예제 #1
        //JIRA-961 Changes by Ravi -- End

        #endregion Events

        #region Methods

        private void LoadData(string catNo)
            catalogueMaintenanceBL = new CatalogueMaintenanceBL();
            DataSet initialData = catalogueMaintenanceBL.GetInitialData(catNo, out trackListingCount, out errorId);

            catalogueMaintenanceBL = null;

            if (initialData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2)
                ddlMurOwner.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[1];
                ddlMurOwner.DataTextField  = "mur_owner_desc";
                ddlMurOwner.DataValueField = "mur_owner_code";
                ddlMurOwner.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-"));

                ddlConfiguration.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[2];
                ddlConfiguration.DataTextField  = "config_desc";
                ddlConfiguration.DataValueField = "config_group_code";
                ddlConfiguration.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-"));

                ddlTimeTrackShare.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[3];
                ddlTimeTrackShare.DataTextField  = "dropdown_desc";
                ddlTimeTrackShare.DataValueField = "dropdown_value";
                ddlTimeTrackShare.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-"));

                ddlCatStatus.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[4];
                ddlCatStatus.DataTextField  = "item_text";
                ddlCatStatus.DataValueField = "item_value";
                ddlCatStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-"));

                BindData(initialData.Tables[0], trackListingCount);

                //for new catalogue, select default value to 'No Participants'
                if (catNo == string.Empty)
                    hdnStatusCode.Value        = "0";
                    ddlCatStatus.SelectedValue = "0";
                ExceptionHandler("Error in loading catalogue data", string.Empty);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///1. When updating the CATNO.STATUS_CODE,
        ///     1.No update allowed if (legacy = 'Y' and no active Participants (PARTICIPATION_TYPE = 'A' and end_date null))
        ///                         OR (legacy = 'N' and no active Track Participants(ISRC participants))
        ///     2.The check for updating only one level at a time will be removed (eg will be able to update from Under Review to Manager Sign Off)
        //      3.Participant Status will be updated to the Product Status if the existing Participant Status is < new Product Status
        ///     4.Participant Status will not be updated to the Product Status if the existing Participant Status is > new Product Status
        ///     5.Only update Participant Status if no end date
        //      6.If not legacy, Track Status will be updated to the Product Status if the existing Track Status is < new Product Status
        //      7.If not legacy, Track Status will not be updated to the Product Status if the existing Track Status is > new Product Status
        ///2.(This is handled on client side)If Status is moved from Manager Sign Off (3) then
        ///     display warning 'This update will prevent the generation of Statement details for all Participants'
        ///3.If the Participants will be updated, a confirmation message will be displayed
        ///     ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
        ///4. (WUIN-909) Cannot change status to 'No Participants' if there are active participants
        ///      if legacy = 'Y' and active Participants (PARTICIPATION_TYPE = 'A' and end_date null)
        ///      if legacy = 'N' and active Track Participants(ISRC participants)
        /// </summary>
        private bool ValidateCatalogueDetails(bool overrideParticipUpdate, out bool isParticipUpdate)
            bool isValid = true;

            isParticipUpdate = false;

            if (!Page.IsValid)
                msgView.SetMessage("Catalogue details not saved – invalid or missing data!", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto);

            if (hdnIsValidArtist.Value != "Y")
                msgView.SetMessage("Please select valid artist from list.", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtProject.Text))
                if (hdnIsValidProject.Value != "Y")
                    msgView.SetMessage("Please select valid project from list.", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtExceptionRateProject.Text))
                if (hdnIsValidExcRateProject.Value != "Y")
                    msgView.SetMessage("Please select valid exception rate project from list.", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            if (hdnIsNewCatNo.Value == "N" && hdnIsEditable.Value == "Y" && ddlCatStatus.SelectedValue == "0")
                msgView.SetMessage("As there are active participants, status cannot be set to 'No Participants'", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            //4.If the Participants(either participation participants or if not legacy and isrc participants) will be updated,
            //a message will be displayed ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
            if (!overrideParticipUpdate)
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = new CatalogueMaintenanceBL();
                DataSet dsParticips = catalogueMaintenanceBL.GetCatnoParticipants(hdnCatalogueNo.Value, out errorId);
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = null;

                if (errorId == 2 || dsParticips.Tables.Count == 0)
                    ExceptionHandler("Error in saving catalogue at fetching participant list.", string.Empty);

                DataTable dtParticips      = dsParticips.Tables[0];
                DataTable dtTrackParticips = dsParticips.Tables[1];

                if ((dtParticips.Select("status_code < " + ddlCatStatus.SelectedValue + " AND end_date IS NULL").Count() > 0) ||
                    (!cbLegacy.Checked && (dtTrackParticips.Select("status_code < " + ddlCatStatus.SelectedValue).Count() > 0)))
                    isParticipUpdate = true;

                    if (!overrideParticipUpdate)

예제 #3
        private void SaveChanges(bool overrideParticipUpdate)
            if (hdnIsStatusChange.Value == "Y")
                bool isParticipUpdate;

                if (!ValidateCatalogueDetails(overrideParticipUpdate, out isParticipUpdate))
                    //If the Participants will be updated, a message will be displayed ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
                    if (isParticipUpdate)
                        lblConfirmMsg.Text = "This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status";

                //WUIN-1167 Any changes made to the catalogue which is at manager sign off/team sign off should move back to under review irrespective of the user role
                if (hdnStatusCode.Value == "3" || hdnStatusCode.Value == "2")
                    ddlCatStatus.SelectedValue = "1";

            string userCode         = Convert.ToString(Session["UserCode"]);
            Array  catalogueDetails = CatalogueDetails();

            if (hdnIsNewCatNo.Value == "Y")
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = new CatalogueMaintenanceBL();
                DataSet updatedData = catalogueMaintenanceBL.SaveCatalogueDetails(string.Empty, catalogueDetails, userCode, out trackListingCount, out errorId);
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = null;

                if (errorId == 1)
                    msgView.SetMessage("Catalogue deatils exists with entered cataloge number!", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto);
                else if (updatedData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2)
                    hdnIsNewCatNo.Value          = "N";
                    txtCatalogueNumber.Font.Bold = true;
                    txtCatalogueNumber.ReadOnly  = true;
                    txtCatalogueNumber.Attributes.Add("onFocus", "MoveCatNoFocus()");
                    txtCatalogueNumber.CssClass = "textboxStyle_readonly";

                    if (updatedData.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                        BindData(updatedData.Tables[0], trackListingCount);
                        ExceptionHandler("Error in saving catalogue", string.Empty);

                    msgView.SetMessage("New catalogue created successfully.", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto);
                    ExceptionHandler("Error in saving catalogue", string.Empty);
            else if (hdnIsNewCatNo.Value == "N")
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = new CatalogueMaintenanceBL();
                DataSet updatedData = catalogueMaintenanceBL.SaveCatalogueDetails(txtCatalogueNumber.Text.Trim().ToUpper(), catalogueDetails, userCode, out trackListingCount, out errorId);
                catalogueMaintenanceBL = null;

                if (updatedData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2)
                    if (updatedData.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
                        BindData(updatedData.Tables[0], trackListingCount);
                        hdnIsStatusChange.Value = "N";
                        ExceptionHandler("Error in saving catalogue", string.Empty);

                    msgView.SetMessage("Catalogue details updated successfully.", MessageType.Warning, PositionType.Auto);
                    ExceptionHandler("Error in saving catalogue", string.Empty);