adb837", "#b84837" }; for (int i = 0; i < groupByColor.Count(); i++) { foreach (var per in groupByColor.ElementAt(i)) { per.ColorSet = color[i]; CategoriesAndCount.Add(per); } } }
private void ClearDBList() { CategoriesAndCount.Clear(); }
private void LoadAllRevitElementsCommand() { LoadAllRevitElements.Execute(SQLDB, SelectedDatabase).ForEach(cat => CategoriesAndCount.Add(cat)); }
private void UndoFilter() { CategoriesAndCount.Clear(); CategoriesAndCount = new ObservableCollection <Model.RevitBase>(BackupCategoriesAndCount); }