protected void ItemsGrid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (Helper.StringExists(e.CommandName)) { GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).Parent.Parent; DataTable dt = BuildDataSource(CurrentCart.Items); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[row.RowIndex]; int cart_contents_id = (int)dr["CartItemId"]; CartDB db = new CartDB(); if (e.CommandName == "AddToWishlist") { //Response.Write("Adding to Wishlist: " + dr["CartItemId"].ToString()); throw new NotImplementedException("Add To Wishlist Not Implemented"); } else if (e.CommandName == "UpdateQuantity") { Control c = row.FindControl("QtyTextbox"); if (c != null && c.GetType().Equals(typeof(TextBox))) { TextBox t = (TextBox)c; int quantity; if (Int32.TryParse(t.Text, out quantity)) { // Update Quantity // If 0, Remove if (quantity > 0) { decimal subtotal = (decimal)dr["UnitPrice"] * quantity; db.CartUpdateItemQuantity(cart_contents_id, quantity, subtotal); } else { db.CartDeleteItem(cart_contents_id); } } } } else if (e.CommandName == "RemoveItem") { db.CartDeleteItem(cart_contents_id); } Response.Redirect(Constants.Pages.CART); } }