예제 #1
        // update cart item quantity without prompt
        private void updateCartItem(int id, int qty)
            CartItm aCartItem = new CartItm();

            aCartItem.id  = cart[id].id;
            aCartItem.qty = qty;
            cart[id]      = aCartItem;
예제 #2
        // update item in cart dialogue
        private void updateCartItem()
            string inpVal;
            int    selVal, selQty;

            Products.Product prodData;

            Console.WriteLine("Cart Editor");
            Console.WriteLine("Current items and quantities in shopping cart.");
            Console.WriteLine("Please select a cart item you would like to edit by entering its id value : (x to cancel)");

            inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
            int.TryParse(inpVal, out selVal);

            while (inpVal.ToUpper() != "X" && (selVal < 1 || selVal > cart.Count))
                Console.WriteLine("Your selected value did not match any available product options. Please try again: ");
                inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
                int.TryParse(inpVal, out selVal);

            if (inpVal.ToUpper() != "X")
                // decrement selected id val to match list id

                // load product data
                prodData = Products.getProduct(selVal);

                Console.Write("Please enter a new quantity for {0} : ", prodData.name);
                inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
                int.TryParse(inpVal, out selQty);
                while (selQty < 1 || selQty > prodData.qty)
                    Console.WriteLine("Entered quantity appears to be invalid. Please try again: ");
                    inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
                    int.TryParse(inpVal, out selQty);
                // reset cart item quantity
                CartItm aCartItem = new CartItm();
                aCartItem.id  = cart[selVal].id;
                aCartItem.qty = selQty;
                cart[selVal]  = aCartItem;
예제 #3
        // add product to users cart
        private void addToCart(int id)
            string inpVal;
            int    qty;

            Products.Product prodData;

            // update to valid id


            // load product data
            prodData = Products.getProduct(id);

            // new item structure
            CartItm newCartItm = new CartItm();

            newCartItm.id = id;

            // promp user for quantity
            Console.Write("How many should I add to your cart? ");

            inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
            int.TryParse(inpVal, out qty);

            // check user inserted quantity for validity
            while (qty <= 0 && qty < prodData.qty)
                Console.Write("You did not enter a valid quantity. Please try again: ");
                inpVal = Console.ReadLine();
                int.TryParse(inpVal, out qty);

            newCartItm.qty = qty;

            // check for item already in cart
            for (int i = 0; i < cart.Count; ++i)
                if (cart[i].id == id)
                    updateCartItem(id, (cart[i].qty + qty));
            // save item to cart