예제 #1
        public HeaderDetails CreateSessionModel(int UserId, String FullName)
            //this method will creating a datamodel(which contains wishlist and cart details of logged user)
            decimal?        Subtotal     = 0;
            int             Count        = 0;
            CartServices    service      = new CartServices();
            HeaderDetails   details      = new HeaderDetails();
            List <CartItem> CartItemlist = new List <CartItem>();

            details.cart.CartItemList = service.GetCartItems(UserId);
            details.wishListCount     = service.GetWishListItems(UserId).Count();
            details.FullName          = FullName;

            //calculate cart subtotal and count
            if (details.cart.CartItemList != null)
                foreach (var item in details.cart.CartItemList)
                    Count    = Count + item.Qty;
                    Subtotal = Subtotal + (item.Qty * item.Price);
            details.cart.Count    = Count;
            details.cart.SubTotal = Subtotal;

예제 #2
        public ActionResult AddTOCart(int productId)
            var userId = Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            service.AddTOCart(userId, productId);
            return(View("Index", CartServices.GetAllProducts()));
        public ActionResult Index()
            //this method will get shopping cart details and return the shooping cart view
            decimal?     Subtotal = 0;
            int          Count    = 0;
            CartServices service  = new CartServices();
            Cart         cart     = new Cart();

            if (Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE] != null)
                //get cart details for the logged in user's userid
                User            user = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                List <CartItem> list = service.GetCartItems(user.UserId);
                //calculate count and subtotal of the cart
                if (list != null)
                    foreach (var item in list)
                        Count    = Count + item.Qty;
                        Subtotal = Subtotal + (item.Qty * item.Price);
                cart.CartItemList = list;
                cart.Count        = Count;
                cart.SubTotal     = Subtotal;
                cart.CartItemList = new List <CartItem>();
예제 #4
        // GET: ShopNow
        public ActionResult Index()
            var userId  = Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var product = CartServices.GetAllProducts();

예제 #5
 public ViewResult Index(CartServices cart, string returnUrl)
     return(View(new CartIndex
         Cart = cart,
         ReturnUrl = returnUrl
예제 #6
 public CartController(bookstoreContext context,
                       CartServices cartServices,
                       IMapper mapper,
                       BookServices bookServices)
     _context      = context;
     _cartServices = cartServices;
     _mapper       = mapper;
     _bookServices = bookServices;
예제 #7
        public RedirectToRouteResult RemoveFromCart(CartServices cart, int bookId, string returnUrl)
            BookView book = repository.GetList()
                            .FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == bookId);

            if (book != null)
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl }));
예제 #8
 public InvoiceController(bookstoreContext context,
                          InvoiceService invoiceService,
                          IMapper mapper,
                          CartServices cartServices,
                          InvoiceDetailsService invoiceDetailsService)
     _context               = context;
     _invoiceService        = invoiceService;
     _mapper                = mapper;
     _cartServices          = cartServices;
     _invoiceDetailsService = invoiceDetailsService;
예제 #9
 public LaunchMenu(lacrosseContext context, ICustomerRepo custRepo, IManagerRepo managerRepo, ILocationRepo locRepo, ICartRepo cartRepo)
     this.context          = context;
     this.custRepo         = custRepo;
     this.locRepo          = locRepo;
     this.cartRepo         = cartRepo;
     this.managerRepo      = managerRepo;
     this.customerServices = new CustomerServices(custRepo);
     this.locationServices = new LocationServices(locRepo);
     this.cartServices     = new CartServices(cartRepo);
     this.managerServices  = new ManagerServices(managerRepo);
 public CartRedisController(bookstoreContext context,
                            IConnectionMultiplexer connectionMultiplexer,
                            IMapper mapper,
                            CartServices cartServices,
                            BookServices bookServices)
     database      = connectionMultiplexer.GetDatabase();
     _mapper       = mapper;
     _context      = context;
     _cartServices = cartServices;
     _bookServices = bookServices;
예제 #11
 public ProductDetails2(Customer customer, Sticks stick, lacrosseContext context, ICustomerRepo customerRepo, IInventoryRepo inventoryRepo, IProductRepo productRepo, ICartRepo cartRepo, ICartItemsRepo cartItemsRepo)
     this.customer          = customer;
     this.stick             = stick;
     this.customerRepo      = customerRepo;
     this.productRepo       = productRepo;
     this.cartRepo          = cartRepo;
     this.cartItemsRepo     = cartItemsRepo;
     this.inventoryRepo     = inventoryRepo;
     this.customerServices  = new CustomerServices(customerRepo);
     this.inventoryServices = new InventoryServices(inventoryRepo);
     this.productServices   = new ProductServices(productRepo);
     this.cartServices      = new CartServices(cartRepo);
     this.cartItemServices  = new CartItemServices(cartItemsRepo);
예제 #12
 public ActionResult CartItems()
     if (HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("myaccount") != null)
         HttpCookie     rqstCookie    = HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("myaccount");
         var            memberDataObj = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(rqstCookie.Value);
         var            memberData    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Member>(memberDataObj.UserData);
         CartServices   cartServices  = new CartServices();
         OrderDetail [] products      = cartServices.GetCartItems(memberData.MemberID);
         return(Json(products, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult DeleteCart(int productId)
            int id = 0;

                //removing the item from cart
                CartServices service = new CartServices();
                User         user    = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                id = service.DeleteCart(productId, user.UserId);
                return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Delete Success" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = "Error Occured" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult Checkout()
            int id = 0;

                //removing from shopping cart and add those details to order table
                CartServices service = new CartServices();
                User         user    = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                id = service.Checkout(user.UserId);
                return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Checkout Success" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = "Error Occured" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #15
        //回傳一筆Order中 所有的商品數量
        public int GetCartAmount()
            HttpCookie rqstCookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("myaccount");

            if (rqstCookie != null)
                var          memberDataObj = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(rqstCookie.Value);
                var          memberData    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Member>(memberDataObj.UserData);
                CartServices cartServices  = new CartServices();
                int          amount        = cartServices.GetCarQuantity(memberData.MemberID).CountAmount;
예제 #16
        // GET: WishList
        public ActionResult Index()
            //this method will get wishlist details and return the wishlist view
            CartServices service = new CartServices();

            if (Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE] != null)
                //get wishlist details for the logged in user's userid
                User user = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                List <wishListItem> list = service.GetWishListItems(user.UserId);
                List <wishListItem> list = new List <wishListItem>();
예제 #17
 public static ServiceBaseViewModel ToServiceBaseViewModel(this CartServices cartServices)
     if (cartServices?.Service == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("Null reference exception occured in mapper class, please make sure you are eager loading the dependency.");
     return(new ServiceBaseViewModel
         ServiceId = cartServices.CartServiceId,
         ServiceDescription = cartServices.Service.Description,
         ServiceImageURL = cartServices.Service.ImageUrl,
         ServicePrice = cartServices.Service.Price,
         AvarageAgeOfCustomer = Convert.ToInt32(cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Any() ?
                                                cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Average(gs => (double)(DateTime.Now.Year - gs.Gift.User?.YearOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault(1900) ?? 0)) : 0),
         MinAgeOfUser = cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Any() ?
                        cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Min(gs => DateTime.Now.Year - gs.Gift?.User.YearOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault(1900) ?? 0) : 0,
         MaxAgeOfUser = cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Any() ?
                        cartServices.Service.GiftServices.Max(gs => DateTime.Now.Year - gs.Gift?.User.YearOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault(1900) ?? 0) :0
예제 #18
 public CheckoutMenu(Customer customer, lacrosseContext context, ICustomerRepo customerRepo, ILocationRepo locationRepo, IInventoryRepo inventoryRepo, IProductRepo productRepo, ICartRepo cartRepo, ICartItemsRepo cartItemsRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, ILineItemRepo lineItemRepo)
     this.customer          = customer;
     this.customerRepo      = customerRepo;
     this.inventoryRepo     = inventoryRepo;
     this.locationRepo      = locationRepo;
     this.productRepo       = productRepo;
     this.orderRepo         = orderRepo;
     this.cartRepo          = cartRepo;
     this.cartItemsRepo     = cartItemsRepo;
     this.lineItemRepo      = lineItemRepo;
     this.customerServices  = new CustomerServices(customerRepo);
     this.locationServices  = new LocationServices(locationRepo);
     this.inventoryServices = new InventoryServices(inventoryRepo);
     this.productServices   = new ProductServices(productRepo);
     this.cartServices      = new CartServices(cartRepo);
     this.cartItemServices  = new CartItemServices(cartItemsRepo);
     this.orderServices     = new OrderServices(orderRepo);
     this.lineItemServices  = new lineItemServices(lineItemRepo);
예제 #19
        public Linedata PaymentInfo(int memberId, int price)
            OrderDetailRepository orderDetail = new OrderDetailRepository();
            var          productInfo          = orderDetail.GetAllCart(memberId).FirstOrDefault();
            CartServices cartServices         = new CartServices();
            int quantity            = cartServices.GetCarQuantity(memberId).CountAmount;
            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            JsonURL url             = js.Deserialize <JsonURL>(productInfo.PicUrl);

            LinePay  line     = new LinePay();
            Linedata linedata = new Linedata()
                productName     = line.ProductName(quantity, productInfo.ProductName),
                currency        = "TWD",
                orderId         = productInfo.OrderID.ToString(),
                productImageUrl = url.Url1,
                amount          = price,
                confirmUrl      = Url + "Checkout"

예제 #20
        public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext,
                                ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            // Получить объект Cart из сеанса
            CartServices cart = null;

            if (controllerContext.HttpContext.Session != null)
                cart = (CartServices)controllerContext.HttpContext.Session[sessionKey];

            // Создать объект Cart если он не обнаружен в сеансе
            if (cart == null)
                cart = new CartServices();
                if (controllerContext.HttpContext.Session != null)
                    controllerContext.HttpContext.Session[sessionKey] = cart;

            // Возвратить объект Cart
예제 #21
 public InvoiceController(bookstoreContext context, IMapper mapper, CartServices cartServices)
     _context      = context;
     _mapper       = mapper;
     _cartServices = cartServices;
예제 #22
 public PartialViewResult Summary(CartServices cart)
예제 #23
 public CartController(IConfiguration configuration)
     this.connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString");
     this.cartService      = new CartServices(new CartRepository(connectionString));
예제 #24
 public CartController(CartServices service, ILogger <CartController> logger)
     _service = service;
     _logger  = logger;
        public virtual JsonResult AddProductToCart_Details(int productId, int shoppingCartTypeId, int qty)
            if (Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE] != null)
                CartServices service = new CartServices();
                //check seesion is available, only logged in users can add to cart/wishlist
                User user = (User)(Session[SessionConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_INSTANCE]);
                //add to shopping cart
                if (shoppingCartTypeId == 1)
                    CartItem item   = new CartItem();
                    int      cartId = 0;
                    item.Id     = productId;
                    item.UserId = user.UserId;
                    item.Qty    = qty;
                    List <CartItem> list = service.GetCartItems(item.UserId);
                    //check item is already exists in cart
                    foreach (var cartItem in list)
                        if (cartItem.Id == item.Id)
                            cartId = cartItem.cartId;

                    if (cartId > 0)
                        //add new items to the cart
                        int id = service.EditCartItems(item);
                        return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully updated the shopping cart..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                        //update the cart with new quantitiesS
                        int id = service.AddCartItems(item);
                        return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully added to the shopping cart..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                //add to wishlist
                    wishListItem item = new wishListItem();
                    item.UserId = user.UserId;
                    item.Id     = productId;
                    List <wishListItem> list = service.GetWishListItems(item.UserId);
                    //check item is already exists in wishlist
                    foreach (var wishItem in list)
                        if (wishItem.Id == item.Id)
                            //if already item exists alret user
                            return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Item already exists in wishlist..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    //if item not in wishlist,add item to the user's wishlist
                    int id = service.AddWishListItems(item);
                    return(Json(new { Status = true, Message = "Succesfully added to the wishlist..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { Status = false, Message = "Not logged-in..." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #26
 public CartsController(ApplicationDbContext context, CartServices cartService)
     _context         = context;
     this.cartService = cartService;
 public CartController(CartServices service)
     this._cartServices = service;