/// <summary> /// Processes the command line options and gets ready to start file /// processing. /// </summary> protected override void StartUp() { base.StartUp(); // Initialise the default catalog string catalogPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["HandCoded.FpML Toolkit.XmlCatalog"]; try { XmlUtility.DefaultCatalog = CatalogManager.Find(PathTo(catalogPath)); } catch (Exception error) { log.Error("Failed to parse XML catalog", error); Environment.Exit(1); } }
/// <summary> /// Processes the command line options and gets ready to start file /// processing. /// </summary> protected override void StartUp() { base.StartUp(); // Initialise the default catalog string catalogPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["HandCoded.FpML Toolkit.XmlCatalog"]; if (catalogOption.Present) { if (catalogOption.Value != null) { catalogPath = catalogOption.Value; } else { log.Error("Missing argument for -catalog option"); } } if (outputOption.Present) { try { writer = new StreamWriter(outputOption.Value); } catch (Exception) { log.Error("Failed to create output file"); Environment.Exit(1); } } try { XmlUtility.DefaultCatalog = CatalogManager.Find(PathTo(catalogPath)); } catch (Exception error) { log.Error("Failed to parse XML catalog", error); Environment.Exit(1); } XmlUtility.DefaultSchemaSet.XmlSchemaSet.Compile(); }
/// <summary> /// Processes the command line options and gets ready to start file /// processing. /// </summary> protected override void StartUp() { base.StartUp(); // Initialise the default catalog string catalogPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["HandCoded.FpML Toolkit.XmlCatalog"]; if (catalogOption.Present) { if (catalogOption.Value != null) { catalogPath = catalogOption.Value; } else { log.Error("Missing argument for -catalog option"); } } if (outputOption.Present) { try { writer = new StreamWriter(outputOption.Value); } catch (Exception) { log.Error("Failed to create output file"); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (repeatOption.Present) { repeat = Int32.Parse(repeatOption.Value); if (repeat <= 0) { log.Error("The repeat count must be >= 1"); Environment.Exit(1); } } schemaOnly = schemaOnlyOption.Present; random = randomOption.Present; if (Arguments.Length == 0) { log.Error("No files are present on the command line"); Environment.Exit(1); } if (reportOption.Present) { writer.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); writer.WriteLine("<report>"); } try { XmlUtility.DefaultCatalog = CatalogManager.Find(PathTo(catalogPath)); } catch (Exception error) { log.Error("Failed to parse XML catalog", error); Environment.Exit(1); } XmlUtility.DefaultSchemaSet.XmlSchemaSet.Compile(); }